HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-03, Page 8Page g - Lnekno Sentinel, Wednesday, January 3, 1g
Teens raise money for bas
nom page 7
leader at the Church of
Dorothy and Fldon,.
Miller celebrated their 150th
The :most recent bore June 28
hole. drilling did not elimri-
r>ae 7 nate the Ashfield Township erb Wilkins; custodi.
site for a proposed Huron
an for 2' years at
ff'cers from canal- county iandlla Brookside Public
ian Forces /lase School,. retired. Wilkins said:.
°camp Burden re.. GregPott• taken h�epr considered �tyhestaff at
!�I.... waly_ '.t!�}�?' :' :l' �it�i,a�4' k�Lt d ,,,;d:
Th Dan annon:.A riculc. moved school g y
The � g ed a dangerous contain- ambulance to . titgha> with
- ,
' . Teen i er front Ar uberrie Be h._on hospital iafter receiving i t . P:robtems .with filtration
tnml, society's Veen +�auncil �' o ,� tai of a f
was :successful, in raising May' 31 second degree bunts:. to delayed ening of the 19cat
enough money, through teen . oderieh OPP say., the a house tire, swimming Pool. Staff were
'' i 1. ma t kept trying to get
dances to build a ��► �t ��, ma�ane location . rke � "� , , :: p!,, busy � y g g
-. o everything in order. for a
basketball court tri the valR �,aslted ashore and another Ftslte?nnanRs Tuve held y �.
la `e, : was found :in the Kincardine . the official -opening en. ing of a. July 1 opening;
Community of f forts- :and QPP arm , �. resort area i l inloss towit� a
d .. i ._..
ca labor�
gnat . �! of t11�, �: .,
materialsfrom various bust-
Fund-raising for Phase
°nesses were instrumental in continued with the first iota Mine 21
pellingoff the feat, tory draw only 23 days
shipp3 The Lucknow town hall
was approved for a three-
hreee-qua 'ters grant from jobLink
Ontario , owards building a
.feta' Stewart, of . 'gip The estimate was for
Pt n+ecrest ° Manor,about $129900; which
In Huron County, Phil '% _J celebrated her 103rd would leave the village pay
Cornish was running for the birthday on June 13 :with ing $4,900.
Family Coalition. Party in her family at Clark
the provincial election;
-while John Jewin caro- . Crime Stoppers of Grey
paigned for the Liberals, Bruce is taking to the air July.g
Pau1lelopp for the NDP, with a new program aimed
Helen Johns. for " the PC's at apprehending magi uaea
ldert and ° Grace..
Geertsma celebrated
their 60thwedding
May 31
the rid- and Kimble Ainslie for the cultivators.
andidates in
ing .TM ° ROOM)
Dtr.►ug of Bruce were
campaigning' for a
seat in the provincial elec-
tion, John "Clark vua"s ' the
pruceFamily Coalition
Party` ' candidate; gob.
Emerson the NDP; Barb
June 14
race Campbell said
' she has no secret to
longevity -after she
Large pictorial displays celebrated her 100th birth-
showing what marijuana day on June 30,
looks like from :the. air .will
he ro ince turned soon be found in alts ll p'vo toyed every rtiii ute
P of it says Lucknow
�'�arry blue in the. elm airports in Grey and Bruce. . ; *
i i Central: Pulic S.chaol's
tion. Locally PC Barb . It is hoped that by providing y , *
ended a
Fisher :. hist a of educationfor retiring teacher/librarian
Fischer the PC, Catherine 40-yeart type
Liberal stranglehold on the ilots and air passengers; a Nancy Maclntyre, as she
Young for the fJreen Party, $ p p S neared retirement" urn'
`rid'Bruce riding, and Helen crim will be Put in the caul-
and Bruce Lauckner for the'P
Liberals. Johns, PC, claimed Huron- tivators' cropping. ready to go to pasture and
kick up my heels!"
Jay 12
oval sculptor Peter
Wilde is completing a
basswood' piece that
will become a memorial' to
the corpainen; of the Second
World War for the Bethesda
Naval .y ospitai in
... "
Mt land. '.
About 150 people assem-
bled at the Kintail Cemetery
on July 2 to be present at
the unveiling and dedication
service for a cairn . which •.
had been erected to the
memory of the people who
are buried there.
July A9
violent storm swept
through the area
destroying- a 40'x
120' shed on the property of
Jim and Shawn Drennan,
Ashfield Township, and
damaging the roof of the
Damage to municipal
property alone is expected
to reach as high as $2 "mil
lion after . high winds
slammed through Godericb
the same day. ; - ,
Damage in the village
was minor, but some areas
were without hydro for
about three hours.
The OMB "hearing, on an
appeal by Donegan Haulage
to allow :a gravel pit in
Kinloss township was short
in duration. .
The hearing way
adjourned again. and sched-
uled for Dec, 4.
Modern a technology .. rn to hno. gy to
the form of a laser operated
power screed was used in
installing g the new arena
floor at �. the sports complex.
July 26
ruse County welfare
recipients will see
their. :monthly
cheques cut by 21.6 per cent
in October:
The social assistance cuts
to take place Ontario are.
part of the Tory governmen-
t's plan to save $469 million
this year and $938 million
The Village. of Lucknow
is one of many communities
and groups feeling the cut»
tin;.g edge of the Ontario
Progressive Conservative
government's, $1:9 billion
• reduction in future provin-
cial spending. .,
$200 million was
deferred on various rapid
transit, roadsand highways
After the announcement,
Reeve: Stuart Reavie said,
*turn to page 9
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