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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-08-29, Page 11
• A group of young boys, and girls between six and eight years old hind fun playing ball; this summer. They are divided into two'leamsPurplle and Green. Last week, they matched up•for their liiipal game. Young Russell Mann is seen in action behind the.plate. Members of the green team . aide: Cori Gust, Christopher Hackett, Margo Abbott, Devin Petteplace, Michelle Gibbons, Steven, Hare,. William Young, Justin Goner, Tevor Askes, Tim Eadie, Ryan rindley, Heather Pegg, Cody Pegg and Coach Shatmion Petteplace. .:le team members were Matthew Martin, Amy Blake,. Joey Ws; Darlene Aitchison. Russell Minn, Sara* Mann, -Mark Kraneenburg, LindsayRaymond, RanleHe Stanley, Dan McDonagh, Andrei', Grp Jay'me Sutherland , Jourdan • ____1111ton. and Coach Wilma Blake. (Marg Burkhart photo) Luba, fkaatimell. Wedmegegyi Asp*nifk--Plis 11 Wheat is delayed heavy rain Them 10 an added* mom *is year disease co cease * 110110441 yet There are many*` areas alms for delaying wheat lino' los ip ceroid � air hillsides that endot:of bur wheatfieida, � b trees. The Bruin: Colley, it ow* d ber that lake -all is benefit not show for ten or fllilay oro woo Ilam, mount of lb* by the clop rotation. Winter wheat mote years buthave the soda- pawinee its there aro s© many Ens faqir air wheat, barley or in 4 faction 'of contributing to a better of barley produced in the c tiaty. A * `bad twitch stat for wildlife evele stay.* slight delay in planting aims the Problem. has a high Ida of crop of wood plus reducing erosion, burn"y stlalbble tai be destroyed developinavoid/ole l�g�eljo� A This � an trees in Areas �lxth� have a�•liplant ear+y blocking the spread of disease from ° . . barley Jo wheat. Tlilis year bailey stand! of grass should be sprayed yellow warf vu makes this delay Joan McKinlay, . Soil and Crop with glyphosate by September 15th. vet/ Important. This area had a . •Specialist, 'Grey, Bruce alb Dufferin Otherwise the little: trees will he high infection rate. Insect Caitnties. smothered. movement between barley gelds Trees 'seesare .avauable Irom Natural and wheat fields twill allow the -;, There is greatsatisfaction in, Qwon Sound .and virus: to overwinte r causing damage looking at a. nice tree or grove of we0 ham as well as vat." kirk tb the next year's crops. The virus. trees and saying "I planted that tree > g Ire will -otherwise die over winter, This or trees".'sera"'',: Barbecue precautions are urged The 'Product Safety Branch of Consumer and Cotpacote Affairs Canada reminds Canadians to fol- low safety precautions when cutting. the pus or enjoying' their bar- becue this season. • Charcoal briquets '> are feat for outdoor = cookouts. They re con • - venient,.inexpensive, generate heat quickly and don't give offan`odour. Aad left outdoors to. burn out and cool, they are safe. ° However, it may be tempting to ;bring the barbecue grill or .hibachi into a closed porch or garage to finish the cook -out if it starts to rain; or til' use thelet coals at a source of heat in a tent or trailer after the food has .been 'cooked. But the gaefrom Wallis charcoal bri- queue can kill, and deaths continue to occur. Int any enclosed or .poorly-ven- t)lated area -- a station wagon, a tool shed -- burning charcoal . s deadly Burning charnel gives off ' odourless, non -i p itating , carbon monoxide, . a gas that can kill without warning if it builds up in an enclosed area. ' During and after cookouts, leave the gill and charcoal embers out- side is the opal air. And always fallow the safety warnings on tine 'Cutting'gr t gut be � .. Cutting. thie ` grass. improves the:: appearance of your yard, butjlnany injuries have -occurred when objects ° stnick by a mower blade have been hurled into. a bystander's or operator's eye. Ensure that the lawn Ira cut is fet of stones, sticks and rsim lar debris and that children and pets are at a safe distance. Wearing' safety gogg1Cs will provide further plirotection against eye injuries. Keep in mind, as .well, the dangers associated with the use of any Cuffing : or., power tool don't cut grass when it's wet and slippery •*and replace worn or damaged cords, Parents should_ messages'- on to any. child -xor: teenager assumingresponsibility for'. lawn ilnantenance. Ccxlsuiners should also look for .and 'follow carefully any warnings on power lawn mowers and trimmers. , 3Lawwrtn tractors: aid ride -on mowers present additional, more serious Injuries and deaths are particula ry► highamong . •,' Youngchildren, and • seniors.. For safety's sake, such mowers should never be used on steep slopes or driven diagonally on any steppe. And young children should never be allowed to ride on or operate theta.. 'Consumers should look for safety features *hen, buying this Num - matt and follow. manufacturers' instructions .carefully. Be,Pal* of the "WINNER'S CIRCLE'* ItieVer Amputations of Canada*: I LUCKNOW .CHRIS1IAN: REFORMED. CHURCH.' Invatas *ou to Worship WItlt Thum :On Sunday, Septerinber 2,1990 i0 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Nursiry downstairs. morning & afternoon EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Sunday, September 2 Lucknow Lions Bingo Saturday September 1 Heidi Strong & Gary Forster Saturday September 8 Linda Vander Meer & Ken Atkinson Friday & Saturday September 14 & 15 Lucknow Fall. Fair OPEN DATES Fridays August 24-31 September - Friday 7th "ONLY" CALL 528-3532, 9 a.m. - d3• p.m. ifisINTEE LISTING iNI.,WTEOP t.•.. ALV 8068.. 3154174 WARREN 2M115214710 Help elect LINDA FREIBURGER as our representative in Toronto. Would you: ASHFIELD TWP. -Building lots. 110' x 165', well treed, starting at *14,000. tan ACRESawanosh, 60. workable, bale , 30 acre hake. Priced at 469,900, - ASHFIELD - oustont built home on Ya acre:lot, finished bsmt., 3 ,i- 1 bdrms., 2 baths, . 3.4 acne RIVER LOT, Lucknow, well treiad,reduced to *30,000. 200 ACRE FARM - Ashfield, 185 workable, set-up for 500 hogs liquid manure, 3 barns, shed, 4. bedroom home. 4 BDRM. HOME, 1 acre lot, edge of town, close to school. CULROSS - 571f2 acres, 50 seeded, panoramic view, *47,900. 300 ACRES - cash prop. Hwy. /86 west. Level and drained. 114 ACRE COUNTRY Lot, spring, creek, St. Helens. FORMER SCHOOL 4 classroom, stone/block const:, 5000 sq. ft. on 4 acres. *79,900. (a)Taks a lawn sign during th_r election. (b)Hslp with phoning and offics work. (c)Hsip with signs and distributions. (d)Hstp on slction day. Phone the 1CP office $813535 351 Durham St Walkerton BUILDING LOTS - Kinlough - 5 to choose from. BELFAST • 4 bedroom home in ex- cellent condition, 30 x 40 heated shop, *66,000. OWNER MOVING - 5 bdrm.1+ storey home, 2 baths, hardwood floors, Havelock St. 100 ACRE BEEF FARM, Ashfield, 85 workable, 10 acres bush, barn, shed, 4 bdrm. home. 200 ACRES - pasture - Kinloss, *99,900. PRICED TO SELL - 4 bdrm. home with 2 car garage. Located 7 miles west of Lucknow. Call for details. • - Part of the Cook's Crop Marketing Team (from left to right): Dave Wheeler - Atwood Branch Manager, Second .year with Cook's Pauline Insley - Grain Merchandiser, Hensall, 7 years with Coot's Bruce Lamont - Centralia Branch Manager, 16 years with Cook's , In today's complex world markets you ee4...a, competitive edge. That's where Cook's can help. The marketing experts at Cook's can help you make informed decisions about your crop. We'll keep you in touch with commodity prices and world-wide supply and demand situations so you can make the right cropping choices to get the profits you want. Before you decide, call the people at Cook's. Our experience can give you the edge. Branches: Hensall ,Sia, 'c' .'.a IJ Centralia ,:3101 22S -e 01 Kirkton ,51'1 Zai y... ‘t'akon,5la, 5271:7-10 •4berle ,5I" a5•S( 'I Atwood ,51Q1.4Sc -22 0= Ditision of Parrish & Heimbecker. Limited '111101-C Neth Can Mick' 111111 COrlliciel1(2'."