The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-05, Page 11CHFIISTPAAS • MERCHANDISE • • ai 70 off j Firmer & Garden -- TOOLS - Hose, Racks %' oIfj Sale Terms Cash. Cheques Vise- - Mastercard Pro Card I L, .Pricini Good ThRti Chats, 004.11. : Poaching fines invite crime A patty $300 maximuni fine leviedagainst poachers, of migratory birds in an open invitation' to law twain& says the Ontario Federsion of Anglers and Bunters (OFAIi). And Environment Canedg is being impossible by not significantly hiking doe fines, states an OEM letter to Environment Knitter Robert de Com. Currently, ihme caught Poaching. under the fcderid MigratorY Bird Convention Act face only maximum $300 fines.' In 19$2,. the ORTAlf pawed a resolution asking the federal government to ;doe the maximum fine to $10,000. "The paltry $300 maximum fine has balm existence since 1916.* stales the letter from president Chain Alexander and executive • vice-president Rick Morgan. "To be equivalent in 1990 dollars, it should be $10.000, 11.A MeI)()NAGH REAL ESTATE & INst 'RAN( t Ili. 528-2101 WCIENOW HURON Reduced to $155,000. • 50 acres, well drained, modern 3 bedroom home, 3 bathrooms, drilled. ncluded. well, carport, .lotit of extras I • LU( NOW - 4 bedroom raised brick bungalow, 2 bath., paved drive, garage: Asking #99,591.. NEAR LITCHNOPT;tbedieema, • 2 bather, paved roadc Mortgage available. Asking 99,500. • °T m-82% 2% Paved mat Ask - fag %oft , . Listings Wanted FRASER ilacHINNON 544,13 'BARRY MeDONAGII 5284521. DAVID IdscONON- *203 • Holly Inglis December 8,1982 8:Years Old • • • Trevor Humphrey Detember 8, 1979 11 Years Olci *It is irresponsible of government not to cote enough about Cittnoda's 'ffligramaty bade to give them bet*** protection from poachirqg by criminal elements,* die letter reads. The °FAH referred to a recent court case invorving three duck poachers wadi of Maims, Ont. One hunter had 11 ducks. another 30 ducks sad another 24 ducks 4 the last included four black ductal, three over the limit. The poacher who took 30 ducks was fined only $150 or $5 for every bird taken.. Although every federal environment minister for close to decade list promised heavier fines, each webs. failed to deliver, die OFAH Onforiir Federation of Anglers and Hunters, with. 74,000 •members and 470 affiliate clubs. is Ontario's provincial comervation OrganilatiOng leteknew fientintil, Weds Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott Dereild *mat Seed and Vitkry abbe Gavin were ashold b hely nustrimany on October Ss 1 in Teemester United Church. Rev. David heron officiated. 'the groom k the son of Doitaid and Mikity Scott of *lynx*. The bride M the dangliter of Audrey Gavin, of ended* and the lateErikla9 OWL Nancy Chapossus, of Geduld*, a friend of tks bride wm the mold of honour. brides - amide were the bride's sister -in la% Janice Gavin, of Godericill the groom's combs Keay Scott, of 1.0ticknowg and friend., Dene Ekon', of London and Wale Sok, of Albers. Stefaine Gavin, of Goderkii, a niece of the bride wasflowerglrl. lithaghearers were serliewi of the bride and groo, ,Instin Gorki, of Goderich and Rae Scott, of Hokfrood• nest NO Imo JIM IVIathers, Goderidt, a friend of the groom: Ushers were Martin (Mook) 'ScOtt and Bill Scott, both of Ladino% eoushis of the: groping Rick Mak of Gods**, a friend et the and Randy Scott, lieyread, trowel brother, The dinner records. was held at die Leek now Cosummity Centre. newlyweds are reaidiag at R. 1 Httlyod- (Walden photo) Dminishar $, 111111— Page 11 DRIVER LIM! SAVE A LOT sME ESTIMATES IPROFESSIONAL • INSTALLATIONS 'FREE DELIVERY *EVENING • APPOINTMENTS • 4eslaits1 PONT 410610 • *CARPET •CERAMICTILES* *VINYL FLOORING ��e' c©vi arn cagrihrOCO BUS. 5294651. HOME. 529490 • Mark- Hackett - I December' 10,1985 •s Veers ofe • Tyler Brooks Decenther 10, 1978 • 12 Years 91d • CANCER • INFORMATION SERVICE •CALL 1-800-263475il . . QUITTING BUSINESS SALE PRO HARDWARE -TIVERTON Queen St. L• ' rAll TIMEX WATCHES Lawny & mows._ ,C111101.4•111- • OTT j IMMO( FEEDS &DOG FOOD RABBIT AND SVVINE FEED A FabOtititis • Prize ., *NO Pemba+) necessary to register • *No'luCk Involved to win ••. Approx. „Value "PM** 20* Colear ;559.99 oCiiiiitVORwith moot' $389.9/ 460118.11cuitinicrornVe $279.90 -1210100peedSk• 2140.99 42.E.CortileaSTalaphone $129.99 Permit cassitionstin ken dssi Saw 170.99 1 .Coleman Propane *HIP Steve 272.90 ifitilips 12 Ctp Coifs *kw $59.99 *Nips Omitt Mock 234.90 • , PAN)* lobe swmaidSatArin.5I21 tictim.tortImikelds illin,1091,1 P.m. Contest begins Thurs. Novi 20/90i ram. • K. .. ,..... is • We rarekWii* 4 In i,..ii• ir.ir • li • •ioNia-atii!:1 0:,.i. . * ... " ..,'", .". .i'# ' 41 I., , .• .-. • * -COspon * , • ' ... -Returh this coupon for a -Spatial sonus-of ,._ . . . . . 25,000 Prize Dollars . • .Name ' ,Addrats ' ' ' Li.: tPimrrilorieuvoco n pa, -pa' num: .0if di. y. , . • •. . . P•ostal.Cide A... . ., * Apreitm•r.Olowimmoroia.M . .001w6:na........0..0.,0...0. Emilie . Large Aseortmerd Of BARGAINS 84 GRAB trete itto;tuys, - nuts &bells, tool%0FF e, Large Assortment of 1 LIGHtFIXTURES r All Garden & !Awn• - FURNITURE • 25(x) off BB [Ail SPORTING GOODS Hockey, , Fishing' IIJ Off L 7 , ACC. off j 1 1 dele....lion TIVERTON 'ixiarvca• PRO HARDWARE Queen St. Tiverton 368-5552 -.---- _,... - =:: `..".' '•."-' ''''• " ` . ' - ..•'.•• -.-- - . - . . ---. ..... ..... = ..... ....= = = --- - ....+.- . . . . • .-... 0111.••••••••• rSa le Hours coo • e AirA.6 pm , • FRIDAY L 8 AM - 9 Pm j le CONTEST RULES 1. 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