HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-19, Page 16Paso 111 - Lookuw $.glad
We/Md, December 00. 1100
December 24, i94Q,
Edythe and Bruce Mckenzie
December 22,1965
Terry Jamieson
Bev, Tom and Family
Mar g uerite EImo & Fam -
9 y
4-H club hoids achievement night
Mr. Ms. Ramat Cheraw
The Whitechwtch 441 club had
their achievement meat night in the MU
Int Thursday with * supper for
pimento, iirist eteconvenorsand4H
members. Silver dishes were mode
by the members *4their families
from the repent MUM they took cxn
Heritage, Everyone enjoyed the
meal very much. Toren Lubbers
by Jean Roo CHURCH
proidded enjoyable viscid music.
Carols were Nag thraatagbout the
Rev. Neilson clotted the
Mrs. F prayer,
for the
Unlaces portion With 18 amawcdng
the rollcall with memories of a
was receival.
Evelyn Oibb gave the fiasechtl
report. Donations were received
from the Salvation Army and .
Friendship House in Ki
Mit Moore exp eseed ap-
preciation to the hoomes *4 Mrs.
Vanier closed the meeting with.
wars la'111<attEr Qf Cea+dr#onie>1 fe1r the
waseva >g, The: club had 13 members Huron Chapter. GESS. dedicate
Elliott and Betty Ross,
Stuart Rintoul ran alter c oth and pillow
B+ Aro a =` had the best 4 -
u ndes 'the leadership of Kathleen ,
booire for first year mcmbera.
Best all round book was won`by
Karen Lubbers. -
Shaflxi - Gardener, ' R:O.S. for.
Bruce County,' fawn Walkerton,
attended and showed a video on
They Built Ontario.
Everyone was to bring a heritage
item and tell about it. Ms. Gardener
Kyle and Carole gsve eFh giber a� i bar
for long the . project. She that
pI Marion Dow ' with a
lu d
edition picture of a hrritage
scene,• for at eev 24 P ojects.
CongrandationsMarjorie 'Wall, on.sbthaitof.• he
institute, gave, a vote of thanks to
the club for inviting :them and for
the enjoyable evening.
Thb,.evenung closed with the 44111
club creed.' ' -
• The Whitechurch; United Church
Women `'held their meeting on
December-5,at the home of Agnes
Farrier. Dessert was served prior to
the. meeting..
The meeting was ander, the
leadership ~ of Alice Moore and
Mildred 'McClenaghan. Gertrude
Dariniur played Christmas music
before the luncheon.
Mrs. Moore gave the cattle. wor-
slip with: a Christmas poem. Miss
McClenaghan gave" the scripture
Matthew 2,1-12 and -followed with
The special speaker was. Yvonne
Ballagh,: who gave an inspiring talk
on memorable Christmases.
Mrs.; 'Moore tltanked ` her and -
presented her with a gift.;
Miss McClenaghan gave. two
- readings, Embroidered Snow and
Yes Virginia there isa Santa Claus.
Mrs. Farrier and Mrs Durbin
lift certificates
Avaitabie for Nursery
Stock andin store
items. Good Anytime -
or use it fora gift
towards, LandscaPe
Design Services.
'Available throughout
the winter Season.
,AChristmas story,
aYuletlde song,
love is knowing
that you helot*
to our family.
Many thanks.
• Merry Christmas and Happy Neve Year
Sherry, Dc�aglas, Candiee, body, Clint
11118-411i041, J
The Eastern S December 11 chuckled at the skit, Hemming
theHuron # 89.Order of Robertson Was (skived.Everyone
for the Christmas meeting. Daddy's Pants. A cookie walk,. •
Two rinks vii represent the solos' by Joyce and a reading by
Chapter at the , District Curling► Naive, to remind ars of the true
Bonspiel on January_ 12, 1991. in meaning of Christmas were much in
Walkerton. Members are asked to keeping with the season. •
help Isobel Cgag l and Shirley Joyce Miller, lunch convenor had
.t.angridge with the foundry catering a beautiful Christmas display of
in the new year. stockings and potbotde s 1w►hich.
A beautiful alter cloth and pillow turned out to be lunch draw prizes
made Pessible bby Jun Mont, and. for a seven lucky p�,
eewat Joyce Meilen: • were Tie response to: the Gift Basket
led t_ed m , `memory. 4f Jim's for the Survival, Through Friendsldp
, Bert.Mo ; A new.;s House was wonderful. Thank youl
was alsw:dedicated-'at the sane Upon delivery, one: lad had his, eye
time, to Huron Chapter #a 89, by the on the hockey ,mak. The staff
Worthy. Matron Nancy Ware repesentativeindicated a great need
and worthy poop Les Shaw. and expressed appreciation for, our
Following the : `business a. boxes each month:
atoned • - January is Inspection and Scettish
Nelva Scott, Dona: Shaw and Jean Wight,
Deer decoy _bags poacher
On : December 6th, 1990 :at A 4 -day controlled deer hunt with
Ontario Court. in Goderich, fines only shotguns andmuzzle loaders
,;,,totalling $850.00 were : levied oPened on "November $,`1990. The
against a Clifford .man for hunting. archery season (long. bows" and.
deer during; the closed season• and cross bOWSZ runs from October 15
shooting from a'" ;vehicle.: The. to November 4 and. November 915
poacher.,'sscoped high >powered rifte to December 31.
valued at more than $90':00. vitas The Ministry of Natural
also ordered forfeited to the Crown. Resources requests concerned
Wingham Conservation Officers hunters and other citizens to report •
had received complaints of illegal illegal hunting activities at the time
deer hunting activityin the"n:rit of the suspected offence. The
part of Howick Township during:Ministry has conducted controlled
October. TheY decided to set up a deer hunts in Huron County for 10
deer decoy in one of the _problems years and the deer herd, presently,
areas. At dusk on November 2 the . is in excellent shape. They hope to
poacher fired= -him shots from, his 'continue to provide quality hunting
and viewing ties for the
vehicle at the decoy. He .was opportunities
,subsequendr apprehended and public and one way to accomplish
ed under the Game and Fish is�h down on the *Regal
Act. kill.
` -'-arum
Or fa. re. OWN tofu
asuman - 4 bedroom, 2 storey
\ country home, new family room adds -
non; on 2:2 acres. Asking 135,000:
_W_=O•,A�,,C,,�REE�S}�,, 7th W. W/,,�s,yw,ar'osb, 75
O,vl hP ic.d at $5600,.
basement 09 x11,y,6/{5 lot: Clod. bmedi-
centre. - a
a! U' EDROOM cottage style home, w-
end shade trees, dose to medical cen-
se. Open to Ars.
BRICK WESKIT, 4bedroom, 2400
+ sq. ft., fireplace; familyroom, W.W.
Two. ,Move in cord. Asking 0119,000.
3 BEDROOM. HOME With 12 X 22
workshop, treed lot fronts on mill
pond, new floor coverings, great •
starter or retirement home. Very good
cond. Asking $72.000.
' AailF1ELD 4 bdrrra. hoorah close to
levi r,1a'2 acre toed lot with anted ham.
Good funky horse. $32,600.
SPOtLESS -2 bedrdbrn bungalow
Havelock St. electric hast, wood stews
new kitchen. Asking SA00, ` •
$10,6110- 2 bdmr..1 don* hones, will
issulded, food Mstii
*MAL homy Wilk'
2 oleo soaps. Leemsd '7~' mite t 01
Ladenw Cal for debts> fMduCed,
bWid* MOV1100.'s bdrm.;i.1/2
elbety here, 2' bed l aiQ001„
Rondod* at, TWO* 10 $111,000.
Worshjp Service; - 11:00 AM
Sunday School - 11:00 AM
Nursery Provided
`Everyone Welcome
Rev. Margaret Kinsmen
Worship Salvias -11:00. am.
Sunday School 11:00 elm
i troy Provided Empire Wakes'