HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-29, Page 14Ptee 14-0LOC$eotioli Why, Anitat $, You Can Vote Beton: I•: icCt is) l Day! 1 litlr'ci.t, st•ptc Tether 6t1i. 191)(1 if)aaar pawls f4t1thaist a V0105, woo a Ground kvc0 14catiolis tiatiii Ca 0(40 R ccitificale4aViacilAnyaiscaPect IOW WORY wlicgcver po4ibk, tar eaV . Or unable 114 vote ora:ll icei&Of .Day. You cacti access by ilia alaOrly or than cake advatti g* of arty Advance Post ick your is vutiOichalM. Elccroral District. 1�14.tau a I'„11. I,. lit 1,1.0 Liu h., .Llrnu.li�l< �L un 11711 rat1.a‘. 1i1►17ti.t\, 11114. ;Mit, ticpt 1 at.. i1't1 i„ ell, I' ,;, . In the lnetoir+d 14ntriet of Hume sittilont Amon Apirtnteotu 134 eninderoSt,.Xxeter `i 0 to •nick •J•o,in St A�t*nt. 31 John St., Saab [xy•14 •SeoleeCItisenApartasentn . . 45 Alfred st,. Medical* Ontario 89 Dor St'., Clinton • In. the ,*lectors], Dirteiat of Brucewrib y Fire flail - lotion's ncutUnn pal oi4tce 2: •Saullle;Beach coninnipity Centre •P.ort Elgin The 11.11 •Waaltertou. I+'ieal,Hai ' *Cheakey Commuulty Centre •Teeow'ater United Church, • •Khneardine satetllte, Church LI it lectiona On ti rio .658;10erford St. ,'fiVa tttoyn%, Balktscasi at crteAdvautcep'otls willbecountedat ,eloseof the :, Regular i'o11Soan Eleciiott Deg, • PUBLISIIEDON'BEEJALF'OF• 11E RETURNINGOFFICERSFOR THEABOVEXIACTOOLDISfRIC1SBY • v4Irreal4 ttltBie.CHlt F£LEC 1IONOFFICER;• D 'A Ron partt5an Agency of the Legislative Assembly KEEPING VOU IN ORME• 0•. o. Elections Ontario • • W 'RUNWORTHY yVALLCOY. ERIN3S. /0 . LIMITED NIMEOFFEr' • BORDERSINCLUE,Fra . FABRICS NOT ;NC1UDE1) R ANJ 1Iti ; DRAPERIES FINLAY DECORATORS K 4L L PAPI R AN J l 11 PAINTS Ph r,.:la 1414 ;% I Al:f. CANDIDATES NIGHT: held for' left ere,, 1-erl (NDP), 'LIP*Frelburger' Bruce ca [n. Welkirtot Thumday' (FOP), Term-Nillillti (PC) old 1.1b1Orat7 Iocum- . night, Aug. 23. Stet. the tW0410ar t sting, bit Murray Osten, (Maloney phot) the candidate. alletted with elleitELECT” Age: 1 11u1',,. Fran ' er,he : said Ontario will need � vi o neat, among them, recycling ty, hs Lih� tetritpry. Hc►wev Ontaa`ia. ant, said. many of the people vote • to be strongio the face of issues app bike ,fridges end Stoves, .Liberal because your father voted • ikee the failed Meech. Lake Accord. The three male candidates seemed .Liberal, • ' and the proposed GST. to bein agreement when it came to ' "Well,1'11 tellyou sonhething, mY"We :can't, afford to be tied up iabortion Though both Halpin: and father wase Liberal,' he said• when the political future of Canada said. :they were Halpin who is a lawyer Tit• is at stake. We have' to be rsonall • Hathover':said his father' died in tag; p�� against aborti�n�.thery saipersonally they felt and morin die Short-term.' it should be up to the • individual . early 70s'and he believes the party '+f think it's 'a matter of. spending: wamati •he -loved is also .tdead,' , the money this year or'next year, "Men and the courts -have been I dunk if my father were alive And any time ' ou go to. the 'People ,m isions for women for far today he would vote fox :Mike Har with,.a plan ,for die future it's not a too Jones", said Ho ris. Your alive --who are you �gomg 'Waite of atnone «". '' to vote fpr?" � � �Italpm "sa<$ he would like to see Though • Halpin's. was ; an He'said the•average te�rnm between . a law, that protects the unborn. elections of. a::provincial .:leader in , Elston received ` a; spontaneous emotional closing statement,:E1sion 'the (9oos=has 3.4 years. received: the •most applause'. at the a f e inti o applause from th end •'4f ;his ,reinarks,apl ,The . Though ,'taxes seem: to be audience where be said abortion fig: dorm ng,:tole campaigns of the should l,e neatething between a 'knows -*ha' the people m ; this tparty leaders in Ontario, it woman and her doctor. • riding need. wasn't dwelled on at theWalkerton.own perso views have"my 'o ' nal I have experience, commitment meeting and dedication. T will :continue to Ha1Rin crittciied Peterson's art offer, only my ib sstforthepeople of , cement 'last week :that if the Bruce County. f ederai - GST was brought in he Earlier in the meeting,; Elston said 'would lower Ontario sales tax by • the people at • Queen's Park were one ' per' cent, saying it was just a due' more aware of Bruce County thane tax on a tax. , • • they ever were, partly to his Hesaid if PC leader 14 ,ike Harris presence in the legislature. is elected , he 'Will put a freeze on Freiburger, representing the°baby, taxes. of Ontario political: parties, said the "We don't need any more taxes. 'Family Coalition Party has come a Enoughis enough." ' way since -its beginnings in ' ` • Though Elston said Bee. ; Liberal meat than they have in the past. long• Though it may have started `government olid' raise taxes during " Halpin said their land claims are outas a one -issue party concerned, the last .term, it ,also expanded ser- valid and that the natives have been about preserving life, she said the vices. He -pointed out that for the treated unfairly. policies it has .instituted since then . last two years::Ontariohas a ton; who was involved with on the.enviionment•at d education, balancedbud et f the fiest time in'. se g Elie Manitoulin land claire show the party cares about .a lot 24' years At.the the sowtime,.. the • in July,' said' steps are being taken more than prig -life. Li,'beerals ,.paid :"bout 8400 million.to settle claims'from Cape Croker ilia.,scared. up. here, scared. I'm against the deficit, "``a ,first in this and ,. Saugeen reserves in Bruce doing itscaied. I want.your vete on ''nation."" ' ' ' . ,? COW1Iy September 6, but, not.; just because Concern. about the. environment • "It's much too late to say sorry, yyouy but mo-' ere for rinother was equally shared by the can-, we have to act." dilates. A member of the audience 'Restructuring was a hot item at the Family Coalition Patty." . addressed each candidate and 'naked', g. Halpin, who has made • the meetin p Hope, toe, said he realized Bnlce them, if elected; what would be.the it clear he is strongly against county County was traditionally Liberal, first piece of legislation.they would- restructuring, said a vote for Elston • but he said it doesn't have dei stay bring through' or teteenvironment: is a vote for restructuring. He that way. Freiburger and Elston were the only quoted from a report by John "I hope when you vote you keep candidates who answered "the goes- Sweeney, minister of Municipal an opera -mind ,to other issues" and bort directly, Affairs, that . said restructuring vote for the New Democrats who Elston said he would .like to pass would be good for the province. will "build a fair, prosperous On- straightforward legislatioai for plan- "It will'be good for them. It will . tario." Hing. save them money. The bigger the The Walkerton meeting MIS the • 'Anything that would snake it Municipality the less the province a. second All Candidates' meeting in easier for ,people- to bring fprward will give in grants." ,Brace. The for was to a standing- their ideas... then everything else Elston remained firm in his stance room only crowd at the Teeswater concerning the environment could that if thepeople of Bruce County Town Hall last Tuesday night. be looked at." didn't want restructuring, they It was a smaller crowd in Walker- Freiburger said she would like to wouldn't get' it. He said the county ton, but equally concerned about implement something t,p preserve will be making the final decision, issues like the environment, county people. itot Toronto. restructuring and 'taxes. The first "People are our most precious • Preiburger 'said ' she didn't think question from the ifloor was why an resource. We can use them, reuse .Brace County was ready for election Was called at all. therm, recycle them. ° If we protect restructuring, but she wondered why Ed Schumacher of Walkerton said them, they will protect the environ- it is even being considered. the $40 million being spent on the meat." "I don't understand' why it is election seems to be unnecessary Halpin said it was too complex to being shoved and shouted about and a waste of money. pick any one thing he would do when there seems to be so much Elston said Premier David. Peter- conservation has with Elston that objection to it." first. But he agreed son's decision to call an election to start "in your All Candidates' meetings were three years into his term was a wise backyard. You can't rely on the held Monday night at the Saugeen one and not that unusual. government to do everything." Indian Reserve and Tuesday night He said the Liberals want to be Hope listed several things that in Port Elgin. There will be another fully prepared • for ` the future of could be done to protect • the en- one tonight (Wednesday) in Paisley. • but I'm not prepared to enforce my views on to their (women's) views." Freiburger, who is a director and Past president for Right To Life, said '*keit everybody talks about abortion being between the woman and the doctor, they are forgetting the baby, "The baby -didn't have a say." The candidates :also agreed that native people deserve better treat- p- reat