HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-31, Page 231,17 Paige Af 4 - Lucre' Sentinels Wednesday. October U 111.0 Youtb lead service at Presbyterian Church The Sunday School pupils led the aervicein theLucknow Presbyterian Church on ,Sunday morning the absence of Rev, M. Ki n,. who is away on Study Leave. Those taking Part in the pagan n ,included Children's Story and pto�oounced Weir, eir, C 1 T[all o soup,. Kristi ,sti the Benediction, Cranston, Prayer of Invocation; Sevet*i from this area attended Trevor Moffat, Lee Drennan and the 7501 .anniversary services for Chad Moffat, Scripture Readings; CO= in. Wmnglann Presbyterial Sherri McCracken, Prayer; and Church on Sunday afternoon. Angela Cranston, atmomements. The Keith family held a pce- The offering was received by Christnias get-together in the Agri, Craig Moffat, Jeffrey Cranston, curl building in Teeswatea on Satur- Sherri IVicetacken• and IKrtstt day. Due to other comnut'nients Cranston. attendance was down, but a very story Of Ruth with presentedan : Moffat, ' present. esable to be The students then the enjoyable time for those Claire Weir, Angela Cranston, Kristi Cranston, MarkWeir, Sherri Mr. and Mrs. • James Davies of McCracken, Jeffrey Ciranston, Chad Alford, England, Mr. and,. Mrs. Moffat, Craig Moffat, Lee Drennan Allan: Davies and their :daughter, and Trevor Moffat all taking part, Claire, from Briggs Englandspent, a. Rev. William Henderson told the , few days with Anna Dexter. Impoimiloommommimpiam UCKNOW Roby Mildred Lor.. sommanninnisainimonamilim Thursday Night Ladies Wilma Elliott rolled the highBOWLING sole and triple with a 265` and Games over 200: Marie Scott2ll, Wilma Elliott 218 and 265. Point .. standing: Sapphires 17, Diamonds 14, Rubys 7, Emeralds 4. Monday Mixed League Martin, LeBreton was hot for the • men rolling a high single of 323 and the triple 760. Shirley Kennedy cleaned up for the ladies with a 208 single and a 548 triple. Games : over 200: Tom Gilmore 210, John Van , Diepan 208, 204, Shirley Kennedy 208, • Marcial LeBreton 208, Shari Webb -Ziegler 200, Fred'deBoer 224, Eric Taylor 283, 235, 216, John Andrew 203, Martin LeBreton 282, 328« Wednesday Mixed League Barb Tyler bowled the high single and triple for the ladies with 250 and 618. Gerald Rhody once again was .' high for the men with a single 246 and triple 599. Games over 200: Barb Tyler 250, 202, Jackie McNay 207, 207, Con- nie Linton 215, Wilma Elliott 204, 246Rhody 203, 206', Gerald Team standings:.Kangaroos 14 BChipmunks 11, Squills 9, 'rigors Town and Country High lady was Caroline lute with a single of 204 •and a double of 311; High man was Bill Uuldriks rot- ling a single 214 and a double 339; Games 150 and over: Ian Dougherty 204, Edna Young 182, Grace Geertsma 176, Frase. McKinnon ' `166, 154; ' Harold Campbell , 173, Elden • Geertsm 164, Albert Lennips- 164, Evelyn Henderson 160, Ruth Conley 157, Doris.;, McKinnon 154, Gordon Johnstone 152, Team standings; Tulips Crocuses 11, Daffodils 11, Pansies 8, Hyacinths 7, Snowdrops 6. Tillie and Army Wilson, of Lucknow celebrated their 55th wedding • anniversary on, October 19.. (see story in last week's issue) Mir. and Mrs. -Wilson were married in Blenheim by the Rev. T. E. Sawyer. The Wilsons have lived in `Lucknow all their married life and say their lives are full, Centred around their :son pini and his wife, Marg, grandchildren Dianne and Jackie and all their wonderful fnds. Rhody LUCKNOW D1l$TRICT COMPAUIMITY CENTRE Friday, November 2 Chris fioitoway & Greg Hackett Sunday, November 4 ocknow Edens Bingo Saturday, November 10 Michele Cook & Jim LeGrarid OPEN DATES <Fr days Nov, 9-16-23.30 Saturday Nov. 3-17 CAL1. 92.3532, DLrn.-0pai. Understanding medication ' swallow millions :Of. `do0tors, such as. your' dentist,• oph- rs` dollars worth, of medications every thalmo1ogist or other speecialist - year. And,;. the sad' fact is, a lot: t f even .-,it's something as common people don't know • what they're as asptrm, nary ung, how to take it, how it will If you have children, or if they help them' or even- how it may harm are frequent visitors to your home, them. k your• Medications under lock Th m ,1 : ankey Every year, more.children e ore you k otow ,fie health e you'll be., The key to understanding 1 nyder ne b o mfedica oris that- b yourmedicationsiscommunication. Y poi Y ti y anything else. Even medications When you doctor gives you a kite aspirin; or .laxatives that Might ,.' prescription, take special note of 'B what' he or she tells you. If ;you seem relatively safe for an adult can a. forget or want to know more, call have serious effects on children. your doctor or, ask your pharmacist. Safely dispose''of old or expired Takn,g: _medicationP rlY medicines. Many drugs . change as ' they get older. They may get vital to its effectiveness, Alvei ys _weaker, stronger , discolor or even know the' answers to these goes •crumble. "So'' clean out your -tions. When should I take it? How medicine cabinet occasionally. This often:should'I take it? For how long will reduce the risk of a child fin - should I take it? ding them or you accidentally get In last week's obituary for the late Bud Thompson, the name of Paul • Finlay was inadvertently missed as a member of the Legion Honour Guard. DSV CORN .HEATER Newest idea in home or shop heating needs. 'Available in: •Stove••Fireplace Insert 'Space Heater •, -no chimney required (creosote free) -CSA - ULC approved (also for mobile homes) Come meet a DOVETEC representative.and enjoy a coffee. DEMONSTRATION DAY Saturday, November 3,199010:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. at LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY 644 Campbell St. LUCKNOW 528-2331 or 528.3224 MEMORIAL DESIGNING our specialty.. • kelton emorials 3 Durham St.,- Walkerton ORDER YOUR MONUMENT NOW AND SAVE ON THE G.S.T. For more information ,call: Sam or Grant 881-0234 LA M 1. 1 .STAN LEY c. 1002 - ° $079:... 3 003 Many :drugs don't mix. In fact` " ting them mixed up with.: your cur some drugs may interact and cause rent medications. adverse reactions. When your doe -,If you have any questions about tor prescribes a new medication, Prescription drugs, ask your phar- you should tell him or her about macist. He or she is an experienced, any, medications prescribed by other ' well-trained medication expert. L'pnitki6MNAf�rED N NTE 'Pan ctutsti R t cru sow *4.114. I89111001 , `Ri+1JO ASHFIEt.0 IWP. SOilding ION, 110' x 196well treed starting at $14,000. 100 ACRE$ lth W. INawanosh, 75• workablo. Priced at $66,000: �3 4 ACRE"RIVER ,LOT; Lncknow, Welt• treed, reduced b $30,000: 3 BEDROOM ,BUNGALOW,: finished, besemont, 99 x 165 tot. Close' to rho. cal centre. $92,500. 3 BEDROQM''cottage style home, sav- eral shade trees, close to medical cen- tre, Open to offers, ' A$HFIELR -.4 bdrin. home close' to Sewn,' 1/2 acre treed lot with small bairn. Good tangly home. $82,500. 4.5 ACRES Ashfield. 4 bdrm. taint) home, 24 x 60 shed,' 36 x 70 barn,`' paved yard, Asking $78,600, GREENOCK TWP. 100 acre ,f rm, 4 bdrm.,xano,, 80;x60 bath,, MAY shod, 95 workable, $95,000.• BEI.PAST, 4 bedrooiri home In exon lent condition, SO x 40 heated shop; swop. DUNGANNON - 12 x 60, .2 bdrm. Mobile bomo, 66 x 165 tot and movilo for $31,000.° a W. WAWANOSH - 99 acres, 3 bdrm.. house, 46 x 50 barn, 60' workable, 15 hardwood, spring creek, $98,000. PRICED TO SELL - 4 bdrm. home with 2 car garage:: Located' 7 miles west of Lucknow Call for details. Reduced. OWNER MOVING 6 bdrm. 1 1/2 storoy home. 2 baths, hardwood Moors. Havelock St. Reduced tD $79;900. ' 4'i't>Ji :•:•}:•: ..:.......... WESTON Brown & Seive 12's Rolls: .` 1.15 a HOSTESS.Chocolate Creme 8's Cupcakes ...,99 FIBRE GOODNESS White or Brown Bread . - .1 09 , BEATRICE 100% Pure 2 L Orange ,juice DIP ACHIP California - french Onion - New York ' Chip Pip SWANSON 200 g Fried Chicken Entree 1.89 UPTON'S., Chicken: Noodle 4's, • Soup _• 229 - • CARNATION 10 Pouch • Hot Chocolate 2.39 , PIECES & STEMS 10 oz. • Mushrooms , .89 r . STOKELY 19 oz. Beans with Pork �: 1.29 REDDI Bulk, 5Wass 900 g .Raisins . . 39 ABC 5 Litre Powdered Detergent 3 29 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. 5 Ib, Bog Florida Oranges 2.89BA0. .89 'PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 3 Ib. Bog Macintosh Apples 1.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Celery 79 .. •}„ ./ � /:,,, „„,,,,,„„„,„„,„,,„„,„,,„„,,„,„.!„,,,„„,,,,,„,,,,i,•,_,. _ _ _...: •