The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-17, Page 12Page 19 — Lucknow SeaUael, Wednesday, October 17, 11 rn' , t inner* rim= t tri --rot i,314it1 AMMON NOM WAIN iIM111 AlliE1 ,UTQWP. �buii4e let*. 110' * gf65 treed starting at 414,0. 100 Atha, 7th W. Wainsarro.h, 75.. Workable, ,turd di *55000. 3.4 A £ OVER LOT, Luckrg, w1]li treed, reduced t0 *30,000. 200 ARE FAM. - Mhhlld 1851 workable, setup for 500 hogs, qW . manure; 3 barna, shed, 4 bedroom horned 3 oiPROOM' cottage 81y horde, *NOW shade trees, clue 10 medical centre. Open to offers. AntlF$ELQ - 4 bdmt, home ckNe• to • 'town, 1/2 acre treed lot with small barn, . Good family, home, $82,5Q0._ 4.5 ACHES •Ash8etd, 4 bdrm, frame home• 24 x 69 shsd,. 36 x 70 barn, paved yard: Asking *78,500.. - GtlEatOCK win, 100 apre farm, 4 bdrm. home, 60 x 60 barn, new shed. 05 wOrkabie, *95,,000. . BELFAST • 4 bedroom homer into* Cppelllle��, eyt�c,0�ondition, 3 x 40 heated shop, CUNGiANNON...:12 x 60, 2 bdrm. mObile home, 66 x 165lotand mobile for. 331,000, 100 ACRE BEEF FARO, Ashfield, 85 workable, 10 acres bush, barn, shed, 4 bdrm. home.. Pinata TO SELL - 4 bdrm. bonne With 2 carr garage. Located 7 miles west of t.ucNeew.'Cail for details: Reduced. 111 CANCER INFORMATION SERVICE CALL, 1-800-263-0750 • OWNER MOVING - 5 bdrm. 11/2; storey home, 2 bathe, hardwood' floors, Havelock St. Reduced to *70,000, 111'1)()\ I,(xl1 Wald LUCI NOW KI1111.088.'rWP '1Naereili, 04 workable, .0 :btaith, 3 bedroom borne, .bet water *OW, drill- ed ribed well, barge beam. MOOS '135A11111. :HURON TWPP * .R'edueed to s105,000. _ 50 acne, well Modernbedrooi n home, 3 bathroomel, drilledH. ncll, ca rt, lots of extras Dart omme3r S TWP. - 50:sow fat row to finial, 149 acres,. automaticfeeding & cleaning, 3 bedroom home, asking '155,080,00.. - Listings Wanted FRASER liscEINNON' 13 BARRY McDONAGH rat DAVI:*KENNON 3954183r 2 DAYS ONLY Fri. do Sat. Oct. 19S20 7&2PMNitely MICHAEL a. FOX CHRISTOPHER LLOYD MARY STEENBURGEN loacknow Legion Brave l 309 hosted aa: 'open dart roar anent: Saturday, October 13 with 11 tin, competing, from a4 far away as Zama and St. Thomas. First piste went to the Btytk tea , Captained by Darrel Wood; second, ListOwel, Weedy Greer''s i third place, Coder kb, captained, by Al Peaaiefand fear*, Lucius captained by Jim Roberts. At Fisher 01 Godericb is* picture 01 icoaC010a0011 as team Member Kevin Wade looks on; (Pat Livingston photo) „1/2 Self help group starts fc.ber aved parents CHHILDREN ARE NOT SUP-' isolated and alone, thinking no one Tha. death of a child (whether he POSE TO DIE: • Nobody teaches, can evenbegun,to understand the ....is born yet or already an ;idult). is. you in Prenatal Class how to chose utter desolation they feel. the worst thing a parent must bear hooks on Wel meaning family and friends Parents do not have' to carry.. W u; a coffin. None of the � par :to managed . Parenting have a chapter ; astonishing` regularity heavy burden alone. On Oct, 29, . ntltri arrange a funeral. No high school-. 1990 'a BEREAVED PARENT F �'�' a blank �'� to to gni exactly • the ung thing; SELF HELP GROUP will be :star fiUm*Yen � always ; ,the graduates. date' of death. �' have another ting et the Wiagham Health 'unit. There is a very simple reason Tor this. Children are not s to die. It is not anticipated,' it is not right, and it's not fair, but it happens. un. - tire, Oct. 21-25. 8 PMONLY.. LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO Aft N(VER INI video senes V4cii Amps wK` �f ., •• "10S)fR r cr.#.nyi roc x < 5r ,Yy/• S< r �%..nz.. � it s :' ,• : rnt 'AMO:„.., Xxr{y {/ y .00101.0001' . nr , •,,,,�\S =B1tr fit `A ps b lief °1' °' �s l pb � yvttf s� „titer c( �ho better to thin trot Ihr tlal8os as they really happened than the veterans , who experlonced war firsthand? The Nal/MOW videos protdde.hfstodcal, ccoutit3 of Canada's particpation in the First and Sedond World Wars and Korea. .: , For more infotrrtatloirr abot i Nit?AGAIN! please contact:' ' • tna WarAmputaftcns et Corrado Nafloittil f andaluartors • 28 PIversiclo prlve :, . . Ottawa, Onfarie 101V Chcritebra kehibtretiea No. 62e6031 Of Wien a child dies, the parents are suddenly inunexpected and un- familiar territory 'and they are total- lY `unprepared.. Their hopes and dreams and plans for the:: future are gone and there is little comfort in memories and mementoes and "might have begins". A bereaved parent can feel very baby' (would they say toa widower Once. 7'he purpose of the groliPis welt, You' C •always. get to hi�el another° wife!")" "I'm Sere he's he's.. p i? nu cope with the death of their child. if you are a bereaved patent take that first step and come to the sessions. There will always be, ;an empty chair at your table, a hollow -feeling in your heart.., but you don't have to faceit alone. Come with your spouse, come alone, come! Any questions can be answered by calling Connie Kuc at 357-2264, Maureen Thomas at 357-1614, or me at 529-7640. Jennifer Miltenberg haPPY >now" (what, he didn't Irks' it at home?) "Wet at least you have other children" (As if they ;.can. replace die one who died). Equally well-intentioned people will "tactful lly" (they think) avoid the subject, hoping not to upset the percales if they will°forget, the child's death if no one mentions it). This leads to awkward silences, stumbling con- versations and unintentional insult. Rotary exchange students speaks to W.I. Ripley Women's Institute met in the Legion Hall for their October meeting. After partaking of a lunch of sandwich and cake provided by the lunch committee Joyce Macpherson and Marion MacTavish. Minnie Lock in the absence of president Mary Brooks opened the meeting by singing 0 Canada, the ode and repeating the Mary Stewart collect in . Unison. She welcomed the members and visitors who later joined the group. Florence Kirkpatrick gave an - interesting report on the area con-. vention held in Lucknow on Thursday. The Legion Banquet to be held on Nov. 24 was brought to mind and the committees were appointed. Sadie MacLeod had the program reading two poems -"Thoughts" and . "I am Saving up Coupons" also by clipping from the paper dealing with junk mail giving an address to have your name taken off of the junk mail. Zella Hedley gave the courtesy and the meeting closed with the Queen y There are prize winners from the Ripley Legion Fall Fair draw. These winners are asked to see Bill for their winnings: Linda Graham, Marvin Yule, Sherie Kelly, Murdock Matheson, Terry Edmiston, Howard Harrisoi,, Wilfred Gamble, Bev Villeneuve, Colin' MacLennan,' Bob Courtney, Ed Pink, Ken Brindley. . The pumpkin weigh in contest was held recently (last week) at Port Elgin. The winner weighed 643 pounds. St. Andrew's U.C.W. of Ripley held their Thanksgiving meeting on Tuesday Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. Mrs. :rim Weber of Unit III wei- coated" everyone to the meeting and IPLEYe by Ab Wylds opened with a reading. The hymn "Bringing in the Sheaves" was sung with Mrs. Bob Johnston on the piano. Mrs. Lorne Emmerton read a Harvest Reading followed by a scripture reading from Psalm 100, Hymn 100 "We Thank Thee Lord", was sung. Mrs. Wayne Armstrong intro- duced Trunrny Fludder as the guest speaker. ' Tammy had the opportun- ity of being a Rotary exchange student for the past year in South Africa. An excellent slide presentation along with Tammy's personal experience taught a lot about the area in and around the city of Peetermaritzburg where Tammy lived and went to school. Tammy shared changes for the better that she saw happen during her stay in South Africa. Mrs. Lorne Emmerton thanked the speaker and presented her with a t. Hymn 'Now Thank We All Our God" was sung. Everyone was reminded of the bazaar and luncheon on Oct. 27. Donations of food being collected to go to the food bank in Lucknow. A lunch was served by Unit 3. Bill. MacKay passed away at his home on the loth concession Huron Township in his 43 rd year. He is survived by his wife Deanne Miller, his mother Lori Small, three sisters, Anne, Shirley and Mary; two brothers Allan and David. Prede- ceased ,by his father Morford MacKay. The funeral service was held at the Mackenzie McGreath Funeral Home in Ripley on Sunday, Oct. 14 at 2 p.m. Rev. Hugh Nugent of Knox Presbyterian Church Ripley officiated. Interment was in Ripley Cemetery. Aids Awareness week promotes support e IDS Awareness Week, a project Ontario AIDS Network runs ii,,.., October 15-21 this year. Its theme ik "Outliving, Outloving, Outlasting AIDS". Special events will be . used throughout the province 10 raise public awareness. Locally, the Bruce -Grey -Owen 'Sound Health Unit's AIDS Program is working to promote increasing community involvement. There have been cases of full-blown AIDS diagnosed in the Bruce -Grey area. "HoWeve°'; Cautions, spokesperson Marguerite Thomas, "The full im- pact of AIDS on our community -is unknown". We may not be aware of the number of individuals who are infected with the virus but have not developed symptoms. These people are carriers of the virus. The Health Unit has launched an advertising campaign to reach out to people with HIV/AIDS who might be interested in confidential counselling or group support. For further information call your local health unit 376-9420 or 881-1920. •