HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-05, Page 10Page 10 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 5, 1V100
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Q: I'm thinking of buying a new car in 1991.
How will the proposed GST affect prices?
A: Thee outgoing. Federal Sales Tax (FST) is
now part of the price of new cars. So, while
they will be fully taxed at 7% in 1991,
tIAe expected effect of replacing the FST
with the GSTon the average $22,Q00
mid-size car is a reduction of around $850.
• Q: My son has" figured out it will cost $500 in
lumber to build a dock at our cottage if he
bought it now. How much will/that lumber
cost withthe imposed GST?
A: You can expect to pay about $512 for
that same amount of lumber for personal
use based solely on the changeover from
the FST to the GST.
Q: I know the proposed GST won'tfapply to city
bus fares but 1 take the commuter train to work.
Will I have to pay GST?
A: No. Daily commuter trains are considered
a municipal transit service, so fares are
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We're here to answer your questions about how the
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The answer Is to call
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1.1 abvernment of Canada Gouvernement du Canada
Brookside students gearing up
for special Christmas concert
From the Principal's Desi- 1701111440e, lot Fairy # and Fah7
l�. whittlfyr, m
December is here. Our shears and
cusses an; veva* frantically for Mrs. Idattliews and MIN Kan
ow concert which will be held ce Grade 4
we have storied
Deco** 17 at� tiro. and,to 1�ray...o. yt.l�t 3
I8 at 7.30 p.m. Tyre rs hands of exeuvises,
rt g et deal of excitement going on •ask calisthenics and stretches.
around the concerti • In music we have started to fling
MMlany of oiir cissas are visiting iws*ma t cart . in Reach we
the Croderich Museum this next have started Pr rnenadcs 2. Meed
couple of weeks to get a- looks .at In math we have
• M *fl facts. We have oho
Cltristixtae► at Past . Many of :the u
teachers are also attending stated to read Little House In The
workshops in Clinton after school Big' Woods and we are doing some
to learn .and sitars new ideas about fun activities uK the book. Well that
bringing the joy of the season into is what is h� ting rrn Rm.12.
our senior volleyball teams Grade 4/5 is scheduled to tour the
represented our school very well at Pollution Control Plant in Goderich.
the tournament. They played well. Last week the students enjoyed
and'displaYedan excellent sense of . their tour of the Water Treatment
�ortsmanship, and fai>c , play. Plant. Thanks to Mr: Wayne Elliot
ongratulatio ns to all of them and for° answering our many,gtiestions.
their classrooms. Mir. fretting
Grade 4/$
thank y+sxt tothe coachesf Mrs. Worrell, Grande 5/6 -.
Mrs.. Cameron, 'K1 Mrs. Worsen Grade 5/O class
• We are enjoying working with our has just `completed their Tree Unit
grade six buddies. We've worked and are preparing for, a test on the
on the computers in the library with mut. ;
them. too: Our Christmas Consort They are, beginning Christmas
praetking'has started.. December is Concert-preparationswith Mr.
a busy month for birthdays. Wayne Culp's class.
Field, Stephanie ' Watson; Maggie. Miss Morton, Grade 6
Simpson, Zac Fielder and Mrs. Miss. Morton has befit making
Cameron all have birthdays in small time quizzes for her grade 6 of the alphabet., numbers' and
Imber. class. Theyhave been studying' learned the signing for Silent Night
Mrs..Young, IcII' . Japan for' uite some time. Theyrate. and Listen to the Waters. We sure
Wks • have.. n very busy waiting for a lest to 'come up, but are lucky lo be able to speak and
tiling forme.forme.`stress COnCert. they don't really want to have one.. hear normally: but it fortunate, that
"mucky" affair. For all local
farmers, let us test your soil, we
now know how to determine clay,
loam, sand, etc. Want to know
which soil holds water the best and
which looses it the fastest? None of
our forecasts were correct, and the
findings were very surprising.
Mr°. aziltt, Grade s
Once upon a time in the school of
Brookside, the grade 8 class was
>uving a jolly good time while
learning about the war of 1812 in
, History, and learning how to
multiply and divide fractions in
gothIn English they are writing+"Why
Me?" stories: The class is very busy,
practicing for the °Christmas
Concert, Theyjust completed
Geography assignments. Other than
that, 'they're living happily ever
after! •
Mr. Yeo, SRT Room
Mr.. Carol ° Myers visited'the
Learning Resource Room to'
introduce signing to `several
interested childrenin the priitnaiy
. They were shown the letters
We canitdll our Mom's and Dad's Ther have three stories due before signing lets us communicate with
what`': we're long... because .it'sa trnas. In art Miss Morton's. ; those with hearing problems.
emprise. We have been practising grade 6 students have been doing,,
our , numbers to five and • also shadow pictures. In Language Mts. Intearview with .
striating objects. Wayne Fielder has they. have been planning their own Mrs Annie Dozols
his birthday on December S. Happy time sheets. ' In gym the grade. 6 Mrs. Annie Dozois always wanted:
birthday! class , .has been p teeing new to 'become a ' teacher. She also •
M. Hddsrnan Grade v : 1 olleyball skills. ,ill of tite,Skls in always .en'enjoyed Yed Coag to school.
We've been studymg and -reading Miss :Morton's class are trying Mrs. Do/kis has been teaching for
fairy tales..Weput on plays of out for the school volleyball,° team. 17 years, and has taught from •
4-8. Mts Dozo�s has blight
fav°1Fite fain' tales and we Mr, Meyers, Grade/
summed our .teacher because;'the On Tuesda 27, Mr. Shaw came at a' 13 has schools in•her 17 years.
w the three .pigs and the.y . She taught at ' Benson;
to our class and we sawIt move Northwood, Marlborough,
On our last day of fairy tales we . art now, 0,c.0 at
Y discussed what the word . "Guest" Brookside. Her favourite
made delicious gingerbread cookies. .means. � gee
In math we made a pictograph of in i we did mini -s c hes. she was growing up was
our favourite cookies. We like The topic was "Ambitions in Life." 13I
Chips Ahoy' better than any other In: Science we are discovering' the Mrs Clarke, Library
kind. effects of fertilizer on plants. The; magical world of
tortoise ate: the gingerbread man. called " Wit" Then we Eastwood, o d f
Mrs Raker, Grade 1/2
Our fairytale unit is in full swing
as we write' stories about the three
pigs and make gingerbread men.
What . fun it was messingup the
teachers' staff room! Just ask us
about our gingerbread Man story; it
has a twist ending!
Next week we look forward .to
our museum tripto: Goderich as.
well as our art activity morning on
Friday. Come and help us decorate
the school!
K. Bowers, Grade 2
For the last two weeks the Gratis
2 students have been working on
Fairy Tale Booklets. We have Snow
White booklets and Three Bear
Booklets. You, did an excellent fob
Grade 2! We also have a great toe
making breakfast, lunch, and dinner
meals with the thaw /food groups.
Thank you, Mrs. Baskerville!
Mr. Lobb, Grade 3
We have finished our Fairy Tales
On Friday 30 we,have a math test
on fractions. .
Mrs. Dozols, Grade'7/8 •
Grade 1/8 arein the process of
using their class skits. We have
four of these skits presented
and thoroughly enjoyed the themes,
humour and .especially, the great
ages and actors.
We have now finished our
Ontario Road Trip using the
mapping skills previously learned.
The group work waszenjoyable and
'the students really refined their
skills. Parents, your son ordaughter
will be a great help on your next
Plants, plants and more plants,
germinating and growing
(sometimes) in' Room 9. Our soil
and water investigation was areeaily
is coming to its "happily ever after"
ending with plays, original and
adapted stories, and choral readings.
Classes enjoyed old favorites,
including Molly . Whuppie, a
wonderful read -aloud tale. A new
fairy tale that is fast becoming a
real favourite is Heckedy Peg by
Audrey and Don ,Wood. "I'm
Heckedy Peg and I've lost my leg.
Let lire ink"
We have a wonderful motion to
our research materials: A 1990
Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia has
joined our other new addition, The
Junior Encyclopedia of Canada.
Thanks to Sandra D'Aoust for
letting us know . it was available,
• and many, \ many thanks to
Shanahan's FoodMarket in
Goderich for their help! Thanks to
Students' Council for their donation
of the Junior Encyclopedial
that we made with ikks. Clarice. We
Cookie: exchan e pary
from stories we have read. We have
not quite finished our Fairy Tale held i. . Lochalsli
We got our report cards and Mr.
Lobb talked tcrsome of our parents. On Saturday, Marne Wilkins
-We are preparing . forChrisgnas held a very successful• cookie ex -
enemas With the Primary Choir.change party, with a number of
We .are starting to work . with neighboursfQends and' family in
fractions. They are fun and exciting. a '
We are mapping our homes aid ttottidance.
reading maps of the world and Bruce and Louise Miller were
visiting with Rhetta and Marion
Three of our students participated Maclennan recently and they'ait
in an interest session • on sign' attended the wedding and reception
language. of Rhetta's grandson, Tiininie
Mist Wise, Grade 3 MacLennan, son of Beth MacLen-
Wow! Grade 3 is finally finished nan of Goderich and the late Eldon
Math -a -draw (addition and<Webster visited on
subtraction of tells and. Hundreds). ecil Saturday with Norma Young: in
Now, we are starting multiplication.
Over the past month we have Goderich.. On Saturday evening,
been talking about Fairy Tales. We Cecil spentsome time in Kinear-
liked snaking our own vcrsiars of dine with his cousins, Shirley and
al by Kae Webster
John MacLennan.
Weekend visitors with Charlie and
Mayme Wilkins were Allan, Janet,
Steven and Colleen Peck of Wal-
laceburg and David and Liz Dadson
of Ingersoll.
Dorothy Finlayson visited for a
few days recently with her son Rod
and family, in Sanaa. They all went
to London to see Carol Finlayson's
and John Balch's new son, Ibbs
William, who was born in St.
Joseph's Hosaital, on November 15.
Iliac weighed in at 8 lbs. 7 oz.