HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-05, Page 26ti* Page — Liteknow Sentinel, Wetheendllin iieettaber 50 1000 4L Cords of Thcnks in Meirioilom MeQUKLIN In loving IneutorY of ir dear wag Myrtle, who passed aWay December 19, 1987. Sweet memories will 'linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's true; Year that may some, MOO sever My toying remembrance oly00. Forever remembered, Forever low ed by husband Iferb.-43s 475urd Of Thanks :, STANLEY We Would like to Thank all oar family for_ the. delieleus dinner at the.Mayfair for us on.our .anniver SW. Thanks Barb for making the • cake and the Cathy for decorating. it so beautiful*. Also to everyone who came to. the house and made our night a very good time and for the lovely gifts. we received. • l'hanksagain. Ann and George; -49 I would -Die to trot*: my rawly and the iiiirSeefora their wonder- ful care I received. while In hospital, Also Dr. Shubat and Rev. Mevarlarie. foe his soothing words. Thanks te .-everyone for flowers. ,o• cards sot "gitta and to my romans for helping .to pa se the time. All this was Mud! appreciated. Mary. -40 , • cum I would like to, thank, the nurses. and staff if the first floor Wingham, Hospital and Dr,.13eltaSialt for their suport Andean during MY recent stay; as Well as neighbours, friends and relatives for their cards, visits and flowers: Also, ' thanks to the staff and residents of the' Dryddit Manor for their help. in My Move and their concern and comfort in my recent bereavement. Iva Carr. -49x Rills We would like to thank the hospital staff and doctors for tnefr care and also everyone who sent cards and came to visit us while we weke in the hospital and since returning home. Isabel and Wes. --49x • LIJCKNOW LEGION BRANCH 380 . Sincere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Dan AlinAtrOng, Alene Bradley, SCOTT-GAVIN We would like to thole. everyone Wilo attended our reception, for their cards and gifts. Also a speCial tininks to our-Pannte, awl Our wed- ding patty for all their help, we, couldn't have done it without you. Your kindness will always be remembered. Brent and Vickey.--49x - LUCKNOW TOWN AND-CouNTair seniors wilt *thank everyone who either donated or purchased articles at the Bazaar on Saturday. The cake whiner was Elsie 'Houston. Joan Robinson, President. -40:, _ 111,WRil .We would like to *V' thanks to our friends, relatives. and neighbours who belped celebrate our 65th an-.. .0iVersary.„‘ Also. for the lovely llowers, cards, gifts and Persoal; greetings we received. Clarence and Elleda.---49x - • • • I48. Coming. Eventli , ' Joan Martin and Zoia Walden for their assistance in judging this Year's Essay, Poem and. rooter. -op. trim Irvine EedY, Youth Education Chairnian, Branch 301.-49. • SNOW GAMES . December 8, 1:09p.M. weather per. Mitting, (must have snow) fairgrounds.-49ar • CORLSImit, muse Blyth Festival Singers prsents "Mristmas In The Village", a musical evening of fun and Christmas carols. Special guests: Exeter Public School 'Ruda Choir. Tickets $5 in advance, or $6.00 at the door. Students $3.50 and free • for children under 12. Cali Blyth Festival Box Office: 5234300.-49 SANTA CLAUS PARADE .December 7, 7:30 p.m. Santa Will give out free candies following parade at Arena, free DEXTER skating.-49ar Thank you to everyone for the many kindnesses shown during my two trips to the hospital. Also Dr. Bekasiak and. Dr. Flowers for their effort to find the cause of my il- lness and to Sheila for transporta- tion. Season's Greetings. Anna Dexter. -49a RITCHIE We would like to thank Dr. Shubat and staff of Lucknow Medical Cen- tre, the OB nurses at Wingham Hospital, the Ambulance drivers, the delivery and 3NE° staff at St. Joseph's hospital London. Also to everyone for eards, gifts and visitors during our stay in hnspital. Special thanks to Mary Ann for staying with us through ,the delivery. Karen and Ashley. -49, .CARR • The family of the late Edgar Carr wish to empress their sincere thanks to the ainbulance drivers, Dr. Shubat and the nurses on 2nd floor, Wingham Hospital for their tender loving care. Thanks also to those who sent cards, Memorial Dona- tions and flowers. To Rev. Peggy Kinsmen for her comforting words; Joan Pollard for her professional assistance; and the W.M.S. ladies for the delicious lunch. Iva Carr, nieces and nephews. -49x The family of the late Hilliard (Pete) Jefferson would like to thank relatives, neighbours and friends for kindnesses shown at the time of his passing. Thank you for visits, calls, food, card, flowers and yourkind words of sympathy. Thanks alSo to Dr. 13ekathe nurses, and the ambulance atten- dants at Whigham and District Hospital for their care and exper- tise, the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Rev. Garth and Orilla Bogart, and the 'ladies of. Donnybrook United Clinch for preparing and serving the Itmeh. Many thanks from the Jefferson fEunily. Alice, Louise, Mary; Shar- ron, Linda and Wanda. -;-49x PARRISH Thanks for the cards; visits and phone calls. Jack. --49x NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE at the Lucknow Legion, December 31, 9-1 p.m., $12.50 per person, lunch included. Music by Tiffins. • For tickets call the Legion 528-2745 or Bob Sheperd 528-3507. Licenced under LLB0.-49-51ar LUCKNOW TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB meet in the Lucknow Legion Hall, Monday, December 10 at 12:30 p.m. Pot luck, Clirisbnas pro- gram, birthdays. -49x • NOTHING IS THE SAME • at WINGHAM OPTIMIST • "BINGO" Wednesday -December 5/90 VVingisam Legion $300. Jackpot must go. New winner take all Regular games *20 - SO. STARTS 7:30 RM. hat Coun• • • glieo Christmas Open House • of Local Arts and Crafts 579 Havelock St. Lucknow 528-2627 December 8 - 10 AM PM • December 1 Ph( 5 PM Como and ploy some toffee, tea and Christmas Goodies with us while shopping for that hard to buy for person lat Christmas ALL CHRISTMAS , DECORATIONS 10% OFF 4L Coming Events COMMUNITY CAROL FEST Luelinow United Churcb, Wedues day, December 12 at 11 pjn Everyone Welcome -48,50w "EVENING OF RE/4EMBRANCE" to commemorate the Montreel Madonere Candelight ceremony at the Goderieh Courthouse Square - December 8, 7-7:30 p.m. All weleorael8-49 TEA AND BARE SALE Sponsored by the Ladies AindliarY, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 309, Lueknuw, Saturday, December 8 from 2-440 p.m. Various tables, ' books, treasures , and baking. Grocery basket draw. -48,49 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT Dimgannon. Agricultural Hall, Saturday December 8. Registration 1-2 ,euchre at 2 p.m. Minis- sion $5.00 each. Prizes $50.00. ;40.00, $30.00. Lunch. Special ,contests.-,41049ar LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7;30 p,m, Blyth and District Cumming* Centre, POO Jackpot must go. Over $1000 in, prizes.-43tt , 48. Coming Events CHRISTMAS YOUTH MUSIC MGM Lucknow Community Centre, Wedne4sYs, December 5, 7:30 pm. Brookside, I4wknow Ventral and Lucknow Christian Choirs and bucknow Wog Cowed Band. Pro- •ceeds for Lucknow and area Christmas Fund. ----40,49s VESPER SERVICE Luelinow tGU invityou to the 5001, annual Vesper Service, Sun- • day, December 9, 7:30, Lueknovi' United Chureb. A special invitation tnall former mentherstLeaders Hi this' 75th Munn/wart year„ --40,49x NEW YEAR'S. EVE #ARTY Illuigiumon Agricultural Ball, Mon- ; day, December 31, 9 p.m. 7. 2.n.m. Live country/modem music by MAGNUM, $25.00 per col*, in- • cludes hot meal. Phone 520-3175, 529-7522 or 529.7432.--48,49,50,51ar 11TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Craft Festival. Thursday, December On 1.10 p.m.; Friday 7th and Saturday lith, 11-10 p.m.; Sunday 9th, 114 p.m., over 150 traftsPeoillet Pro" gross _Building. Western Fairgrounds. London. Admission 43.--4The 48. Coming Events DAUER BINGO Lucknow end District LiOn0 Club, Dabber Binge, every Sundayeit, LieekilOW Cowirouty Centre. Doors open 6:15 pxiL Bingo at 7:15 p.in. Air conditioned, wheelchair accessi- ble. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54calls or less. $500 must gown ' BINGO Goderieh Knights of Columbus, 'Iluirsdays 7:30 pm, Saliford Valley Hall, $3200 in prizes. 31000 jackpot must go.--Rfar Weekly winners at Drop In Centre • .. Winners at the November 30 Drop in Centre shoot party were high lady Kay Crawford,seJcond high, Eve Rider; high man, late Conley, second high, Lloyd Moffat. Howard McCallum had the most shoots. Heaclin' for the Sun Belt, Ceding' farfrom all the Snow? Go and have a goocl melt, 'Cause you can go with all the knowl Can you remember when there was ever so many key events breaking in the news? The MY Canada's very own recession? Native Invest? Ontario's first ever NDP Gov- ernment?... It's a time of change. Unrest Uncertainty. Key events that affect you, your friends andfandly. Andjust think how ifs all going to WOW this winter and into the new year. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH HOME - FAR FROM HOME yrs great to get awayfrom 11 all. forfrom the snot But that doesn't mewl you cad keep *t the .knowl Subscribe t Canada•Netit. the begat Canadian Newspaper published in the San Belt Canada News keeps you Wormed on the top news and sports stories plus business reports each week while you are vacationbw. 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