HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-10, Page 2Separa't� achnnl school board e ers eage merease .by Pat Halpin It's a small gesture according to some trustees, but the Druce -Grey Separate board hasdeferred' h scheduled increase in board mileage rates, • Rates ate reviewed and adjusted eves?° six months, and. were set to increase three to four cents a kilometre on January I. But the business services connmittee said the. current rates should stay in effect until all details of the November 30 ,grant cuts are released, Trustee Bill' :Zone' objected to • the move, saying it goes against policy. "We have never taken a piecemeal approach to the bud- get before," Zettel said. don't think we've run into a situation before like we are running into now,".replied trustee Bill Goetz., "We might have to cut lot more." - v council defers. decision on amendment Wet Wawanosh Town- ship council has deferred its decision on passing a zon- ing bylaw amendment on the south half of Lot 27, Conc. 9. The. decision' wasp made following; ;a public meeting on Dec. 5. Henry Shetier . is 'the applicantaifor the proposed temporary ° use bylaw. Council's decision is deferred until. "the saw mill operation is up and running or June 1, 1996." Council also deferred its decision to cut down trees on the West Wawan- osh/Teply, property, line in St. Helen's Mair and Bonnie:' Hodges have received approval to.: connect their' .basement`.. drain into the main drain to remedy unforseen backyard. conditions. Following an in -camera session to deal with "certain aspects of the pending law suit", the. following motion was recorded: "It is noteli that the outcome is still unknown in a legal suit pending court . action between the Township of West Wawanosh and Beverly and Peter Grierson regarding an unopened road allowance between Lots •21 and 22, Conc. 7." Two amendments were made to the minutes of the November meeting con- cerning snow plow operator Bill McDonald. The word 'snow plow' is replaced'wit'h 'do road . work' and 'the guarantee of an average' now reads 'average work' (20 hoursper week from Dec, 1 to Mair. 31). Study should not be mbig s rehash' •from page 1 belief that Huron County no longer requires .a huge land- fill site. Weir said his; group expects the. review of alter- natives lternatives to landfill to be a thorough.: study of available technologies, and wants organizations :with current experience in; all aspects and, alternatives of waste management be invited to submit budget proposals for the.. review. Weir said unless such steps are, taken, the study would be nothing more than "an ambiguous rehash of, outdated and unrelated information," "We (CCAA members) believe; that a waste-to-ener- gy plant will be viable eco- nomically;n . the long. tern, more environmentally friendly and 'socially and politically acceptable," he said. Weir said the response, his group has been getting' from the general public in ,Huron County and 'Huron and moss tops. in Bruce 'County is that it is time to act, responsibly and to ensure' the best possible • LtUCKCN©VI' 028-3026 Nis R.ury `•.rhor I t `• To trait Quantltiss'To Normal;Famll R rsm. nth Page 2 G"7 G'S%i%a ct Luekavwo$eutinel, Wednesday, anuitnr 1096 b 4 Blake Patterson Huron County is mfg: a bid to host the 1999 International. Plowing. Match (IPM) A'delegation from the Duron .County Piowmen's. Association attended Huron County Council Thursday to ,provide :an update on the county's bid,. and to ask for the promise of spite start - tip money should the bid be „accepted, The final decision on which Ontario county will o �e eventMillie ;get to host the . i1 made after bid presentations are judged at a Plewnnenhs, Convention being held. in Waterloo Feb. 12. Bid chairman Gerry Thiel told council Huron ountv will bid f�r'99. IPM has a good chanes to win "tri other words," he said, the event thanks tothe suc' 'when you come to the cess of Huron matches in plowing match, we hope to 1966 and 1978 -- and, mom have .plowing seen as yod importantly, thanks to the are coming into the match -,- fact Huron is the most pro- you won't have to hunt for ductive county in Ontario, it, it will be *ere.": ti "It gives us the leading Participants and specta-. edge," said Thiel, 'sand tors have complained about makes us the natural choice some past plowing matches, for the Match.' saying they are too coin - He said the keyaspect of inerruialized putting the -Huron County's bid will be emphasis . on -vendors n 'back -to -the -basics' focus • instead of the 'actualP ..low- which will highlight where ing competition, the plowing match got its. Thiel asked the council roots, to support the bid and invites ,: "Ve feel it` got its roots. •ed councillors to attend`the by being. a plowing match," : February convention in said Thiel. And as such, an Waterloo. IPM in Huron County "Once again, we have to would make plowing inorre prove that Huron County visible, can come through," he said. He added it is important for council to show their sup- port for the bid because it is an ,opportunity to welcome urbanites to the country, to brie the region's agricul- tural background up front, d And to promote what Huron bCounty has to offei A kick-off meeting will be held on Jan. 17 at 8 pan, in the OMAFRA.building in Clinton. p'lans will be sinal wed rotate day in Waterloo and it will be au opportunity for the public to: see the re- lt� sentattoii that will depict; Huron County. "We are excited, and we would like your help," said Thiel. Neil McGavin, n. rrepre-, •turn to page LIPTON Assorted Varieties .N.06•0.100.4' ar Saucel2O.-137..: KNECHTEL Assorted Varieties,1roten HABITAT. Ready To Serve Sours, n . Selected Varieties 796 mi Tin .. :AvJJ2t �Y�t47RV8"in, `�n+:4;4.':bs4J.�'C'%:�''•J CAMPBELL'S Chicken or Beef Hearty Noodle Soup 65g Cup oat Roll "Sweet Pisltied" 4,39 kg. PR le U . 0 t1. CANADA FANCY Peeled Mini arro 1 lb. bag solution for future waste management operations is selected. "Please spend a few extra dollars and properly evalu- ate the alternatives now," said Weir. • Waste. Management Project Co-ordmatot Craig Metzger said he expects. an alternatives study to be complete by the spring.'. Council also passed a motion that a stress man- agement session be orga- nized and .held in conjunc- tion with one of . the CCAA's meetings, The purpose of the ses- sion would be to help peo- ple in .the local area around the A3 site deal, with the stress ofhaving a candidate landfill site in their cornmu- my+., The cost .of the stress management speaker is expected to be under $1,000 and would be -borne by the county. . • Conn Bob Hallam, of Vest Wawanosh 'Avp., sup- ported the motion but said the best medicine for stress ,is to get on with it (the land- fill selection process) and let the people know.