HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-28, Page 12Pap 12.1datkiew Seadad.liedassilig, ))serer * 1MS soak Your arNamowt wryr ot Me gfur e#ztuxaxt# Farley Smomosbord featuring • For Reservations 5284932 L.UCKNOW Q: ''m thinking of buying a new car. in 1991. How will the proposed GST affect prices? • A: The outgoing Federal Sales Tax (FST) is now part of the price of new cars., So, while. they will be fully taxed at 7% in 1991,. the expected'effect of replacing the FST with the GST on the average $22,000 mid-size earls a reduction of around $850. Q: My son has figured but it will cost $500 in lumber to build d dock at our cottage if he bought it now:' How much will that lumber cost withthe proposed. GST? A: You can expect to pay. about $512 for that same amount of lumber for personal use based solely on the changeoveirfrom the FST to the GST.. Q: I know the proposed GST wont apply to city bus fares but 1 take the commuter train to work. Will I have to pay GSM. A: No. Daily commuter trains are considered a municipal transit service, so fares are. • exempt from GST. We're here to answer your questions about how the GSC will affect prices. Call us toll-free Monday to Friday 9am-9pm. Ask for your free copy of the "Consumer's Guide to the OST and Prices. The answer Is to call you GST Consumer Information • Office. 14$00-668-2122 Hearing Impaired' 1-600.4654735 1. Government of Canada Gouvernement do Canada Canada Donations needed The Paint tit aim ani a gift dmitapr box atdmNet aaara needy ��istmas gift this . Mena wrap lig ger end whit: boy or Pit rims. The but dwell dare is Dec. 21. Your pareosity will greedy �a by the intik onibrf�� Any quiliers anawelcome* come to the Community Centreon Thurs- day and at 9 aa. MI help mice theme beautifini quilt: sad have a earring good time. Tharedai, Nov. 29 at 1 p.m. and Monday. Dec. 3 at I and 7 pant is Seniors Shuffboat+d at the Com - malty CenUe. All members are welcome to come and have a fun time. if you would like to learn to play, sinIMthoard them .:are many. willing people to show you the Lade 'huisday saw 17 tiles. having a supetrtime at the Card and Games `night at the Point 'Clark by BevHinson inumemmumemmummimm. mmi Comma* hence. The nest Card cad Gators aight is Thursday, Nor. 29at$pm.sharp. Pie4110 bring sandwichies. eveat is hosted by die Huron Lakeshore Prkodship Cama and otreryoa a is welcome ro came and copy an evening of fun and fellowship. Red Cross expanded The Owen SoundBruce-Ord Branch of The Canadian Red Cores Society*ill November opening ceremonies on November 30, " 3t 3:45 p.m. for the opening of, their ' newly renovated ` and expanded. ' o � $61,000 in.1tct resulted in the branch office bong made fully accessible with the addition of a t E PLANNING ACT 1983 NOTIC OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW. (DUNGANNON) BY THE CORPORATION OF. THE TOWNSHIP' OF. WEST NCA,WAPiOSII TAKE NOTICE Alt the Council of abs Towns of. West Wawaneh. Dir -)illy 14-1990 on the 6ih day of November, 1990, ra ,Section 34 of the, ring Act, 1983... • AND TAKE NOTICE ,that anyLporion or agency may appeal to the, Onteirio • Munro Beira* respect of the By4aw by wink the Clerk ofehe Township of \West Wewanorh, not later -than the 18th day of Dsc bw, ,1990,'a notice of'sppoal Matting out the objection to the by -Lw and tics rasions in aupporl of the objection. ' . AN`EXPLANATIONof the per -Pacoima daect of the by.law,de.cr",biung the lands t9 which,the by-law appli.. (Dungannon), and maim showing the location. of the latixds to which the by -lair applies are provided below, The oowpleta:by-Lw 1. available for inept/Won at ay 4101 duringreguier office hours, DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF . Mr.. Joan Arnwtrong WEST WAWANOSH Clerk TMtnsrer• TINS 26TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1990 p of Wiest Wewah. no., ' ' R. 3 2 LU�AW,, Oaf NOG 2HO ' .(519) 528-2903'. PUaPOSE AND :EFFEcr Thio by-law re raaente a ooniprehen.ive`soning bylaw•fon DUNGANNON, in the. Township of -Wert Wawi no.b nod repeal ,.11 previous solinghy-lter affects Dungannon. The'by-law to: and resolute the use of lathe character, locations,"aa ' use of buildlugr and structure. and prohibits.certaln.buildings and structure' in ver Jena defined areas of Dungannon. The zoning by -4w is kinents the'Teenship"off : Wert Waweno h`Secondary Plan and provides for . land .use reguletiono to ai+ture. that the policies of else Secoedary Plan are .e . The following r'eprarents a'ivattga y of the.by law's'Centeno: ' " Section .1 - title, othereisirative details, isterptotation, and sonef.•used in th.e:by- lt1• Section 2. - provider definitions oto specify the of tame Wed in the by-Iaw; - Section .3 - present. General provisions which doily :to all lands in Dungannon, dialing with non -complying War, parr rquitawents, p strips,• etc. amnion 4, through 13 sets matte various land use some a permitted uses and the various provielone governing the user of land; Sehednln A - cousists of an, index map and two detailed'_ key maps which' Lover' Dungsnnon. Thohey display ibs various laud use sone. which correspond to' rection*4 through 13 of the brie*. . Appaielicie 1.6 - provide convenientinfortration moieties to metric conversion, def=; inftionr, illustration., process description of rezoning, .sunset verianceand removal `. • of holding sons end list of changes einee draf t brleW.The bit -law •applis..to eit lands in Dud on as .hown on the oup13elow. ' ADDITIONAL INFO1MATIONa Copier of the bylaw have been saint, for interim, slew p4rpore., to all ohnerr of prop.rty and :tenants in the Township of Wet Wawano.b, esi indicated on the West revisal assomoos t oil, Am a asseeriig. union palming a war Par i�fa�ais*M* on swill of the Paha Tony � 395-0207. Tip off the week: Starewax mem in the bream ms. elThr. will bum march )wept and won't drip as much. If you have any news orinforma- lion Air thisPoint Clark column:canll Phyllis Reid at 395-5445 before noon on :Friday. has new quarters ramped rear entry and a han- dicapped washrooms. In addition, interior doors ore the first floor were widened to accon'imodate wheel- chairs, the meeting room was enc- tended and' storage for loan,equip- ment such as wheelchairs was ea - ll• The public is invited to attend the open house from 2 p.m. can Novem- ber 30, at Red mss Horace, 637 2nd' Avenue East, Owen . Sound. The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at 3:45 with •ctal guests Mayor Ovid Jackson, 'Grey MPP Bill Murdoch and AreaDrec- .torof the Red Cross. Joyce Lam- bert. DUNGANNON TOWNSHIP OF, WEST WAWAM H` i<w� ++ "'r moi. erten • TowAshir'.r A,hriru T*wilshis at west WsWenssh r404 . t,r ....„_.. r- r t r . r, 11 • t.wnlliIP Ot Athnirf t subject Lands. !If . 'u 11111 1111') 1111111 =ilii, DIOR I a.:41111 illIMEHLI teweshr* art wont wawrrc+sh es wanos. nw minutes . from page 3 lint of the panel xof •-land,, This request is made to avoid conflict with any proposed road widening of the William Street road allowance; from 33' to 66'. The road superintendent was directed to update the road department, inventory and provide council with a list of tools required, to Abe included in the 1991 budget. The township will take advantage of a $750 grant, approved by the p�rto0vince,`to drill a third monitoririg hole . at the Landfill Site. The location of the hole is to be deter- mined by coundi', in consultation with the ministry of the Environ- ment. These holes are used to monitor leeching at the landfill site. Two tile drains loan applications by Robert Hallam were accepted. One is to be granted in the current fiscal year, subject to availability of funds iron the Province; the second to be made in the 1991 fiscal year. .• Bylaw 12-90, being a bylaw authorizing a special rateon.lands in the township .to cover .:tile drainage loans in the amount of $9,100, was passed. . Bylaw 13-90 was passed authorizing the borrowing, of $103,000 for the construction of the Andrews -Finnigan Municipal icipal Drain Improvement and Extension. Having adhered to the Planning Act regulations,council passed bylaw 14-90, which..puts place comprehensive zoning for the ham- let of Dungannon, The building inspector, Joe Han- na, was directed to contact Bill Ring, Dungannon regarding the deteriorating condition of his shop, the building located on part of lot 33, plan 228, Southampton Street, Dungannon, Council is concerned the building may be a definite hazard to pedestrians' on the sidewalk adjacent to the building. In otherbusiness a $50 donation. was 'made to the Winton and District Hospital Foundation. Rod accounts and general accounts in the respective amounts of $12,796 and $36,139 were authorized for payment.