HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-12, Page 20paste m Loeb** &OHM01, Wodllomia3r D000nnboir 12•
Stanieys celebrate
their 40th anniversary
Whist * colourful Sant* Claus amiemilitinonemailimmikusams
panule was to be seen cm Friday nrIKINOW
evening, December 7. The many wiry
flow with their li 4, and wow ware
Christmas trees really -up
and reflected a lot of work on the is now living with her twin sifter,
part of 411 those padicipating. Ohne Irwin.
On December 2 George and AM Aubrey, Pat, Claire, Mark and
Stinky celebrated their 40th wed- Laura Weir officially became
ding anniversary with a family Canadian citizens last week
dinner at the Mayfair Restaurant Sympak is extended In Bill and
Congratulations. Shirley Bolt and family in the pas -
Edith Webster has welcomed with sing of Bill's mother last week
ioy her fifth great-grandchild. Mao to the family of Duncan Allen
'Oen Corey, son of Lynne and of Ashfield. Both funerals were
Dale Hunt, of Wroxeter, in Stiat-.Monday with turangemenis by
ford General 110sPital, October 27. MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral
Recently accompanied by Rome.
Elizabeth Ann and 310Y Hunt, M the communion service in the
Edith paid a short visit to her home Lacknow 'United Church on Sunday
in Lucknow after a three-nuEtli morning Loge and Joy jurgens
stay in Winton Hospital where were weicomcd as new members.
she has etimed for more care and Grant and Lois Fanishbeld the
attention, She welcomes* friends Peagan Christina at their home on
visits, cards and gifts while; in December 2 with 44 in attendance.
hospital and wishes you all a Meny Austine and lvfildred Lorie„visited
Christmas and a Happy New Year. ig Toronto on Thursday withltan
Vi Stanley was able to be dis' . Pam; and their•..newest 'gradson,
' charged from hospital last week and Alex. •
With the completion the Our Heritage 4-11 deb. Mac Hackett (left)
and Stamm Andrew (right) have completed alit and 12 chits respec-
eV** MAC was presented with Wei pwaad Sharma received a desk
set, (Pat Livingston'pboto) r , •
- Dewitt and Lyna, of
Toeswater are Owed to antiouneo
the arrival a their sois, Kyis
Steven, bora on November 30,1990
in Wingliam and District Hospital.
Kyle "wished in at 6 lbs. 13 oz.,
and is a bother for Annie and
SHRTLEI Jolley and Elizabeth
of R. 2, Lucknow welcome with
love their son. Joe, born on Decem-
ber 2 1990, in Wialihlan and -
District Hospital, weighhig 7 lbs„ 2
oz. Ile is a wee Willa for Danny,
kievi, Albert and William.
**ENT - Aka and Paula of Whi-
gliam, we delighted with the arrival
of their second (linker. Kendall
Paula, bom on •December 11990
in Winston and District Ifospital.
weighing 7 lbs. _14 oz. She is a wee
sister for Cassandra and another
gradqhi1d for Alex And Gwen
trong, Wingbon and RitSsell and
Lillian Irvin, B. 7, Lucbmw.
BALCH Carol and John are
delighted with the -safe 'arrival "of
their ' on), Elias William, born
McDonald November 1S, 1990 4 S!. Ioseph's
Gordonmamma A rag - Kamm
GordonCameron McDonald, of 10111 IliffUrieWe hYterian
West Wrilwanosli TOwnship, passed • - 'Spin
away -Wingham and District. ammoloppia Cemetery.
of the Lucknow Tres- He survivettby his wife Vivian, Hospital, London, Weighing 8 lbs. 7
Chinch officiating. two daughters, Anil and Linda, and oz. He is a brother for Alexander
g interment Wingham five grandchildren. He is also sur- and Nicholas, Proud grandparents
vived by a sister Ruth, Mrs. Bill are Elizabeth Balch, Fresno,
Hospital, on November 30, 1990 in Lucknow, passed away 10 Wingham Cuyler Ramage
• . W.S.7_°111 Year* ' -..... Colin Distrim 110sPilal, onDeeenther Cuyler Ramage passed away a
1 - ' He was the. san of the late 7 1990, in hey 90th Yeat Silo was Princeton, Viisconsm.1I.S.A. in his
IvIcDonald and Mair Edith Damlia. ' member of the Locioxilyi pm*, 74th year, He was bora in Asquith,
• survived by dime sisters and five * Ames, was born on septeniber 1st . .
! Nicholson, Verna Nicholson, char -
brothers: Dorothy Ireger, Wen 19014 - in West Wawanosh WAIS ittOOtulg
Township. She was a daughter of :
• ; He fanned an the family farm at , yterian Church Saskatchewan and lived with his
Helen's all cif his e., He is mrs. Beit, the rennet slienheth parents foraoaaoa.st. wens.
NctaMcial% EJ,
lijuveY 111"'lthe latei.enntjamoess. and - Margaret (Ke-
s e
Marvin MledYY " _ Jvedb her .114 widi all the
, ig also surrived hy a number MIS. Boit ig supa Y A . luck dinner,
of nieces, nephews. and'eOttshmL_,, and his wife. qi-nc,k... 004* . opened :the- Christnias
- Itqt
. foetal *Evil* was. 4.•41'". WSW-- • • togs for .the Lucknow,
• with Rev. Reit, Witgaitt Henderson 0117 umna!‘ii.yonk'tf-:/ft.frOOviOal. Ditcember'5'. ' •
Maeionoe- 'hgccre?rii,Ptuenr Sh.e- 01;44:leaves inLadcnoouni. .1%litheynntathe.:' 0.90°. eheroTnYon.
Herne; Luck!** December . margaret f ,saeiety,
A -dumb* the 'ceremony. •
sisters-in-law, Kitty Purves IWU and shiriey Hawthorne Viasin charge
• Maxwell wete Don "mama. Vaa Purves; tWOgrandChilthen and of the Prognim and opened with a
• and AllanavinDonald. husband WilliamBolt, four broutas Tidings; Fear and
Colin McDonald, ifid McDonald Mrs. Bolt waspredeceated Y_ , r worship .setvice from Hope at
• • Tom, Nicholson. IfirroittPleheben. four &mat grandchildreiL her poem The Spirit\ of Christmas. The
Final resthiS Place in punganmm tvipo sistas, ' auistmas, was followed With Grace
. Ebragi Gilles Bolt, a resident 'rpunora) Moine, .thLucknit vowpcon voere_ - Ce, _ yri,
/01anorNursing Ilcrnet Deceniber 10, wi &BY Robertson, Fern MacDonald and
• •
• - •
McKenzie .be.th Gilles Bolt, the and Celia
- The funeral. service.. -was held at ,ganttoie reading: the stripterepas,
McCreath sages from Luke. Others laking Part,
O'Brien of Coe Bill, Ontario, and California 10_1 Dorothy Finlayson, •
three totters, Mac and his wife, Lucknow. .
Lillian, of Hepworth, Arthur rind his - •
wife, . Mary, of Saskatoon; Sas-
katchewan, and Percy and his wife,
Mildred, of, Downers Grove. II-%
liriois, U.A. *1'
The Was answered - •
'your fvouriteChrisMan catd-
ShirleY :gave a Short meditation, .
In Those Days aDecree Went Out,
President Rhoda MacKenzie ton-.
dieted thebusiness and mutton -
(Imo: The annual reports for the :
Past year were presented andRhodathanked everyone who had helper! -
out in anyway during the year. .
Norma Replant played fooke
Chri.stmas carols sung dining.
meeting. .
Shirley closed the meeting with
• •
" of Pinecrest
1 •
Let our flowers turn those lininbtig days of December
Into the merry days of Christmas.
The perfect gift for everyone. Flowers, Share a little dent
Christmas mirit-With the people on your gift list ,
Splash some colour into your home or office! .
Flowers breathe life intriany room and are a wortherfutcomple-•
meat to Christmas trees. See, our wide selection of holiday
Valley Given Flowers
Lucielow 528-2033
. • • - •-• •
r •
. , .
:iei*:::.::=0.:i)ii::41.40,.gfti:i:Mi:f: '
:::i: , : . .....,),:,:iiie.'4. ii -4•13R, ::::*:,K0iN4:''..,•;,..f.474, 0.
0 4' ?.... '§....? ,.... ' •••• „ ' giiieRiii: Arsaiiv:::.M?::Atiii:ig?..M.V.:R4.*4 . .... .
,DE,I, WORLD tillp•inicliaof: Corn l,$
.Dinner 110114 . ':
.. - .. 7
,frarto090lf7ssvaOr4.* Sait
. ''' - :: Bread '
. -
1.' '
WESTON'S Lamm or Raspberry d's
. Jam Buns. .
': •
BFARKE isity*puRE;21,, ...
.0i.4446 Juice ' "i
- • .. .
GREEN Win !KIST` 7501)11 nook
' t- .0*geictle ' :
....,... * ..
, Z 41. d;:sit
, .
• , ,
. Cleans : Cheese
• •29
...• - ' aaVERIEO' li 3 a ,
pink Sabrion . ,
- ' - . Da-MONTE 14 oz.
• ineapple ' .
-gi - -7- -
Chee se :
. .
BEE GEE 340A .
Shrimp Ring
. Hams' '-'
, . •
, . Wieners -
, • . .
1 *89..
Red Grapes ,
. ' •pitorocrpr USA In SW
' . Mixed Nuts
' -
. Tomatoes
. .89b
. , .