HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-09-05, Page 17ark, cheCking Of ',C todia►I equip- Mont, boiler water t+g & maria tenap4e, .Checking. f convector, ha ing units, Inualerioistats of a� ^tgdiel auppliee for tendering per,,L. posila.lnitd tratrit>c new sutitorsa! , t 1 ,f#9ia �i�c►Ce ' 4 havegrade 12 irbrlc' cau reel or.programs tt► first �eirtfety, building operations. #led human resources treiniing. A ini ,a LAD: Atoinu ty orf nium of five yenre of custodial' Luelmow and Dist lct F supervision experience is school.. will „he glad to. 1 required. - • your entering needs no Matter Interested qualified a applicants vial' site. For information opnrtar.. send a ietter'together with a cornMargaret Vandevaart 395.36,17 ? .plate and up-tri=date resume G�a Burgsinas529-7982: --362'' including references to the; Superintendent of 'Personnel.; SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS•, Applications must be received by lawn and garden, concrete, Friday,, September -14. ..1990, to be: automotive, moving, painting; consid d.. • cleaning, sanders, power tools, yr.Paul E. cold. ranch More. DoupessEq meat Superintendent oflonnel Lad.; s East' of Kh nn •' The Bruce 'County No. '9 highway. 395-2685.E Board of Education MILS RE F'IUGER.ATIONBox 190• tk Chesley,ontairlol\i0(41Lfl glances Servicell mak. Depena>G 5110.-963•2014 alterj • o�aappliances, pppp a n es. models .y .1 `.1 I ► ` r `... - - p 20. alp;VVenr ed • 1 Y — 14. Vocation properties Hili TAHOE PARK model ,enclosed Florida Room oo, strait , 'own lot located is Boor Florida, Completely furnished, ns10 eiuding cMiing fans, washer k dryer, dirhww, central air and heat with extras. Asking ;46,010. U. S�ggotiable- Phone 4112-53$9 Oter 6 pinpau.--7tfoxe VACATION DELIGHT 9 . Ed- ward Island, 16 acres including cleared land, trees', fresh stream and ,pond. New 1426 sq, ft. main, float' rancher, full walk out base- ment 3 bedrooms, 1 In : bath, open concept, kitchen, living and dining area Asking only 575,000; Call Sherry at 02070 for more `. -StEnx: 26. Help Wanted WANTED - T Rt .>i ut, caring, per' sons interested i :suit taxes and a cleaner envinium t. to vote for Paul Klopp, New .Democratic Park tY in Huron. .46 R BOARD OF EDUCATION Invites. apPlicatione for. the follow}' ing poeition ,affective as Soon as possible: Ilishelblebreitlime Centre., ,. CharelltF ;- , CUSTODIAL FOREMAN Thia is a full-time twelve-month; position •(40 :houre per weak) The, hours: will be- • from 1.00 :p.m, to. 9:30 p.m. for four days pit week and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 pm. one, day per week•. The custodial fore-, .. 6 k --23;faxe 'Mart' Will be responsible to the Supervisor of Buildings: and , tired riding posit mowsitylix : rorlt' sed Please Upaswilincluderoutineschna 5244660 d �r 52447 custodiew.` »e t. 26. Help Wanted GOOEFra+ &DISTRICT CHAMBER OF L I' COMMERCE requiriaa MA4 AGER CRARY to co-ordinate and, maintain all the functions and records tor the association. Duties include: preparation and maintenance of all records, agendas, and minutes.:As Yate_., bo -ordinate MONS; correspondence and to keep executives aMomned of allhappenIngs In the association. • i Quallflcations to include 4 ,strong •comrrmnication 6101.10,- and ki11sand lability to mothritte others.. as well as typlhgt clerical and an excellent, t financial: and management background are essential. Send resume stating yoiur i.intereals and qualifications 10i DRAWER #95 • P.Q. BOX 220; OD.ERICH, ONTARIO' -N7A:4B6. 2' Wanted General ATARI 2600 • or 5209. games C i= ge for C84. 526.7509 aftart 8' &ITV DRYWALL y TEXTURE SPRAYING). Mks t .finish,that counts`- ,References ava lable • F r your lrOe estimate phone, �.52 3 Li employment Want • RKING, dedir encs ser Vote.;Paul'; .6 fair 1 -'ranfltoriMisd. - 3!. mice Directory REFRIGERATION ANill Ap- pilences Service - retmilt,,ap- rash Your used uP• lilianese. Call Lucknovr Appliance t;eiare.:311-21411.. 4tfar AUCTIONEER SERVB1D, Grant McDonald, Ripley, Wallace BONA Teeswater. Licensed Auc- tioneer, Saks of it'll. Phone Ripley 305-053, seawater Z,Bi70.�tf CUSTOM SEWING and; *Retailer*, rosable rater. Call Huth Ritchie at trisi41,or +dam in al 471A Wallasey -SANDBLASTING mobile 'service, serving Southweetem two since IWhite's Sandbta ing and painting„ Wroxeter 3354452 .anyUnifir i SEE US', FOR YOUR STARTER, alternator: generator and regulator n .-A tt Auto, north of ,Whitechurch. , :Phone 857448-ai0thrar' - , ---y ,iN ,^��- c`;�arc- e-. I :3F mss. *-4111 SeMiseit Why$ September S, 11S 11 PREGNAfilT A.ND NEED HELP? Free ceandeatial support. Call 3117-10K 357 or Leaden e187 collect, —36 ar HAVING ,A DRINKING PRO- BLEM? AA can help, Phone Goclsdch 524-0001 or Walkerton `1181-3635.--40t1 36. Announcements ,31.A 1 w/NCLARAED PHOTOS. Do you have an unclaimed photo at the Sentinel.. We think ..you'd like to have them back, birt we can't keep indefinitely.them Please dreP to to o Office land reclaim your phaco soon. • . NOTICER . Nile Garage will be closed from Sept. 8' to Sept. MVO, During this time the -Garage will 1,0 open far PS from 5-23 p.m. on weekdays,. t. g a.m.-4:30 p.nl and Sunday 1• 47..Carcis of f'hctnke GHISQN In 10ng Meinow of Samuel W. iGibson . •Who•. passed away • S A,.1 , at the age of 84.. M.w -done. • N • Si* and lovingly eked: wife, Bather.. ►,'lig graildchildren and great ;ah.` -361 AL coming EV is AWESA CRAM MU Hanover MawRivets Ines. mud Arts and Crafts ,drill ,. Hanover Coliseum. Saturday, &Own ' 15. 11.11 a.m. to 5:00 d ueder 10 free. Door prises an14a. SS craters. Adults�food, —31 u IiING1J DANCE , While Cotmation Hall, ,Holmeeville Saturday, September S. Iftsic by Tiffins. Dancing 9-I1. No Ow please.6ar CERAMIC Fall & September4 at Bea's Ceramiida. 20% ,fit for month of fiber ,on ware and finished per. .ing, afternoon and evening; classes Monday and •/Wednesday', calf 395.5541. - "CANNIVERSARY .... .R.. . ISTO ERSARY .. PARTY For 'Adam and Hal Dick (nee . ' Taylor); The children would like 'te extend fes• special invitar tion to ` Via Mende, andirri L to , dance at the W F ;a� : �� L i ]j.. from 6 12 g Saturday, p,in. Be ANNDAL Ptah T•. The Vadies.Auxillary "Ii►.i� and District hospital will holding theist Annual Fall lea <en We(dynesd }�ay, sept liber 12 from, "' 10:00 .a m. - 111X10. a.M.: and 2:y001 p.m, - 4 p ., at the hos et Mrs. Warren Zinn, , Rola . Street. Lucknow, Everyone weleomo, WDIG111.11 0101'ilnirTGO The 'Win mma •k C Bingo in back, fiberWingluuft Legion Hall - 7:45; :mt..Doors opt at 7 :pan. —38 Dr. Jack. C. , Ali � 'years ago, Exercise ,�at 'bshecp iirtis t' livav-lives foc+ever A • stretch • and'. tare' .' due irs,a i' t'taiionition 4 Aii"> E md. a thank' care and (Jack) ever. die and Fiily. -36x. ,;lid . 13 Yantis- after= YMES ,.I Y 1( REORTER/PH'OTOGAPHER (SPORTS) The Kincardine News has an immediate opening for a general reporter/photographer to be responsible for community sports coverage. General reporting assignments included. Recent journalism college graduate or candidate with related " ' mmunity newspaper experience preferred. Must •'n transportation. Competitive salary and benefit package offered to the right candidate. For information or to arrange an interview contact: General Manager Joy Manley, The Kincardine News, 708 Queen St., Kincardine N2Z 2A3 (Ph. 396-3205) "EA111' MalsMilmema alicimimilipmpormiliorgek ASPHALT At CONCRETE DRIVEWAY orading , Gravel - Top Soil Paving of Roads, parking Lots & Tennis Courts Luckno , 2*3047 (519) 528.2279 BIICKH�E1'NG, Charles Co. Culbert Dealer -for Haugh Pools & Spas Septic Tanks, Weeper Beds Farm Drainage, Basements R.R. #6 Goderlch 529678711 Tit A sincere thanks for the cards and. Phone calls I received while. in Untyt► Hospital. Everyone's 'concern,„ wast very much ap- preciateiL 'Harold. 1:-36 McKAY\ We .would like to thank the Lucknow District Co -Operative, :Montgomery Motors Ltd., ,Lucknow Village Market', McDonagh In- surance and. Real Estate Brokers, Finlay Decorators, Dee Vees- Fashkins, Sans Place, Ehoer `Um- btach :Plnat3nery and Lucknow #Nome :Hardware for our lovely liartandrollible.e. It was very rnucIt pprecilated. Karen and • It ' i-.. i for 'o dinar J S. eo ifOt Paul Klopp . wins eptember to the election night party atthete Carnation, Hohnesville, 8 p.m. and help us celebrate. —36 interested sib ANNUAL EETING winghem & Area PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES Thursday, September 21/90 NURSING ASSISTANTSITIA#110 wont .: 47. Card Of Thanks As the ' first anniversary of my • Perennial Pleasures Guest Home and Plant Sales approaches (Sept. 1), I would like to express sincere thanks to the business people and general public of Lucknow and area. You have given me encouragement and support which made my year a very happy one. I encourage my guests to enjoy the Lucknow community and to do business here. They find the people friendly and helpful. look forward td serving you at Perennial Pleasures in the future. The bed and breakfast is open all.year with 3 .comfortable bedrooms available and the use of deck, liv• - ing room or loggia, books and T.V. Rooms may be viowed by appointment and bookings made either personally or by telephone. Perennial plants may be purchased from spring to fall as seedlings in 4" pots, as young garden plants or as Targe clumps. Appointments are desirable as hours'vary.