HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-28, Page 9Imam, mar ►111141– Pap • TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELDs.*,?, mom, tilt maim •1') s*?$ THE PLANNING ACT, 198a NOM OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD T NCtno! Ike we Council a li.'ltrwsship oa/4*w passsd Wow 142, l900on aeon, deo of Nov.rrrtasr,1tw0, Muds, tllsotlan 43 *the Phneahng Act, 1tl L AND lIkKE NOTION the ar persons nor WOW as epees! * the cnsedo Muniaipa fond in torpid of Ore Wow by fit - kg with *sank Of* lbernshifr *MAW not`atsartee Ow.1Mh dale ofDecant 04"M30 * noon of appeal ssikig out Ole to Ow fiy4ow ;teem rho mesioeis in support of then fir. AN 1111311404411014 of the purpose and effect of the by -low. describing at.londs to which*, by-law app>lss, and mip shoring the location of the lands to which the by-law apples an provided below. Tiny oompkWt by -low is moils for bspsodon ohm ;Moe dung mauler caw lis. OM ZD AT THE 1OWP*uf1!' Olr AN Q 1' * MIND DAY OF'N0VIIMOD t,'1 • Lida. Rintitul of Lee View Farms shows the loath areas t Sold for $5 per' poand and won her °a placing. at the Rayer Whiter Fahr. Her dsughter,Kini, won fourth place in the coMpetition and tri,,' litinb so • for SIO per pound. (Oxford photo) .,halt filled to capacity 'dor •Stothersbenefit dance SakfonI Valley Tial.[ was fill to city . ahs faauty, friends,, and . ti .neighbours gathered to honour Arnold Stothers of Nile with.a. h!Y..Bandr• a R'Aotist . benefit: dance. Music :for dancing . Ypun•g coofor provided by the Country Can- :te evcng was .Fllok, withplioar,under the direction •°of Man Wayne hfeCWichey of."Blyth:'lf the . was Servedfogg� the con• l cion liowitag conclusion sound af, laughter and the ;number of thecard games. ; of smiles were, an, indication, a 'rite _;Panfabecker -fatrulies very good time Was :enjoyed -bY all &eyed.tc)•tfte Haysville.Onrunuuuty; attendance. Following(heprese' , .;Centre :oa:Su dip i. November 25 .to. k9,•.• . r unday F tati4n to luno ' and Joyce, .,attentd the Palmer C riatmasparty. everyone stood and sang For s a . A good,fiuntber. of .family members Jolly Good Fellow as they •left the were . ro attendance ; with some stage. A delicious lunch, provided •, n vtravelling l`ioin ACambndgc,,. by' the. ladies ;of the area, ; was- Kitchener New Hamburg and the served. %cal, smiounding aired A gpod'anothe of former 'neigh",•. CHURCH H 11i4WS • hours arrived :atthe neer bone of The Sacrament of Baptism was non fora surprise house warming Umien 1 Charge` Beth and Allan Dickson in Dungan e4 at all four lehas ` of the pantwae Yht.. The . on Sunday; November 25.ldonhechildre• n n were y of r an a bau gift of a livingrbom table lamp. at the poligonal nr Richard United Thirty members of` ':the' Collins Ctiuitch. Benson' Birowri, Willy at. soft of. Douglas, and Susan Bmwn, Citizens Hall in Dungannon on John and D Curran, AmY' and t� and:. y gam d •Senior Kyle Elizabeth; Curran, daughter of Sunday, November for their annual Christmas party. • A 'traditional ''rte May, Jy Anat, daughter , Of turkey dimity was served at .noon Claude arid' Sandra D'AOttst. Following the gift exchange, video Zee Melissa I ogtiMnbeen •.c>atitgih Ms of other, f � of Simon and Jars hogoenbtrg, were enjoyed by ally. the Banyithompslo f, t� of Da`s d ' children who could note heli v M Thompson. l Devon had ni`ahr really grown that much; A .Gregory suit knot eon of Keri an* gatOctings • i—y k Nathan Wesle auppes was �.set4ad befw' the ► • . and Sandra Joslin vveree baptzed.. At Nile United Church, • Samuel Jima. Drennan Johnston, , sen of Larry and•Anne Johnston, and Cody David, Shepherd son. of Robert, and Keen Shepherd were. baptized. The story ser'nlon was entitled Who is the Least? and was abed from 'a ids written. by Donald With the Christmas seasonasp-. lig, a number of special events have bean planned for the church groups. intonation will be • molted suppliedupon request by calling the of the group or. the Marine at 5294936. The Willing. Workers group held their annual Christmas party on, Thursday, November 22. l'he ladies met in Lucknow and enjoyed a delicious meal of Chinese food, They returned to the home of Penny Hodges in Dungannon ,for fun and fellowship. The gift exchange fol- lowed, A tasty variety of Christmas goodies conC uided the evening. Joining with Claude and Sandra D'Aottst and mitis to celebrate Amy's baptism were Thomas Bt, with low lady being Mar -Round, father of Sandra and Robert Round, :brother of Sandra, both' of guestsdeparted, Gordon Smyth Jr. and his wife Joanne rabid family served as host and hostess for this occasion. Family members jour, neyed fromDumHea as, sall,. Bnacefeld, Clinton and surrounding area for this festive occasion.: . The. Dungtumon United Church Annual .Beef Supper was held on.. Sunday, November 25 In the Sun. :day School' Room, Both sittings were'well attended. • • Members of die Sunday School • gathered at the Church on Saturday morning and after two hours of . ;hard" work, they stood back mid admired their creation of a cookie . monster. Throughout the beef sup- per on Sunday,they sold, paper cookies to those in attendance All the proceeds are going to the. Mis- sion Fund to help feed the starving children of our world. We're proud of you, Young people., SENIORS NEWS • The weekly euchre party, Spon- sored by the Senior Citizens was held on Wednesday, November 21 • with 11 tables in action. High lady for the evening was Margaret Br - Undo Andrew Clorkellressursr T�opwnys.�hip1 =KNOW, ,A,��s,h� yfl,e�id y..�y,,�� SLR. 4t NMR,Ontsdoi (51$ . PURPOIND AND MOOD 1, Bye 424300 is itgenres' et** end update of zoning by** .3-1906 for .the Township of Ashl101d, I osIty, thio amendowdoo nimins the .chsngss;. • 1. A provision is added to allot, a driveway.bullna the shoe*0 re to be ed for pnrhi0, for mal: unit with 10c1 - i. vkluel private .„ 2, A general provision Is added to a.Mow for o building 10 b..stablIshed sv iddlin0 * lot lire wheie this two lots are owned and beim develops(' by the wires potion, Yards, , end other provisions shot ba cokitnlotod for tie bis its.* whole (1..,1islithe two Iots were only on. -Jot).. Whsrs too loot are devebpod as one' pucei,, but the building will btr 'in its +rraitrely on only ons of bias Tots, the kits moat be da.erraed (which ama.ksni diem join) or an .ppropri- me minor variances must be leanMrd. This pro'islon avoids the :selling ot thelilt. that lot Is required tor.- yards, orya ds,, setbacks, and other zoning provisbns aPPlloehlo to the bulking on the adjacent 'Pt • 3.111e mininiun lot depth requirement, of 46 rums In •t e VR1 zone is removed. WI exlstino and new kits must collet wit* comply with the VA1 lot wes and froi taart.mo iIrsments. • This charge also. recIIla>e a problem of existing; undeveloped Iots which” are not exempted from complying with, lot depthteipilrements in sgction 15.6,2. - 4.: & 5, The Village Reslidentia(VRI) and Village t ommerclal (1+G1) zones contain reduced Zona regulations (e.g. lot ergs) whore the lots are serviced by munloipal wafer systems because the,iots Would not require both a well And segue . „ system, .However, the Health Unit advises that the standard providons;should apply w,prgvide• for a spara area forst future r�eplacement.01 the: septic system, Aisa, Wath consumption often Increases where munidpal,watet 1. 4vellable, la lnp at oral load +ori iia septic syst m. ; •' 6. The MDS 1,5 -factor for eshite development rezonings, s. deleteduse.the doubling 01 cskulated distances is ee d by• the appropriate by-law Provisions (e.�: isiAa;334). '• • ,• y. Section 3r$ Is'amet ded 14 permit buik%ngs on lots which 'met .Onto iatisfactary'raeds in reference Went registered ' during or beforeaa7n • 8.5 8' Key Mss: a5, ?,11, #orad 12 are amended to sliow the reslricled agric inure (A02) zdrie around the roc raatiorial' •designation o thhorreat of Dunnaohm 115. oh/Plamsrits'DPA 145 (Fives Yelp ite�rie ey 7A is added 10 �� shoal the:late AMT.. r • Key. Meg: 51A 1s emendod to correctly zone the cottage lie on Block E and part Bieck D, R P 583 (Stadelm anri Pieper• iy) a• Key l4lep 54& *tat is amens t tie Oottecxiy show the location of the Villoma Commerdal (VD1).prop ertyr:, Key Maps 58A and 588,: north part of Port Albert, are amended la correctly, show and zone the Ioiaation of natural envi- • ronmentar+eal (Nine MNe A. valloy; ninth**, based on, flood and erodon risk mapping. Former;. Key Map 58E.is now incarporaled with Key Map 58A.. Key Map 580 to amonded to more deedy ,cries the lots at the welt limit of. South Street in Pert Alhert. a . This hY4.fev• amends zoning bylaw 5.1886. • 2. As ar genera n ereradment Wthe zoning. by-law, this by-iaw affects alt lands within the Township of Ashfield. Key Maps shoWinghelcionothe lands. ,Which apls are ehonothe following pagesentitledw Schedille:°..A" 417A:. 3 2 45' UCKNov 41A 14 '13 12:. Sarno, e s 25 s 11 4A 10' LAKE ,HURON 21 20 8 • SCHEDULE KEY MAP INDEX.. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. 6A P0111' 58 i 5 a 3 1 2 • r Area Affected By ,the By-law 1A