HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-31, Page 4Page 4 - Luekaew Sentinel, Wednesday, October 31, 1280
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Estatol%shed 1875 •
by Pat Livingston
Thomas Thompson • .Advertisng Manager
Pat Livingston - General Manager
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Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the ' event -gf ' a
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Salute to
Volunteers ars an Integral part of any community and We ,
am fortunate that In our:fare village and the surrounding
townships there 1s an abundance of these people.
Volunteers aro those men; women'and children who polo
freely ..Of their time to the Many orgetnlzatlons that benefit us
and our Ohlklreni. Volunteers are VIPt
On October 21. one 'Mich ViP was honouredIn our corn-
munity, :.for her work and devotion to; .one; of these 'oro
gaititgatlons l refer"to: How. she wouldn't.think of herself as"p
VIP and awlll p,Ohsbly by embarrassed when she .roads thin:
I'm. sum •she would say, she received AS -much
during .rho. silky "40 Years the " has devoted to .the Guiding •
Movernold and its ,Idgals..
If you 'haven puestett who I'm referring to,. It it Booverle y
Tltoirthson. Nev'a'lnvoivement I`n the Girl Guide organlzatlon
began whin she, Was a child, contlnuedinto adulthood whew
she took on being a Brownie Isar, followed-by.Girl Guide
leader, badge secretaryfor Lucknow,.Diitrict.Cotnmissloner,
and Division-:Commihsloner. Her most recent, chalnnanshlp
was that of a board created'*0 establlsh a Girl Gulch) Store in
the Iulrapleway Area, which Includes communitleabordered by :
Owen Sound, Orangeville Stratford,- Waterloo, Cambridge
and Goderlch. Under Bev's leadership• the. first, Gini; Guide
Store was estebllahed In Hanover In 1984 and a second store
was opened In Waterloo in September.1989.
All of her hours to the Giri Guide movement wire given
whilst she and her husband, Doti, raised a family of: three
daughters, worked'as a teacherfor a -time,: and thenwithaher
husband In the newspaper business.
Although she .holds no official position at this time, Bev Is ,
still very much involved with the Guide Community, In
volunteering , at the Guide- stores and helping out locally
whenever called' upon. -
And so to you Bev, thanks from all the parents and young
girls you have touched during your many,years With the
- Guiding movement. You are :one . of the VIP who make •
Lucknow such a wonderful place to Wel
;She's got the. GST blues
I've got the blu...,es *CO the
GST hit town - could very well be
the tune the majority of 26 million.
Canadianswill be singing, should
leimplement: this new tax
billeffective January 1. A seminar
last week in town was aimed at
enlightening business owners and
consumers as to how they would ,
be affected should the bill pass.
Collecting and remitting lax will
be new for a punter of profes-
sons. Collectingand nttin>
OST, ev n fro=rcm
who are .'
familiar with collecting..andremit-
ting the Provincial Sales Tterwill
mean -added paperwork, not to
mention added expense,
Recently a wonderful binder full
of information' on the GST arrived
on my desk Ronin. the GST Con-
sumer Information "Office, I had
flipped through it; not payingtoo
much attention until the day fol-
lowing the seminar. The GST
Consumer Information. Office was
created by parliament as an m-
dependent agency.,10 represent die
interest; of Canadian consumers
during the transition from the
Federal Sales Tax (FST). to the
GST. The. office has budge -ode
whopping $19 million to keep ns
infarntet of thepricing; impacts of
replacing the FST with the GST.
The office opened in Septembe3r
and is scheduled to close one year
after implementation of the bill.
(Decembez .31,1991),
The most interesting part of the
kit I received was a 16 page book-
let entitled, C'onsumer's Guide to
the GST and Prices. In addition to
answering general questions, it
contains a section showing the
estimated Effect of GST on prices
in 1991, '
Keep in mind that theseare
sample prices given.
One kilogram of prime rib cut,
which is taafree. priced at $11.30
should cost ;09 less, after deduc-
ting the. FST, Other examples
given include homy milk, cheddar
cheese,..enriched white bread and
ground coffee. The price of each
product is slightly less because the
FST is removed and no GST is
Under snacks, which are fully
taxed, a 200 gr bag ofpotato
chips priced at $1.80, should cost
us .05 less, after deducting .16
FST and adding on .11 OST.
On an example hydro bill of $85
for one-month, we ,will pay $5,61.
more, after deducting .17 FST and
adding on $$.78 GST.
Thinking of,vaiding a night in,
a hotel oirmota WeIl it's: going.;"
re cost you move. On a $95 room,
we can expect to pay an additional
$5.41, after deducting .93 1ST and
adding on $6.34 GST.
For amen buying a business suit
valued at $270, add on another
$16.58, the difference between the,
FST savings.and the. GST charge,
Hey moms and dads, you know
those $35 jeans you've been
buying the kids are going 10 cost
you, an additional $2.15.
Now ladies, you know that $320
coat You've been hankering after,
well it's going to cost you another
$19.68 after January '1, if the GST.
goes through. '
Boy, am 'going to get hit in the
shoe department, Not only are
some shoe departments charging.
me $10 extra for the larger size,
but now, should I be fortunate
enough to find a,pair for $64, 1
will•have to pay an additioonal.
$4.03 for GST. The FST saving
was .31 while the GST is $4.34. r :=
If you're in the mood to
redecorate your home, your
chance to go wild maybe after..
January, 1, The .handy dandy, ,little
booklet shows that on a dining ,
room suite valued.at$3,200, .you.
could .actually. save $66.56, which
represents' the dififerenee between
$262,401Tend $195:04 GST.
This list goes on on,with
sample prices. 1 would highly 3 ;
recommendcalling for this infoar-
mation.kit. The toll free number is .
1-800.668-2122.1t raga':: "
simplifies.: fain'conswiicrs how'the
GST will affect them
11415 YEAR -- -"-THEYPE
70 years ago
November 4, 1920
Rushing Hydro Work - Rapid
progress was made during the past
week with The installation of the
Hydro. system in Lucknow. Those
m charge were fortunate in getting
to• work a large number of men
temporarily released from the flax.
mills and the Table factory.
This gang, together with the 'dig-
ging machine has made rapid work
of erecting the pole, and it looks as
though the wire will- be up in a
short time.
The digging machine, which has
attracted. so much attention
wherever it has worked, could not
be used to best advantage in Luck -
now owing to' the gravely nature of
the soil. Still jt has been a great
help saving a good deal of man
power in setting up poles where the
holes had to be dug by hand.
Poles have not been erected on
Campbell Street between Stauffer
and Havelock. We understand that
on this section the wire will be
strung on the telephone poles, that
privilege being rented from the Bell
S0 years ago
October 31, 1940
Throw Hockey Into Public's
Lap - A hockey meeting called for
last Friday night found five persons
in attendance, four members, of the
executive and the press - no. more,
, no less.
Needless to say nothing was
accomplished, and hockey prospects
for the 1940-41 season. in Lucknow
remain •as. much 'up in the air as
One . thing is definite, the
executive is dumping the matter
right into the bp of the public.
There rests . the answer to the
coming season's hockey activities:
A secondpublic meeting has been
called by the' executive for Friday
night of this week, November 1st,
at 7:30, in the Town Mall;
There'll need to be a represen-
tative turnout of hockey fans and
players at this meeting or we ven-
ture to say the present executive
will throw up the sponge in disgust.
Local 'Boys On Leave - The.
majority of the local boys of the
97 -100th Battery in training at
Petawawa are home on leave that
totals about eighteen days. The boys
are required to be back in .camp on
November 12th. For most of them
it is their second two -weeks leave
since ',piing the fighting' forces
more than a year ago.
The leave was delayed about a
'week, as the Battery took part in
the "invasion" of Montreal, Which
city ; "fell" before the advance of
mechanized columns. In an issue of
the Toronto Star last week
movements of the advancing army
were depicted and one picture
taking shortly after dawn near
Lachine, showed D troop of the
97 -100th Battery laying down an
artillery . "barrage" to protect an
"infantry advance."
25 years ago
November' 10, 1965
Sandy Havens Presented With
Watch For 20 Years of Service
To Town - Alex "Sandy" Havens,
an employee of the village of Luck-
now for 20 years, Was honoured by
town officials and fellow employees
at adinner at the Hartley House in
Waikerton on Saturday evening.
Sandy has become eligible for his
municipal employee's pension and
in recognition of his service as
town foreman for 20 years, he was
presented With a wrist watch.
suitably engraved, '
The presentation was made by
councilor Harvey Webster. Atten-
ding the gathering were the Reeve,
Council members and fellow
Sandy commenced work as town
foreman in 1945 and has served
continuously since then. J.'W. Joynt
was Reeve of the village at the time
of the hiring of Lucknow's first full
time town foreman 20 years ago,
and his son George is Reeve now,
at the time of Sandy's retirement,
Alexhad worked part time for the
municipality for about ten years.
.Campbell Thompson Honoured
By Agricultural Society, School
Year Book - A certificate, "For
meritorious service to agriculture'
has, been awarded to the late
Campbell Thompson, publisher and
editor of the Lucknow Sentinel for
over thirty years. His death 2oc-
carred in September of 1964.
During his years as editor of The
Sentinel, Campbell. was a continual
worker in various phases of the
Lucknow Agricultural Society and
assisted in various ways sit the
promotion of the Lucknow Fall
10 years ago
November S, 1980
Harvest Ahead Of Schedule -
Despite the wet weather conditions
in October, the con harvest is
advancing a couple of weeks ahead
of last year's harvest. According to
Sandy Liddle, manager at Ander-
nderson's Flax Mill, Lucknow, the rain
has not seriously hampered farmers