HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-14, Page 131nit► ' .: L 18.' with 2 bedroom and attached 14 z M Florida room. incudes 7 z 1$ OA ' hut and new Retia. Taller teed OM acme. Con be seen at Port Elgin Municipal Tourist Part. $M,009 or beet otter. con 14IISN6 sitar $ p.m.-- i ;omputers Videos, Etc. 1 NEW AND USED IBM Reuel le consregere, complete with printers and perii All wits recondi- tioned - .Whine.• one year warran- ty_. Mid Western Baines Services...' Weekdays 94. 141047$14.-48,47 16. For Rett ONE MHO= APARTMENT in La:know, 1411-38811 after d Ram. --41,411 1 26. Help Wanted 11E,, Livestock DOUBLING : FARMS LTD. • LIVESTOM - Replaceraent calves, Holstein forveal beef: calvee for light stockers, call Bill Pepper at 51982.75.76.--+33tf 11H. Farm. Services CUSTOM PLOWING and cennbnin (wide row), Reasonable rates. Get your plowing done before winter. Phone 529.7715,E CUSTOM FLOWING hi or around Ashfield. Phone 295-5960.-=-45-47 LYNN " LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario:.. For allyour manure, ,teed- anti"' ain handling requirements call • 45 or 2616, Sr see yrs in Amberley. We handleeverythiing - almost.- 42tfar BEI W STABLING; :EQUIPMENT cleaners, manure pwnps, ventila tion equipment, hog equippment Contact ,Lloyd Johnston,. Holy ood, Ontario. Phone 395.5390.--3ltfar GLST FARM SUPPLY Pata. and Stadia - belt feeders,. con- veyors,': silo unloaders• . Flexr auger and stable equipment. ;Custom belt lacing. Repairs. RR 5, ` Lucknow. 395.2851.-42tfat 11J. :Farm eland: 1. `. LAND FOR RENT for 1901; 65 acres, good cash crop land; .:6th Concession of :Kinloss Township Phone John • Gross; • Cambridge 653-7753.6,47 • RamhOde the Huron sgpiesAt TEACHER,, ASSISTANT AT MQCUROY PUOIJO SCHOOL, HURON PARK, OM1". 'rise successful ploa nt. w#i `bn pro- viding support to a • child with ChoNsfigb g Leming !Joggle In ,the eoliool onvi nnant, The ileal weld* wll isw:. 1. acad.in a euali6ontions l+ t . ares of Child dsvuiopmsf t, preferably k a related university or collo pre - 2; axpea* working with children 16. For kat LiMikasw. moi. => taw Neuestober 14. I O - Pepe 111 ?ARM IiK;lij,>IIR, brkk, 4 LeiroeiMe. 7 mike et 'l+eeenralar. joir month piss villages, December 1 aka laid (131) acme aid Ie a; Mete„ .pig hem die and *plow* died op- tiesiaL barn is Greenock Township. 143744311---48411 26. Help wonted EMBROIDERED LE WEAR. COMPANY asking sales rope in Yoir yea. �WOwn �• Hoene show sales Call Creative . Casuals collect (519) 334•030.-4Ib THE L CKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY is, l� tohelp with the 101 Ili* 101+Weetern arlo Pageant. H you are interealed. lease. call 528-2579 for more tion.-45,46ar 3. excellent Xnterpersonel and 4001‘ mu�nicat�on sk5lts, Terms of a ployment;`30.0 hours'per week, 10 month year, htaase`submit applications by noon .Wednesday. November 2.1 1990, to Acbrw showy Menta r: Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Swot ° Clinton, Ontauid NoM 1LR Rob Allan :. Director'"� Joan Van den Broeck Chair:, 27. Wanted general.. WAN'1'RD; Used riding and push mowers for us&i parts. Please call 534.4664 daytime orh 52.4.4766 .evenings.- 2otfnse 20' Business Opportunity LEARN ,'INCOME TAX. `by ; tr- respondence. Earn extra ' income. Local Franchises ; Availabi .: Con-. tact: Nam Time Services twitted, . 1304 Speen Bd., :Oakville, :Ontario,` L6L . 2X4, (416) 827*1455.-rbc EXTRA INCOME! Grow brdttvottas to your .basestneitt or garage. Odorless operation. Low invest- ment. nvestment. Market r Free In- formatien. Ecology, RR` 1,Smithvil e,:Ontario,.LOR 2A0,(416) 643.4252.--46bc START • Sew.. Ems' money for Christmas. • :Topa `n Trends,' ladies fashions sold at hosing partes,; is now hissing." For information ` eel! Marilyn -'(519) 268-7219.-45bc .: 2. beam Opportunity dilediaa mach efterbigill= weft bard tatter or lesprevie leant west �rrLPrpimble�, l sails. Capt: Rieistra & Sonne Citimeldlia, la Naval, slat. UP (41411 4$7411111.-4114e 31. Service Directory REFRIGERATION AND Ap- pliaaaee Xenia a - absent sp. Owes; eats fa yew red sp- 10-11011.--4ideic 31. Service""Directory SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME MO to tedimited monthly. Also all laattsM, interest free. Secured muter card, no rituals. i, stamped envelope; Dove, RR 5, Renfrew, #lett, Kw 3-4Ibc HOME REPAIRS, letrnrepairs aril or roofing. hone NAM Hayes 316-510.1-4847 WANTED: 90 *vie ^ to lose 10-29 lint/month withrevolutionary weight M� natSeen ural. TV, Fun, , 1 �, na . Guaranteed respult& Doctor recopy Mended 14014465.11W*.-45bc .11114.Mb% Aluzninunl and Vinyl ., Products. . Windows, doors, eavestroughing a ,etc; phone 357.3442,-44tf AUU _gnat Mc - timer, Seem T . P%ae Ripley, e#MRat� lit. -fa !' C 1' TOM $U and altindorne, rYerleerrabie ratN Cbl Roth Ilibabie at 1814141 or deep ba at 471 Waders Street, ,-'"' SEE US FOR YOUR STARTER, • alternator, gerserator and regulator needa.,Albrecht Auto Plechie, northt. ;of Whitechurch. Pbane 357,-1110bar .• WILL DO BABYS1TTlNG inmy homer Asthfield area,any age, weekdays. Phone 3954064--447 34: Personal PREGNANT AND NEED` HELP? WILL DO SMALL MOVING, • Free positive confidentialrt. 'delivery,► or cartage. Phone 528-2625 :Bich. Call' 'i7.1066, 35719or or after 5 p.m. 52 }-47#er London `432407 collect: -Har SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and. , garden,: concrete, automotive, moving, painting, cleaning, sanders, power . tools, much more. Doylies Eq .�n eat Ltd.,.3� miles. East of Kiril ne on No. 9 • highway. 396.2685.-42tfar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION •& Ap-- plianoess. Service. Dependable • repairs,to all Malta and models of. or ancess, . Phone "9962. HAVING A .DRINKING ' PRO.' BI,EM? AA can, :help. Phone. Goderich 524.6001 or Walkerton r 881 665.--40tf: Announcements' UNCLAIMED PHOTOS Do you have an unclaimed. photo` at Y the Sentinell. We think you'd like to'.... have tem back, but we can't.keep them iudellnitely. Please drop" n our once aril :reclaim your phote ssoon.---32tin' ma 148 GENE KERA4aN SooKicaIELKIRK end TAX SlRVICEA Farm a Smell Businae. Ludiflni 1529.1037 12. Real Estate For:Sale • FIFTEEN YEAR • OLD. two bed'oarn "(room for third) bungaleW, for sale. Aluminum siding, new. eavestroughs,'soffits,. fascia, roof. Attached garage, workshop with paved. driveway. Finished rec,room with woodstove. Electric heat. Large lot, low taxes'- located in Dungannon. - Call 529-7421 after 6 p.m.-39tfnae FIVE ACRFS- Huron Township on spring creek with good mobile home, frame barn and drilled well: Reasonable price. Contact . Mason Bailey Real' Estate at 519.4829371.--46,48 BEAUTIFUL FARM near Lake of the 'Woods en lovely creek for sale or rent. Financing available, .Willi Scheideggar, Rainy River, Ontario, POW 1LO. Phone (807) 852-3640.-46be CROWN LAND availability and. On- tario properties to be sold for un- PPrrodp ems, Deptt. CN, Brox 5380, . Stn. F. Ottawa..K2C 3J1.-�45bc 14. Vacation properties 1986. TAHOE ' PARK model wltlii enclosed Florida Room on your own lot located in. Bonita Springs Florida. Completely furnished, in- cluding .. ceiling fans, washer & dryer, dishwasher, central air and heat withextras. Asking 946,000. U. SENegotiable. Phone 482.5849 after 6 p.m.-7ti't►ze: • VACATION DELIGHT :'Prince Rd - ward Island, 16 acres including. clearedland, trees, fresh. stream and pond. New 1428 sq. ft. main floor rancher, .full walk out base- ment, 3 bedrooms 11/2 bath, open concept, kitchen, living and dining. area. Asking only 975,000. Call. Sherry at 524-8070 'for more details.- 36tfnx SURVIVAL THROUGH FRIENDSHIP HOUSE URON.COUNTY A shelter and counselling centres:. for oss00lt0 women and .their children. REQUIRES:, T' (1) an OUTREACH 'COUNSELLOR/ADVISOR:. ,-to provide r individual and group , counselling/advocacy on an outreach basis throughout the County, of Huron to women _. assaulted by.thelr'partners aril (2) ,a SEXUAL ASSAULT COUNSELLORIADVOCATE -to provide individual and group • counselling/advocacy to female adult sur- vivors of sexual assault • ' to be provided to residential and nan-residen tial Clients throughout Huron County . QUALIFICATIONS "ability to'work within a woman-ce ltred agency which bases its services on a feminist analysis of Violence against women and children "social sciences degree with appropriate experi- ence and skill development in group and individ- ual counselling/advocacy (compatible experi- ence In victim services considered` -equivalent) 'demonstrated commitment to' social justice work 'sensitivity and familiarity with rural Issues 'CI valid driver's licence SALARY (UNDER REVIEW): s24.000 to $28,000 Please submit resume to: Julie Lee, Executive Director, 'S S.L. F. P.O. Box 334, . Goderich, Qntado. NIA4C6 Closing pate: December 7, 1990 Wendy Gliders (519) 3954244 (416) 77340496 Br Irty Th Gap Between Selena and _,Human Nis cifld.ysIeanIng Sen iCe will cleanapartments, houses & businesses. • Will clean anything in cluding the kitchen sink. Phone 529.7139 anytime )00i11 I'HCKEY CONSTRICTION •Hew Construction •Renovatlorm •Rspliceni.nt •Decks Windows •Aluminum Trim Work and Doors •Firm Bulldings •Rooting Licensed carpenter • • 13 years after., 6 p.m.. R.R. 6 Godetich . 624.4561 RIPLEY HURON COMMUNi- TY CENTRE BOARD will be holding a public meeting on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 260. ..1990 at, 8 p.m. in The :Ripley Huron Arena Auditorium to' discuss a building additionto the Complex. If you have'any questions please plan to attend. Armstrong Home Bakery Closed November 27t" to December 1 at Sony for the Inconvenience Re -open - December 41", 1990 igtrOLITOr muitioir 1 V. Mortgages ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any pur- pose. Pay off credit cards. No qualifying hasseels. Excell Financial Corporation., (tollfree) 1-800.2654964.-?415bc 139. iducational (519 52279 How TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO: New home study course. Fast, easy method, Guaranteed! FREE Infor- mation..Write: Popular Music, Studio 60, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, B.C., V1Z 2112.--46bc a