The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-12-05, Page 6Page 8 Lueliutow iexd*ei, Weiaeedy, December $ 1NO Legion contest winners Irvine Bedy. Chairnum oC Youth Education for Lucknow Branch 309, of the Royal Casmilian Legion is plow! w announoc am results of the Bask% Poen and Paw conteast, Poaien, black red white - grade 4 to ti, Week k Nom, Brooitside, first; Beau Riegling, St. JoaepWs, second; vales 7 mid S, Andrew Cleland, Lucknow Central, first; Km Wilson, SL Joseph's, second; Moir:. coloured - Fide 4 to 6. Shelly Johnston, Lucknow Central, first; Shane Pettejlace, Lucknow !citral, second and Cameron Sams, Lucknow Central, third: Gradee. 7 and 8, Scott Hants' on, Lucknow Central, first," Kali Skil- len. Luiciwilw Central, =nod and i u Csansion, Lucknow Central, Emmy -- grade 4 to 6, MIMI& Bickel. St. Brost e's, fret; Bare Riesling, St. J .se's. mond mid Michelle Witmer, , the' d. Grades 7 and 8, Jessie Peens, Lucknow Central, fieat;C Ste, Lucknow , second and )Kerrie Sltiilen, Lucksow Central, third. Poems grade 4 to b, Andrea Hiller, Lucknow Central, first; Coley il+ioa re. Brookside, second and Shelly Jolmston, Ltecicreaww Cenral, tial. Grades 7 and 8, Twin dwell, Lucknow Central, Lynda Lyons, Lucknow Central, second and Peter Nimble, Luclmow Central, *hin,, Marg. MacPherson was manyof the area crafters, with displays at the Lucknow Kinettes' Annual Bazaar This week's mystery *tare is obviously of a crashed plane. Can you last Saturday. Mars was manning a booth combining her This 'n That: Country Crafts and, Ceramics by . identify. Can yqu: identify the make of the plane, the year it crashed ed Linda Rutherford. (Pat. Livingston photo) \ andW lure. Call The Sentinel at,528-2822, reer's 0 oo Work .ember ; Repair n 8 ' QUEEN ST. RIPLEV _395-4121 OPEN: 9 AM - 6 PM Monday Saturday .(Formerly George McLean': 1 r Nows the :time to register* ' Are you ready for pro-. • posed GST? If not, now is the time to register and prepare. Registration applies to anyone involved in a commercial enter- prise. This includes fishing, fatming, professional services: and many activities carriedout by nen-profit organizations. Revenue Canada is ready to assist you with information on: e How to register and the benefits of doing so II What the GST meanstd your operation sti Simplified accounting options and administrative procedures: ' ea Rebates of the Federal' 'Sales Tax St How recover GST on business. purchases ■i GST return and filing options .Contact ma today. Phone: 1800 265.0017 Telecommunications device forte hearing impaired: 800 46545770 Or drop by, the - Revenue Canada Excise Office nearest you, . AMonday to Friday, 9 OOa.m. to 5:00p.m. 'CLOTHES FOR tip, WALKI RTON is haring, a PRE -CHRISTMAS SALE . • for one day only) . THURS., [ EC.13/90 from 9. a.m. - g pan Our entire stook will be offered to you at r Canada's SST`. Ifs good bush oS$ to prepare now ` 141 RgouariesevandCanaee etAcctse Ro've'nu9Canudb. Customs and ExelSd tete Cana • k Regular Pitloe This sale does rriyt include Linda Lundstrom's La Parka Coats or Wonderbra Pantyhose. ' This is a great opportunity to get ready Ior Christmas & save money too: Don't Forget Members only May shop for this sale on Wed., Deo. 12th from 5p.m, until p.m.