HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-21, Page 14Prof 14—> uciaow Sentinel, WodneadaT, November 21, MO
D DO\ At ill
HURON TWP. - Reduced to
g155,ouo. -Osier* well
modem 3 bedroom
bathrooms, drilled
well, carport, lad et Was
KIND TWP. *" 59 stow far*
row to fiaisk, 149 acres,
traumatic feeding Or cleaning,
3 bedroom home, setting
Wings Wanted
FilASERllsicKI N01 52141$a
BAY 3 'cDONAGH 5284821,
Sur a %iNovernkor25
Udine* Lime Bingo
Fridays, Nov, 23-30
Fridays, Deo.14-2128
Saturday Dec, 29
CALL 520411.12,
p. ,
! sua�tl. • n aw:
k Your Christman Dinnit
••: T1FfII,F,/,.Ml7R:iti'MMf:'hMF
For Reservations
Wedding and anniversary sar , eep fo1J busy
Sots slowed
lo the and hostesses for the wtrrnr
Ssarctaaary United a were Breeds card
Chinch ore Elizabeth
abar 17 Wylds of 7 Leds and
;urs SW= Bliirabedn C�'atarsar sad tlsn �a udy and MikeLgentefie by Sandra D'Aoust
Timothy Emile Mac%a were of soar Mite and Kathie aimminatamminammiammemna
united m holy matrimony. Of- Moran of Dungannon and soak Ron Professional- Development Day in
f1cls at the 7 o'clock ceremony and Kris Moran of London,_ school waken.
were Reverends Gath and Orin' IManny family membersanddfriends Seal rs' Ne
Bogert, Helen Elliott served. as gathered to congratulate Joye.e and The weekly owl= pray was held
with Rose Maria Young ass Alvin, who uc � on on Wednesday: November 14 with
so �oNovember 12,. oil' 14 tables inaction. 'High,g n sa
Susan is the daughter of Ralph Woodstock, . Out-oi'4tuwn guests for the evening was Resold
and Arlene Curran of RR 1 Dun- were present from London, Mount Kraemer, with low man being Ron
gauron and Tim is the son of Mrs, est,,. Gudetich and ate. Kellen, High lady for the evening
Beth MacLennan. of Goderich and Con�,Joyce and Alvin was Gertie Kraemer. Thaw was a
the late Eldon Meetennan• and every good wish for happiness tic for the • low lady position "bet-
The baride 'looked radiant as she now and in the future. • ween Maxine Poliock and Barbar*
entered the church, escorted by her Glenda and Marc Panzevecchin Of Poliock.
father, wearing her .maternal London have welcomed into their Dun ou
grandmother's attiredera. family
h Mare second welcomed
a son, - AgrIci rel
wedding gown, Het family their
attendants were,arrived`•St, , Society
>o gowns. •
Joseph's Hos
A rocepti�oa<a followed � .art the ��on the The District 8, meetutg. of ...the
14th of November, weighing 10 lbs, Ontario Association of cultural
Saltferd Halt with music for .dare.- 8 oz. He is a wee brother for Km- Societies was held recently
tin Ten -
ng being , provided by Sound' tad, Sharing the spoiling privileges sail. Representing our Society were
Track•DJ. Service;. • are grandparents Joseph and Anne Sandra Rivett, Jack Caesar, Carol,
The newlyweds will make their Panzeitecchia, of ,London -and. Nivins and Fair Queen. Sheri. Korot
home. at RR 3 Goderich. Marina and John Park,. of Dungan, Of interest to fair competitors in
Out of town guests came from St.; Ion, •. .the quilt competition is that the.
Thomas, London, Kitchener, Stant It's.. always ' nice to report on Canada Packers Quilt Competition'
ford, Parkhill and surrounding area. people returning home after stays in win now be sponsored by the ?n
Our con, and. hest the hospital. Cora Sherwood is now
Mil -
wishes for every happiness go out at homefollowing her time in'Win; tone atario as Museum ar , prize win
tQ: the newlyweds. ton, Ontario and yearlywan••
ghann Hospital and .Dwayne Rivett ning quilts from previous years will
Dungannon Agricultuural Hann was is now Borne and back on�: the job. be on display 'rat the Museum.., The
the setting for the ..35th . wedding following his time. ' in Godericli; overall winner will still be chosen
anniversary •celebration of Joyce,
and Alvin Moran:or ;Dungannon,' ` conamed good haealth• winners at tile annualmeeting: held
held on Saturday night, November Edgar, J.sunes. Carr, long time . in February at the Royal YOtk
17, Music for dancing was suppbed resident of •
• passed Shayne Donald of Ultimate:; away on Novemb13 in his urFairPr,nnnTanfor Park -and
oDI Service of Stratford of yEdgar wasbonon August27, Fair Princess , Jenny; TuckerS•• ;e
He is survived by his sister represented our•Societyin the An
Iva and several nieces and nephews. nual Santa Claus Parade held in
Reverend •Peggy':'° Kinsman ,of Goderich' :on the weekend 'Width
I.ucknow Presbyterian Chinch con- . gars very► wog, 'attended:
Hospital. We wish for .you folk, from ell, er the O tare ehstdet
toe ova. air.' r0aeietet , to scdrare cosoi#di
tekee at ' . a frOar. »e 1 ane ,oa.�'aa e.
f a4, Cf� 4 z4 as �G ~ A/ye& x ..
'feat 4944., ppeteafge...‘efelt Verea&n.43..
q/Ya ei j+s�irL jeoiur E ms+es, ori
f/irri .roar«4/ ors Da+yigeeeritletie 'la •
aur ~so tai aDe res Parr
D_ itieP39riersakife4
04741/410/4 aaia44•ss drO ,Mole
ducted •the funeral service with We are happy , tosic Arnold •
Dungannon Cemetery being the Stothers_t of Nile out and about •
final, restin lace, Six of his
B p following his r+eceiut inju�;es . and.
former neighbours served as stay inhospital,',thatt resulted•%
pallbearers, Art and Tom Young, the fire : that destroyed : the Nile:.
George Errington; Roy' Robson . Garage. The benefit dance for;: the
Harold Culbert and Wayne.Bauer. • Stothers is slated ' for ' Friday,
Our sympathy extended 10 the November .'23 at Saltford yaiey
y'a tHhis;tim x' r , .. 'hall.
verends Garth and Orilla
Bogart and son Stephen journeyed Church News
to .Mississauga' recently. tojoin. in The -regular worship service' was`
the celebration of the 50th`. wedding held in • the Dungannon United
annivof.Orilla'sparents, Bill Church on Sunday, November 18
and Iva en of Mississauga.' . with ,Reverend Garth Bogart as
Dungannon Play School minister. 'Jean. Elliott .served as
The youngsters are sure enjoying organist. The messagetheme was
their play school activities With the based on the parable of the Talents.
help of : Mr. Teddy. Bear, the. - It's not how many talents we pos-
children have been learning to tell sess but how_ we use the talents that
time. Paper Bag frog puppets will God has given us.
soon be appearing in the village. If you have any news items for
December's theme is entitled White this column, please' call Sandia
Christmas, Play School will not be D'Aoust at 529-7390. Thank you
held` on November 28th as this is a very much.,
New em loyee .at Co -o
1� P
• Mrs. Jan Fludder of .Ripley is the
new employee at the Ripley Co -oto
which was the former hardware
» ' On Nov. 4 the Happy Hearts and
visitors were welcomed by Presi-
dent Jack Scott to their meeting in
the Legion Hall, which began with
opening song and :0 Canada, with
Marion at the piano; Chester con-
ducted a lively Sing Song. The
minutes were adopted on a motion
by Ann McCosh to give Mrs.
Nugent $25 for printing the names
seconded by Florence Kirkpatrick,
who gave a .report on the Zone
Rally to be held in Kincardine May
Carol Weigel, who works out of
Walkerton on services for Seniors,
spoke on. meals on Wheels in
Ripley and vicinity and a committee
of four were picked to pursue this -
matter further. Grant Collins spoke
on fund raisers coming up, and
addition being planned for the
Ripley arena and complex.
The ' spring program by Kay
Collins and Barb Page began with
everyone standing and shaking
hands with the one next to them
and saying how nice they look.
Kay .read a joke about .a horse deal
followed by enjoyable old favour-
ites played by Don Paquette on the
month organ. Kay read an article
on "Why wear a poppy", a
is by Ab *yids
on the wars of 1912-18 and 39-45
was prepared by Cameron
McAuley, was read by his, wife.
We then enjoyed a duet by Florence
Kirkpatrick and Alice Middlekamp.
Barb had a reading about the good
work done by the Legion and Auxi-
liary. Some more music and a
reading by Elva Lowry. The clos-
ing song, The Queen and lunch
ended the meeting.
Too much sunshine on unpro-
tected skin_caan be a cause of canc-
er. So it was announced last week -
malignant carcinoma (no cure).
Even on, those wintry, days the
house (barn) sparrows had mid
morning and afternoon flyouts from
the elevator over to the Royal Bank
here to pick grit from the road and
fluff up their feathers. No doubt to
cool themselves from those biting
lice living on their bodies. Cooled
down then they fly back to their
separate night nesting spots. •
s'the lock on the door of a closed