HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-29, Page 22• 64. .r. Vie, 27,---LateitreoW SeAtisiet, Wedrieadity, Await Z,, inn - i -'-v; - .. 38. Auction Sue , Y r , ,- , . L... ARIN+ AUCTION SALE 0 HOU O1.0 WW1 A A$Tl O UES for • Jim & Ruby Letshrllarrl B.R, #0 ewe*, Lot 12, Coni. 5,, Morris Twp., 8 mi. E. 9f 13elgravo, MOND" SEPTEMBER 3190 10:00 A.M • For yfformenoqcontact; t; $$7 0217 Jim at Ruby Willman 0674217 Amollorieo ; • • Brian; RIfItaut 6772349 " 40. host & 00W1 BLACK AND WHITE' Spaniel, female. Found in the St Ilelen's/Pike Lake area. Phone._, 482-9748.-45 L44Jn9agm�nts ATEINSONNANDER :14EER Mr. and Mrs; Gerrit .Vander Meer and Mr: and MM. Wayne Attinaon are pleased towannou e. the for thcotning: marriage of their Children Linda and Ken. The wedding will take place September 8, 1990at 3:30 p.m. at the Lucknow Christian Reformed Chureb Ree. ,tion at 9:00 p.m. in Lucknow. Please• ac- cept this as your personal invitation. -35*. 47. Card Of Thanks EPILEPSY -HURON - PERTH -BRUCE friends. To my friends tt a owwnerofof the Lucknow Cut and Curl; Delores Cress and everyone who helped to make Glad Day's such a success, also to all who held support Glad Day's; many thanM. Pauline Wat- son and Marjorie Vere. -35x STRONG=FORSTER We Awould like to thank our many. friends, neighbours and relatiires for attending our buck and doe. A special thank you to our wedding party for all • the hard work they went to. It was all very much ap- preciated. Heidi and Gary.=35 STANLEY Sincere thanks to my family and friends for the beautiful flowers, cards, fruits, candy, visits and phone calls I received after my operation. Thanks to Dr. Shubat and Dr. Omole for, their good care; the kind nurses in I.C,U. they were all superb. Thanks to Rev. McFarlane for calling on me, these kindnesses are long remembered. Also. to Michelle for popping into my room when she was on duty; all these things are special when you're in hospital. Ann Stanley. 35x 48. Coming Events MacDONALD-MOORE REUNION Friday, August 31, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. Reid's Corner Hall. Music by Boyds. Square dancing for all ages. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Come out and have fun. -34,35 LAPEL PIN CONTEST sponsored by the ROYAL CANA- DIAN LEGION in honour of its 50th Anniversary in June 1991, In- terested members of the public are invited to submit their colour designs on 8 1/2 x 11" white paper by September 8/90 to Lucknow Legion, Box 9, Lucknow Legion, Box 9, Lucknow NOG 2110. Prize $50.00.-34,35ar INDUCTION SERVICE An Induction Service for Reverends Garth and Orilla Bogart will be held in Dungannon United Church Wednesday, September 5th at 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome. -35 DABBER BINGO Lucknow and District Lions Club, Dabber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p,m. Bingo at 7:15 p.m. Mr conditioned, wheelchair accessi- ble. Potential prize board over Via, $ 0O cmustgpoton calls or 48, ,Coital Events MOO loderieh frights .of Columbus, Thuradeys 7:30 pip. Salford Valley in poses. WOO lacer must ge.Atfar FAMILY VANCE Whiteebureh Cesinnutiilty Bali, Fri., day, September 7th. Tithes Or- +ebestra. Ltutelt :provided, $5.00 per person, children under"' 22 PALLIATIVE 'CAS TRAINING CODES ter *we interested in serving their -community afar: palliatwe were volunteers,. 8 , weeks beginning September U. Tuesday MO p.m. $45* for more' liiforniation or to er cue 357:3730;34-3&• lIVERTQII FLEA Mme' m the Arena, MacKay St. Tiverton. Over 3000 square ft: indoors, ,:.Vendors and far needed, oPen Saturday and Sunday h#i:. Ca 368-7157.-34,35, ULA ONS DABBER BINGO every Ty at 7:30 p.m, :Blyth. and . District " Community Centre, 2200' Jackpot. nnust go, Over POOP in, #i - THE TEESWATER- Ex-Togery opens fer.. the fall season on. Thur& dam, , Sept r. 6th. Please' bring it: afnst fo r consignment that are- cur!. gently in' season ;rind have price tags firmly attached. Hours; Thurs- day 10-12 and 2rs. Friday 2.,5, Satur- day 2;5.. For full informatlan call B Springer at 3926100:--35,36 ANNIVERSARY -SERVICE Pine -River United Church Anniver- sary Service Sunday, September 2 Special music by Kincar- dine Brass. Rev., Margaret Bain of Grace United Church, Hanover is guest speaker. Everyone welcome. -35 ATTENTION LADIES We are about to start another ex- citing season of COFFEE BREAK. Come join us every Wednesday morning starting September 12th for coffee, fellowship and Bible study. We meet at the Lucknow United Church from 9:45 - 11:00 a.m. NURSERY AND STORY HOUR provided for your children. Everyone welcome. -35 HEALING PRAYER Services will again be heldmonthly in St. Peter's Anglican Church, sponsored by the local unit of the Order of St. Luke and the Bible Study group of St. Peter's. These are ecumenical servicesopen to the general public. The first healing service of the fall term will be conducted by Rev. Derwyn Docken of Chalmers Com- munity Church at 3:00 p.m. September 8. Nursery care is provided. -35,36 ARTHRmS MONTH September is Arthritis month. Please welcome canvassers as they call on you. -35 EXERCISE at Fisherman's Cove - stretch and tone plus aquafit. Twice a week starting September 4. $35.00 each. If •• interested call 395-2757.-35,36 FALL FITNESS REGISTRATION WOMEN! Time to pull out your work out gear and rev into action! Fall fitness session will run eight weeks beginning September 10. Make that commitment to\.jrourself now. Classes twice weekly, 2 classes to choose from: 6:30 p.m. stretch 'n tone, 7:15 p.m. activa- tion. Phone 5293252 evenings for more information and watch next weeks paper for further details.-35ar • REGISTRATION M WINGHAM NURSERY SCHOOL for the 1990-1991 School Year Thursday, Sept. 6 & Friday, Sept. 7 A.M.-3:30 9:00 P.M. Phone 357.2362 or come and see us on Josephine St. across from the town hail. Children must be 2.5 years old and toilet trained. Classes start September •10. 1N rail line draws several bids BY NEIL CORBEIT operated short -line system. bids were fes. 15, but i ne Mb Olethey CN rail line from White says laving sf ort ink foi yet a miter of public reed. Ooh to &t Vend, which railroods owned and mama* by white lows a, loaf of the brought inquiries fit 40 � l �hasinede form mere rine resok in boot s +" hum is darWntot fetor' bi f � aro now being consideredby CN. StateS, utid is a syr will be p . who efficient aystctn m the Unrated for ns s sows "we believe While,Ken Cal regional w ti offer . g� mouser irrt l�-ttetttat$. His Owning,of business as rail: four g bidder alre am ea!I%r l to way conn 1s for a Altus r w Gem Cosi! members company l,ttisttaictrt Ci3rporaetan,, who 1ta7'e mew fears 1haR tt no prpfessiortsl,well-financed manager 'Essex Meng! Holdings. Limited, buyer. is found CN could phase out for the line, which primarily hauls ' Huron Transition Group, and a rad s r'vice. salt: out of Cooderich.aand fertilizer Rail Tex TRO. , . into the lleusaU D t CThese eoinpani� will: be Judged " C . *miaowed loll 1, 1990 VVliitres ,. � . that it 'Would sell the tib tm..�, Says , the sale is howh they 'track 90, the Coderieb y0, ,Ststfcrd CN's. plan to cern its l wchargebio sliear; m tele and its spar matin 'Clinton - e00 to a higlbrie city mainline. g" God ch to Strafford and beak, and:d1 ceJO iia. system; . fed by a small ley., thePiurclmase prkenieN etrer. Their T&Thinzjcins-th� UNIcEF cause • The. Canadian UNIT nit - tee is pleto announce. that the 1101.: Heinz > Company of Canada std.:!fell be joining us in this year's annual fund raising cainptiggan to ensure the survival ,And well-being of the world'a forgotten children. At the recent Annual Meeting of UNICEF Canada in Vancouver Heinz officially announced that it would be .featuring UNICEF in an exciting crosspromotion event for the. 1990-91 year. Ms. Maureen Leon, Senior Pro*. duct Manager,, and Ms. Elizabeth Roemer, Manager eeAssistant. Produict5 .duets Mg �g than program .H ins . Canada,: theme and UNICEF "logs►,: Grill be presented the key pointe of the ' di dbuted to inetailefS amiss the planned national, consumer/mer- country, and all preceeds from the chandising program whieh will be program will. ' be ` donated to launched. under the banner UNICEF, • "TOGETHER, WE, MAKE A DIF- "ma is thefirst time, that Heinz FERENCE!" has been associated in such a way Between . September -"'1994. and, . with an, agency,", stated Ms:. Aped 1941, Canadian consumers will Beamer. "This initiative will raise be able to make a contribution to large amounts of, money for UNICEF simply '`"by mailing in UNICEF's children." In fact, Heinz proofs -of -purchase from Specific estimates that. this venture will !Heinz canned pasta and beam pro, generate a Minimum of $50,000 for ducts. Over 4 million of these pro- the UNICEF cause, CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. SALES HELP WANTED , HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested persons• needed immediately to sell tomand gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DEALERS WANTED FOR NEW_PRbDUCT. Trolite .:Hand Powered Outboard Motor. Ideal for small • watercraft. Contact Jan Disiributors, 605-1720 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, R3T 2G2. (204) 269-4858. Fax (204) 269-4676.. DOUBLE OR TRIPLE YOUR EARNINGS' without affecting what you now dol Would you like to'halre the facts? Then call London (519) 434-0369. HELP WANTED DISCOVER A DISCOVERY TOYS CHRISTMAS! Looking for moms wanting fun, flexible work. You set your hours and goals!. Career opportunities. Interested? Phone Cynthia at (416) 668-2232. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home -study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A -Z and D -Z licences. Days and weekend courses. Job placement assistance. Markel Transport Training. Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Ne?ct class: October 20-27/90. For information, contact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctioneering, R,R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH... Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on approved credit 1-800-265-0400. Cambridge. • LEARN! EARN! SAVEfIncome Tax Preparation Courses. Free brochures. No obligation. U&R Tax Service, 205-1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. Exclusive franchise territories available. MISCELLANEOUS HOW TO FLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! FREE information. Write: Popular Music, Studio 63, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, B.C. VIZ 2H2. MORTGAGES ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any purpose. Pay off credit cards. No qualifying hassels. Excel Financial Corporation. (tollfree) 1-800-265-6984. REAL ESTATE AUCTION NEW HOMES SOLD Unreserved to the highest Bidder. Financing. 1400-2000 sq.ft Shelburne Auction. September 18th. Viewing Daily. 1-800-267- 0016. ' OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to ba sold for unpaid taxes. For information write:'Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2P 3J1. _ PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the object being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O., Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1 MO. • STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING CLEARANCE. -Save thousands while supply_ lasts - miscellaneous stock clearance - all excess stock to be cleared - straightwall all/steel and wood/steel types - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263- 8499. ALL STEEL BUILDIN- LAST CHANCE for Factory . Discounts on these Models 25x30 $2,699; 32x40 $3,829; S30x36 $4,195. Offer expires Aug. 31/90. Limited quantities. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668- 5422 (24•hours). STEEL- BUILDINGS "Summer Sellebration' on Quonsets, S. Series and Conventionals. Payments, Lease or Purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Call Future 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDINGS: Positively lowest price. 20x30 $2,330. 25x30 52,935. 30x34 $3,710. 40x46 $5,142. Endwalls included. Stock Items. Other sizes available. Save -save -save. 1-800-668-4338. (416) 792-2704. FOR SALE BIG, PEPPY BAITWORMS. Wholesale, retail. Never need refrigeration. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS Enercraft has moved!! Free Brochure - Visit our new showroom, 53, 130 Saunders Rd., Barrie, Ont. L4M 6E7 or call (705) 734- 1211. SPECIALS OFFERED., NINTENDO GAMES - 72 games $190. + tax, SIH. Visa or COD. (416) 549-3038. Write for more information: "Micro Genius', Stn. A, P.O. Box 1070, Hamilton, L8N 3R5. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES BONAIR R.V.'s, Camping Trailers, hardtop, tent, fold down, fifth -wheel, travel, park -models, accessories. New -Used. Fibreline & Leer, Fiberglass & Aluminum truck Caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343-2122. COMING EVENTS SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9 ATTEND ANNUAL Reunion Huron Pioneer Threshermen Blyth, Ontario. Working Steam Engines, Gas Engines, Antique Tractors, Cars, Crafts, Music, Entertainment. For information (519) 523-9330. Your ad could appear in community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! 1