HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-03, Page 17Ir 38,. Auction Sole CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM MACHMIVW, H000D1Of.D EFFi 1 F011, ALLAN DICKSON anal Awieurn,,1 aentrrseuths & 1.oaimr east of putsit. Monday, Octob r 1540 10:30 a.m.. LiN»11100Ka 7hsel Cows (2xlllh setts, llnlunos duo M Fal)1 CIwskle/ Lens X yowling Ball, 5 yearlings, 2 Meme, 11000 Ibe. T.am tea. Maris f3 g 0 yam std•notWOW. . PIOS:.7 Soso (some Moil! emiS plash* Inesene,16 Chuslas. GRMI: 90 Ton hbted 0relnfatoelly Onto, 00 Iletend 011ie Ina Out Iley 1010,, 1501 Rousid 8issl N 140111 ER151030 calla Tractor/ cob h. ohains 1 good ocotillos* 161 M.F. ThMr 1hydro** leaded` cdlelno, 770 Oliver Tiapkr �..(MMIqu.) ..., 410 N.F, Contbia, 1Miek op Ik roll, 40 V.F. ewsthsr,.OMwt' Plough 4*18" sett mount, Ford 13' Cultivator, Jahn Delos 7000 0 ROW Corn. Planter t monitor% hitettMgsn.l 10 run . Sad Oral, 44 plate Into nsllon !'WOO Oleo,, Weed Sprayer /times pump. FertlNzsr Spare* / 2 Wheel.M,F. 4 New Cern Planter 30" N. ides. 325 Ploltsr altdl r w a lett► Jalmn hoer fir Hs(► bine Joint Derr' Mode114T Bator; JoIin Bowe' 7' Mower /. a p.t.h. Illy Elevator on wlbrels,. 2 Sksletofr pipe Elevators, a3' Oratec Aught en utisnin, S BravIly litres: Wagons (2,225bu.), 2'20" flat Blot Wagons, 0 Oration Blamond Ilanow,12' Pony Hamm, tot, sitStrnut.Sprnadec' / 2 bolter, 357 N.H. Mx MITI, George Smyth Snow Maw 7', Cement Mlx.r, Tmi ob Machin% 2 Feed Carte, 2 Grain Aerator•. (mall Grsln;Auger,.Cutting 0i Qrsee 8olr, New • Wiry,, tait CMttle'Vehorners Burd.zzoe, ,RI Roltd Bus Feeder,', Pres.urJs Waohsr,. i o er-:tland Saw, • Elrotrlo llotili)1I Hfi Garden TIIar, ,,. 'SonPhort; 00 tanit La ifnrn . HOU$2NOLD EFFECT8..i ANTIQUES: 2 Capboardr, Wash Shred • etc- • Nctn roue other home found on a well ks . TEEMS "CA$H or CHEWIE wkh l.D 8%Sale. TixinEfMclwiyrs applNable Owner/Auctioneer not responsible for aoofd.Ms slue of pnoprrlyMduy of Ole* AKtlotinoaiiptsfei:tli lu pmc.d nce over written advertising day of sale, Farm Sold, ForinIoniiitlon `Contact: Arlin Olchlfoe, - 529-7143. Auctioneer ,BRIAN RINTOUL 557-2349 i46. In Memoriam HILDA I just went through all the cards and letters we received since June 1, 1950. I would like to thank again all the people of Lucknow and area for their thoughtfulness and kind- ness. It was very much ap- preciated. Tom Andrew.-40ar MANN In loving memory of a dear wife, mother, grandmother and great- grandmother, Aileen Mann, who passed away October 5, 1989.. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a .day, dear Mom, That we do not think of you. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by husband Eldon: Linda and Terry, Donald and Henriette, • Stephen and Lynne, grandchildren and great -grandchildren. -40z 47. Card Of Thanks GAVIN-SCOTT We would like to thank everyone for attending our stag and doe. Special thanks to our wedding par- ty »ty for all their `work, also Donna and Sug. Vickey and Brent. --=40x MEURS I would like to thank all the ladies who attended my shower and `for all the lovely gifts 1 received. Special thanks ` to those who organized it, It was all very much appreciated. Nathalle, -40z 47. Cards of Thanks 8TANIXY T wish to thank my family, friend* and nom for tom, vfalts triad flowers while I !fits a pant in Winajwim sad w University Bl�oii,Itiis> It RutileI�t, p ����pp Much acted. STUMM T would like to thank Dr. Beira iak, nurses and otaff for being so good to me while T was ' a patient hi Wingham Hospital. Anne. -40 .MOLE Thank you to all our family, (*oda and net hb *heircaring and at the time of Barbara's adent and subsequent recovery, Your phone calls, gifts and thoughtful gestures will always be remembered.vialthanks to Dr. Walker, Dr. earce, emergency' staff and ambulance ` attendants . from Goderich and to Dr, Singh, Dr, MacRae, Dr. ,leans, Dr. Soin. merauer, emergencystaff, PCCU staff and 7 East f' of Children's • Hospital, London, Bill and Mary.—44 40, Coming' Events WHITE HORSE ANTIQUES presents Antique Show and Sale at Ploalierton Areae, highway 10, octP 6, 7, 2, Saturday, 10 at.in. 6 p..m_ P ,, d +/, 12 Pm. s'5 pan.,_ Monday, 10 a.m.. " 0 pm.Aftismon50. for three day& 37 dealers. Ball earit. Olt) 4434147.-34-40 DOB= .B7<NGO Lucknow and District Lions Club, Dabber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow Community ity C ntrre. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Bingo at 7:15 p.m. Air conditioned, wheelchair scc - bie. Potefttial prize . ,board . over leg i� moat $oo! calla r BINGO Goderich Knights • of ' Colultnbus, Thursdoi 7:30 p.m. Sanitford Valley Hall, MOO in *picizes. 41000 jackpot' count go.- -btfar `would SIbOIY •I like to thank friends and . neighbours for :their concern while l was id the hoepital.• Bob. --0i, X18," Coming Events BUS TRIP October 27 to 'Simko Toy Warehouse in Toronto and- Fairview , Mall, Kitchener. 416.00 per seat, on highway .charter. Call soon 529-7521-40 HOT TURKEY SUPPER Lucknow United Church, Tuesday, October 16 ; from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.. Apces United Church Women. Adults y4 ,00, ander 12 - 63.00. Colne 'early can. A real treat-- y youall you can eat. -40,,41 RALLOWEEN` DANCE AND CIHLDEEN'S COSTUME PARTY Save,r save, save this date open' - October 27. Children's costwne°par- ty - 6:30 p,m..games and: contests. Adult dance ;9:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Lucknow and District Kinsi neitand Kinettes..More details to ;follow.--40,4lar BAZAAR Everyone welcome to the annual Country Kitchen Bazaar at Pine ) River United Church, Saturday, Oc- tober 6 from 11:00 aUn. - 2 parr: -40 . BEEF BARBECUE Dungannon Union Pastoral Charge Beef Barbecue on World Food Sun- day, October 14, Brookside Public School from 5-7 p.m. Adults 47.00, children 6-12 63.50, preschool free. Advance tickets only. Phone,. 5244167, 5244302, 529-7356 5247857:-40,41x LL FLEA MARKET Saturday, October 20 from 10-2 p.m. Dungannon Agricultural Hall, lunch booth, two buildings of bargains. Vendors wanted, call 529.7390:. Spon- sored by Dungannon Agricultural Society. --40,41 42ar YOUTH DARTS Any youth aged 12-18 interested in playing darts Monday nightsIrom 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. we are looking for new players. Darts supplied, Begin- ners welcome. Starting October 15 at 6 p.m. For More information or registration contact Phyllis Mat- thews awthews 528-2431 after 5 p.m. or the Legion 528-2745.- 39,40,41ar BLYTE LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.- Blyth and District Community' Centre, $300 Jackpot must go. Over 41000 in prizes.- 43tf 25th Vsledding'Anniversary OPEN H-10USk Sunday, October7,1990 Dungannon Agricultural, Society Hall for Grant & Sandra Cun'an Best Wishes Oily Please BRK. E PATTERN OF -Pt, VERTY. Please contribute to:' 54 Sparks Ottawa Canada 1, K1I35B1 (613)234`6827' '%icilcaaw ENNI laei, liVedneadity, Weber $, 11QN . rase 17 Construction underway at Agriculture Canada's headquarlers, Ouelpli Aad -1 ciettlany Sept. 17 'marked i t official start of construction on Agriculture Cansda'a new regionad headquarters in Guelph. .The facility will be loomed in the University of Guelph's Rcaesrch Park. Agriculture Minister Dont Niarankowski and Wellington .MP and Minister for Science Wily, Winegard toned the sod at the site of the building thatwill be oc- cupied by about 220 employees. Occupancy isscheduled for the spring of 199k! ' "this new facility will consolidate Agriculture Canada offices now located `itt. Toronto.. Hanu`lton end Guelpb, itnpr+ovmgour links 110 the apiculture community, the'Unive r sity of Guevlph and the ptpvi>ncc of Ontario," Mr. Mamnkowski said,.. "Te proximityt4 other agri fond organizations located in ' tom_ Research Park will enhance our ability to consult with and provide better service to our. partners in agricultt e." . Dr. Winegai+d added, ` "The. location of the new aegianal head- . quarks . strengthens Agriculture Cavil° ds1'a position itt at con*mimity that Is tut becoming a centre for sgtricultttral excellence. The move is good for die egri-food indust ry and; goodfor the Guelph ion." The building, to be leased by Public Works Canada, will ptovide *boat 4,000 aquae meteor of w�o`_r,kk..ii,�n�.g,pp�,;,,��{s{p�ayce .((�for Agriculture Canada employees. The Agriculture Canada Regional Headquarters will join other offices in the Research Park, including the department's Health of Animals Laboratory and indtwyoar ganizatsons such as Semex Otheragn-f'dod the Orr or- geniptions and: the ttttridl Ministry of Agriculture and Food are also `scheduled t(1 movc to the Research Park. WHEN SEE A MAN --tet anov�g; manner: T know. .his Wife%. to be; a patient soul, u --With a great desiire for prate I shun his company. --With �ces wdli pressed l anishabby inclined tolhtrust him. --With too long a face l question his hgi . A iT'S FAST - IlrS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG :-•:CALL Ttfl$ NEWSPAPER, FOR DETAILS, • MORTGAGES ARE.YOU'A• HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any. purpose. Pay off credit cards. No qualifying hassels.. Excel Financial Corporation. (tollfree) •1-800-265-6984. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario propertied to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept CN, Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAME�LiON - RUN A. BUSINESS from Home marketing sheer non -run hosiery and. sterling silver jeweliry, 40- 50% profit, Start before pre -Christmas rush. Collect: (604) 687-0510, (604) 687-0409 weekends/eves, (604) 681-3394. START YOUR OWN. 1OK JEWELRY Business for as little as $50: Fabulous: designs, superb quality, excellent profits. The Gold Discovery, .14335-47 Ave., Edmonton, T6H 0B9. (403) 434.2550. EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement.. or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED REPORTER with Darkroom, Layout skills required. Salaried position, company benefits. Apply with references, Mid -North Monitor, Box 1126, Espanola, Ontario, POP 1 CO. Fax (705) 869-5140. REPORTER -PHOTOGRAPHER .,Senior position, immediately, award winning twice -weekly community newspaper. Resume to Editor, Napanee Beaver, 72 Dundas S1 E., Napanee; K7R 1 H9. Fax (613) 354- 2622. WANTED: COMMITTED CHRISTIANS to share a iifechanging business ministry, selling inspirational, motivational books, tapes and toys. Training provided. Phone (416) 892-1343. Write Box 550-J, Fonthill, Ontario, LOS 1E0. CHRISTMAS SALES- Earn extra income through home party sales of luxurious leather gifts and accessories. Generous hostess incentives and more. For details call tollfree 1.800-667-6930. PARENTS/TEACHERS, we need your valuable experience! 15-20 flexible hours per week qualifies: fOr $150 weekly guarantee, by presenting educationejl material, to interested_parepts. (519) 657-1891. ' r. • CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide ,to home -study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetoloay. Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psycholoc sl. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, '72. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A -Z and D -Z licences. Days and weekend courses. Job placement assistance. Markel Transport Training. Guelph. 1-800-266-7173. L$'ARN'AIJCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario ' School of Auctioneereng. Next class: October 20-27/90, For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering,; R.R.15, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S /V9. (519) 537.2115, .CHINA • NORITAKE SALE! .Terrific discounts on current patterns! Deliveredwweh-ackecf,.;insured. For price' list on your Noritake...pattern, call Alexander's, The Noritake Egpett§,"Tor6'nto, tollfree.1-800-263-5896, , . COMING EVENTS OCTOBER 27-29. CREATIVE SEWING And Needlework Festival. Exhibition Place, Toronto. Canada's largest showcase of supplies, services, trends and techniques for sewing, needleart, crafts. Info: (416) 470-7057. • ARTS, CRAFTS AND COUNTRY COLLECTIBLES. 200 Artisans, Metro East Trade Centre, Brock RoadNorth at 401, Pickering. Thursday -Saturday, October 18-20. Admission $3.50. CraftWorld (519) 351-8344. NINTH ANNUAL FOREST CITY Nostalgia and Antique . Show and Sale. Canada Building, Western Fairgrounds, London. October 20th, 12-9pm. Oct. 21st, 11-6pm. Admission $3. 60 dealers! Olga (519) 679-1810. THE TWELFTH ANNUAL London Arts and Crafts Christmas Show and Sale, Centennial Hall, London. October 26, noon-10pm. 27, 11am-10pm. 28, 11am 6pm. Admission $2.50. Olga Traher (519) 679-1810. FOR SALE LOG BUILDING VIDEO - Full scribe method. 5 1/2 hrs. of detailed instruction, VHS or Beta tapes. Contact Lazy Dog Productions, R.R.#1, Battersea, Ont. KOH 1HO. (613) 353-6733. LARGE PUMPKINS, Watermelons. By the truckload. Also Springer Spaniel Puppies. Call (519) 773-9472, (Aylmer). NINTENDO - 72 games in one cartridge. $195..+ delivery. Call or write Action Games, Ste 372, 3017 St. Clair Ave, Burlington, L7N 305. (416) 632-9652. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double .length for 50% more. Limited steel. Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263- 8499. ACT.NOW! BUY Factory Direct - all steel building with endwalis S -25x30 $2,979. Quonsets and straightwalls to 100' wide. Immediate delivery. Savings! PIONEER/- ECONOSPAN 1.800-668-5422 (24 hours). FUTURE BUILDINGS Ploughing Match Specials to continue till allocated supply lasts. Many sizes. Hurry for best selection. Call 1-800-668-8653. A -Z PRE -ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers: Wally' (416) 626-1794 after 6pm, weekends. Free brochures. Clip -save. Your ad could appear in community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space Is Limited, so CaII Thls Newspaper odayi •