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by Pat Livingston
Isn'tit u being women Toda's
Today's � • her , wi�twe •:tlnalt tiwtcp>tt�ient. PrOm
to -#f yen lire of. the, .other Sakti. . alit , t+ey :Pieces et p whet have used
a � .�in#,k' a aar�t hook m of �� the•Pain
lora the pet fye land art . • �,. ,aY,�r-iyyd-�''
Where you sit down e i the �I ,
• we,M4� to
template the thirwi we do ooh the o borne r :looks ' se it sethiag. - .ex ci :vwkatt We worm giro at
rain women, in order b �i from of > , *herbead fe tt is .!a y tete
n hive appearance, we ray send. r ,trill. moat. Inch.
have a.r h teed a follow, titan with on her
products. pow last
tvidde .:. ,
Dens we ogre -merlin our .sl�uld * :baa •� tom � b%w
Pao the time we tiro *Our ettly ht J ably thlnk� beau
. , more than. kifl s fo thou wheal we• set it *own the e
-mission: Qh J who put therq�tatves y trkom t sup in the
ply bedng 1eeD► 'we beeofotnane thntugh this trgarny. manung a down t
• c. .. ev i
adept at seeking out ways to en -Now we ► litho it •i s mus- tants long. fou simply need s Ike
the faces and bodies we were sable for mento have eyebrows that Sunscreen,
to hold your closer,
horn with, go' straight '. skew .betow,�buf : et'fre9lld'i 9etgdr� rtra[sau�z�
Lets start :at the top of the had for females this is a nano. What do COMP} foundation, powder, blush,
and work down. we' lo? Well you can use tom . `eyeshadow,eye liner; mascara, lip
Visits to your favourite and pull out. each offending little •pencil,•lipstie c and all the i>irushe s
lug involve all kinds of irate and we all know lido o�ssary to 1 the .afaremen-
Wenn. those with straight brats. I have heard of conte feuaah boned: products with!'
want curly hair so. the y subject who faint when: having this done: ,
themselves to two �nrs of toirpirr+e, Bxoxss, dark colosu�lb 'hour +on'the And ;bet forget, it rosily isn't
the of oilier Y�
customers, baVing their hair wound Bleaching= subjects us to more oho song 8 deodorant. wa
in �.• � y shavexi.: his: ieow
Boozing and boating
W they t out beating, people face a tswwr natural'rieks
wind, waves and navigational hazards.fButthn biggest hazard
Is one Of the boater can.contral, says.tlrs Royal Life Saving
'Society �,Caneda.(RI SSC). it's (kinking and: boating.....
Most 'poops who' die In; :boating ancklents tall out of boats
or capsize boats and end up In the water. once it the water,
even good swinm ers lose c�oordlnatlon and can drown.
Alcohol affect to a person's balani..A moment of dizzl ess'
torr mmisatep may not cause harm on the patio ar In a nom.
ntbut It can 'spell. disaster on a boat.
A emelt boat is unstable In the beat of aondltlons. 'Entering
or leaving It. or moving,around• In It is hazardous even for s
sober, agile person. PeOpie seldom .notice problonle, with
their balancing ability after a drink :Or two, but a small,0py
boat makes_ the difference. •
if that's not enough warming,. you: should know that iter•,
pelred boating. is just 88 yserioO _as impalred: driving. •The
penalties for• a'convtction are - on a first offence there Is a
minimum-punlshment ofa $300.00 fine. Fora second Offence
there is a-pnnishnient '01 lrnprle onlnent'for not :less. than �14
days. For .each subsequent offence, ' the punishment Is
Imprisonment for not loss than 99 days. Remember you could
lose your driver's) cense:_-
8e Water Smart...make every trip a round trip...Think before
you drink!
Express it by sending a letter to the editor of the
Lucknow Sentinel. it must be Signed and accom-
panied by a telephone number, should we need to
clarify any information:
The Sentinel also reserves the right to. edit. letters.
that . aPP
listening . to prattle female can be bleached or r+emovM. t ce-
tightlittle. rolls, smelling noxioust odours, plucki• ng isn t
noxious fumes and now enp- advisable but a i cendy new tit hairs,: but and bear ill
ging, following paymet t,µwith; a lice of remo excess body it? ,v4"`.
a fa rade, isn't
head of curls, .y to say,bywaxing of
oilgee of s- is wcsndaful, But, ..boy
a little curlier than I wanted " does it hurt. You really have , to
Those : with , ging hair;or a convince: yourself - no Plain . nor t fit o dfkeep those e
admit they simply gain! What can you eape�ct? All permed
ecomid hair t around do recentlyWh
through the ritual of sittingitn– those, little hairs -being removed'atICI'. o .helps' away W
more obnoxious fwnes . oat . their .have to .•complain Whew are . frizzy look. Gets, mousse and
hair, m . emcrge . with the ..grey covered in wax,.then. covre� with . d always b
handtYe toshoulget .abet looke you cariate
covered . and feeling yowiger;. `or- a piece of cloth and literally, tripped . home with fi+ain your hairdresser.
with anew colour they really aren't 'right out their nesting place. •
sore ;about.. When they,. get home For larger areas ; eeding ;, hair Isn't beinga woman fun? Ever
they spend time trying -to remove removed'we women Subject x'ct'onvsel- ask y whywe put Quiselves
tie telltale signs"of colouring from ves . to shaving. 411 bet women" through all, or any, of the above?
t " shave mrd hair in their lifetime Do we do it for the men in our
Then We
want the a .a have the ladies who than -man d. Razors as we'lives or do we do it for ourselves?
Creaked look - this is know come in straight -edge, eisodic While we may be doing it for the
sheer torture for lite customer and or those new type rotating coil men, first and uppermost we should
an excellent time for.tlie hairdresser razors that promise to remove hair be doing it for ourselves. What
to vent her fiustrations. The at the root so your legs are. carefree better". way to start the . day, then
tomer sits with a very' tight plastic fait` weeks. I • wonder what mai feeling good about yourself!
AUT Do aion of Canada.',WAR, BONDS
70 years ago
September 2,1920
The cost staggers - Everybody is
delighted with the idea of having
hydro electric current for lighting
and power in town within a 'few
months. But there is much
hesitation about wiring up to take
Jvantage of the current when it is
available. Everybody thought they
would have lights in, but when they.
get figures on the costof wiring
and fixtures they are . somewhat
tagger+edi and there is a tenckney
to hesitate. Complete wiring of
ordinary houses runs all the way
from $100 to $250, and another
hundred dollars may beadded for
good fixtures.
This disappointment is infor .
ornate, but it is not likely tied co n-
•hitions will he °mudir better`'for a
year or two, and it would be as
well for those who' intend using the
Lights to get busy and have the
wiring done while men are offering
to do it. •
August 29, •
SO years ago _ DENTIN ,; E N
Escaped serious injury - Young
Joe Whitby escaped what might
easily have been serious injury last
Thursday . night, when he: ' was
pinned to the ground under' a 450
pound septic tank tile at the vacant
F.T. Armstrong residence.
Two such .heavy tile were placed
there ready for installation and on
Thursday evening Jae and. Donald
Thompson were trying to roll them
around the lawn, with fair success,
Joe's tile started down grade with
him in front of it, and before he
could get clear, it caught his foot,
knocking him down. TW tile rolled
up his leg to the knee and sped,
ptming the lad to the gro . and
causing him' much pain. Donald
tried to. roll it off. his pal, but
naturally could not budge it, and
then ran for home to get his Dad.
But before getting that far he met
Mr. Sam Murchison, who informed'
ofJoe's predicament hurried to the
scene to release him, and it was all
Mr. Murchison could do to roll the
heavy tile off his leg. Miraculously
there were no bones broken, and
more fortunate still that the tile
didn't roll over his body. .
25 years ago
September 8,1965
June Ackert wins county
scholarsinp - The annual Bruce
County Women's Institute Scholar-
cholarship has been awarded to Miss June
Ackert of %Iolyrood.
June has completed twelve 4H
Horneuinaking Club Projects and has
been a delegate to the 4H
Homemaking Conference in Guelph
and has attended the Eastern On-
tario Bus Trip. June has been very
active in her local high school She
was head girt of the school last
year,a valued member of the
Championship Basketball Team,
and a faithful member of the Band.
She enteral ell phases of School life.
with enthusiasm. This was rewarded
with her being presaged The
School Citizenship Award.
June is amember of the Lucknow
United Church where she has taught
theprimary Sunday School class for
three years. She has been a member
of to Choir for slit years and has
been active in the Young People's
Giem,. She has also acted_ in the
capacity f Camp Counsellor for
tine years.
This fall she plans on entering the
Victoria School of Nursing in Strat-
tratford where she hopes to receive her
10 years ago
September 3, 1980
Open Lucknow Christian
School Lucknow Christian School
was'officially opened Ina ceremony
on the school grounds Saturday
afternoon. Approximately 200
parents, children, board members,
friends of Christian education and
community members attended the
The Lucknow Christian School is
offering an alternative to parents
who are not satisfied with the
public school System and want their
child's educal ion supplemented with
a knowledge of God as the centre
of everything, according to the
school's principal Gordon Johnston.
Catherine Andrew top exhibitor
at flower show - The Lucknow and
District Horticultural Society held
their Flower Show and Tea on
August 20 in the Legion Hall.
There were 14 exhibitors. To p
exhibitor was Catherine Andrew,
Lucknow with a total of 75 points.
She also entered the most exhibits
with 31 entries.
Mrs. Andrew won the roses and
dahlias section with 23 points and
the vegetable section with 26