HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-29, Page 19Blue box recycling draws closer in Bruce officiod groundbrenking cameos* for the reilothd recycling processing facyky /*gift ,mss of it.ne municiliahtrea in Orace County ata a stepulll to the suit . o€ a Blue 84* irrcydiug for tide bode the pogo"! and for equip- mtnt to be used in the p ueestung facility �■*will (.come, in peri, from 0101E1: Co in Support of Rccyling,. OMMRi<,, a not -for profit cot - potation, supporiod by a broad coalition of Ontario industrieshas. committed mote than '$183.,000 to be used by the Bruce Area. Solid Waste Recycling. Association towards. Blue Boxes, recycling vehicles and .a variety of sorting and promisinge quipinent..°ntarip's military of the Environment and the municipality will share the remaining costs- OM.'MRh Coiperations inn Supped of Recycling was founded in March: 1990 to Mold -Material �MOn- ado the Incorporated hos giPrograms acros Ontario, sinceves 1906, trod* its bit of $20 :Ubl,MRE Corporations in Support of Recoils willcontinue to 000Perate with die ministry of the Environment and municipolides in implementing and expending • recycling yams the province aav all Fdie goal of reducing the amount. of ;garbage disposed of in Ontario by 50 pit cent by the year 2000. With a com- mitment of $45 million over the next five years, OMMRI. will wordc. to increase thenumber of recyclable materials colkcted .in the. "Blue. Box" to include such Stems as Ow tics, corrugated crboard and box- board and to encourage:initiatives, through march, and development, and d mons<ratin project% in municipal col- leetion cerise office l, , ail, MNPINt ati iIN 111 WIEMNG YOUR �os AMsr CANADA'S #1 KIU.ER. aware Director of Mi ,cipui Relations, Joe Musk*, was a guest, at dm ofticiri c 10 mart the commencement of coastniction on the =yang processing facilitY, In conSotuiltulg the nine per- ticipatin Bruce Count . +autnicipaities, Mr, Hsu** "Tie industries. . rdrcesented by OMMRI applaud the example set by the residents and officials of the conununitiies in Brice County. Your efforts to move Blue Box recycling beyond .the usual materials -- WspaPers, aluminuitm, and Steel' cant, glass botdes and, jars, and PET soft drink .containers - to include Other plastic 'COntainell 1s an ° important step in moving towardsthe provincialgovesnmeut's. WaStOtoduction tatgets". Writer opposes s►read. of frene Dear Editor: It is incredible to realize that "so many • is in Canada have en ruled weir young children in french 'language classes to be formally educated in the early years of their lives. They have emoted them in. • classes, ; where ; they live in this foreign language all day. For whose , sake? I ant tb utter the words, "Lord forgive them for them, for they, know not what they do!"'. In their bowing to the Boit of french promoters, they are king .m the necessary empathyfor their little children.;. To think .that english patents in a predominantly:' english speaking country are promoting the. fienchizing of Canada is beyond all' comprehension. What ': they do not realize, also, is that' they run the risk of being governed under severe . laws not related to democracy if they continue to bow to french language promoters. The .:con- ceatration of the french language in Canada is for , the purpose of frenchizing • Canada; not for "O- fficial Bilingualisi , as most people think. The term "Official Bilingualism" . is really, "Officially French". la this what you are going to allow in Canada. Sooner or later young parents will realize they are not benefitting their F children through early french im- mersion on a personal, national or universal scale. French is 12th on the scaleof spoken languages in the world. Learning good english in their early years will escalate them through their lives to greater heights and possibilities than learning a lomildoommilmonin think the people of Bruce have a real Opportunity to. help our area in this elec- tion campaign. If they will look at the candidates, LEN HOPE stands out. He owns a hone in Port Elgin. He has 2 girls in the School system. He is ari ad- ministrator at the C.A.W. Education Centre. They have a staff of over 80 people, full time, with a payroll of over *2,000,000.00 a year. The Centre brings in over 4,000 people to this area each year. Port3Elgiif s economy boosted by millions of dollars every year. CAN THE OTHER CANDIDATES MATCH language that is veritably regressing part of our elected, representatives. h' in our'. countryNow, the. french.language is -bei What 1 have said may sound forced on us through language extreme, but it rs none the less hue. police in totally unwarranted areas French nationalists (separatists) and. of, squandering the '.' formerly terrorists have usurped our payers Obey. You canguess how seat of government, starting with; it could get worse instead of better Piero Trudeso and his cohorts. _ i we do not immediately stop They have been gradually working: contributing to the french language toward a "French Canada" national- Ion. lY aadinteernationally. Following his: Early french immersion .theme' are Masse, the, Boupl s, ' contributes - not ; only:: to the Mulroney, Chretien, etc.,' who do Prenchizang Or english-sing not • favor a. muted Canada of Cat>IAila, but to, cagush• Mian ge english-speaking .ice Orequal,' ipiterat y.. ;.• Early french immersion diminishes the chance of future promotions, internationallyjo, . regia status for all They 'favor, french domino** of 'Canada,` They work, despacately tQ achieve .this aim.: Tnndeai's words were, "why have jQuebec, ;when we can eve ALL of Canada?" Ibisof, t e •Jo �'� :. �' of aha etnglish language starts with state, Serge yal, in a h�to the very early school, especaallr the Acadians, Said. ause where english is, spoken in . the everything we undertake and .. home but also . otherwise ' How everything we do is so that. Canada about the; millions of jobs available *ill_ be a french state". 4 , in the future where'. your child:Will oung parents would be wise to not be requited toknew french, but take their children out of early just good english? french immersion while it is still Be assured that an intense Study voluntary. -Eventually; it probably 'has been done or this article would won't beet Language laws were not have been written. ' passed in Canada, Federally, and For infornation write Box 22.109, Provincially, without the sanction of Barrie, Ontario, L4M 5R3. the people or the discretion on the Vona Mallory, Barrie, Ontario HAVE -.AN OPINION°, • Express it by sending a letter to the editor of the. Lucknow Sentinel. It mustbe signed and accompanied by a telephone number, should we need to clarify any information. The Sentinel also reserves the •rig t. edit letters. e.'re ready re/ Use - Our.. 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LEN HOPE'S INVOLVEMENT IN THIS AREA? - George T. Richer, Tiverton Councillor, Motel Operator. This is a Paid Advertisement authoriz- ed by the Brute NOW Vemacrats. The Sentinel offers you the service of the FAX for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first and $1:00 per additional sheet (and the long distance charges are free within Ontario). Our FAX number :is also your. number, so if you want to be reached instantly -- we will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. Ofiter Furnace GeoTherrnal Heating & Cooling Systems .044 Cliff's Plumbing &., Heating LUCKNOW 528-3913 ask about tow rale financing FINANCED ®if Scotiabcink 5 . l ee, lyes Misr, �i,w..L fNSTANT FAX as fast as the phone For more details call 525-2022