HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-17, Page 10lige ju Ltueltnaw .Sentinel, Wedsterd*Y Otinbnc II, I yr HAPPY 15' BIRTHDAY Kyle Jamieson WOW**o•EE! Look Who's 40 Happy Birthday Francine L j.: rand Love Mom .& pad Love from; -Joey & Jamie and; Family LUCKNOW 8.. DISTRICT ONS CLUB *FREE ESTIMATES • !PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS .FREE DELIVERY .• *EVENING APPOINTMENTS mellow ", catrut;Thy tin ALU!1T OUNGANNON a CARPETS J' VINYL FLOORING ' CERAMIC TILES ROSS' COUNTRY CARPETS' _ Bingo ICknow Continently Centre Stinday,'October 14 '5004 0Jpdgrot '250.00 N. • Nati Ritchie and Da..sn Conon, Wingham '100."Amgrrisivi' Tina Gardner 50 Cats Fria Board :3000. Jackpot '1000 on S5 Calls. '500. must go. Purple Bal -'125.00 Andrea Fishy Community Gntm opens at &30 p.m. Bingo stain at 7:15 pm. EUS.: 529-7551 HOME: 529-7967, rade one at LCPS contemplate diving in a beaver's home Mts. 'Views inwo©d react "The M and the Valk Nag working hard, c travel . to cycles' to us rad now we a+� ellrallffill downtown know for math and lister to llph�. S. Mouse. We reading activities. We have learned cextainly litre hawing about Ralph's limaimmoomminsioninum to operate .mud Inlp each otter. aventtues. Some of our I.A.. 'We have „gist started some : centres are Phonics. Creative sewn* tartdGrnaepbys a l educe loween Centres which have been * Writing and Mouse Tam. luny ofMr. McKean • lot of fun. Mrs. er is pleased the students have written their own . meeting and dealing with new with everyont s hMitard worh.- "Mouse Story and then read them, challenges.. being responsible. Grade a$2 malting choices that reftleet o a Mrs. �.1�°s g 1/g's leave rltrtte �' calx class and ot1�,e1, In F�itvii+ottnttental Studies we are maturity. a fantaSti� . Qf iearning rheas[ zienhes:,. ut finished ,rata "Farm" "Ibat's 'basically 'what g g apples and, >i appl8sibT cs ail about. Ourlusicntsaremee ginclude their life cycle, palms cif • an.Grade 4 this challenge quite successfully. apple, .apple products and [tae types. Mr.. Clayton New conc such as "Women's; of appless. We had a very nice tour . v Of Andrew's apple orchard to finish Mr. Clayton's class is enjoying a role in the. Seem", or the this apple unit... . new portable. We are going swim. fight for a responsible govemnient,, All .of the chtldr+ i is our class ming in Kincardine pool .every are being examined. Grade : 8 is' have been [tying:very halyd to be , insiructoiaTtiesday ntiheltil ms.'We have thre4 truly an exciting . year in Our Superstars in the classroom and on p lisle='m educational experience. • own 5/f.; Library the playground. Mrs, flack By Julie Carter.weekgrateare inMrs Macln 's Library Lufto and Jenn Porter doing 5/6 PrePare_ winners this week were Angela Gr e 1 for Febr uny: The grade fives did a US Cranston, Kelly Stevenson, Sharons Mrs, Bells class enjoy[ d learning. research pre.sentationi`on India, Keith and Krish. Cranston.. It is about: Beavers, and made interesting wonderful to see' grade 4 and 5 Wade saxes°Planted tato seeds. moveable. beavers to go in oar p f of the tomato seeds were students using the index of, resourec pond. We 1�ed that their ate is - capered tat the marsh space enviro - books and encyclopedias: Don. t. • a ' lodge.and the doorways. are went for six years,;. We've bah* forget .1e minutes sett aside fur underwater. We' thought we would forward to, their .germinationn and ng each day can detertihine mete lite in a home like that' fora your child's future. obseiving: the effects of space OA. *hale. We have= learning about posure, We hope we don't' Pt 104 Nature Club words like "MB and today we cut eek. T t stented Nature Club this out clothes for "ME"s clothes boa ° . $low P y doing ° map. and week. There are 15. students from so we can learn the clothing words. s , Grade 6J7 ' grade 5 8. The '[nate ure club is plan ourpareents.came to thes were e open h that ,Tv ltavr i n u thart arab upvation Area on October 24.Conser_ last weep and g SPUR Our calendars are pretty full for • We had a good time! $ them, We also made the end of the :year with Special Grade 213 friends with pwnplclns.. We are Event$: We are looking forward to finishing our unit in History called In grade 2/3 we have started the Indians On The Move. a good yi• "Motley.Crew" reading club.Grade 7/8 We made a fall diorama and leaf The Sia 7/8 class is having a Super Stars —rubbings. busy week. On October 15 many of. The Lucknow School is starting a So far this month our super stars the class members hope to attend new program called Super Stars. are: Jessica, Valerie, John, Blue, the soccer tournament in Kincar- The students will be trying to Chris H. and Andrew. We started ate" to practice dine, weather permifang. Several become supe>c.citizu�is•and set good doing tl<e•y"Mad Mut ourmath ,facts. .Our inBook Worm is students are also involved in cross examples for others. Every month elfin really country on Tuesday, October 23. there's a different theme. This getting long. «:.. • The grade seven class is spendin month is "Act and,P S ely" The Grade 3/4 three days at the OutdoorEducation"Super Star committeeeiis made up or Mrs. Inwood ' Centre near Wiarton where they Julie Carter, Jesse Park, Jeremy Our Language Art Centres this will lie involved in a variety of Smith, Jackie Murray, Andrew month are all about "Mice". Mrs. activities related to history, Cleland and teacher representatives. MEMORIAL DESIGNING our specialty:... 3 Durlliarill Sit., Walkerton ORDER YOUR MONUMENT NOW AND SAVE ON t O;S.T For more information call: Sam or Grant 881-0234 Twenty-nine calves offered at l.Oth annual 4-11 sale The 10th annual 4-h calf show and for sale and tale average price for sale was held in Brussels on Oc- the was $1.15. Each calf and 4-H tober 8. The show began at .10:30 memberhad their picture taken with a.m. with Judge Bill Scott of Drum- the calf's buyer after the sale,. bo judging for the day. The buyers supporting this 10th The grand champion steer was annual sale were Snobelen shown by Mandy Farrell, of R. 2, Elevators, Wet Wawanosh In - Ripley. Kevin Rintoul, of R. 2, surance, Dauphin Feed and Supply, Lucknow, showed the reserve Lucknow Village Market, Gordon .champion steer. Grand champion Foran, Gamble and Rodgers, Luck - heifer belonged to Greg Lowry, of now -Ripley Coop, Chisholm Fuels, R 1, Kincardine. Darren Geddes, of Beefway, Farrell Farms, Thompson R. 4, Kincardine, had the reserve Feed and Seed, Cargill Auction, champion heifer. Overall champion Mahood Lumber, Mayfair Res - calf of the show as Mandy Farrell's taurant, Bill Scott, Ernest Allen, steer calf. Brussels Livestock, Thompson Meat - A total of 29 calves were offered Market and Don Shouldice. z Lola Academic and general counselling will be FM" offered in this area on: Ce) Wednesday, October 24, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Kincardine District Secondary School, Room 12 LIU BEGIN YOUR PREPARATIONS NOW FOR PART-TIME STUDIES For further information, call the UWO Counselling Office at (519) 661-3635. Pesticide certification courses coming again this fall ARM REPORT Bruce County OMAF Legislation has been draftedby the Ontario Ministry of Environ- ment requiring that at least one person per farming unit be certified, to be able to purchase. Schedule 1, 2, or 5 pesticides. This legislation is planned for Spring 1991. Most, but not all, herbicides for agricultural use will require a cer- tificate. Some of those not requiring a certificate are Roundup, MCPA, 2,4-D Amine, Treflan, Sutan, Poast and Lorox. Certificates will be required for most crop insecticides (including seed treatments), some fungicides, some cattle insecticides such as Spotton and Lysoff, some barn insect sprays, and some rat and mouse killers. Certificates are obtained by suc- cessfully completing a one -day course on toxicity, protection, label interpretation, calibrations transpor- tation and storage. Eighteen of these courses were offered in Bruce last winter, with about 400 participants. Most of these were sponsored by local ' ical dealers. Cost was $35 pe • rson, which included an excellent manual to - keep for reference. Courses will be offered in Bruce again this winter. If you want to take one, let us know, or contact your local dealer. *** Arthritis is the oldest health problem known to man. Evidence of arthritis has been found in the remains of dinosaurs which lived during the Mesozoic period, about 100 million years ago. For more information about arthritis, contact The Arthritis Society, 250 Blom Street, Suite 401, Toronto, M4W 3P2. Jean Atwell. is speaker at Lucknow W.I. The Lucknow Women Institute's October meeting 'was held on the ninth with Ann Shiells, Tillie Wil- son and Elizabeth Robinson as hostesses. Dessert was served fol- lowed by the meeting. President Dorothy Brown opened the meeting with a poem, Autumn, followed by the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Correspondence was read. Alice Taylor and Mabel Whitby will be the delegates to the Bruce County Rally at Lion's Head on October 18. A donation of $100 is to be given to the new Seniors' Centre at Win- gham. The rollcall was bring an article made in China. The treasurer's report was given by Mabel Whitby and also the Area Convention report prepared by Bernice Johnston. The financial report will be given at the November meeting. Mrs.. Wilson_ presided for the program and read a poem,Thanksgiving. Mrs. Shiells gave the motto, We have a task to build a better world. We have been given this earth, the animals and birds, the flowers, trees and water, and it is our task to take. care of it. A musical. selection by Donalda Moffat and Jean Conley was very much enjoyed. Jean Atwell was the guest speaker reading a poem The legend of the Yea Cup. Her talk was a resume of her own life and some of the high- lights of it. Elizabeth Robinson gave a reading, 'there will always be a Canada, followed by another musical number by Donald and Jean.