HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-07, Page 12Page 12—14tcksle w $ utlistel• Wedstesday, Ntwetwber 7, 111911
Bob Campbell, the Aman on R. R. ,S for the past 16 years has given up Iia route efccte October 31.,
With the cooperative weather but Wednesday Bob and his .wife, `Wilda, took lKing and Pats' along to
Attorney general salts
public to help manage
new justice system
Astern ey &apual Hampton is
athiag the public for Wit,
tkuipedtot wd O's.
ow court system,
"Courts managemet , add
committee will bhang together the
working in courts and the
to ensure the system effect-
twely serves the people o(Ontarm,
Mr, Hampton sad.
Each of eight regional committees
will be made up of two public
repr essentatiives, two judges, a
Crown any, two lawyears and a
caont admilnratrator+ These ccrmmi t
teat will deal with such issues as.
scheduling courtrooms and sittings,
budgets and
to !operate provincial commit?
tee will comprise four public
representatives, four chief judges,
four lawyers. and four members of
the Ministry of. the Mom,"
General, including Mr, Hampton.
This cotitntittee will deal with the.
administration offthe overall sys-
tem. Each committees, will meet a
lust four times a year.
The committee are being aP-
poi ted as port of .court tit
which was impli meeIed on sepiesnli-
besr 1, 1990. Thee changees mealed
the Ontario Coon of Justice with
two dives, the Ontario Court
(General Djv sson) and the Ontairio.
Court (Provincial Division). Court
Reform legiialatiOn also eriltmized
the court sysiern into eight regions.
"Were not loakktg for people
with legal training," Mr. Hampton
said. `But we would like applicants)
to be committed to helping mate
the new justice system work by
bringing local needs and , concerns
to committee meetings,"
People interested in volunteering
should send a letter outlining their
qualtheations to the Ministry of the
Attorney General's Regional Three,
tux of Courts Administration in their,
area (Southwest Region, Suite '201,Suite.
150 Dufferin Ave., London, Ont„
N6A 5N6). Applicants- should
specify either the provincial or
regional committee when, they ap-
ply, and ensure the letter is received:..
by Friday, November -16, 1990.
his last delivery af, A 1. (Pat Livingston pbobu),
Campbell, retires r r mil rOilte
As ofNovemher1 residents on .For a change of pace, Bob and his When asked what he would do
R; 5, '.Lucknow wilt
stave a new wife, Wilda, delivered; the tail on'>.. with all his morning hours now,
face ' doweling _their mail.` ` :Bob hit last day usingtheir horses King Bob said; he; has lou lined up. An
:and � Patsy, •weather was . active train,: in good health, ha,will
Campbellwho had the -contract for 'beautiful and it,was, like ,t g a put the hours to good use pursuing
"the past 16 yearn retired effective step back in time^ .to see the Mail his hobbies.
October 3 , leaving 11 months est ;ueutg dropped off, at the end of " . The new mail contractor.iis Mark
his contract to fill, lavas, from a wagon. MacAuley.
Our Heritage
The second meeting of the Trinity
4-H club was held at „Brenda
Wylilss. All members were present,
The meeting opened with the 4-H
pledge and the reading of last
week's minutes:` Everyone . then'
decided on a mune for the club .-
The . finiity' Time Traveilors.• We'
iben looked into the past at early
native cultures and some of. the,
foods eaten by, the native people.
Brenda read 1 us hoiv the , bee
got its stinger ';and a few other
members also sharred;so me legends.
Snacks were i then served and
enjoyed by. all.
T4illrNsHia OF
Fined Installment Q�
1990 TAXES
Due on or before
November 15,190
Tr%lty a axellors
The, third meeting .of thenity
club was held atiathyLeemansin
St. Helens, Mrs. Leeman kindly
took the timeto, show us hew to
make a garlic basket, Some found it
hard to cooscdinate their fidgets but
all found it very.interesting and
Everyone's-; baskets Awned out
great and
Wyles' a ^spehocial thanks.is. . sent
out to Mrs.Iceman for this.
The next Meeting will be: held at
1Mrs. me.
Red s
Open Daily 6;00.. A.M.
Sundays 10:00 A.M.
•Breakfast Ail Day
•Home Cooked Meals
•Truckers Welcome
Joan Armstrong
`Clerk- Treasurer
White Church.
In today's highly compeNtvebusiness world, you have to do something, a little different if you want to Stand
out from the crowd and ring up extra sales tit the Cash register.
Su what we're saying is that a little red colored ink in your advertrsing may help you stay In the blacks
We in tho newspaper business havefOund there is probably, no Other single element you can use in an ad
that will more -surely attract, reader; attention, Coker, -whether ori a large ad ora emali one, actually stops
the reader's^eye grabs his attention 'makes hire read year massAag*. .
And you don'f have td stick to red there are many other colors that can be just as Compelling when
skillfully used. Not only can we furnish the colored lnk, but We have specialized professional artwork design•
• ed for use in newspaper color ode and it's yours to use for the aksing. Or We can help you design your own
unique Color ed:
The increase In response and sales can be amazing, this week, tell your Luckndw Sentinel AdVertising
FINreseritativo to "ACO SOME COLON, PLEASE".
Dear Cattlemen:.
The Lucknow and Ripley Co-ops invite you to a:
Beef Production Seminar and of Barbeque
Friday,November 16,199011:30 sharp
Don Afton's Farm (see map):
Co-op Beef Programs - Pass Supplement
QedbixteSs;tarter ,.
Plizer'soPosistac - More Beef on Less Fed
MSDAGVet - lvomec
U.C.O.Livestock • - Marketing Your Cattle
Come and find out what's new in the Beef Business. Please reg-
ister before Tuesday November 13, in
order for us to have your steak ready to
-tum right at Belfast
-go past grid Comer
-first place past hydro line
on left side of the road
Best Regards
Box 10, L dmow, Ont. Box 5 , Rtfeiey, tint
PH: 529'7953 P11: 395.3654