HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-10-03, Page 1"cekbra
Sixty years .ago, last Monday.
October 1, a young' Alii,: firma
Goodlands, Manitoba and it
young man, from Deloraine,
Manitoba were united in mar-
riage, by Rev. P.N. Murray. That
ceremony, ,performed in St.
Paul's United Church Manse, in
Boissevain, was the beginning of
a relationship- for Vi and Jho
Amold, that would endure. many,
• many hm, times with .a smat-
tering, of. hardship thrown in, to
testtheir strength: But as they
said, "we were together and we
shared everything."
Following their marriage Jim
,and Vi farmed in the area. Far-
ming in the . early thirties in
Manitoba was not successful.
For five years in . a row there
was no, crop to harvest, thanks to
infestation and " weather con-
ditions. During these years, Jim
cut and hauled of wood to
town. where Mei received the
grand sum' of $2.50 per: load,
which°'they used for groceries.
• fButter. Was .08 per pound and
eggs .05 per dozen: Jim recalled
one `time: when they had finally
Managed to fatten two calves for
market. They were counting on
having a few extra dollars, but
Vera surpriseid when the:shipperr
tookthe tiiggest calffcr his fee
and they were left With $5:00
from the sale of the 'smallpr calf.
Foe "same of us, it may very
well indeed beehard: to relate to
. what sounds him hard time. For
the Arnolds,' and . others, like
them, you `siinply Made the beat
of what You had. Jim sai "we
were young and nothing
us. We'd bundlethe children up
and go to dances. The' ladies
would bring sandwiches and
we'd take up a collections for the
musicians. Some threw in a
nickel or a dime; if you were'
really lucky and had a quarter,
you'd donate it."
Recalling the birth of their first
child, Reg, the Arnolds
reminisced about the storm
sweeping the area that February.
Jim's mother, Eveline Arnold,
who is now 103,was on hand
for the birth, along with the local
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Meals Away embarks on fund raising campaign
Wheels Away, operated by the • The service may be used for a the service area under contract with
North Huron Special Transit Car- variety of things., - appointments a municipality will be charged to
potation, has embarked on a fund with doctor, dentist, chiropractor, the user. (Users in a municipality
raising campaign, Theaim.. of hair, lawyer, etc; shopping; atten- not covered by an agreement will
Wheels -Away is to provide ding an entertainment event; be assessed $2.50 plus .60 per
transportation for qualified seniors visiting family or friends; taking kilometre),
Uamond anniversary
Jim and Vi Arnold,. of Lucknow, celebrated their" 60th wedding
anniversary last Saturday evening. And what a cekbratiool It was
the first time their entire family bad been under one roof in a good
number of years. (Pat Livingston photo)
and the disabled within our area.
Mobility permits individuals , to
enjoy an independent lifestyle and
to participate in the many activities
within the community.
A goal of $50,000 has been set
for the purchase of a specialized
van with hydraulic lift and am-
bulatory entrance, and operating
expenses not covered by user fares
and government subsidies. Service'
clubs, organizations and individuals
will be approached for support.'
Wheels Away will provide
transportation, within an established
area, for those having difficulty in
boarding . or operating regular
vehicles. Eligibility to use the service will
Drivers will be trained in first aid,;- be reviewed by a committee. Those
CPR and appropriate methods of with temporary disabilities will also
handling those with, walking and. be considered,
other limitations: $2.50 for a one way trip within
part ina club activity or meeting; If trips can be accommodated
church , or a change of scene. • beyond the regular service area, an
Retirement homes, nursing homes, additional charge to the basic fare
the hospital and various social of $2.50 will be levied.
agencies could book outings for Companions may ride with an
their residents and clients. eligible user. A fee equivalent to
Booking will lie required in ad- that ` of the eligible user will be
vance and a telephone number will charged. Government subsidies do
be provided for reservations. .not cover rides by companions.
The frequency of the service ' is
The fare charged does riot cover
yet to be determined, Initially it will the service. Provincial grants;
be limited to certain days and hours donations" from service clubs, gr-
in response to demand, staffing, and ganizations and individuals; and
budgetary considerations. As time subsidies provided by participating
Progresses, increased ridership will municipalities go towards main -
prompt a corresponding expansion twining a modest user fee.
of the service. Applications are available at
village and township clerk's offices.
Any individual with questions or
having difficulty in completing the
form should contact Gloria
Workman at 357-1440.
Community mous death
of former businessman
The family" and friends of :a
former Lucnow businessman,
Gerry Priestap, are mourning his
passing this week,' after a 14
year battle with carter.*
G erald Newt Priestap, of R.
2, Lucknow,passed away at his
home on September 30, 1990 at.
the age of 47 years.
Mr. Priestap•was born on July
- 18, 1943, in Stratford, Ontario, a
son of Carl. and Edith (Harlot!)
Priestap, off Bornholm.
He married Mary Lou: (Seip-
gner), formerly of Mitchell, on
September 19, 1964.
In. March.` 1965 Mr. Pr estap
went into partnership with Eldon
Mann, operating the farm uip-
ment business G and E Salss
and Service, on Inglis Street in
Lucknow. In 1971 the business
movedlo new quarters on conn..
ty road one, north of Lucknow.
In April 1981.. Mr. Mann retired
and ',Mir: Priestap continued to
operate the business under Pries -
tap Holdings Inc,, until Ferry'
1, 1990,, at which time the
business wak sold.
Mr.:.,was: honoured in
October .195 by:. Massey;Yet-
Fetguaon Industries Ltd, for .n
quarter of a'. century in the far-
ming: industry.
Mr.; Priestap was a member of
theLucknow United Church and
sat on the church board..;
He was also an .active member
of the Lucknow. District Lions
Club, joining that club in 1967.
He served as president in 1972,
and his project during his term
was the building`of the Lucknow
Swimming Pool.
• In 1976 the Priestaps moved
into their new home on Huron
Road one, just south -of Luck-
now It was around this same
time that Mr. Priestap was diag-
nosed with cancer and had a
kidney removed.
Mr. Priestap "leaves to mourn
his passing his wife, Mary Lou;
his children, Brad and his wife,
Louise of Goderich, and Heather
-and Dale at home.
He is also survived by his
mother, Edith Priestap. of
Bornholm; brothers and sisters,
Don and Sharon Priestap, of
Woodstock; Warren and Mary
Lynne Priestap Of -Sebringville;
David and Sandra Priestap of St,
Marys; Judy and Petedolong of
Mitchell; Bob and Ann Priestap
of Barrie; Dike and Betty Pries -
tap of 'Rostock; Janice and Bob
Montgomery of Mitchell; Brian
and Deborah Preistap, of
Mitchell; ,Steve and 'Michelle
Priestap of Mitchell!, several
nieces and nephews.
Nlr ' Priestap was, predecease,
y his father,,Carl, in. 1985-
985.MacKe nz i e and McCreath
Funeral Hetero, Lucknow, Was in
charge of tire' funeral ' arran-
gements. Visitation - was at the
hWie fnomu 2 rid ► - ,9, p it.
on Monday. October 1, •
The raatiral service was con-
ductal from the Lucknow United
Church; by Rev. Gerald McFar-
lane on
cFarlane.:on October 2,
Flower bearers were Jamie
Irwin, Bob Gilchrist, Allan Gib-
son, Lorne Cook, Bud Hamilton,
Bob Campbell, Ron Alton, Greg
Alton. and Doug Eadie.
Honourary pallbearers were
Grant Chisholm, Art Helm, Jim
Gibson and Eldon Mann. \
Active pallbearers were Bob
Struthers, Barry McDonagh, Bill
Gibson, Andy Grazier, Scott
Hackett and Peter Grazier.
A graveside service was con-
ducted by Rev. McFarlane prior
to interment in Greenhill
Cemetery, Lucknow.
Donations in Mr. Priestap's
memory may be made to the
Lucknow United Church or The
Kidney, Foundation, or the
charity of one's choice.
Early deadlines.
Due to the :Thanksgiving
holiday on :Monday: October i8,
deadlines for advertising and
editorial copy have been moved
forward.. .
Classified word advertisements
must be inthe Sentinel office by
1 p.m,. Friday, October 5.
Display advertising and
editorial copy will be received
no later than 3 p.m. on Friday,
October 5. Correspondents are
asked to submit their material as
early as possible.
Have a safe, happy
Time to have your pet
inoculated for rabies
According to .a press release
from the Bruce -Grey -Owen
Sound Health Unit, the counties
Of Bruce and Grey continue to
experience a high incidence of
rabies. Grey County often leads
theprovince in positive animal
rabies cases. Unfortunately, a
large portion of these animals
continue to be dogs and cats.
With an increase in the fox
population this year and since
the fox is the main vector in the
spread of rabies, the risk of
exposure to faun animals as well
as pets may be expected to
Current statistics indicate an
increase in rabies cases from last
year. To date, 171 eases have
been reported within the Grey -
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