HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-31, Page 21Pup e —Wane* *Whitt Wednesday, Oft? 31 MO
Wh,at bappenedto o.Q.?
a ft page 7,
Game Fzuiiit their experieuce of
living in the woods. they decided
being i herbivore would be a
dangerous thing,
• tGrade
Otir English/history unit co:
Hing "Women of Canada" is now
coining to a olose. Our ficial protect
for this topic will be writhig,
viewing, and eventually acting out
a one act play bawl: upon one of
the concepts studied. This project
should satisfy the native needs of
inatiy students, The math is starting
to become more sophisticated. We
are now considering many interes-
tiug geometry concepts that really
do challenge us.
Mrs. Pike's. Corner
Contained below are a few
thoughts about how education has
changed over the last decades front
when I.waS a student. Are illiterate
graduates the . result of- no row
reading, too mnch TV or no reading
or writing practice outside school.
Our children and society have
low incidence a�ssau and of It van-
dalism. Students who .misbehave.
Whatever Happened tom?
Basics; The three R's arestill
being, taught,, but in an inte
way,not as isolated ,subjects
Reading_ and writing are now part
of the whole language program, an
arithmetic, whose elements of ad-
dition, subtraction, multiplication
and division were appropriate for
pretechnological age, have given
way, to math, which even fir
primary grades includes geometry
estimating, calculators and cpm
Discipline: To discipline original.;
ly meant to teach, not to. punish,
and schools that focus on . teachin
children respect for tfiemselves
others and the environment re
still ypsta�y(� after school. or forfeit
Bunking: An amiantus' student
usually repeats a level only after ,a
thorough. checking for vision,
he and
family proiblem and only ,alb the
parents are consulted.
Homework: Homework is less an
isolated add -un to the day's woilr
than an extension of in -crass work,
such as finishing a _ puppet show
script, or interviewing a local politician.
Marks: Most schools still put'
marks on report Bards, although in
a ysec.►o(iny�dary� position to teacher's
Meinory work Children may ao
longer be memorizing "The High-
wayman" -en masse, but memory
work is till important when in-
tegrated with other areas of study.
For instance, stridents may
memorize lines of a play they have
written and will petiole.
Phonics: The study of the sounds
of letters and letter groupss as a
readingtool for primary grades is
still° taught,_but usually in con-
junction with other class work
Instead ' of askingchildren to
coitiplete repetitive work sheets on
the sound "ch" the teacher may say,
"Two of the animals we've been
talking about begin with the sound.
"ch". Which-onesr
Spelling tests; Teachers know that
children . can ; cram for_ ,a spelling
test, then forget everything an hour
later. They now focu • less 'o n spel-
ling .than on reading and writing.
They encoivage children to • write
stones •using• "inventive" (a-
ppropnate) spelling, to be corrected
Heater. -
Times tables: Instead of endless
•recitations of multiplication tables,
teachers now use games to heli
students grasp concepts and commit
figures to memory.
Agricultural Society makes draw
The Dungannon Agricultural
Society's ,Dia* four the
month, of Oetoberc�was med�e; 04
Mtiittlay, October 22. The luck'
wieners of $1UU.00 each ere Terry
Austin, RR 1, Dunganiiou, Pete Van
Sickle of RR 5 Lucknow, Sandra
Niveus of Stratford, and Gordan
Brindley of RR 3 Lticluiow.
Congratulations to all of the win+
nets. There are still tickets available
for the monthly draws. Contact any
director of the Agricultural Society
for further iniorimation.
The Halloween Dane was held at
the Agricultural Hall on -Saturday,
October 27 with a good crowd in
attendance. Almost the entire group
of party -goers . were in .costume,
Music from the fifties and sixties
era was provided by the band High
Tide, The band also served as
judges for the costumes.
Thetrr-ize for best couple went to
Rick Klaus..,as an old map and to
Don Evans as a lady?" The prize
for the best male Costume went to
Carl Bale who portrayed. Brian
Mulroney and the GST. 'The prize.
the best female costume was
tawarded to John Matheson who. was
dressed as 'a French Maid. Venita
McCulloch was the recipient of the.
prize for the most realistic costume.
There was a tie in the Best Animal
Category between the old rooster
(Bernice Glenn) and the , old hen
(Jean Black). The costumes were' all
terrific and the judging, was not an
easy task. A fun evening was en-
joyed by allthose in attendance.
• Social News
We are, again this week, saying
goodbye to two more longstanding
residents of this community, in the
person of Wayne and Donna
Snyder. The Snyders have recently -
purchased a home at Sunset Beach.
We are sorry to see you go, folks,
but best wishes for happiness in
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• So we can tet you knob about future seasons
Uby Sandra D'Aotiet
your new home.
It s with pleasure that we wel-
come to the community Allan and
Beth Dickson of RR 3, Auburn.
They have talon up residence in the
former Snyder home. -
A number of persons in our com-
munity have ,had.short hospital
stays in the past week but have
returned home, Nathaniel Miller:
SO4 of Jack Gild Judy Miller spent a -
few days in the Go derich Hospital.
Betty Mole was a patient in the
Wingham: Hospital but has returned
home, We are happy 10 report that
Isabel Young, who was a patient in
Wingharn Hospital has, returned to.
her home, Jeff McNee,: son of Eric
and Kathy McNee had surgery as
an outpatient this .past week in
London. We are happy that you
folk are all now back home and we.
wish for you continued good health.
We extend to Cora Sherwood get
well wishes .ass. she is still a °patient.
in Wingham 'Hospital. •
Our sympathy is extended to
Wanda Jew- children Craig,
Teresa and Heather and .al1 family
members on the sudden passing of
husband and father, Bob' Jefferson,
following a brief .. illness. Our
thoughts and prayers are with you
in this time of Sadness. •
The Dungannon Agricultural Hall
was the Ming as family, 'friends,
and neighbours gathered to share
the celebration of the 30th wedding
anniversary of Frank and Loreen
Alton, of RR 7 Luckttow on Satur-
day, October 20.
Frank and;Loreen were joined in
holy matrimony. on October 22,.
1960 in the 'Wingham ' United
Church with Reverend Garnet
Hussey officiating; •
Members of the wedding party in
attendance were Loreen's sister,
Doris Hays of Belmore, who was a
bridesmaid and Loreen's brother,
John Wray of Kitchener who was
an usher.
The supper. was in the form of a
Beef Barbecue Smorgasbord. Music
for the dance which followed was
supplied by Stevens D J Service of
Out of town guests journeyed.
from Cambridge, Peterborough,
Kitchener, Elmira, Behnore, Strath-
n,y, Brounptain, Goderick and
• Luiiauw.
pAlon claims,Gordon and
. ideuc AltI.Rn..of Elmira, Kevin and
Michelle Alton of Brampton and
Jamie: Alton of RR 7 cknow
acted as hosts and hostesses fon' the
evening,assisted by many family
members, friends and neighbour's.
'lire memories of this, evening will
linger long in the minds of Frank'
and Loreen,
We would also like to -add our
congratulations to Frank and Le teen
and wish them every happiness for
the future. w-
Seniors' News
The regular card patty was held at
the Seniors' Hall OA Wednesday,
October 24 with 12 tabu in action.
High lady for the evening was
Gears •Kraemer with low lady
being.Marie Park, There was a the
for high gentleman between George
Catriiff and Ron Keller so they •
shared the wealth. The low white
card ,was, Isabel Kilpatrick.
A general business meeting will
be heldat. the 'Seniors' Hall on
Wednesday, November 7 at 2 p.m.
Please plan to attend.
Congratulation' are extended .0
Cliff and Isabel Kilpatrick on the
occasion of their .50thwedding.
anniversary, which ; they celebrated
on October' 26. Their friends in
attendance at the card. ;parts,
presented them a .card signed by
The Dungannon Playschool
Birthday Club would like do wish
Stephen Bogart a very.. happy
birthday. His name was missed on
the October birthday list. Sorry,
Stephen; .We promise to do better.
Church News
The date has been :set for the nest'
Sacrament of Baptism. It will take
place Sunday, November 25., A
preparation for Baptism meeting
will beheld on Thursday, Novem-
ber 22 at 8 p.m. in the Dungannon
United Church. For further infor-
mation, please can the manse at
- One must first be sure he knows
for himself. '
- Is one of the holiest duties any
man ever assumes.
- One must be on fire with his
r 1
Oh, hurry up, Wilbur,
all these cars are
right behind us.
IIow'd they hear about
the auction sale anyway?
I thought we'd be
the first ones there!
They probably
read it in the
Classifieds just
like us, Maudie.
Auction sales, auto deals, items for sale, services
to offer...look to the Classifieds to buy or sell
just about anything at all.
If you want to stay ahead of the crowd, check r•r.1:0•1-1:r:r.►•r:1:/ 1:1:r•r.r:r:1:1:i:r: r•1:1•►:r:1:1 1:,.1
. . . . . .......
, '