HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-09-05, Page 7Election day procedures
• Election dory polls will open g
9:00 ILM. Sad CIIMP 8:00 p.m, for
Ontario's 35th provincial general
electiou o September 6 990.
The aetiology; are the electorel
districts of Kean and Rainy River
where v. wig be conducted
between 8:1 I a.m nd 700 pm
due to die local Uine in effect.
Appoidmately six million Ontario
resident* will be eligible to cast
their begot in the province's 130 -
electoral districts.
•Electers are issued a folded ballot
• by the Deputy Returning Officer
which they mark in private, behind
a semen. The refolded ballot is
returned to the Deputy Belaralag
Officer for delimit' in as soled boll*
Candid** names we numbered
end alphsbetically listed in white on
a black ballot. To the right of neat
nem is a white circle. The bigot
must be road* in only one Mike
circle, Any ballot marked in mote
than one Ode v411 be considered a
;ejected ballot and will not be
Urban vote* must more that
their names are on the polling list.
•or on a verdficate to vote issued by
the Returning Officer* in order to
vote on election day in their eke-
toral district. In rural areas, electors
omitted from the' list may cast a
son speaks
Rev. Render
to-S.T.O. on
The members of Bruce County
Unit District 10, of the Superan-
nuated Teachers of Ontario* held
their annual meeting in the com-
munity centre, Underwood on
August 22,
Joy Patyk, president of District
10, spoke briefly. She warned
against problems in the use of too
many prescription drugs and
referred to a Prescription Drug
Encyclopedia. The S.T.O. medical
insurance coverage will change
from Confederation Life to
Maritime Life and all claims must
be in by Oct•ober 31, 1990.
Scan Walsh delighted those in
attendance with his singing of Kin -
cardiac Calls and Do, Re,Mi.
, • , ••
, •
Rev. William Henderson Of Luck -
now spoke of his successful Attempt
to save the bluebirds in that area. In
1980 these pretty little blue androd
birds wereshought tobe 90 percent,
; • - • — • •
project •
..tinct. In 1981, Mr, Henderson
•found one nest and one egg.• By
1990, through his efforts lie was
able to count 149nests and 674
eggs. 'The bird lions are placed on
fence posts in the country and are
cleaned early in the spoug.
Sometimes swallows or mite in-
habit the boxes which have a one
and one half inch hole for entry.
This year Mr. Henderson is
watching over 310 boxes. He also
plays tapes of bird songs to attract
the bluebirds. What an exciting and
rewarding hobby for a retiree!
Wring the meeting Effie Davey
paid tribute to those teachers who
have passed on since we last met
end we stood for a minute of
silence. •
The executive in charge of the
unit's business for this tern is
under the direction of George Her-
ron, Kincardine -Tiverton area. •
Lw kom Seatkot Wodamodsyt Septerobee 1, 11W4allige 7
Cold weathe,
hallo( on e•lection thy, provided
they to an oath and are accom-
panied by an elector who is on the
list in that sem poll* division
and who wig vouch for dim,
An elector appointed to vote for
someone circ by proxy must ensure
that the completed proxy loon has
been certified by the Returning
Officer in their electoral district no
later than 800 p.m. on the day
before election day.
Persons eligible, to vote in this
election are those who„ on election
day, are 18 years of age or Older, *
Canadian citizen, and whose names
are on the list of electors or on a -
certificate to vote in the electoral
district where they reside.
Canada Post
changes should
not affect
Sentinel readers
The local newspaper which al
pears in your mailbox on a weekly
basis wilt soon , be travelling a dif-
ferent route to get to your door, due
• to Canada Post cutbacks.
As a result Signal -Star Publishing
• will be delivering newspapers to
areas • where Canada Post service
has been changed, as Of Sunday,
Sept. 9.
"Paper deliver) to .the immediate
areas should not be affected,” said
Irene Ott, manager of mailing for
Signal -Star Publishing. These
subscribers will receive their papers
Wednesday mornings.
"We arc asking people in the
outlying areas to please be "patient
. with the new system of delivery,"
said Ott. '
She added that if your paper con-
tinues to be late please notify Sig-
nal -Star Publishing in writing.
The carbun monoxide
of 10 boaters thie
summer bas prompted the OPP
to issue a waning *bout the
dangers of die improper use of
alcohol and propane stoves for
hes* PoiVosea.
Due to the uniteallouably cold
summer some bowers have
utilized fuel -burning cooking
stoves as beaten. In unventilated
areas below decks these Moves
burn up available oxygen and
replace it with deadly carbon
monoxide. $ $
Poisoning by this colourless*
odourless and tasteless gas
causes death or severe brain
damage. long term memory loss,
psychiatric disorders and Parkin-
son Disease -like symptoms. The
severity of the poisoning
depends upon the concentration
of the gas and the length of
The 10 people affected this
year were, poisoned in three
separate incidents.
Dr- Helge Koch, the director of
the Hyperbaric Unit at Toronto
General Hospital, where all 10
victims were brought for treat-
ment, said that last summer not
a single person was treated for
'carbon monoxide poisoning as
the result of improper use of a
stove on board a boat.
One chilly night in June, a •
%WW1". family Of five were
trying to sleep on board a
25 -foot cabin cruiser anchored in
Georgian Bay's North Channel.
The parents of three girls,, aged
7, 10 and 13, tinned on an al-
cohol stove to warm the sleeping
patters. while the parents slept
intim ventilated rear of the boat*
their daughters were slowly
succumbing to carbon monoxide
poisoning below decks
In the morning the parents
discovered their children un-
conscious and unable lo be•
aroused : !mode "ntaYday!'nall
r is a danger
oa marine band radio alerted
other boaters* the Coast Good is
Whitton end the OPP in Little
Current to the aisle. The OPP
cruiser W. IL Clarke was
dispatehed and took the family
to and where they were rushed
by ambulance to hospital.
Fresh air revived the children.
however, upon the complaion of
hospital tests doctors hsd %Ito
youngsters flown by air am-
bulance W Toronto and placed in
the hyperbole unit. 'rite chamber
forces oxygen into the body
while driving • out carbon
recovered but investigator
Prov. Coast, Al Boyd of Little
Current detachment said doctors
who treated the children
speculated if they had been
exposed longer they would have
In a second incident, a mother
and her two children sleeping on
Again. prompt medical attention
decidingia:inns at a 1 rti$ aa starting
factors. db Q:11 t, COW° Clid nY e nttO ogi slyitneeevreen.
antreadteidimiatedt theexpohnstwedetadweree with:
The mother awoke with a
searing headache and started to
vomit. Upon waking her children
they too had siMilar syinptoms.
Four hoUrs later doctors found
the two children, a four-year-old
boy and his eight-year-old sister,
still had dangerously high levels
of carbon monoxide hi their
past holiday weekend
marked the transition from sum-
mer to the begitming of fall and
even cooler 'night time •
teammates. If you are a boater,
remember do ' not use
fuel -burning cooking 'devices for
heating purposes. Even brief
exposure can cause drowsiness •
• arida lessening 9f die' ability to
perceive danger and respond_ to
This is the. last Opportunity;"...befOre.ilie....,0100Illhat .1 Willhave to bring.
my mesSageto you the electors Of. Huron County. .While you have been'"...
bombarded with facts,. figures and 'endless promises, let's not forget the
I believe that It is time for a common sense approach to government so
that we can deal effectively with such issues as increasing property
taxes, waste management, transfer payments to municipalities, education
• funding, and agricultural policies.
I am seeking your support as your .MPP in Huron because I believe in
Huron County and Ontario and I know that I can make a contribution at
Queen's Park.
Fri. - Thurs. ,
Sept. 07 - 1.3
Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9:15 PM
Sun. - Thurs. 8 PM
If you need more information or help to get to the polis on election.day please call.:
11 Albert Street, Clinton Seaforth 527-2836 Goderich t69 • ,,
482-5727 Wingham ..... 357-1623 Exeter . 235-3177
This Message Sponsored By The Huton Progressive Conservative Association. •
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