HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-03, Page 4t?'age 4 -Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday :: Jannary 3, 19941
The Luc aofig
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advertisementw�, bepatiatthe appl bierates.
A owc-s Val hero Counaut4ty Newspaper tt19 V bell st-.; :; .a ,
I o, tat;c�,
O� Bo 400, Lue%uow, Ontario HOG, 2H0'
phone; 01%52K-2822 fax. (51p) a28 3 2
�; tobI'(slied /87.
Tonichomp; xt • ,
Pat Livingston Gent ep PAWN'
B yl M ttliews H% '' t =CO,
Subscription til
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p on .f~sa§ ndvausK#,a, ?4 Regular $20,00 ;011113 40 Mt, radius. plus
GST.:1at em 0r
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tA wt 40. radius Ott s"��i. QuIt ax. a
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Wks) Regi' 01. - Senior $28.44 plus OST,, Foreign *USA -: $90.00.
Pub tto main re ' tr tteu.uo. 08471tetd at Luck oW, 0nt; * o
or '96
It your are reading the newspapers these days,.
or listening to,the news broadcasts, you will be,
Aware that most pundits are predicting a difficult
year ahe _ ad. Moat are saying that 1996 Will be -a
.Year of reckoning, a time of adjustment.
• While it Weil may be wise to tighten our belts,. it }
will, be much More useful in the long run to pull
up our socks and roll up our sleeves.. Some good .
old-fashioned hard work andvommitntent to duty
is the- solution for Canada.
All is not gloom and doom,
Count up the blessings' heaped upon this
it's a .rich land, a land teeming- With untapped
Mineral resources, plenty of .fresh water, fine
forests, fertile soil to grow abundant fooda.
It's. an unfettered land, a place 'reknowned the'
world over for its freedomand justice, for its. gen
erosity and peacefulness.
It's a ,diverse. land boasting spectacularly-var-
led scenery- - rough seascapes,; Majestic. moun-
tains, sweeping prairies, roaring waterfalls, gentle
farmlands,, rocky- trails, icy wastelands, broad.,
lakes, quiet streams,, splendid Onsets..
Itis. 'a young land, it's full potential not yet
achieved. •
It's an -inviting land where people of many dlf
• ferent backgrounds; cultures and abilities •have
come .to pool their talent* and :put';down deep and
lasting roots.
It's: a : hand Of tremendous opportunity, just as
much today as.* any time in history» -,,f
It's a waiting land - a country' poised for grand
and great prosperity. . All that's required 1s the
united effort of a willing people, and Canada will
emerge from 1096 anrenvied winner in a competi '
tive global economy.
This is no time to sit on our duffs'- and on our
money, This is a time to, show some confidence in
governments Which are getting • their #iscal hous-
es in order; in entrepreneurs, Who: are Willing to
research, :develop and invest; in people, particu-
lady young, people, who want to give. an honest.
day's work for an honest. day's pay.
Take heart. Canada -le different but it isn't.
doomed. Ail. that's *needed' is Canadians with
some pioneer spirit. and the deterrinatfon "to suc-
teed ;despite all odds.:With that attitude, it will
- indeed be a"Happy New Year". - $J,K
am currently >research-
ing. d compinn material,
one' photographs, on
approximately three ,hun-
dred and thirty Veterans of
1914 - 1918 war who had
an association with Henson
Zurich and surrounding
rural area in Huron County,
This is a' retirement
hobby, and t plan on print-
ing only a few copies for
donation to the. local
Libraries, Legion Branch,
Historical Society,
One who died, .15'.
February 1917, while serv-
ing in France, is Private
Cleve Aitcheson, son of
Florence and Geoige
Tindale Aitchison,
Lucknow, Ontario. Cleve
Aitcheson enlisted in
Hensall with 161st
Battalion While a member
of the local branch of
Molsons Bank. His .name is
on the Hensall Cenotaph.
Maybe you know present
rat4,tizy,Ia'•'+'+.-c ,k',�'' y3_� r �4j - a F _., ;h
*�� t t m,?�ep�f:`•X° ��i' ,'�� . -:: day members� of this -'family,
who are still in the area, and
could send to me their
I name, address, and phone
number, as I' am trying to
obtain a Laser or Zerox
copy of any. photograph
The walkway east of the mill' rid that is of he Grr -showing Cleve'Aitcheson ' in
. y- po earl t eenway Projectera g .l
-vides a serene. place for wai : rsto enjoynatureLily . uniform.One of ..read-
. '.
lke at itsbest. (Pat Ltvingstrr+ your
photos ers may have his photo. If
so, I would appreciate havw
ing a 'copy of "same for
inclusion in my -book.
John W Smith,
120,70 Fiddler's Green
London, Out., N6H 4R'4.
70. years age
Jan. 7, 1926
pays SQthi su cri tion -This week's ail brow ht bs p, nt►� 8 to
ourr office a :letter from Mr. Thomas F. Henderson of
Vater' over,-n.C. It contained bis annual subscription
renewal to The Sentinel together with -the information that
it was the 50th time he had made this annual payment,
Mr. 'Henderson is.a former resident of Ashfield
Township where he spent his youth and for quite a number
of years Was engaged ° in the building business:Whi a the
tide of etnigratton,was still flowing strongly into the Praire.
provinces, he went to Vancouver, He is one of these men
who never forgets the friends scenes and surrounding of
hismith, and he always writes with fondness' about
Ashfield and Lucknow,.taking occasion to wish, all the old
friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
`50 years age
3, 1946
ew Pontiac delivered - ,The first new car to comeg,
fo Lucknow is a smart looking, Pontiac for Hrr WV.
Iolmstorr, which was received through' the local ,
dealer, Charles E. Mason.
And it's mighty welcome, for the doctor's present car,
which has, given valiant war -tune service,had reached a
point where it lacked the dependability sc necessary in his
Celebrates 94th birthday • - Congratulations to Mr.
William J. Little, Lucknow's grand old man, who today,
Thursday, Jan: 3,is observing his 94th bitthday,,
Mr. Little continues.alert and active and it is rarely that
he is notseen down town each day.
Furs stolen - The Harris. Brothers -Tari and Howard of
Holyrood,' had furs valued at about $110 stolen from their
farm during the early hours of last Saturdaymorning.
. g
The lock on the garage was forced by the thieves who
made off with eight coon, two fox and two -mink skins,
15 years age
Jan. 7,1'981
he editor wrote ` A good- life - Canada is ..still a'...
pretty good place to live despite the problems we
,ffcc in: 1981.. Inflation, u: Inggistr economyo high
interest rates and the constitutional debate will go with us
into the new year. Consumers find "more and more of their
pay cheques •going to pay for necessities as food prices rise
and everyone feels the effects of 18 percent interest rates, a
stagnant economy forcing layoffs and the 82 cent dollar.
But unlike many countries in the world, Canadians enjoy
a great degree of freedom, a variety of foods for our table
and a bounteous supply ,and aeaceful state despite the
regional bickering...
Works crew • keeps busy * Saturday's cold weather is
b‘ined for a hydro outage which occurred early Saturday
the village, Y
mcornn ...
morning in a e, Power was off from about6 a:iri'
g A
'until 8:30 a.m, when an overloaded fuse blew at the switch-
es, .which feed the power to the village from the sub -sta-
tion, south of Lucknow on Huron County Road 1.
Hydro replaced the fuse but were untthle to get it to hold.
They called the Lucknow .Works Department to make
switching changes in the village to allow the fuse to hold.
A shnilar situation, occurred Saturday evening.. about
. midnight and power was off close to two hours again while
Winghant FDC and the . Lucknow Works Department cor-
rected the overload problem.