HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-10, Page 5mpow.row
k portion of the :large :branch Oat broke off * tree out tke
Una* property on Stauffer street dodos last week'svicious storm.
A sectiota Olt kiarkd ma hydro wires elateriag the Den* home sre*
door, Intermitting Power,: (pat Ifiyhtiteton Oho* •
Laellutiew Seattlisek 11Todstooday, Weber 10,1000- Fae
Express it by sending a letter to the editor of the
Lucknow Sentinel. It must be signed and accompanied'
by a telephone number, should we need to Clarify any
The Sentinel also reserves the right to edit letters,
ipso,* vie Toone* It'efot Pei
"WWI •October 14t 1990
10 Lo. oast 7130.
• l'illtriorY ohnirootoks PROMIONO '14
InaltY01411 WIXOM
its. Margarat glasosaa
Worship SorvIcs 11:00 ono
Suisclay SOcol 1,1:00 son
'Notify Provided horse
Ashfield council keeps busy with
ratepayers' and special meetings
September 16 Development' had no objection to
AePeeial ratepayers meeting was the proposed variance being
held on September 16 at 1 'Am. at granted.
the Port Albert Anglican Church. Council voted in favour of .the
The purpose of the meeting was to minor variance.
discuss the background 1NFOR-• On a motion of Andrew and
MATION, various alternatives and Black, the public meeting was
the preferred alternative regarding closed and the regular council
the replacement of the Port Albert • meeting opened. r •
bridge. Ken Don, Engineer and Scott Tousaw, Planner, County of
matkpearson, Environmental Plan- Huron, prepared and presented a
ner for B.14.4; Ross &-Associates, mport to council regarding the
attended the meeting as well as the varying ownership and condition of
clerk-treasurer,roadsupethitendent, roads within the tOwnshio, and
reeve and deputy reeve of the requests for development on these
•Townsidp,Of Ashfield. There were roads.. Various planning principles.
alsb approximately 50 ratepayers in were reviewed. Following, discus -
attendance. sion, the following Road DeveloP-
m,e,•. Pearson reviewed the ment Policy was . adopted by the
• proceduresunder die Environmental Township of Ashfield.
Assessment Act. Mr. Dunn NEW DEVELOPMENT; • The
Presented a report on the status of development of raw land in, an
the various _investigations for, exisung orproposed plan of sub -
replacement of the existing bridge division will !Noire' roads to be '
He also presented. profiles, design built to municipal standards by the
concepts, a perspective of a new developer and subsequently as -
bridge at the proposed neW location, sumed by the municipality, Under
• and the estbnated costs of construe- the terms of the subdivision
don, agreement, subdivision roads will
A 'final Environmental Study be built by the developer and all
° Report is to be fatin•-•thePlihrle costs will be borne by the
record for viewing on -October 5, at developer. Access roads to the
locations to be announced. subdivision must be public and •
September 18 ,assumed by the. muilicipality.
Council met on the above -date iNP11.1.DEVELOPMENT:Where -
with all members present. Oet,-..a,priblig, but Ama.ssumekjead ac -
motion of Caimmoss and Andrew, oeslos, lots_ which__ are. :aheady
a public meeting, was declared open develOPK,infilt development 'will,
to consider an application for anpeon-Atte:ion other existing lots
official plan , amendment and a w
along Such roads. provided the
minor variance application.
The proposed official plan owner registers on lideite. a nOtkol,
e road. Such roads will UI as-
:umed by the municipality when.
they are developed to municipal
standards either through local
improvement or at the complete •
expense of the benefitting owners.
Council supported the severance
application of Steve Faber on lot 4,
concession 12 E.D., . subject to
conditions regarding drainage and
access on the three proposed new
By-law No. 30, 1990, being a
by-law to assume part lot 38, front
concession north of town plot, more
particularly described as part 2,
Plan 22R442 for the Township of
Ashfield, was given three readings
and passed.
It was moved by Cairncross and
seconded by Simpson that the Clerk
forward a copy of Mr. Henry Cen-
tetes letter regarding the 'VVyld's
Drainage Works to Mr. Patrick
Tile draht loan applications for
Bayne ivied -mum and Peter Van.
Diepenbeek were approved.
A. preliminary Ontario Home
Renewal Program loan application
was approved for Wirulifr. ed
Campbell, subject to confirmation
by the building inspector.
October 2
Council met on the above date
with all members present. The
Reeve declared a conflict of interest
amendment (No. 205) application 1,0.gardin th g e unassum ThOure
was submitted by. M
Mr. and rs. Ray
Munson. This amendment would
change the designation of the west
200 metres of lot 4, front conces-
sion, S.T.P. from. Restricted
Apiculture to Recreational. The
proposed amendment would also
extend the existing Restricted
Agriculmre designation to the east
and south to provide a 600 meter
buffer area around the proposed
cottage development.
Scott Tousaw of the Huron Coun-
ty Planning Department. reported
that the Foodland Preservation
Branch of the Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food had some concerns
regarding the data collected and
report presented by Mr. and Mrs.
Adanson m support of their ap-
plicatlon. Mr. Tousaw then recom-
mended defernd of this application
until all involved parties could Meet
for further discussion on the report.
Mr. and Mrs. Demmar, applicants,
were present to discuss the minor
variance application of part lot 26•
front concession, N.T.P., part 8 of
RD No. S. Pollowhig discussion,
Mr. Tousaw recommended to coun-
cil that the proposed variance was
considered to be minor, appropriate
and maintain the intent of the
Secondary Plan and Zoning by4aw.
He indicated also that the
Department of Planning and
regarding an agenda-' iteiti for a
livestock clairn sub0"C :by
Donald ,Gib$00:—.. •
Dave Reed, representative of the
Frank Cowan 'Insurance Co.and
Barry McDonag1i. of ..McDonagh
Insurance Broker. Ltd., attended the
meeting 10 present the. 1990..1991.
Tunito iiagep •
. ,
1:30 Rill.
More consignments being taken
•Call the sales barn at 887-6461 or
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-October-11th 12th' • . 13th • 15th .. - 16th
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