HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-09-26, Page 5"Memoirs brings back
memories for Hepworth main
To the editorr; inianommoimmoimmums
This concerns. the 70 years too.
column, which woo dineddune 3,
1920, and wbon Avowed in Otis
Year's May 30 Samna ne1Q _.
My only excuse for net impost. naturally .often bout the war -
ding sour, was simplythat bomb., buzzboatlt, the sett front,
ret nanentbocomes hectic,A mantes defence ee. One say ' wa vivre
in our IVIsrritimea has now staled d� when the Second Front
�mato whin' g,
open. It watt .at a time when
As much . ; . ,
time hos elapsed since German and ► fatalities
the following nitelinato .I ibtill ap. were piling up, like walla' at
preciate any correction or addition. Snrolenn to and Staling I mew
1 had the great forgone of visiting tioned that the number' of catulities
several times with Mr. and Mrs, on the Eastern Front would reduce
Bob Barbour of Brighton. England.. the _ firepower on the _ Wei
was walking down It London, (Second) Front. Mrs: Barbour said,
street one day, in the Second..War' "Well, yes. burl still think, we will
(probably 1942) and met Renald have trouble with these le after
Hendehrson,: from just west of the war," (meaning the sions)1
now. When Ronnie learned 'that 1 -,-suppose she watright, Wedicthave
had been stationed in and around a cold war didn't we? ar ,did we?
Brighton h eug ested icall s n his Eileeiri and 1 visitedB.righton�in
' uncle on Freshhfie Rand, B ghton. ' 1987, while. on our fug trip �.
1 did so, as Ihad hear of the'sernior since the war. A fly who now,
Barbour family while t home, lives at their addle% know thein"
Robert Barbour had been blinded well, but they had both passed on,
,the second last day of the first war. They had two. ; daughters, .•One
He married his English nurse later.' daughter stilllives in .dna area,'
In spite of his blindnessnothing appmently, but time ran out on us.
stoned him, He had a niche garden So glad Lucknow could show its
and about '25.hens-in , 4 yard behind great generosity to the Barbours. To
the house - imagine - in a cityl As Me,,. each. one seemed. to be the
Bob would feed them, he ; would other's hero. T' thank you for trie
step over them and bell me which items from old Sentinels. They help
:.:one had stopped • laying eggs, etc., us to: understand more .fully, .the
TOy hen, feed and other bargains impossible, complex world we are
he'dtake a bus to R yal Palace in today.
But Bums,
R. 2 Hepworth,
:area, and change for Lees, Sussex,
about 14 miles away, foe Saturday
•aale, arid go back again.
One der Mrs Barbour 'surprised
me .With a strawberry short cake Be acaring
She had gotten therecipe from a•
lady, in Bob's family when they had rta
taken .a voyage tdLuckn0W several w
Years . 'previously. It was :perhaps. To the editor:
the same trip related, in your At Thanksgiving time. we should,
column: Memoirs, as people didn't .• be thankful' for some ofthe: wonder-
travel often in those days.. ful.human;senses that eve`lw often
Our 'gird conversations were take for granted.
Crime Stoppers of GreyBruce are seeking the public's assistance in
the investigation of a Break, Enter
and Theft, width .occulTed Carrick
Township near Walkerton,. Ontario.
The Walkerton Detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police report that
a break, enter and'theft occurred on
the 15th Concession of Carrick
Township. A residence was broken
into by forcing open a basement
window. Once inside the culprit(s)
made off with SONY video camera,
a SONY stereo receiver and
speakers, a SONY cordless
telephone, a satellitp receiver .and
assorted frozen .meats frromthe
freezer. Indications left at the scene
revealed ,that at least two persons
were involved. The value of the
Tiffany Ziegler
September 28,1988
2 Years Old
Lisa Navin-,
September 30, 1983
• x Veers Old
Jeanna. knechtel
S pterrrbsr 300 10e9
1 Year Old
I r I.
r1 : �V.
w flaftiliitisitlipL
stolen property was estimated to be
$6,300 ,
The . person(s) responsible have.
not been identified as yet.
If you feet you can help in this or
any other case, Crinie, Stoppers of
Grey Bruce are rw l ing to pays"t.
reward 'up io $1;000, for info
motion leading to an arrest. CALL
AT 1-800-265-3787. You reed not.
identify yourself. No one, will know
who you are. You will never have
to testify in coni t.'
,aina Amid 1 teach the
subject et la�wc Cotige. Orae
task in beck q ng is checking to
find whether theme is *laying aueou
in each hie. The egg: are mom,
Gond, sight is required to :see therm,
i ata apt to assume du all of my
students coq see the ems. but this
not always be the came.
is so valuable and to be
blind is`a * tdy. Y�from a
caring citizen can fund a
sight -restoring .cataract operatimt in
the Developing World through.
Operon Eyesight Universal,
On *annual basis, this registered
,radian charity funds an avenge
of 100,000 eataraet. operations in
countries' like Pero. India, Kenya
and Haiti.
As a volunteer for Operation ..
Eyesight universal, I feel , very
proud when I think that mothers
cured of blindness can see and care
for their children again, that farmers
coin workin their fields and that
tradesmen can once more earn 4
living ;
are ° estimated to be .thir-
ty-two. m inion curably blind people
in the world today... most of them
Loam* mi 1, Whys member II, 1 ►/ Pa 1
in Third World Ceiltninyiera. i'he need
d$�ntomidu hendna
someone receive their sight!
not only pays for cti wA wract
surgery; covers tilt cost of
dressings,, medication,
post- en c care„ food and
eye. And that's not alt...
someone who* sit Ms been
rescind can once again function
and become °a n tweet in the: cow
Caring Comedians can make n
difference to so many destitute
li All donations to 9tion
Eyesight Utuvere al arerh-eligible for
tax credit and can be'se nt to Suite
202,1719 Lawrence. Avenue East,
Scarboro» gh, Ontario. M1R 2X7
(Tel: 416,759.8011) orto Box 123,
Station M, Calgary, Alberta TZF
2H6 (Tel. 4037283.6323),
pictures for
the East
history book?
ThncEast W wanosh Him, sr
group of senior citizen* and odrer,
volunteers, is working on a history •
of 'the township for its 125th 1117,
niversaey in 1992. Rccentdy, the
Minister of with and Welfare,
rondo issued a cheque for $12,000
to assist the efforts as a New
Horizon project The province has
indicated that they too may.chip in
an additional amount.
Recently the group met in the
township office to review proms
of .Ibe project. More than 150
Yours truly, residents and former residents of
Harold'Killrns ' .the township have written their
163 Trowbridge Avennte, s :{pe> ,. histories as it is tied to
London, Ontario Nfir 3ii.d2' East Wawanosh and others have
Phone: 519-471-9557 researched township institutions like
thehistory of schools. cemeteries,
-churches and organizations, At
present Toby Rainy, a former jour-
nalist, is editing the accumulated
histories. She expressed concern at
the meeting 'that there are not
enough, old g hs submitted
and she ears thatmany are sitting
in shoe boxes ,amid' on attics, She
urged anyone who hasphotographs
Of the township' to loan thein to the
group for reproduction `in the his-
tory book.
cader asks us to give
consideration to all, creatures
To the Editor, •
Once again one of our neighbours•
from the district surrounding Luck*
now has ` seen in
to dispose',of an
unwanted, , dog in the village. �(1
realize that the reverse also occurs
with villi erg dr Aping former pets
in the countryside.) '
• The human raceis supposed to be
the most intelligent of all -God's
creatures and obviously that should
.include a;sense of responsibility and'
compassion, ,The person' who..cast
off' this animal; not only. was ir-
responsible. but was •a -coward tri
boot, •
Perhaps'this dog will: have pup-
... ., ".
•,pies. By administering.- Ovaian, a
small.. to medium dog oaa be
rendered infertile for one year at a
cost of $5.20.
M some later date, theperson
wltbiet this dog out may *inset
ves be, put away or dropped off
somewhere, when. trey become
undesirable, cranky, or 'tidies .weY.
Plea, let us. give consideration
to all', ie creatures with' whom. we
share this planet.
Ai. Armstrong.
...With a certain amount of
w-Wiih saw urged after greatness.
--With some desires that can
ver; be fully 0E004
--With some weaknesses and
some 'strength.
--With' a• lot of connradictorY
�.�(�•.-�..y-yyW.`` ith a capacity for becoming'
ass-sos2 ,
Only until September g9
Insulated Coveralls
In stock
Vests, Camouflage
.Insulated novo ills
and Coats.
We appreciate you business.•
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