HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-10, Page 5Luekuaw Sentinel, Weduesdayy
The Lucknow Midgets
had ,a strong first period
Teeswatwhn theycame up against
e eeswat �onDec. 27.
Slacking off in the second
and third periods, the team:
° was unable to capitaliz on
lifidgetks their scoring chances,
January 10 199 — Page 5
[�inzl score, Tecswater 54
Lucknow 3. Scoring for i;hc.
local squadwas by Jeff
Porter (2) and Bill Draper,
with Stuart Rintoul picking
up two assists, and Curt
Humphrey, .Colin Becker
and Chad Freeman singles.
And the winner IS -i;Brueneachma�n of Witt .hath; was -the. f r'st "Winner in t e.
Lucknow District Kinsmen's' Cash Calendar draw.; Reeve Stuart Reavie
drew Leachman's name arom the bin, assisted byKen Fischer, chair of, the.
kinsmen's fund-rraisin , project for Phase I.i
�Leachman collects $2500.
names of "°other first:, week winners can .be found inside on the classified
pages. Calendars are still available if ,you haven't 'got , one yet. (Pat
Liviirrgstbr photo)
!from page 4
"Still, much • :work We are determined to meet -
province by investors and remains; Our tax burden is them head-on too,"
among the heaviest to North Johns stressed that the
our debt has decisions made to date have •
reached $100 billion, goer,: ' not always. been easy, and
ernarnents at every level have required
all ()Mariam
must become mote stream- to assume their share of the
job creators!
'An entrenched culture of
govenunent dependency.
"In our first six months,
we have taken each of these
challenges, signaling to the
world that Ontario will soon
regain,<its reputation as an
economic powerhouse,"
lined and efficient; con- sacrifice.
It is small mice to pay
today, however, for stability.,
prosperity and opportunity
ties for 1996 and beyond. toimorrow." -
sumer confidence- remains
weak. Theses are our priori -
C hadians. Jt i in that sp"mt
that e' dec sion was'made
to; Mable a motion :reoghiz-
ipg the dis tinct character :of
Quebec. The distinct char-
acter of Quebec,. the;idea
that it is unique, isran x obvi-
ous fact and this is formally
recognized inthe. resolutiOn.
More importantly, the
:national unity package
focuses on all .areas. •of
Canada; British Columbia,
the Prairie Provinces,
Ontario,, Quebec and the
Atlantic Provinces. Each.
region,,.will• have a veto for
constitutional amendments.
The Government - of Canada
recognizes that constitution-
onstitutional amendments are in the
interest, of all regions of the.
country. Amendments will
thusbe based on a- broad
consensus .throughout
This past year was also a''
year of restructuring. The
Minister : . of : Human
Resources Development,
Lloyd Axworthy created, a'
new Employment Insurance
system, which is a funda-
• mental restructuringof the
existing' ilneilaployment
Insurance program,
bmployment„lnsurance con-.
sists of .in►tegrated, system
of ,redesigned Income
Benefits and new.:
Employment. Benefits
active measures'to "assist,
.unemployed Canadians fid:..;
The new El program will
allow for each province to
be responsible for labor
market training and educa
tion, and will also reduce
p overlap and ,duplication in.
*Ponsibil ty avid ,pr .grana-
niing<eta lernized,sys-•
is pro -employment.
Insurable.;earnings will now
be, based on the'oumber .of
hours worked. The new El
:progra n„constitutes &major
step in .the Oover,.nn ent's
.Jobs and Growth Strategy. •
The economy ` and.
employrment have grown
since . % ..:the , Liberal
Government took office.
Between January 1994 and
September 1995,.the unem-
ployment rate dropped 'by
more than two percentage: .
points, 497,000 full-time
jobs between January 1994
and September;1995 lin the,.
coming !rear, it . is My hope:
that, We ,can`.con'tinue toy
build on these numbers.
We must also control the
deficit and reduce govern:,
.went spending. We are
doing u ju st that. We ' have
brought the deficit down
$2.2billion more than what
was predicted in the
,lebrpny 194 ',budget.,
Fairness, equityand'°balance.
• in'budget . reduction -�'V
Mount The government.
must ensure that. the most
vulnerable ";society Are not
le b'ehind.- That is the
,Liberal way. ;The ;govern-
ment must ensure ,that
Canadians' tax dollars are
spent wisely.
Among responsible
actionsthat must also,tbe
addressed is the replace-
ment of the G.S.T. We must
have the co-operation of all
provinces to harmonize hhe'.
tax, and collect it efficiently
without the cumbersome
paperwork and bureaucracy.
In conclusion, for the
thirdtime in four years,
• Canada was named the best
country in the world in'
which, to live. 1.. -agree . ,
However; we cannot take ,.
this for granted. We have
many challenges ahead of
Dr. Pierre : , eauefry, a
Respiratory Specialist who is, asso-
ciated with the .Hospital for Sick
Child ren in Toronto, estimates
only 2O of the asthmatic patients
he sees, receive the maximum.
benefit from their °inhalers« The
most common explanation for this,
according to Dr..Eca.`udry,. is
iniproper technique and not using:
the right inhaler at the right time.
Let's look .at these two problems
end see, what I can suggest to help
resolve them. This week I v ill' dis-
cuss the problems: encountered
whep, using inhalers.
First, as far' astechnique is .con-
caned, finding the correct method.
of how to usean, inhaler is through
trial and error.` I doubt very much.
if an asthmatic patient is able to
' receive the full effect of the drug
with their very first inhalation!
Even when following the package
insert which explains the correct
method of administration for these
' medicines, it will take some time
to master using them. Some com-
mon errors encountered- when
using an inhaler are: (1) poor cobr-
dination finding it difficult to
breathe in and release the
medicine from the inhaler at the
same time,,(2) breathing in too
fast ;- when this occurs, the
medicine ends up on theback• of
the ,throat ..instead of•An the.
! Il it I�G� ron
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bronchial tubes and (3) not hold-
ing breath long enough after
inhalation - you should hold your
breath for as long as possible or at
least 10 seconds sothe medicine
can settle in the lungs where it is
needed, ,
tf you can use an inhaler in the
method for which it is designed,
fine. But if you continue to have-
aveproblems such as those mentioned
above, simply using a device
called a 'spacer' may be of great
help: A spacer is a plastic tub into
which the medicine from the
inhaler is released and it retrains
in this space until the patient is
ready to 'breathe fr"om the other
end of the chamber, For young.'
children, a, face ask can;, be.
attached to the end' Of the device to
make of simpler to use: You can
purchase a spacer from your pharr
tnacist and. he will dermonstrate
hove to Use it .properly.
Most of the inhalers which we
dispense contain 200 inhalations:
or puffs, Keep a daily record of.
the nu. tuber of puffs used; By
doing this you will always have a
sufficient supplyof your medicine
on hand and you'won't run out of
it at a'tio when you may tint be
able to get mere, such as when
• you are on vacation, etc, To find
out if yodr inhaler is empty, you
will hear the contents moving
back and forth in the canister.
If you are experiencing any
problems in finding the proper
techniquefor using your inhalers,
ask your pharmacist be should be
able tohelp you;
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