HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-11-07, Page 1111
• Jenna Nran4)sch and Laurie (peeking from behind) were tirn
• of theocOrl ololoks from Puddieduchn paying tf::Asit to he *Atlanta
a! Pinecres!Maner.Nairtlag Home list Wednesday. (Pat Livhigsteti
Combizi e caution with
convenience when
Modern electrical appliances may out the lint from the dryer vent.
beconvenient, but they're far from Dips and sags in the pipe that vents
infallible when it comes to safety. 6 e hot air outside trap lint which
Appliances ' have become has been responsible for fatal fires,
increasingly efficient and sophis- .While You're at' iti Don suggests
ticated, yet even today's high-tech ._elleeking on the condition (*water
equipment poses threats ,to con- noses., Or better yet - turning off the
owners who don't exercise caution. 'water tapes each time the washing
For instance, - the automatic machine is used, "These hoses* tend
shut-off feature is standard on some to deteriorate after years of use," he
irons and electric lcetdes. How saYs. 'waning the extensiVe damage
many eensuiriers worry about their tO furniture, rugs ,and baseboards
. reliability? Not enough, maintains caused by a ',twat washing machine
Don Grant. hose in a hontS where the machine
An insurance claims inljister in was on the main floor.
Halifax, Don relates the story of a other common appliance hazards
woman who received a are often related to misuse. Coffee
mid-morning call at her office to raadra are a geed ,example.
inform her of a fire in her home. pment desikned to be used two or,
automatic shut -oft feature. take die pressure of continuous
While there were no injuries in
usage m an office. or showroom,
this elise* there as considerable Don confirms, explaining that ther-
and costly smoke damage. "I make, mostats give !oat -and al -crease the
it a personal habit to unplug all
appliances that aren't in use on a chance of fire. Similarly, blow
continuous "basis," says Don. "No dryers are not designed to defrost •
electrical appliance. is perfect. A freezers or dry ski -boots. The com-
healthy dose of scepticism and bination of electricity and water is
practical preventative measures can always 'dangerous and sometimes
save live.s an inoney." ' deadly.
That goes for stoves in particular,
which usually operate on 240 volts This month's Canadian Consumer
of electricity. keep your stove clean - The Radio Edition devota one of
and don't try to avoid cleaning by its daily broadcasts to electrical
using aluminum foil to line the Appliances, with safety tips provided
oven and burner pans. The foil by the, Canada Safety Council.
concentrates and reflects the heat, Exercise caution when buying used
changes the air flow, collects fat. appliances, warns the Safety Come -
and grease in pockets, and, if it cil. They may not have been tested
touches the wires, can cause a short according ,to mottern safety stan-
- all of which call lead to a fire. dards and should be checked out by
In the laundry room, Don notes a qualifia repair shop or factory,
the importance of regularly clearing authorized repair depot.
Laskatear$urlul.Iraisseilagr, lasermikai 7, 1ISS — 1Paspa 11
Attend birthday party in
Guelph for Daisy Connell
hi=mreurtgend 11111IME
birthday of Ms. Dewy Connell in Ili by Joan Roo
The culprit? A malfunctioning three times a day in the home, can't
were seats with Mr. an same acme.
ouelph on Sunday. Afterward* they sommumuen=g=:
Mrs. W Connell of Ands., won the lucky drew.
441 News
The second meeting of the
Whitechurch club was held on
October 23 at 7 pm at the home of
Betty Rom There new members,
Scott Rattail, Keith and Janette
Todd, were welcomed.
Membets kozned about the native
•people and discussed the early
settlers. They learned how to do
some loom beading.
'WhIteeburelh WL
The Whitechurch Women's
truitituto *ski* dessert euchre at
Monday, October 29 at 1:30 p.m.
with 12 'ebbe in play. The winnees
were Key Cote as 1. lady,
Pass TWA, mond lady.
Playing as a nun on the card
was Marie Medley, who was high.
'nib was a draw between Misie end°
Catherine Wilson, as both had the
Ryan Hackett
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