HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-14, Page 11Irene and Sen Freeman proudly dicey t e artiatic work of their daughter Joanne Joanne Ven iDaart. Owrer the
years, Joanne has .painted tineson the garden shed ranging from Bambi lo Snow whitemgthe
Seven Dwlraafs. (Photo by Heather Boa)
Jlolyrood woman paints
characters on . s
BY HEATHER BOA Bunny and Bambk moustached ace lion player sets
A backyard 'garden shed was, Although the garden Sheol is set . the romantic mood:.
among; the first canvasses for the back from Hwy. 21, and few pas- - They'll ; probably hold that.pose
daughter of Goderich's • Ben: and sersby get a chanceto view the for the next four years, `
Inure Freeman.. , •creeauons,, neighbors , have been. ..ham
Joanne. ' van: • ; Dam, now; of delighted with van Dam`s eav'mk4 evar it needs repautun ;,
1101 � paintedisays. van Dam: „
Yroad, her<;first:Disney `'They all°come Out, to, look when The•.latestcreation was done in a
scenario of Snow;. White and. the 1 m doing the shed for Monk and half da estimates van. Dam '!who.
Seven Dwarfs on, her parents'gar- Dad,'" says van Dam. "Some of the y* .. .
den shed when she' was, about 11 nei hbors ha've�seen all of ,the .pit+ fob artistic ,t ning:
Yews, old. t ," l of the .b gli .colors were
Over the . ears 'the scenes have A weather -worn Bam'bi scene was made bf., mixing oldoutdoor paints:
Y r, ha C '
changed, passing through amotley recently painted over to make way van Dam,; a school bus driver for
collection. of .children's favorites, ..<. for a fresh . picture; Lady and ;the , Montgomery Motors. • alsoa'nts
including: Raggedy Ann; and .Andy, ;. Tramp share° a plate of G
spaghetti lit. - animal ports, and designs designs:r. •
Charlie:.Brrown and Snoopy. Bugs an Italiatiiestaurantwhile,achubby shirts. ,.
Iswcrld wor aeaµce a
Remembrance Day - a time to:.
reflect on past events and remember
With love, the members of our
families and friends that went- to;
war to preserve ourdemocratic' way
of:life. ,. -,
Remembrance Day '- 1990 - we
stop to say 'a prayer for the family
members and friends who are :cur-
rently serving with She forces in yet
another trouble -spot in our unsettled
world. World peace - a; dreamor a
reality. It is truly” up to: us.
The Service of Worship was held
at the Du ngannon United church on
Sunday, November 11 under the
leadership of Reverend Orilla
Bogert. Organmusic was provided
by Jean Elliott:
As the children left the Sanctuary
during the singing of :the hymn,
Jesus Shall Reign, 10 attend their
Sunday School classes, they each
placed their poppy at the foot of a
white cross, in remembrance of
those who gave their lives so that
we may know freedom. The theme
of the sermon -was .•Life in the'
Meantime. e
The Sacrament of Baptism will be
held' on Sunday,, November' 25th
during the warship service . at 11
a.m. A Preparation for Baptism
meeting will be held at Dungannon
United. Church , on Thursday
evening, November, 22 at 8 p.m.
The Reception of New Meinbers
writ be held at Donnybrook United '
Church on December2 and at Dun-
gannon and Trinity United Churl
ches on . December 9. For further
information on any of these events,
please contact the Manse; at 5290
The Bible Study Group is meeting.
on Wednesday, November 14 at 2
p.m. at the Manse.
Seniors News '
Theregular euchre party was held
on Wednesday, November 7 with
10 tables in action. High lady for
the evening was Kathleen Glen and
low lady was Connie Black. High.
gentleman for the evening was
ret. sir r
laseitseir Betrtltltel, Wedtleeday, Noestatbialr 1441 ON— Page 11
Final Tex installment
Thursday, Nov t5,1990
Payable at the Township Of-
fice In Hofyrood, or the Bank
of Montreal in L.ucknow.
rears taxes payable only at
the Township, Office.
Note: Persona who have ac-
quired properties and have,
not received a tax bill should
contact the Clerk's office.
Failure to :receive a bill does
not relievea taxpayer from
responsibility for payment of
takes, nor from penalty for
late payment.
Mark L Becker
clerk Treasurer
Nth; 25o. 595-3571
Final Initallment�. .
Due on Cir before.
I: 0V0111ber 5, 99,
id in,
t�ces:�nay by pa
person at the
Iocated 'On # uron
:County„.Road #20,,.
'QWnship of.
ucknow N.O.G 2H0
Lulea t ndrew
.Clerk -Treasurer
ToWnShip::of. Ashfield
by SandrarD'Aoust
Cecil lsollock artd Iow, gentleman,
was Cliff Mowry.
Elsie and Anger P'anoabecker of
RR "2 Auburn,• Imelda and Leo
Murray, of Holyrood, and Margaret
-and ' Jim Errington,. of Dungannon,
journeyed to Arthro for dinner as
the guests of Jean ; and . 'Gordon
Cormack: Following' the diner,they
all -enjoyed an -evening of .cards, as,
they , are all avid players of the
game Lost Heir.
A community shower was held at
the Dungannon United: Church on
Wednesday, November 8,0 honour
bride -elect Susan \ Curran. daughter
of Arlene and Ratph Curran of RR
1 Dungannon
'The bridal party entered the hall
to the strains of "Sere Comes the
Bride", The introduction 'of the
bridal party followed. Susan's atten-
dants are Denise Curran, Donna
Curran and Heather Dam,
skit entitled the Fashion Wed,
`was ormed. with."lRev."`D.
offielating, The bride •was
played by Tracy Curran, the groom ;.
by Lisa Caesar, the bride's mother
by Kelly McNee,,the bride's father
by Krista Culbert and, the groom's
mother by Temlle• Cranston. The
peformance by these young people
`left everyone in tears from laughing
so hard and'so long. A large num-
beer' of family, friends and neigh -
bouts turned out for the shower
which Was hosted by Donna Curren
and Janet,Caesar. The. mystery gift
was won by Lisa. Caesar.
Our sympathy is extended to the
family;of.the late Grace MacDiar •=
mid who passed away in her 87th :.
year,' She was a member of the Nile
United Chinch. Reverends . Garth,
and • Orilla Bogart '°conducted the
funeral 'service at the McCaIiium'
and PallatFuner'al Home on Monday
November 5 with, interment at the
Dungannon Cemetery. -
If you have any news items for
--this column, please contact Sandra
D'Aoust, at. 5294390. Thank you.
Final Installment of
1990 TAXES
Due on or before
November 15,1990
Joan Armstrong .'
Clerk- Treasurer
'amps vim mo
i .•
Faro Mat
/NOON atlwal74'
ti��t►<atall01101. tt> M
LDP. • Building lc*. 110' x
165"RrlveM treQdsterbog et$14,00d.
100..ACRi S. 7tta 1lMl. 'Wawanosh, 75
woikoblec.i'ricednt ,000.
3.4 ACRE laIVER. tart t.ucknow, well
b *30
tresct, redeced,000,
' 3 ,i EDRoot ent4GAW I , f nIsh
basement; 99 *las lot Clop, toe ll
cat. centre. $92,500.
0 REhltotstentrape st; 'borne, Sou-.
ora shade trees, cions 1, rr icaI c0rt=
gra apoo to offers
ABHFiEto .; `4 bdrm..home close to
.town 1J2acre treediervtithsmsll bora.
family $82,500.
'GREENOCK TWP. lee 40,1'0,1'60;7�4
Harm; home, tlo'k 60 fieri, new .
"'95 workable, s05.d00
ostkon0bdrin,, 1 storey hom
.2 e
, well '.
insulated, good; stetter,
VItAWANOt31# - 99 aures, •6. bdrm.
house, 4a x 50 Bern, 60 Workable, 16
--,41-14040.* pt croei , a9a,QQ0 . , 4n :
PRICED To SEU.. 4 bdrm home
2 car pogo.Locatactl., des,we0st of''
t ucknow Call for details.' Reduced.
strey home, 2. baths: hardwood flcorst
Havelock St. Reduced ro,$79.900.
Americans visit with Culberts.
'Recent visitors with Elmer and
Edna Culbert were Elmer's brother
Borden Culbert of Redford.
Michigan and his two sisters. Vel-
ma Ashton of Plymouth. Michigan
and Peggy McIntosh of Northville.
Michigan. The weather being ideal
for their visit, they were able to be.
out and visit with their many
friends and relatives in fila area.
One of the visits was with their
brother, Andy Culbert of Egg
Mayme Wilkins held a very suc-
cessful Tupperware Party on Saturi
day. There was a number of friends
and neighbours present at the party.
Kae Webster and her sons, Cecil
and James Webster, visited on
Saturday with their aunt. Norma
Yottrl ° in Godench.
.by Kee Webster
The first of the week 'Margie
MacDonald visited with . Dorothy
(D.A.) MacLennan in London.
when she accompanied Cecil
Webster to London for appointments,
Rhetta MacLennan spent the
weekend with her daughter Mar-
garet Morton at Point Clark.
on Sunday with Gordon
and Nora Robb was Nose's
sister-in-law Mrs Freda Scott ,of
Our newest models are both equipped; with,,:our
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