HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-19, Page 61 Psige - Limbo* fiestlisel, Wellosidag Elsessalier 1118111 WAND CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Offarring a QM raw of osnicto.r. aid*" wow*, Wiwi plapiiim, Ww* W plodir& perisoal floapitioll perwirost cowl* oill mowspossoit sink**. *movie WAUIS10*4 maw! MUST , PONT NON . w4r. Akiinkri, KA LI rierasso, KA, M. Ur*, CA ALS.11414.0,(A. Mt VOW, ICA L. /am, CA NJ. OW, CA 1.4. 1114PA ' ra.,,t, Awes, CA r. lbw, c..A 344-37,4 '2 await 3231351 t. Helen's Balk rood . Bulk *Cookies "iCautlies loPeanupi *Chocolates *Spices *Baking Supplies 0S4fety Shoes'itud 'Boots Clock -draw December 31/90' Free ticket *Ilf clack with 025,f, order ' • inelkite '1,00 CL ' • Rolm neann eta* Thari, ?Oa 8 841. .�1M. Sit. A;t14.= 4418 St; Hcleu's Roads swath iind 2 'toads least ' of pmckisiow 113.1411149 Christmas memories from area seniors This week's Inatid�s was lee yea Iwo am wool miimmite of Chgbentes ha the put gad .y spacial plant dit Ouitamor •• FOR11,11 .NOTIPE OF THE,PA:SSIN ZONING.13Y-LAW13.1(THE". CORPORATION OF OM:TOWNSHIP:OF KINLOSS TAKE. NOTICE fiat thd-Cokin01..01%the Corporation: Of 40 Township ,of Kinloss ' passed By -Law No. 27-1990. on the 3rd day of December:1900. „under 'BectiOn 34 of the Planning Act, 1983. • AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or •agenol`r may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect 01 the By -Law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Kinloss not later that the 9TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1991, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By -Law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By -Law describing the lands to which the By -Law applies has been provided. As the By -Law could affect lands throughout the Township, a 'Key Map' has not been Provided. The complete By -Law is available fdr inspection in the Office of the Clerk during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS THIS 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1990. Mark Becker Clerk -Treasurer, • Township of Kinloss • HOLYROOD,' Ontario NOG 2B0 EXPLANATORY NOTE ZONING BY-LAW NO. 27-1990.0F THE CORPORA- TION OF THETOWNSHIP OF KINLQSS BEING A BY. LAW TO AMEND .18Y -LAW NO/7-1981 AS AMENDED, BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW OF TUE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KIN - LOSS WAS PASSED UNDER SECTION 34 QF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983. ' The purpose of By -Law No, 27-1990 is to incorporate provisions relating to the use of the 'h -Holding' symbol in accordance with Section 35 of the Planning Act, 1983. The 'h -Holding' provision permits the Municipality to specify, the use to whidh lands, buildings, or structures may be put pend- ing the removal of the 'H'. The effect of By -Law No, 27-1990 is. as follows: Where any o7 the Zone symbols.described in Subeection 7.2 of this By -Law are preceded by the Holding Classification 'h', • the removal of the HoldinaClassification 'h' and the.use of the la -d in accordance with the Zone symbol following.(he 'h' will mow iri acccircIanCe.with Section 7,15 of the [Mice County South Official Plan and any other releyantSectioni of the• -, 6 OfficialPlan:• • • In the interim, before the Holding Classification 7,18 removed, no person shall use any land, or erect, alter, or use anypyifding or structure,within any Zone where the 'h' Classification has been applied, for any ptVose except those uses, buildings structures which legally existed on the dale of passing of By -Law No. 7-1981. As the ih-Holding' symbol may be used in .cOnjunction with any Zone Symbol throughout the Township, lands' throughout the Township may be affected and a 'Keykfap' has not been provided 4 Alex Mowbray Alex Mowbray believes thatwhen he -was younger CluiS14144 was ',bor.-- best holiday of the year. He morn, bets always buying lots and getting let% He would wake early to see what was on the tree for him. Later that day two or three families wouldcome to their home to celebrate Clu:istmas. If there was spur they you'd go out for a sleigh ride; Mt. Mowbray stated that he believes in, Christmas very strongly, but in recent years there has been a tot of confusion. Gordon•Gordon lewitt • • VJewitt said that he has , alloys -enjoyed Mishima. in the peat, a few days before,Christmas Mr. 'mid, would go and cut dOwn 4 pipe tree. They would put the tree up M their living room decorated • with candlesand home Made decorations. On'Ovishrias Eve they wOuld 'go to bed early, so the cotild wake early;,, Mr. Jewitt can remember receiving everything he needed and then sew, including • bedspreads, clot4es, and all kinds of food. This Christmas he hopes to go to bhilsg.nOleeale_e;SHe' 71:1.61001ln' she gmliforw:se;v1lt°8' seems 114. sister who also will be there. Mr, 'emit stated that te has 4 hard tittieigetting gifts for poop?, he never knows what to get, so this Year *he is giving money. Also he • will send out'some Christmas cards. • • Grace Campbell• , Grace Campbell remembers holt . ding numerous Christmases at her, home. She, would wake early to ' start preparing the noon meal. Some; of her company would arrive earlier. then others to P her out.Mter_ the they 'Would play checkers and other games or if it was nice • outthe children would go out sleigh riding. • - When • Mi. Campbell was a •, • teacher she would hold a Christmas • , concert. Everyone: in the school Would participate, .and the parents' would come in to watch. This Christmas she is going to her nieces where all family will be. She expects they • will have ar big . meal at noon; with a' smaller Meal before everyone leaves tOgrollOrne• key dinner :Jess chance Of fire. • Yon her Any news or mfoxing, call Phyllis Reid before noonon Friday, at 395-5445. Season's ' greetings!' A reminder --The Huron Lakeshore Friendship Club is hav- ing a giant yard sale on the May 24 weekend at the Community C.entre. Any items are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the ball on Mondays and Thursdays or for pick up call Joe 395-3572 or any . Seniors Club member. All pro- ceeds go to the Community Centre. If you would like to rent the Point Clark Community Centre for your special event call Tony 395-0207 for information. .eridship Clubenjoys tut. There will be no shuffleboard at the Community ; Centre in Point 011111T CLARK Clark until the New Year. . ' The caterer for the Huron by Bev 14ansok • Lakeshore Friendship Clubs Christi- mas Party was Betty Needham and she piepared a marvelous turkey supper for the, members. A super job 13euvl A reminder Friday, Dec. 21 is the last day for toys to be dropped in the drop-off boxes at MacNay's Store and the Point Clark Commun- ity Centre. Giver e needy child a happy Christmas, by dropping a toy in the box.today. Your.generosity will,be greatly appreciated. The Point Clark -Huron Basic Literacy Unit is a free and confi- dential, service for anyone needing help with readin writin spelling and math. If you need help please call June 395-3291 or Jeanette 395- 3349. Volunteers are also needed to tutor the students. A veryMerry Christmas to eiery- one' from Phyllis up here in the chilly north and Bev in the sunny south. May all your Christmas wishes come tote. - Tip of the week: If you have a live Christmas tree please remember to water the 'tree every day and a add a little sugar to the water. This will help keep the tree looking beautiful and not drying out and & losin its needles. Also there is tion for this point Clark Column eitloommwom * , 0.