HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-19, Page 19Brookside students and staff send
their best wishes for. the season
Whst a baler dinars No imam straw
your ramify celebrates this season I
ant sure we all fed dm effect of it.
The blade sad bode, smiling
faces, decorations smells from the
Whim, sad the extra brightaof
chikken all add tp to m* r ia'sea
ike on behalf of all of us
tat Brookside, to wish all of you the
best of the same. lope your have
your share of excitement as well m
those quiet family moments that are
so special.
Sect you in January, 19911
KI, Mrs., Cameros
We've been busy, making a
surprise .gillfee our Moms and
Dads. Our red and green begs wwere
fun, to make. The tree on our door
'looks pretty especially the balls
with our pictures on them. We can
hardly wait until .we get to say 199 t
when we do our calendar.
M. }foilsmen
We've been very busy decorating
our room. -We made a mural about
die Christmas shay for the hall.
Last week we saw the beautiful
toys at Godernch , museum. The
cookies and cider were great,
Cody's dad brought ' us in .a.
beautiful three and we're going to
'put the sheep we made at the .
museum on. it.
Merry Christmas to everyone who
• is celebrating Christmas and happy
holidays to the test.
airs.-Bakerr, Grade :112
Everyone.: is merrily working.
away ,on .a wide variety' °.of
Chrisunas activities. 'Sarah's Morn
came in to help us.naake bookinarks
and Christmas cards using dried
flowers, ,*ass, leaves and weeds.
• We also have new homemade
Snuggle Up bagsthanks to Mrs.
Dtennaa is and Mrs. DeBruyn.
Everyone is working hard to
memorize words,.for the Chrism as
coneet.;We h WA*. you theret, ",
K. Bowers, Grade 2 .
Christmas arrived early in the
grade 2 classroonl. We have our
Christnias 'tree decorated and our
Ur. Wye* ens* 7
Nimme In mathiw s >aa doirat pet cam&
In greit we are WINN oar
stories on ovreelves. We are
cookies made..We mei
our bikers to Sasha in do
'� Pole. '� you Bead yaw
Mr. Lebo, Grade 3
The Primary Choir hits many
enthusiastic Grade 3'a in itgeuirwg
ready for the Christmas concert. We
are decorating our tree which the
Middeikampt Save,
..�W."•e ere team ng about decin ahs ,y_ �yy,.,._ yrs...,
math. • . .Rob + , Karen
We are working on Giving Tikes Dawson, Mike Bakker and Josh
to help us understand giving. Poeta have their Birthdays this
We enjoyed our Christmas month:
Decoration .Day and oho enjoyed We wish i everyone a merry xmas
our trip to the museum. and a happyc new year; from grade
Autumn Stephenswill be joining 8. `
us as a. new student, . Yeo, Resource loom
a r
Chad Fo, Jenny Tucker and mo-Uat groups that have visited the
° Lee Morrison" all bevebirthdays`this Learning Resource Room have
month, • heard at least one Christmas story.
Mrs. Matthews: and Mrs. Rant pupils have written their own ver
Grade 4- mon tR stories and created:
Grade :four is learning about. ai Christmas Alphabet characters.
Traditional Christmas. We. *sated . Several chi dren have noticed fire
rho Huron County Museum for a, many Santa Clauses . and how ,his;.
presentation ons Rhys theme, Most of clothing is quite dirt -event' the did'
Jami-- Cliorr:a>l .the Christmas con•Mrs.Libra"' .
a P ercr wivebum 2g.
origami We ° have made
thing. like Odom Water Bobs,
, nor aid others. lo #rusty
we a are• still loins ag *boat native
people and the
Mr., Grade d
These last few weeks have'been
very . busy with door decorating
lettering for Mrs., Cameron's
class. Dong Mclean,
our class will: be singing in the not ahways wear a rat suit.).
Cert Wo will be mating • You
some Mrs. �. CameronCameron'sand Mrs.'
ChxistiYtas cookies next.woek so, we ng a kindergaitct are making
can samp)e them* • weededul big books in the Library.
> Merry Christmas, Just, fpr You and
� r. •Colo, Grade 4M, , Santa, Santa what d0Y,00-Pee- ? The.
Our class bastion to the meseuma ;Library was the buddig sie, far, an
to see the Christmas display. We. : area workshop last :week, called
had apple eider and shortbread ` "Architecture, the Key tq: the Door"
cookies. Some
Aiwa/ fie out
class Jordan :. Andrea, Brent Cameron,
will be singing in the chow ln.math 'Cala Jobnstoni Erin Meador, Tanta-,
we are `.trying, to remember : our ' my Middeikamp and Coley Moore
times tables., Keep up the' good attended from Brookside We had
orotic, ,b atn inside holt the world �of ar.
chitecture through a visit from Tobin'
Hors. Worrsell, Grades 51'6 Rua a and. a visit -to Chris Ber
`Mrs. Worsell's`Grade 5 class' has # garsrg. We also. explored btu,
bowbusy 'preparing. fore .'tom _doing 3n' research, .and we' g reeted
Cluisimas Concert, They have also ` some ;ainazitng, structures . ut irrg
finished;wdting Christmas stories.. srbes!
They • have finished their: , Tree •. • . sto Tom Pegg and` Steve
Unit and they, had a" tester it: this' Alton for "loaning materials for the
week. workshop!
Merry Christmas Everyone
M is for Merry Christmas (Dan
E is for everyone (Wyatt. Kwan),,
R is for Rudolph the. Red Nosed Reindeer
(John Shuh)
'R is for reindeer(Andrew Pickard).
Y isfor yueky~candy (Chris Husk)
C is for Christmas (Chris `Tabor)
His for Happy New Year (Ashley Tiros)
R is for Rudolf; his nose is so bright
(Laura Murray) ""
Y is for icicles that hang on the tree (Te-
ssa Taylor)
S Santa got stuck in the chimney (Ellen
T is for Christmasltrees (Sam Mayer).
M is for the manger (Michael Mali)
A is for angels in the dark (Jessica Hare)
S is for the snowmobile (Tan Tyler)
E Everyone sings carols Around the tree
(Laura. Sande)
✓ is for Valerie who 'sings Christmas
carols (Valerie `'Weber)
E Everyone opens, presents (Vanessa.
Bannon). ,
R is for the red Colour of Rudolph's nose -
• (Russell,Mann)
Y ` is fore "why" people get Christmas
presents (Steven Hare)
o is for" ornametits on the:Christmas tree
(Jordan Hamilton)
' is °for,Bluewiens who is not here today`
E Everyone. looks .:at the ..tree (William
Grade 213
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►ne Yofthe real joys al the.hohilay season
`ts the opportunliy to say'
thank you for your patronage .
and to•wshyou
the • 'very esfrfor thea ew Yeaa�;
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