HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-14, Page 4Page 6 f vekssw flestisel, Wsdassda y, Member 14, 1114
by Pat Livingston
P.Aa sex a, Lucknow, NOG 2110
5282822; Fax (519) 5283$241 .
Established 1873.
Ali you every wanted to know about shivaree,s
recent advertisement m the rrity of age between the bride pranksters hide their Wendty by
and why shiver=
bb�rw. yA quick l ably unpopular, 1'w:ti id of and wife are ensconced* some
s December any 10 illicit the nnfoam adon, never brow that �. in either nave never been apart of a
For a time,1 wasn't anon if 1 was. of the aforementioned � ahiva nee, but 1,tave heard eons
.to able to tt down would be Ora bald as 10 actually good sloths. _was a young
what I was looking for,, the demonstrate such a unity. eon*., who on returning borne
fact I always go t0 Originally `t the young men of they, from their honeymoon found their
the enc , when looki community, dressed to:conceal door bricked in. Or how about the.
for such u . Now 1 was nodes would gather arc newlywedswho returned ham to
�d made me wonder whendA or when either was - Performing rheic act
viae to die local was while hid*
trip Y matriarsbut
Thomas Thompson .- Advertisng Manager
Pat .Livingston — General Manager.
. -•. ditor
SubsoriptiOn rates advance
$179° . Outside Canada $60P,
$1494 Outside Canada $55$00 Senior Citizen
Second claw -mailing reg, no. 0847 ,,
Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of ,a
typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by
the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance signature,
will not be charged .for, but the balance of the advertisement will be
paid:at the applicable rates, '
Please, respect, the popp
-. Remembrance Day has comp and, gone: for another year,
but 1 feel: ,obligated to -bring to ,the attsntlon 'af adults. atndt-
. children* few very upsetting: tis 1 experienced during the
days preceding, Nov ber 11,
tem�diate . aour, : achoos .held
Remembrance `Day Assemblies, paying tribute std those who
gave: their lives So that we couid. live ,in a >freo Canada. f
applaud the teachers and students: -In this regard.
However,.when disrthipect for the poppy la evident, those -
of us who have vowed t0 remalnh!er aee'red.
On nattionai' TV, some, politicians, and anchermenc 1.00shown woaring>thb poppy on the wrong sido,� Thera le rip
excuse for this an my opinion. These people -00)4 dolts and
shouldtknow fetter'.. ; •
Sonne children,: althoughaltheagh'nef great in.numberrs, wore their
poppy their kneel I apottsd one seek such youngster and asked
her. to pitase put her: poppy over iter ;.heairt.` She. ob1140d...,'
These are' children grant 11, , but its ;adults and, parents and
tetiCharsi It la us,whe must teach, thein meet for the poppy
and what It rceprosents. •
1 'have- seen peopiaoknowingly tramp on popples that have
lnadvvertentl(fallen off someonVs oat. Wouid n have been.
80 difficult to bend over and retrieve it? .
itis easy to remember where you wear your poppy' t goes;
over your heart to show that wok remember 'ell those who •
went to war, many of who) never returned"tofamilies and
friends. •
Tim poppy is -a fitting tribute to the 114,000 servicemen and
women Who died whoe'serving with Canada's antleduforCes
during two' World Wars and :the._ Kohn Conflict. pies ,
respect the poppy! rt.) •
, sly
fairly certain the cont ipelling; dad c in the vicinity of the fund a large "cow", full ammo,
was liinvareir.but diet hooking newlyweds' 'home and Slade at rest on their front lawn. The
m ruumetous editions. Imo about than with such sobemairers as cow stilt welcomesvisitors to their, •
to give up when I h€ ened K pans, bells, horns and drums.. home today,
my topic spelt "chanvari" - • �Gn soirre< communities, however, Crawling into a bed. full of corn A .'
Amodio;to the world Book flakes.is not conducive to sjnen-
Encyclopeia, the latter is the then fun of a;Shtvarec became so din, a romantic is first night an your
correct spelling, with the farmer F"P' that it was the each horns tooter, RiadiIig your
c¢uple who were
bcrtag the way rt was co mrmonly shivateede during the were net in underwear or pants ued m knots
.(and sell' is)pronounced. their new
dome A pruss�wes makes hfe.a: little trying. The new
Apparently it was a feature of demanded to cease the :. abiit rici im sure to equowt n wi a $'
f ability to mnalce ctrfitbe. when he
19th century life in Canada that noisemaking, and when paid it tastes it, only to `,find it is lased
persisted into the 20th century,; in . was used.to bay, treats for thewith saltl
many real and:viltage com, rs. I wonder, what imnd important Attempting. to make that all
munities. That statement explains o01 did they enjoy lin the
, why I had never heard of days? f imagine there was "a pint sayth first. meal is the labels to
spiv .4prior to moving to thi
say the least; when ell t4e'labe]s
s or two"- taken care of, the same. as have been removed from 'the tins..
area. When I first heardabout : ; ' . there is : today.:,
these deniOnsarat ons, x really
questioned thesanity of those:;
performing .them, I guess because
I wast such a:''city► person".
Anyway, shivatees apparently
• briginated,:as- a means of
demonstrating public disapnmval
Of : certain marriaSes, .most com-
monly when .there was a groat
Or howabout hubby going for. a
• glass of Water during the, night
Shiver= in this area„ for some he pulls a glass from the 'cupboard
people,, have changed again,' : ' and quickl1. realizes, after being
despite the ,fact we are still:ln t(: doused, it: was. *heady full of
20th awry. The so-called waterk
shivaree is now performed,. quite, Shivarees may have originated
often, while the poor newlyweds - the 19th moor; but it is my
are off on their honeymoon.{ • guess.: it will continue on its merry
Similar to the early days these way well into the 21st comity.
These two ybangsters were part of the Itetaembranee nay service
lid at Rroakdde Public School Isar Friday.. The wreirdis placed
were Mate* the students. (Pat Livingston' photo)
This Weeplirg Willow tree, liocated on the Andrew property on Ross Street, was unable sustain the strong
winds that $wept through our area, din* the storm early November 6. Between 8 p.m. November 4 and
8 p.m. November S, 35 mm of ruin f'elLin the area; That is the most recorded in 1990 in that time Brame.
'Windss gusted up ,t0 6g mph during the storm. (Pat Livingston photo)
y0 Years Ago-
November 25, 1920
Moving! Marine -The .' two closing
° months of the year 1920 will see
more moving about by the business
men of Lucknow than a like time
has seen in many years. We would
say there is a regular moving craze
on only we happen to be miffed up
ini.it ourselves.
To begin with, The. Sentinel Of-
fice' has been moved from Mr.
Min's building, corner of Campbell
and Inglis streets. . to •the room in
the Joynt Black until recently oc-
cupied by Silverwoods, and just
ss� `te J.G. Armsutmg'ss thug
sloe. rSilverwoods business, now in
charge by ,11.1r. ,Ernie Aitchison, is
now in the old W. J. Taylor state,
recently vacated by Drinkwalter and
Cousins, who will now be found in
the old Sentinel. stand. Mr. W. 'J.
MaeMilian, who was in charge of
Silverwoods business, has bought
out McClure's grocery and lunch
parlour, and in association with his
brother-in-law, Mr. L. R. Taylor,
will carry on that line of business,
besides handling cream and
produce. Next comes the Post Of-
fice, -after December 1, the P.C.
will be in the Graham Block, one.
block east of the Cain House.
50 "Years Ago
November 21, 1940
Receives 'Fat' Bounty Greek -Ted;
limey ,waived a bounty check in
the amount. of $180. from the
Township of Kinloss this week. The
sum represents = the reward of
$20.00 a head for destroying nine
of Kinloss Township's "Wild dogs".
To. Ted, they're definitely wol-
ves, but his check lists them as
"wild dogs", as a, result . of a
Government ruling'some time ago,
when Upon examining similar pelts
department officials claimed they
Nero not wolves.
25 Years Ago
November 17, 1965
Retires after 37 years with Silver -
woods Takes caretaker job . at
Ripley Arena-Redvers' "Neff'
Johnson, .an employee of Silver-
wood Dairies for, over 37 years has
;retired, but Meff is . not going to
take to a ' rocking chair.. He has
accepted the caretaker's job at the
Ripley arena for the coming winter.
Neff was through work at Silver-
ilverwoods on November 22nd, but with
a months vacation coming to him,
his official date of retirement is the
first of December.
Leaves in December for San Sal-
vador-Mrs James Richardson of the
Langside community will leave
early in December for the city of
San Salvador in El Salvador, a
small country in Central America.
Mrs. Richardson will teach grades
7,8,9 and 10 in a private school
there. There are about 20 pupilsat
the school which is made up of
children of missionaries serving in
that area.