HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-09-19, Page 7Celebrate Stanley anniversary
f L URP� GROVEmanammoma w
university of Goevh.
FAO sa�at>raa�►y. were Alan and Roo
exhThitors from here was Laraine sissesswassmossossinsissfhonitson of;
itDinr. V vee:
Harvey's sisters 1140,10
Olive' Irwin and Viola Stanle. Percy,
Wray and Linda Thompson of
Mia and Wilda and Harvey
Thompeon returned from a motor
trip ta>'the mid -welt. They visited in
Cartwright, Manitoba, with Mrs.
11farian° ) Thompson, her
daughter Norma rind Garth Vincent,.
their son Drell and Terry and iami-
ly, also with Miss to Gardner,
Albeit Lawry. On to Garr ,.
Nath Dakota, they visited fiat
cousins Wilda's ' father (Claude
Dore), Frank and Faye Colwell.
ages 95 and 90. also their sister-in-
law Violet (Maurice) Colwell and,
her son Cuylrr and Ruth, Cuyler
and , Jay- They cash crop. 1000 acres
and raise sheep, Then they went on
to visit Florence (Edison) Colwell
in Vermillion* South Dakota, who.'.
recently celebrated her 90th .birthd-
ay. her Son Dell and Carol Colwell.
McCosh and Mary Anne Kulroly.. overnight on Thursday and retnn l guys was attending the dog races in
Jolitn and JoyceFarrell ofConces- to their home° in Thorrtdaale aSjou The highlightof the trip for the:
sion 10 were dinner guests of Mit r ; Joan, Randy and Lucas
and Mrs. John Gilchrist of Coned-, MacDonald returned" to South Por- Pian,
sion 12, Bruce Township. cupine after holidaying with Wilda Christens, Carmen,
Visiting with Don and.Anne and Harvey Thompson and Wilbert :.Jamie d Glen, Farrell visited: the
lV%Cosh during the week were and Myrtle MacDonald • of Logtenberg, family at the hotne of ..
Marjorie. Thompson and "JoyEJIen Kincardine. Tammy MacDonald is Sannuti and ' Tan :ogternberg Of
Greenwood back in Guelph.for her second year Dungagn: ons Sunday.
The ladiesof thepurple Grove Gladys Arnold of Ripley and Jinn
conmuaity served diners to the and Joyce McEwen of Kincardine
members of the Ripley Lions Club Waited at Pluton with Gladys' sister
all Wednesday evening. In charge Olive WIC-nightoaand Mena' .
wears Sandra Forster. Joyce Farrell Overra$ht vtsztars on sow," y
andWiltraa Sutton. Smith
Steaky were lienee
Many relatives* neighbors andSniitla. Mary,nand Donna
Manygathereat the Pavilion. rarsi , Allen, Olga and Jeffery
• Kincardine, on Saturday evening it; fanaha of Sidon.. and Kik
honor t7ehmen' of Blyth.
Mr. alrnd`
Mrs. Sat wow- *.i.o erten tain,i Millan a
di tine oc aasar 'es tfineir "Kph - ' Kelly for lunch on Sunday.
ding, aanntver>annry.
Maureen McMillan of Kincardine The Gamble familiesof the area
visited cm'` Saturday with Mr. and attended the wedding on .Saturday
Mrs. Earl Elliott« They . enjoyed of Marion's grandson Pat Cronin
quilting; *ad were'joined by Anne and Patricia, McDowell at Auburn.
McCoah, Mary Anne. Kukoly and nut the reception following at
Joyce Farrell. Myth.
Birthday party visitoa.for Sunday Supper guests on Sunday with
dinner to . honor Jennifer Anne. Marion Gamble were °.Dianne and
Farrell were Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wilfred Gamble of Fergus.
Elliott, Mr. and Mn.sPia Green*_ Jack and Janet "Farrell visited on
ood, JeaanPaul,. Joel and Joy -Ellen, Wednesday at Mar with COOP aund.
Andrea Hiller of Whitechurch,Bran Janice Miller, Rachel. Colleen and
Tollefson of Toronto, Mr. and Mas. 'Louise who were holidayin `them.,
Don McCosh sof' Riploy, Pick The . Millers' visited a at F ell's
Engineering s er all,
Hank Hellman bits been named a
Fella* of the Canadian,Society:of.
Agricultural Enging`nreco$w
nation of his . outstanding
contribution to farm structures," Mr!
Be>>man was presented ;with : his construction methods, safety,
Fellowship by .,the Society at `lis operation and management of soils,
annual meeting held In - Penticton, inparticular, tower silos. • •
• B.C. on July. 24th,1990�,. ' Hank is a charter member of
Hank served for 37 years as tin CSAR and in 1978 received the
Agr cu ng; tension . CSAR Canadian' Sheet Steel" Buil
Speciaai st with -e' Ontario, Ministry ding Ynstitute Award for outstanding
'of Agriculture, and , Food before work in the field of structural, en
retiring in March 1989. During gineering. •
and e;oars he earned confidence .`o oa���e The' Royal
farmers in the local;counties that heThis year marks the 62nd Annual
served, but throughout Ontario, and Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. It is
in other areas of ,Canada: and the being held November 6t'tt to
United States, as well as people November 18th,;
working in agri-business, � and his There are many competitions and
colleagues in research, teachiing, classes. Sections include Square
and extension throughout Canada. Dancing;. Step. Dancing and . "Old
Hank is one of Canada's foremost Tyree Fiddler's Competition; Youth
experts on silo construction.' He has Activities; Agricultural Products;
had major interest in seeing that the Livestock; Horses; poultry; water -
quality of silo construction be ade- fowl; Pigeons; Rabbits and Cavies.
quate and be improved for the .
betterment of . agriculture Entry deadlines rangeimm early
everywhere. He hasbeen untiring in October to early November. For
his efforts to educate industry more information and prize lists
people; his +colleagues, farmers, and contact the Royal WinterFair office
agricultural students in University . a t := 416 - 3 9 3 -6 4 0 3 :- (F'a x
and College programs in . better 416-393-6488).
truce County OMAF
Sunday, Sept., 23
Rally Day Service
11:00 AM
Nursery Provided
Everyone Welcome
Inrifm You to Worship With i rn On
Sunday, September 23, 1990
10 a.m. and 750 p.m.
Nursery downstairs aroraine /..
Community Centre
Sunday, September 23
$500.00 Winner
• • Lady from Point Clark
Progressive $100 Winner
Mr. Swan, Lucknow
Progressive 53 Calls '50. eadi
Potential Prize ward $3000. ^ .
Jackpot f10t0 on 55 Calls.
$500. must go.
Purple Ball - $50.0;0
Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m.
Ringo starts at 7:15 p,m.
Conte a and display your' public
spealdng at the 199O:Rnyyal
Agricultural Winter Fair public,
Ing contest. Your vision of an
environmentally sustainable agricul-';,
;tire, the farm of the '90s .or the=.
marketing o€'Ontario's agricultural.
'products aar+e'three. topics you can
Spoon by ' the • On
:Ministry of Agriculture and Food
and, the l?arrn Credit Corporation.
contestnrnta aged 17 `to 24 are in-
Vited tocipate..:Speakes"must
,present soh ' five to seven.
minutes Yong,:in English or French,
on one of ° the• topics mentioned
above., •
Spealceran ° ,.will go • through-
rounds on Sat. Nov. 17,
--1990 froth 9:00 a.m- - 5;00. p.m. in.
the Trophy Room, ripper level, east
annex, Coliseum,: at- ,Exhibition
Place in Toronto. The finals are pt,,
7:00 p.m. the ,sane day on the
Minis ry• of Agriculture and Food
stage,, in.=the lower level of the east
annex, in the Coliseum.
The first, prize is $300 plus an
event -filled day at the ministry; •
second prize is. $150; . and third .:.
r.prize is $50. ` {Cask prizes' are
aawaarded by the Farm Credit 'Cor-
1V�eurs - GordOn, :
Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Mears are
pleased to announce the
marriage of their daugh-
ter, Nathalie to Greg Gordon,
son of Harold and Fran Gordon
of Kitchener. The wedding will
take place on Saturday,
September 29. 1990 at the
.Lueknow Christian Reformed
Church at 3:00 p.m.
l�� ONLY
f Fri. MFn:"".
Sept 21 -' 23 . .
Sat 2 & 7 PM
Suf. 2 PM ONM,.Y.
Ali Seats $3.50
u. saw louottro sur4
mao nottni sat oin "
H A •R .R I S,.9 N +' _y 0 RD
P .tiR E-.8 tJ . M , `E D
Fri» &. Sat. `3`. PM ONLY
dun. Thure. S: PM
%tractor Pull: Friday evening; WS can enterin 2 different weight
categories; up to 50 lbs., 76-100.lbs. Registration at 7 p.m.
•Compiler opens for viewing, Friday at 7:00 p.m.
•Huron -Bruce POny Club; having Prince Phillips game, 7 p.m.
•Junior Farmers, tricycle races ages 3-4 and 5-6, 8 p.m. Bicycle
obstacle races ages 78 & 9-10,
•Queen of the.Fair Competition, (Country Clem): Friday, Sept. 28
'at 9:15 p.n►.
•log sawing and Tug-of.War.' *Crown Amusement Midway.
•.Lamb Producers are having "Lamb -on -a -bun."
Sot, 28
S iree �'acy, Sot, 29
•Horse Shows: Light saddle Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Heavy horses.
in the afternoon. ,
•Car & Truck Show: Registration starts at 10:00 a.m., Township
«Parade to Fairground starts at 11:00 a.m. • Featuring the Brussels
Pipe Band, Bessie Farrell (district director O.A.A:F. District #10)
to officlaily open fair. Parade: 12 noon, (Assemble for Parade at
•Exhibits: Complex will be open for public ° viewing of exhibits
gaturday 9:30-11:30 a.m.; :304:30 plan.
:ague Tractor Show ReglStratlon at the Fairgrounds 11:00 a.m.
•4..H Club Shows: Open Beef & Dairy Invitational Calf Show, 1:00
p.m.; Luca/ 441 Dairy & Beef, 10:30 p.m.
*Tractor Pull After Parade: Kids den enter, see above for
Categories. ,
*Crown Amusement Midway. *Lions Beef on -a -Bun.
%Poultry Show: Basement of Township Hall
*Variety Show: Frog jumping, bale rolling, square dancing, Allan
Trento', Master of Cereinonles,
*Doug ,the Wug, and Dickie Bird (aka Richard Knecht.°
*Lamb Producers "Lamb -on -a -Bun.