HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-27, Page 4PalIle Ifeinesdny, .iib 17, 111111) P.Q. Sax 400, Locknowa Ware NOG 2H0 Sstabiished 187 52$212t Fax (519) 5204529 Ne Thomas Thompson. Advertisng Manager Pat Livingston — General Manager .Editor Subscription rates advance: *1790 Outside Canada $6090 Outside Canada $589° Senior Citizen Second class mailing reg, no. 0047 .. Advertising is accepted on the. condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of theadvertising space occupied by. the erroneous item together with"areasonalb{e allowance for eignature, will not be charged for, but the bakinpei of the advertisement will be Paid at the -applicable rates., School's ()tit, play it 'e p, hip, .h ooray - school's out No more peicls,,'no more books no more 'teachers" dirty looks Yes, school is- out for the summer aild all those students who slaved away soiiard during the year are fuh of un- bridled energy, seekingto make the best of . next t 1i before they et' back to the grindstone. g win they let off tit energy they :quite often forget. the safety side'tof havingfu n. x AMBLINGS CI by Pat Livingston A little bit of this, a little bit of that This rank's offering will not win erg( Pinder prase, bet then none of the - offerings will either. I will simply fill this space with a little bit of this and alitlie bit of t at Just when I thought all those mabox number, what do I get in the mail lust week? Not one, gbut two, of fortunendfaant pickthat pieces of could be. mine airy by rubbing off that gold junk covering hidden prizes and returning envelopes and likitty ill So if any other Lucknow and area residents received this wonderful- mail (and I'll lay odds they did) go ahead and return it - put e Prower 16varls It seems, the flower vandals have been around the village for at least six years. 1 had occasion to go back to the 198 conies of ;the Viper and the editorial in the July 1 due was lambasting those good for nothing sorra that derive: enjoyment from vandalizing' the` flowers on Be it biking, skateboarding, pla ball or swimming, safety should always uppe t m 'their minds, But as, we all know, that is often not the case. As adults it is up to us to remind Our 'children , to `.play safe and though p�eerhaps not fair, the onus is ` on when driving to take ex- tra, precautions during those hot, l lazy, lazyys of sum- mer we are sure to experience. While the younger students ate sure to be enjoying the aforementioned activities : the older ones,who are licens- ed or chum with licensed drivers,..may well be into .a dif- ferent if ferent type of "having fun". Fora e' granp, excessive ..; speeding, drinkingand driving, orsgetting into a vehicle : with 'an inebria per �" n, the results can be- deadly for them or an innocent person on the road. • Ilk) not know how amany of the `last. age group read this editorial page, but forany who do,lease...stop and think before you `'let off steam m a way that could end your life or that of another. Summer is your fun time, don't do something that will change your 'life, that of your family and friends for ever. Hip, hip,hooray - school's out! No ' more pencils, no more books, no more students' dirty looks! Yes teachers, .a I haven't forgot you; This is your dme to put .your grey, matter intoneutral and perhaps contemplate the past year and what the next school year holds in store._ Have a good one! , Summer is finally here :- please play it safe! mein street. Some thine" newer f� � finally my my tura to cut the gram around the new .pandemea. When we moved we really didn't feel it was necessary to have a lenge rldhgt lawn mower to tend to Weilted in aw kb portage size lot, SONe to nay, after sitting on my duff for some 30 years or so, getting ,behind one of these models was a little different. I informed Mr. Fixit when he went. to ;purchase this strenuous had of etterise rtu for' dirt had better start.EASY! Wnfor" tunately, the one he brought home does start fairly easy • even for me with those puny arms I say Woe. Lunate because now I have no ex- cuse for, not cutting the grass.. X managed to sloff off the .fust two weeks, as Mr. Fixit and Number One Sontook_pity-me while L a was still the Lk mgstons' possessions. My tum :came on a recent Friday night. Being .. a good partner and wife, I decided to pre it a widd. The mowerstinted , much ch to my surprise and I was a .1> aroundpulled supthe bra.nt lawn, FY he would take pity on me, turn- ed it on' and followed hint in the house for a wee chat. Imagine my astonishment when after I uttered, "Well I gusts I'd better get back at it," heeven offer to finish up for mei Goes to prove that Knights in Shining Armor have flews! When the was completed aa� and I went g into. the , his only comment was, "I told you, you're out of shape. Cutting the lawn is going to be great for you," My :onky hope of getting out .of thits chore is if that darn lawn mower starts acting, up and refuses to start for me. Knowing Mr, Fix-- it, ixit, he'll have it repaired in no time at all. Oh, by the. way I.thinkI: forget i which hole the gas :• goes n. and I think he said something about where oil goes, limns, I •better check that outi o you. , rernermber when? 70 years ago July 1, 1920 Hydro on the ,move - Engineers were at work in Lucknow the past week running lines and staking out places for the erection of poles to carry the Hydro wires. The work on this system appears to be being pushed rapidly. Already the pole line has extended on this side of Walkerton, and a gang is at work on the branch from the Durham Road to Teeswater. They are erec- ting poles at the rate of a mile per day, so that it will not be many weeks before they are operating in this part. Intending users of current will make no mistake in having their wiring done, Otherwise there may be an unpleasant rush in the early fall. 50 years ago June 27, 1940 Local councillor called up a Herb M!Quillin, who signed up for militaryservice in the capacity of a blacksmith, received a callto London on Tuesday morning for medical examination and returned home that evening with inunctions to report at London this morning. (Thursday). Mr. McQuillin operates a blacksmith business';luere,-Viaad also. has the mall contract to and from the local depot and oy.Rural Route No. 5 He is serving hie'third term as a member of the Village. Council, If Mr. McQuillin's military duties prevent bion .from continuing in municipal office, it appears, accor- ding to the present statutes,that a , nomination, and election if necessary, will be required to fill the vacancy. Such action is necessary -when a vacancy occurs prior to November 1. When an . official resignation is not received, the seat is declared vacant if the member it absent .from three successive regular meetings of. the Board. Employed at airport Std Whitby has secured a ,job at Sky Harbor Airport and commenced work on Wednesday. Sid's first job' will be to assist in removing several acres of bush so that the airport. can be enlarged. Two; eight-hour daylight shifts' are employed from 4 a.m. to noon and front noon to 8 .pm. to speed up the work so the contract may be completed by August 31. Power equipment`'is at Work on the runways and additional equipment SENTINEL MEMOIRS minmonawastaism -is being added, Sandy Contracting and Machine Works are the contractors. 25 years ago June 30, 1965 Start playgreund, swimming soon - Ann Ilitcme, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie of Ashfield' and Peggy Button, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Russ Button of Lucknow, will. instruct the Lucknow Playground ,this year. This is Anne's second Year. doing this work. Joins Navy .for five year stint Doug Allen of Lucknow left by train for Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, on Sunday morning from London where he will commence training for the Canadian Navy. Doug, who is 17, has mane his home with his grandmother Mrs. William Webster .of Luckttoty. Ile will learn a trade during his fie year period with the navy. Attend treoping cobra Queen Mother present - Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Mac1V'ay of Lucknow Welted last weekend in Toronto with their sons Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacNay and Gordon MacNay..On Friday night they attending the Trooping of. the Colours and the presentation of the new colors, of the Toronto Scottish Regiment which took place in the Varsity Stadium.' Her Majes- ty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, Colonel -in -Chief, made the presentation. -Receivehonors in piano - Three piano pupls of Mrs. C. Shaddick passed Toronto Conservatory exams with honours. They re Grade 8 piano, Sharyn Mowbray; Grade 6 piano, Wanda Hunter and Linda yle. 10 yeas ago July 1, 1944 Lady tractor palter - b of l utcckutow has become �Canad elm second lady tractor puller. She took up driving her husband's V-12 Packard, in the 7,000ound modified class this year taking a place beside Mary Verheyn of Ker wood, Canada's only other . lady driver. Both ladles will be driving in the Lucknow Tractor Pull July 19' - 80 when tractors from all over southwestern Ontario and Northern ' Michigan are expected to compete to the two day event: Bad tournament = 'The Lucknow Noisy Ladies Softball team is holding their first annual softball tournament in Lucknow this Fri-. day, Saturday and Sunday. Twelve teams will be completing in the tournament, • Hire, anaesthetist Dr. Marie Gear was named as the newly appointed second general practitioner -anaesthetist or the Wingham and District Hospital by administrator Norman Hayes, dor- the hospital board meeting last THE SLAVE, OF —Pleasure is one of life's moat tragic figures. Fear could be delivered by a religious faith. —Custom is one of ; life's moat pathetic slaves. Tradition is a man with a dos- ed lowed mind. —Prejudice is almost hopeless. ...Virtue is chainedao victory. —Live is of all most abject.