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Antique ornaments
While the fust Christmas trees were
decorated with fruit and nuts, and other
edible ornaments, by the middle of the
19th century, elaborately decorated
objects began w adorn: the increasingly
papular evergreen.
Handblown glass balks, caned intgeis,
have added shimmering beauty to pine
bough since they were fust made in.
Germany in the early 1800s: Available
in elongated as well as round shape$.
kugels could be had in a variety of
sizes and colors, as. well,
Moldedglass ornaments originated in
Among the tit popular subjects for
:p yrs were angels end
snowmen, and Santa himself starred in
many an eye-catching
chromohthogrt+phed amp centenent.
While scr!tp ornaments were always
were often carefully worked into three-
dimensional shapes. such as vehicles
(including early depictions of airplanes
and zeppelins) and animals,Swett)
detailing characterizes these ornaments.
which are among those, most treasured
by collectors of antique Christmas,
the latter part of the 19th century, also . decoratiQaaa
in Germany. The earliest shapes - pine Considerably less elegant, ornaments
COWS.. fruit and icicles - were joined of .spin COMM were popular .for their
by a wide range of others, from , low cost as well as for the wide range
fairytale characters to animals. Soles of subjects they represented..
Animals, fruits, clowns and angels
to edifices, ,as manufacturers became joined innuinerable Santos in these
ever more inventive. three-dimensional ornaments formed by
paper ornaments were alm. popular in combining cotton and cellulose Oberst
the late 19th and. early 20th, centuries. over a base of cardboard or ware: Their
These took two manor forms: "Scrap hard outer surface.. on which
e rnamnents." colorfully printed, thanks decorations woulk be added, was
to the newly . termed process of meted by theapp atiitnt of glue.
chromolithography;, and ' Dresden By the 1930s,. virtually. all of these
w ornaments, whose cardboard base. both c ng• . early decorations' had
ta die -cut and embossed, was become obsolete. However, today they
LI painstakingly decorated with gold, are heirlooms, prized by collectorsand
a silver and other colors of paint exhibited in museums.
Why We Celebrate
We celebrate Chrdstnias because Christ
died for us.. Usually my family and my
relatives get together and celebrate. We
usually start at 9;30 and my'brother reads
the story of Jesus Christ being born. After
that the kids sometimes put:. on a skit,
play .the piano or something entertaining.
Then my dad hands out the presents.
When that is finished we all sit .downto
the lovely dinner that my mom has
Jackie Smith
Grade 8
Christmas is the time of year, when
Jesus was born to Mary. He was born in
a manger in the stall. The shepherds saw
a very bright light and an angel spoke to
them, saying, "Fear not for behold I bring
good news of great joy that will be to all
people. Unto you born this day in the city
of David is Christ the Lord." The king
said, "The wisemen must go to the child
and bring word back to him." So the
wisemen came to the stall and gave Jesus
gold, frankincense and myrrh. That's why
we celebrate Christmas!
Marie Askes
Luckriow Christian School
Grade 4
Christmas is the time of year when
Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph. He
was born in a stall and he lay in a
manger. Shepherds came to see what was
going on. Wisemen came and brought
gifts to Him. God's Son was born.
Nadege Koskamp
Lucknow Christian School
Grade 3
Christmas is a time of year when Jesus
was born. We celebrate his birthday and
we praisehitn. There was a star over the
entire country the minute Jesus was born.
The first to see the star werethe shepherd
men. Theywent up and followed the star
to the stable in Bethlehem. When they
arrived there they bowed down and
praised him. There also were three
wisemen. They were on their way to see
the king. They Saw an angel .come toward
them so , they stopped. They started
singing and telling them that the Lord's
Son Jesus had been born. So they brought
gold, frankincense ' and myrrh to Jesus.
Jesus grew up and died for our sins and
that is the story of Christmas!
Leanne Stam
Lucknow Christian School.
Grade 4
Christmas is the thne of year to
celebrate Jesus' birthday,. That means
when the Saviour was ban. That was the I
King that was, born on the 25th of�
December. Mary was praising her father
in the heaven. Then the angels appeared
from the heavens. Like a flash and they
said, "Glory to the king in the highest".
Then the Wisemen followed the Star to
the stable and gave Him presents.
Lisa Drost
Lucknow Christian School
Grade 3
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LUCKNOW 528-3016
Christmas is a time of year when Jesus
was born in a stable. Wise men followed
a star to Bethlehem where Jesus was
born. They went to Jesus and gave him
gifts. The wisemen were supposed to tell
the king that Jesus was born. The king
wanted to kill Jesus. Then Angels came
in the sky and they sang.
Meagan Higgins
Lucknow Christian School
Grade 4
Season's Greetings
To all our wonderful friends we wish a holiday blessed
with peace, happiness and good plain fun! Many thanks.
from the management & staff
treleaven's Iucknow feed mill limited
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