HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-10, Page 4Page 41- Lucknow Senttuei Wednesday, 3auuary 10,1996 Chagos ofaddress, :ardersfor au. t�s,�Tpt�uus..�rcd ehde9isexab� ��y�ies`(setesraa� postage arantoed). are to be w& toile (41,0sentiru€l a . the address mated here, Advertising is accepted en the cosi able, that *the mat of a typograFtleal, cam the portion of theadvertising space mewled by the elenew s item together svih a relsonaUe aRawance for sI•g uataarek notg charged ler. but U e baFama of the • advqtisemeutsw1l be did at the appiteebte rates, Sentinel Memoirs Pee Wee leagu� 4 bows• nab si e Cud ,unity NewspaperU Campbell .t., Luelinow. Ontario P 0 3QQ 400, Lucknow„ ww, Onta NOG 2U0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fox: (510) 528-3529 Established 287 Tom Thompson - Advert Manager' Pat Livingston - metal Manager / 'Editor PhyllisMatthews HebraEcont ice Joan Courtney - Typesetter ar Subscription Rates advane P Loeal`Regular $20.00 ipvitbin 40 mi. radius plus OST. Local Senior $1700 within 40 m16 radius plus OST„ Out -or-area (40. .miles) Regular $31.144.- Senior $20,44 plus QM Foreign & USA 7 $98,00 xblteation% m ' reggstratiou no, 0847 held at. Luclenoww. Ontario started 50 years ago 70 years ago Jan. 14, 19426 et rich quick - Seems that even back 70'years you had to beware, of get rich quick. schernes: From that year we found the following: From away down- in Houston, Texas State carnea communication offering a chance to make a small fortune by the .investment of a $10 bill "if .you think the Germanpeeple can stage, a come -back from the ruin .caused by the war. ...The likelihood is .that thousands ofpo ple will be cheated out of`"'their hard wef. cash, through this German Bond fraud in the coming years. In this waythey will pay for bein • , or greedy." pY g stupid -Clean-up mouth - Looking at, the advertisements back 70 years ago, it appears that retailers promoted, sales as 'Clean-up month' rather than January sales, inventory .clear- ance etc. Program to be broadcast - Invitations have been issued for the annual At Home of. the Huron' Old Boy's Association of Toronto on Jan. 2l The program consisting of 'addresses, quartettes, solos and other musical numbers Will be broadcast by • CPCA, asalso will the dance ,program `for which music, will be. supplied .by Burton°."Till's Orchestra. The proceeds will ;be u contrihution to: a 'fund created by the Association last' ear rn'aid of Huron�Coun`-Y hosprtaals. Closes fruit store'- Donald McCharles has closed his fruit store, and hastaken charge of his sisters grocery store,. Mrs. MacKenzie has not beenin good health for some time and on Christmas. Eve suffered a severe heart'. attack. `.. 15 Years ago' Jan. 14,1981 ee 'Wes are .tournament runnersup. -• There was ,pty t ' lenty of aacionaround the Lucknow net duringthe , °thirdperiod of Lucknow's game with Bi''uussels for the B championship at the Legion Pee Wee hockey tourna- °menta Dean Lindsay, in net, made some excellent saves during;the.period, assisting the Lucknow team in holding onto their lead. Lucknow won the -game 6 to 3. and took home the B division trophy. *ming Pee " tees for townyle ue.- A. inch'0 lads= 12' and .under a �curre'y tl bona 't . ti to l' . Y g' g e up Pay !awn ,le ' e' Pee wee hockey It.: „0.g" so ted = a t at l ast, three teams: can'i organized"'ancd that;., as soon ."as Weather Hermits the,yoefgsters will get into action..° 'w The Clat schen have undertaken tees onsor thisseries, and when it is known hbw . Many teams will compete, an effort will be made to obtain distinctive outfits Optimists judge decorated hones Dear editor: Once again the Christinas season is over and the New °Year>u n. uXs» , The vtllage'.was alight with the* Holiday Spirit and. bringingwarmth to the: hearts of oung and old. ,� his year, the- tew'Optimist; tub of Luc ow a d Districtgyrus given the prikvilege' of cbo sing3the decorated home that best caught'the eye. In first place was the Roy'. Robson home, Lucknow;- second,* Bob`.McCor ick, Dungannon; and third, Tony Schlosser, Lucknow.- Honorable mention goesto Allan Hackett, Gattutble. Y 4A„ _.,and•Larry Ntchofs�on,;arfl'�ofIueknow. _ - ,� We hope everyonehada holiday season of peace and .,happiness. Wishing the best to all in the new year, , & District. Optimist Club of Lucknow ttr ct. •from page 3 ONE wanted to help - newspapers, TV, Canada,. USA, the general public. My husband and I were flown to London so ° often we almost lost track of time, 1 made appeals around, the world on local and national television, in America' ort coast-to-coast network, wrote millions of, letters, ptosed for photos until forgot to be camera -shy. Cars arrived at the gate to whiz my husband and me to local TV centres or the airport, to appear on early morning and late night TV in tonden, • And at last, through the Register of GI brides in Ohio,. USA, we found her! Though her husband was a GI, his parents were divorced and he decided to claim his father's nationality which was Canadian, Terry, British and an only child, had seven chil- dren, '10 grandchildren and three great grandchildren; moved many, many times, had `gout and was in a Wheel- chair,. living in Surrey, north of Vancouver, After, that, everything got going, Arnercan-radio set up a : fine' so we could have a nice hong public chat, then from London,. ITV joined us by satellite ,television. It wag all , absolutely .Marvellous; the most tnarvellous.bit being when a national newspaper flew herand he, husband over toujoin Me and my husband in London, wined, ditia and ferried us • about like royalty, even asked for our -autographs. We ,.. are oil . celebrating apps ; d� ,all �.c►rls��of'�rogr�trrls,. o+elebrarttttg •the 50th annivers' 'af �theseid of the 1939-45 war; erg long lost' Then Terry flew back to,C`anada for a cancer operation •`she •had' deferred, a very., big operation»,'She 'cane, ,though !;well but then:she died quite suddenly of cardiac arrest. On lune 16 1995, I :lost the (friend=1'd tried' so. hard to 'find.1 miss her yet. I'm still getting letters from all over the world and through all the publicity have rediscovered many old friends, comrades who served "with . me in the WAAF back in 1940, m'y brother's co-pilot last met in 1943,and, strangest of all, through publicity in America, a pen pal 1 wrote to back 19 7, until her headm stress asked if she could write to Me instead and all my letters were published n their local paper. This fadyrmarried a GI "who„ like my husband, served with the armed forces in•India. They now have three children and six .grandchildren. And again, My 'letters are being published in their local paper. 1 m. also still in touch with an American pen -pal. since 1937 who ' flew up to Canada in 1980 for our one and only.' meeting, staying with me at the home of Mr:;and Mrs. John Spivak. Her ex -Gr husband wag with her but has since died So you'll see what a marvellous ,year it's been for me, %ll of,alt°sons of excitements. You can be sure we'll never ; forget VE 1945 or VE 1995, either. We felt very honored to. be spared to celebrate both. I think ofyou all lots ' and tuts and send' you my best. wishes for a" very happy Christmas and, a bright and.:peace- flit new year. With, love from me, Mollie:� 'V�`httesrde� Editor's nett: Mollie Whiteside Csale :ts: #fie: ladyf`atorir. Dungannon, a , g Vin, i`reiand, who.w�::her country's Aiirbassador m Flungannon, Ontario, when, that village celebrated its 125th ' anniversary in 1980. Moftie made .friends • �' many hereand. had • as. h continued to correspond annually throat h the Sen incl. Her a ddre ss is 59 k' 1 ym ar'Rcad, Dt1gannnr+. Co'. 'crone, N. Ireland,WI7i 6.► Steckle reviews '95 • by Paul Steck*, MP The year of/1995 will be remembered for its excep- tional impact on the history of Canada. The 50th Anniversary of the endTM of World 'War 11 was celebrat- ed.. in May. Hundreds of commemorative activities were held in, communities large and small - across Canada.' was proud to par- ticipate in these services throughout Huron -Bruce. The Canada Remembers program, in commemora- tionof the 50th Anniversary was designed to pay, tribute to those Canadian soldiers, sailors; airmen, merchant mariners, doctors, purses and countl othersth homefront who eont.*ibuted- `to the victory overseas. National Unity was also an important issue which was addressed ` in 1995. 1 would like to acknowledge and thank all those from Huron-Bruce who partici- ) pated in the Oct. 27th' Rally in Montreal. 1 believe ,that the Unity Rally ::and its overwhelming attendance had a pivotal impact on the Referendum vote, The Prime Minister has acted quickly to fulfill the promises made during the Referendum campaign. The Prime Minister has the duty and responsibility to govern in the interests of all ass On a 'turn to page 5. Johns' viewpoint on bett.ering province the focus action for the government'S first six Months --,. � r uaclude�d. ,: i core v `e. �'� rlt 11e� ',Oven** spending, exceeding' rev-, enues :by $1 million .an hour, and• endangering ndan•gerng essentialgovernment overnment ser- s,» •lt,e tat , And gu o legislative barriers to job creation, • such as-the'.Bill ,40, labor d ati `e is t 1 ton quota ltirig t►•Y law, a debt -plagued WCB, spiralling. Hydro rates ,and, a proliferation -of red tape fac- ing small employers;; +A lack of -confidence in the..' o +turn to, page 5 The first six months of action by •the Harris . .go vern- mientsawmajorStestaken toward ,building„ U. better - Ontario, Helen Johns, MPP said as December came to a dose. To reach our r goal of w veno � ed prusper3ty attic, job creation, we .hard to start. at .the foundations," "Johns said. . "In the New Year, we. will continueto build a bet- ter, more competitive 'and stronger Ontario." 'Problems at the root of the province's struggling economy - which have been 11ollle 'Whiteside (right) 1 t ht and al bride, Terry Trace, met again. hi London, England, on May 8o 1995, to celebrate the „5Oth anniversary of VE Day and thelefirst Meeting` since` 4945. Terry. dl's at tern home north. of Vancouverr, on June 16, after a cancer operation. she had deferred so that she could make a krait tri ' home to England. ti