HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-10, Page 6lie iuccaew tWI* Wedgy, Octet;111, IIN
welcome new addition
Lien des Du in. On of
Wtyoe and Linda Dwain, Wait thO
of hottOlirSitabeby shower
Id recently at the home of Putt.
Chile of R 5 Godetich,
ambler's flit:denied him with
aanany beautiful slits. A delicious
lmich was served following the
Welting ofthe gifts.
Damgannon'tPofuiation has been
increased d by one - a very sweet one
Mary -Alice the
person of of Ma dory.
�T(aari-Al�ice'Caesi p infant
of Dave and Virginia Caesar.' el -
come. Mallory,
l-come.'Maliory, and ,
intim : and dad. Spoiling privileges
go to Grandma' Joyce Caesar of
Lucknow and Grandma Olive and
Grandpa Len Chisholm of.Dungan•
Congratulations and best wishes
go out to Grant and Sandra Curran,
of R '1 Dungannon who celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary oft
Sunday, October 7111.
l tyytwq patntkrx and friends
enjoYed a mous potluck supper
at the Dungannon Serra on
Wednesday - evening, October .3.
President Jean ,Phillips' esicded
o ver a brief business meeting wine,
secretary .Margaret ingtbn
reading the minutes % the last
meeting and treasurer Aileen '1)roin- ,
mer giving the treasurer's r rept,
The next business meeting will be.`.
held on;Wedgesday,�November 7 at
2 ppm. at the :Seniors I1all;
by Sandra !not*
1b. I
The weeldir eliehre party followed
the meeting with 12 tables in ito-
for the evening was
Jean Keller with low lady being
Irene Markham. High gentleman for
the evening was Stuart. +: ha,,nney
with. low dean being Tom Culbert.
The Seniors need your'Zehrs and
Knechte s tapsic . so please keep
them coming. rn
if you have any neWsfor this
.' call Sandia;D'Aoust
at 529-7.90, Thank you. .
enjoy euchre
The Happy Ficaria Club had its
fust euchre; party fop�r� ethe, season. end.°
Oct}. 1..There were' five tables ,
pia g rindprizes winnersFlorence
trick' and . onalda Pollard.
There will' be another euchrre co.
eryone is welcome to mese
euclues, a good way to spend, a
couple of hauls of fellowship and
Corn an alternative source of heat
With the riaing costs of Bead
h, comiumers once
be l for mono -saving.
One we „ ; of staYinit
warm is beating with Noon Roudedge,
ENERGY, Mildewy. snit updisplay Of Dove EnergY SYSentn*
frontSupply, last
Dovetee Canada Limited and
Dove Emmy Sym offer fur.
Stoves and
apace beaten that use corn as an
Wives Source of au rk;mentary
of pommy hetu.,The night MOO
ini ." Noah Carolina and are
relatively new to Canada.
The high efficiency units promise
Constant :reliable ,heat, with easy
roti ,and maintenance.. It is
not necessary to have..a maven- . Sem I lo; (lett)and Norm Rom olCO Ne ratone ENERGY
ed$ " benefits Of heating With call., Routledge M r. tledge l a ! y
troual chimney: ;as Mr.�.Routl a . dltanir�: the ben
says the units can be, vented set up ln frontofL.ucknow Farm Suppty, laat'Friday, introducing the
thmush any wall. The traits 'aro Dove Ewe?, SYsteintelmstieriby.Sean Stopply lite local'
the system.' 1f l4.i ii;tgaoi�t t►lietO,)
csA arid. U14.apix`oved, PRAdul�ribnto>r�for • ..
•one ragman posed �questioti innovative 'ideas on the mowing
tested and found to be non
Heating with (15%p0!-
Corn of storing your cern supply for the board \the manufacturer are hot
tore), according to Mr Routledge rsa winter. It; Routledge was quick to wit' Sud i4o, water
slightly Cheaper~ 'than'natural : gas, point Out that if `ynal have fuel`; systems. '
half the •.cost of oil • and less .than , delivered to your hong on aroma*. The Dove1M Systems rtiay
,half Cost
in ,having P y local disni intoe four,
the: of electricity, .• basis during the winter incudes he viewed at w Penn Stir
,:He stresses' the ease of using, a what is the difference 1
ff4lrnlNE.-.nw.fn• .
corn fuelled unit,' compared to Corn delivered to your home Other enrol
burning wood. o advantages be • ,
points out aria the versatility of •the
whits, allowing use
in a number 4)1' P Y rt a tit
applications. rn. addition; to , �" l.G.c�,
. vtmnnnetitally :..fnegadly, heating. . Huron's
, � •.
.=o tom=: - C Hurons ,: convention policy
fanners. .
Once again, it's time for Canada Savings Bonds and this year
the sales per pd is✓frorn October 1.8 to November 1. Buyyour new bonds
wherever you bank or' invest starting October 18: You may date your
payment November 1, the day the new bonds start earning interest.
Safe and Secure...Canada Savings Bonds are fully guaranteed by the
Government of Canada. They never fall in value. ,
listable Anytime Canada Savings.>Bonds can be cashed at any time.
Your money is always available when you need it
Good Interest.. Canada Savings Bonds offera good, competitive interest
rate each year This year's interest rate and purchase limit will be
announced in mid-October. Details will be available wherever Canada
Savings Bonds are sold.
Don't be late! Remember, November 1 is the last day you can buy
the new bonds at face value. But the bonds may be withdrawn from
sale at any time.
lam[ 1add,
A review of.,t uron County Coun-
cil's convention policy did not: clear
muddied waters as members,•
rehashed the piohcy's problems at a
second consecutive monthly
meeting last Thursday.
•At ' : September's meeting, a
`lengthy discussion • ensued when
members of the Agriculture and
PrOpesty Comm ttee' were denied a,
trip 'to a convention m °.British
Later, the decision'wa's •over
• urneed, the request' was approved,
and another discussion was
In its report to county council at
October'$ session, the .Executive
Committee noted, "In reviewing the
existing Huron County Policy it
was determined that the probiem'
that .had recently' arisen wag not
with the policy, but with the
procedures for impler.� ientation" -
«The existing policyir mics. prior
approval -of 'council for attendance
by a member of council, or appall,-
appaintee, at any convention and: this is
sometimes diftictilt to obtain in
time to get the most economical
travel anangements" •
The Executive Committee
concluded that the current policy
should be contained with one ad-
dition. The warden and the chair-
man of the committee,
or board, shalegated with
the authority to give approval prior
to council or board meetings, if
circumstances warrant.
Some council members did not
believe that the policy addition did
anything to clear misconceptions.
"It appears .to be wide open. I
think, as a guideline, it should be
more refiled. There should be
clearer understanding among the
members," said Coun. Bill Muckle.
Until about one year ago, said
clerk administrator Nigel Beacham -
her, county council used a list to
determine which conventions mem-
bers could attend,
"The list was deleted on a vote.
The committees decided to let com-
mon sense prevail and if common
sense didn't prevail, then number
six would cover that," said
Bedchamber, referring to the eon -
vendor' policy.
"Number six" reads, "All con-
ference and convention attendance
is to be approved by council prior
to registration and booking travel
.Muckle said the problem is not
with council members attending
conventions, but with members
attending conventions that relate
little to the 'committee which the
member is involved
"With that (policy),, o person
could choose a conventionthat MAY
not be in line with the comtruit
her or she is on," said Mickie,•
"That- councillor should,have: ;he
chance to go to the,convention that
their:' committee is going to. We
should be responsible to the Corm-
• miuee we stand on."
Coun. John Doherty disagreed. He
said limitiwng,a member only 10 the
convention their committee is atten-
ttending could cause further problems.
"1 think it's important for every
member of this council to attend a
convention but they have Id set
their priorities; said Doherty.
"A lot of these" members work
elsewhere. They may not be able to
attend a,.paticular event and that
would penalize them."
Coun. Albert Wasson said the
members should have some choice.
"We need the flexibility to pick
and choose based on logical reason.
Council would -still have the right to
decide" said Wasson.
Currently, the only committee
without a convention's agenda
specifically geared towards it is the
Agriculture and Property Commit-
"It isn't fair to single that commit-
ommittee. out because they are the only
ones allowed to go to any conven-
tion because they don't have one,"
said Mickle.
"If that were the case, there
would be an awful long line up to
get onto Agriculture and Property."
111 by Ab Wylds
Ripley minor hockey is in need of
a Bantam A coach and house
league coaches. The ice schedule
will begin on Friday, Oct. 12. A
coach must come forward before
this time or' there may not be a
Bantam, A team. Please contact
Dan at 395-3668 if you wish to
Thanks to Val Vogan for bringing
Thanksgiving supper to Ab Wylds
and also for bringing Larry
Courtney to say Hello. He was one
of the ones injured in the 1964 train
crash at the crossing in Ripley.
This' was the first time Ab had seen