HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-12, Page 15LCPS . activities centre around Christmas
Mr. Pikes Corner
It was ung to see the
many interested parents who a
Q .
tended on 'interviewsDec. te
6 & the
'Thank your for your support. The
Music Night was a huge riuucc *accent
a111 family who
veryone is invited to our school
Christmas. Concert an December 11
at 77:/331, Nope two see you there.
n bMfr' students and staff of t7.C.P.5.
wish you all a very 'meal.
Christmas and a�y New Yawl
Gr. 1/2 .
Merry Christmas, Joyeaux Noel,
Feliz Navida :.. from ,Mrs. MI.'S
grade 1t2 class. We . are sing
about Christmas around the worworld
and their traditions. Santos and'
food. Don't be surprised if you are
greeted to another language!
-All of the children are very ex-
cited about the Christmasseason.
but are trying to be good! , Tis the
Grade 1, Mre. Bell
Grade 1 and Mrs. Bell would like
to say a big ,thank, you to all the
parents who came and' shared their.
As With us, and to the moms who
were mole .to go with'us on our trips
IQ the stores,34441s also to all trie
business places that we visited for
the time you took to make us feel
'special. Come and visit our room
you will see lots of jobs that we
would like toC when we grow up.
As we` begotmoss centres and.
practicing for our concert Grade 1
would like to wish':`. everyone.' a
Christintas season and Mat-
thew hard
atthewhard and. Jordon Rutledge
a Happy Birthday.
Grade u3
We are having. a Christmas play.
We are gig new .equipment
outside in the p�ground. 'People
are making sno bats and . sac*.
men. Thesuperstartheme• is "be
tidy". We have a big book corns:
Our plants are growing. We have.
finished light and col cerates. .
Grade 3/4
The grade 3/4 are now working
on their "Christmas Tales" unit.
Everyday `'w+e` > `: ai rook .and
answer questions on that book.
Soon we will also be doing
Christmas centres'. We have just
started practicing our play for the
Christmas concert on Dec. 18. Hope
to see you there! Holland is still our
main focus of study In Environmen-
tal Studies,
We will be learning about bow
t� in Holland celebrate
Grade 4, Mr. Clayton
Clayton's clown ha just
finished their thew unit on
w�°, They are looking f forward
to their theme ipssw. 11�#�+�F
Grade 4/4 Mr. Yank,
Some of thein the class
have been practicing a Christmas
play for aweek ortwo. This play
wax t e idea of Lama Parker and;.
Shyanne Burke. It was performed'
ors Thursday. December 6 for our
enure class. This was an excellent
Performance. All those who took
part are to be cerin;
Grade WI Mr. Burkhart
This week in grade 6t7 the. grade
6's have been working on study
about -popcorn. We have been -
looking at the different kinds of
popcorn. The grade 7s have been
working . on experunepts with
baking sada, sugar;: salt, starch, and
chalk; They are having
Grade 7/8
The Grade 7/8 Blass has begun a
unit on Children's Literature ' in
Bel�lisli clamors, Some of the activities
be reading and evaluating
books author study, toritelbnitand
di a eying, a story. Tile Gr..S s are
completing $video_ presentation on
Confederation,for class. On
Wednesday, the class teamed about
dental care. and. the .danger ,of
smoking when the : health nurse
visited our, room. Congratulations 10
Kerrie S killers, Lynda Lyons ,Amy
Sutherland and 'Peter Neable'. at
being winners in gion
Remembrance Day contest;
Grade` 8
The grade 8 class is :;proud to
announce that we have had a num-
bet of winners from our class in the
recent Royal Canadian Legion
Remembrance Day contest. , Our
winners•are Tarriii •Colwell. est -for
poetry. Scott Harrison •1st for
poster: Jesse Park 1st for essay and
Angela Cranston 3rd for poetry.
Cofigratulations Group!
Kindergarten, Mrs. Lash
What excitement in die :Kinde r-'
garten roo"n this' month. Our very
first reports went home. We also
have many to look forward
to like this • concert,
m. and ICY e y d�and
verses and
about 11 t+� anm.We are
counting down the days until
Christmas and Christmas holi eys.
Mark had his birthday this sloe*.
Now we are all five years old in
our ch.
Merry Christina everyoBandne!
The Lucknow Concert Band has
been'' very busy these past few
W034 preparing for the Youth
Music Night and the Lucknow
Santa Claus parade. The Music
Night wasa great success Thank
you to a11.
Everynight since
November 23 we hove; been having
moor practices, playing the same
song over and over and over again.
Onr hard work we hope was
showing during the music night.
Mrs, :VlacdnttT'e, Libratry.
The ' Christmas Book' Fair has
been a smashing success. 1t is
wonderful to see `parents and
child= supporting and couraging
each other in the year of literacy..,
Keep up 6)6004 world:
Gtr 5 6
This week •.-in 5/6 we
finished our Aztec . and Mexico
centre& ,i 6's mowing
Late ksiniv Bana►tt*eI, Wedsenday, Dieusaber 1±,5„ JINNI — Peg* 0
The Mayfair Restaurantad in last week's SENTINEL
had the wrong opening & closing hours.
Open for Breakfast 6:00 4M
Closes Evenings 8:00 PM
..dnovia Th ""l'he •Mien,, The
Witch and the Wardrobe": The grade
5's have started Chnstrnss centres..
We are having fun practicing _ our
-Christmas play. We hope to see you
at the Concert on the 18th of
Dranm Club
This fall, the Grade 5.6 Drama
Club has explored as number of
themes and dramatic techniques,
including mime. improvisation and
role play. They have built
• machines, used a "magic pencil.",
gone ,on a signature hunt and at-
tended a trader's' Convention. They
performed two haunting Halloween
sound stories for PLOY :classes..
They' are currently working on the.
mystery of Sauna's Disappearance!
"Inspector Nouseast" has called the
-drama club inas :a special team of .
detectives to find Santa before it's:,
too late! . They will • begin, . by
breaking the code lett in his
intriguing farewell ,note.
Sale •
-Live Potted Trees
-Live cut Trees
in Fine
-Gift certificates
&reliable for Nursers,
stuck and in store
trams Good Anytime -
or use it fors Oft
towardsDesign Sero
Imitable throughout
the winter Season.
•Cookies '!Candies •
'Peanuts .Chocolates
Spices' +Baldng Supplies
also- .
• Safety Shoes and Boots
dock draw December 31/90
Free ticketing clock With '0 00 order
Tickets 01.00 ea.
Stere Holm 8100 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Thai% Fri.:8 A.M. 8 P.M. Sat. 8 A.M. - $:80 P.M.
St. Helen's
op South and $ Roads East
of Luoknow
Members of the Lucknow School Band thrilled the audience at the Yewth 'Music Night held . last
Wednesday at the Community Centre. (Main: Burkhart photo)
Retirement planning for farm peap1e
This excellent two-dai seminar is
being offered again this year. The
program focuses on the importance
of planningand considering. a
variety of options in order to ave
"successful" retirement years.
At this seminar you, will discuss
farm retirement issues,: meet other
farm people planning their
retirement, consider your own plans.
• and learn how to make a successful
•transition from action farming.
Bruce County OMAF
Registration cost is $125 far one
person or $200 for a couple. If
applicable, bothspouses should
Workshop dates and locations are:
February 1 and 2, Leamington,
March 5 and 6; Ga anoque
(English); March 7 and 8,
Ganattoque (French), March 19 and
20, Alliston, and March 21 and 22,
If you're asking how the, proposed GST will affect prices,
we're here to tell you. Gallus toll-free
Monday to Friday 9am-9pm.
For : more infomiation call the
Walkerton ®MAP" office, or Lora
Ryan, Family Resource
Management Specialist (519) 761.
The answer Is to call
your GST Consumer Information Office.
Hearing impaired 1-$00-4654135
1 U Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada