The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-10, Page 2Pogo * aLitck*ow tip*U*eJ, WusiserWeber ida,y.ill. Iws AMMON BRIMS 0°4(7" Alt Formal Goy SAVIIIMAi WHOM Every Item In Stock is On,Sate STORE HOURS; Tues. -Sat; 900.5:30 Appointments Appreciated Fire atestroys uaorks%vpa contents in Ashfieid A % on Why, October the whole 1)044 w* u ui. ted 3 destroyed s worse shop. at in ;flame t. ���in - m were on the Sold Township. owned by Jack s for A proa iy two and � t t.T 1I � hours. **pod frame building with tai The building and tom. was the. old S.S. 6, tt�:�,is partially cowed schoolhouse. i .. by . The ,call was perto the in a telePholae interview with w and .District lire hitt, hick Culbert., she said theY Department at alarm presently have no phms gas to. 636 p.m. When therue whether the brothers will rebuild deportment arrived on. the some.' ornok . . at Clarification Last..weck's story enWheels A operated by the North Huron SpecialTransit C , was headlined. ino ally. The hea 'One have read 'Vf way embarks on fund raising ca padgn �Tyhc Sentinel, apologizes: for any mis g ming th s. 5'dch . i., Fort ,gigini Wedding Consultations iMaWf' 1M!!4�}PT' f .. In last week's issue rugardina the Huron Bruce Canadian Diabetes Branch loth anniversary, Fridays,October 12, it should have been notedthat ONIAt dinner tickets must be purchased* advanceadmittance tothe variety program and dance, featuring 'local cat, Betty Lou Dalton and Allan MacKenzie, is by donation at the door, • The ;Se ttel apologizes for any misunderstanding arising from this OK .N_ N_ „O ` $28400 e Aeon," The Right; Ijo mot: Cuanlities To No mat Niggly rfequtremente.: C' i3.*.• S2T ADMIRAL,- dank DMIRAL.`.•G nk tarsi 6 b (iii i una �. less.than 1/2 price MEADOWGOLD 2 LITRE CARTON Ice Cream 900 g Box Pasta lees than 1/2 price HEINZ 10 oz. ' 2 Tomato Soup , /1. save .70' KNECHTEL Pieces & Stems 10 oz. • ' Mushroorrts save .50 With this coupon SAVE 60i 6;1 off the purchase of 3? 1 1 Titre bottle . 1 Heinz Ketchup 99 ugh 1 Special Price w/o coupon 2.49 coupon L,r.••r,r..u...ro mop. mg soma om. know ' Wub this couponSAVE eo. ore a puc hose of .i 1= Ass'd colours 4 roN r ' COTTENELLE 1.Bathroom Tissue 1 Special Price w/o coupon 1.59 Offer expires Sat. Oct. 13/90 SCHNEIDER'S Kent Sliced 500 g Side Bacon 1 10 oz. Cream of • Mushroom Soup BURN'S Tender Flaked' 184 g tin Ham r� or Tondetflake Ttukey less than 1/2 price 2 9 With this coupon, 6310015 purchase - With this 9 1 coupon tri of 1,300 g Ass't Grinds MOTHER PARKER'S Vac 8C'Coffee VVNh thb coupon 949E 700 off tho matinee of • 1woo g.Box o( Rice Krlepies1 Special 2a cOUPon KELLOGG'S e 79 u Offer exrat,o..3/n 90 33751434 SIM MI MIS Town crews were on 'the job :quickly after , last Thursday's storm abated, cleaningup tree limbs off many streets in town. Here Steve Pritchard takes the chain saw to a large' section of tree that was blown off a tree on the. property of Sylvia and Gerry Mears on Outram street. (Pat Livingston •photo). • Carrie 'retires SCHNEIDER'S 500 g Pkg. 'Famous For Quality' .66/1Q0 g Sliced Bologna PRODUCT OF THE "TROPICS' Golden Yellow .73 Kg. Bananas PRODUCT OPU.SA. Snowy White 8 oz. Cello Tray Mushrooms �.3 .e_*Num imps Fresh Young Ontario Pork Picnic 2.62 Kg. Pork Shoulder Roast '"SCHNEIDER'S Blue Ribbon. 1 1 Bologna Dell glided or shaved LB. PRODUCT of .0.SA. Fresh, Sweet, Juicy Cantaloupes. .1.4 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO ea. Canada Femcy 31-13 Bag Macintosh Apples •. from page 1. 6' am. to midnight doing their best to sort through bags .and bags of Christmas mail. After the first Christmas, Carrie said. she wasn't really Buie ' if she wanted to be there for another one. Some of us may not recall that at one time you could have a savingsaccount at the post of- fice. This made additional paper work for the employees, as people deposited or withdrew their 'money. In Manch of 1972, Carrie' was appcuuted as postmaster of the Luckttow post office. As Canis says, there have been a lot of changes in the postal service over her 44 years, and not all for the better. But, she remembers the good times she had working with the many employees who passed through the local post office. ' In a career expanding this many years and one which deals With the public on a daily basis, the majority of the population In Lucknow and rural routes has conic to know who Carrie Milne is. • Like most of us, Carrie quite often questioned when . she left each 'night what she was doing in that job. But, the next mor- ning was another day. To sum it all up, she said really enjoyed her carper in the Lucknow Post Office. Accepts "incentive" • from page 1' Mr. Creech was also asked if post mistress Carrie Milne had officially retired His reply was that as far as he could find out she was on long term disability. (See story Came retires) When ask d what would hap- pen after Mr. Allen leaves Oc- tober e.tober 27, Mr. Creech said there were nouitmediate plans to make any chifges.