HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-27, Page 3' Oa Jame .141,•at Bervk United Clan* Rev. (Wald Ifelnolineoi Luckaewo was installed as Chairman of Bruce Presbytery. Preaeatiag the gavel to Bev. Picrarbine is Rev. Oestreicher, former Chairman from Walkerton.: • s;:y.'iiktcracy‘ - • e Fighting •the waragainst11- literacy is the,,goal-of a new Cana- dian foundation, formed as part of a literacy project that involves community -newspapers across Canada. • • • •• Enabling people to learn will be one of the objectives of the CODE Literacy-, Foundation, created to -fund 'literacy projects M 'developing countries following, International Literacy Year. • • - ine need for -worldwide action, against illiteracy la acute as near. ly one ,billion people are illiterate. Ae,PODEJoiiiidah'on;belleVes;titat supporting literacy, and in. turn education, is essential for develop-- Mentand improving the living con- ditions of millions of -people, • Money raised through the Literacy Foundation enable CODE, the. Canadian Organization for Development. through. Educa- tion, to help support activities that promote, literacy and educatiOn. For more than 30 years CODE, has, been shipping educational materials and supplies to the Third World. It does so in the belief that supporting education is an important first step towards, development and encourag- ing selffeliarice. ` • • Among CODE's many achievements is;. the Jamaica primary Textbook, Project. Since, Recycling. must • from page 2 , • - • . • 4 a newsPrint recycling operation which, they. hope to make into a regularly operating business. Fenton said a three-year agree- ment with the reeyclera. will. be . sighed shortly. • , :He said it is the type of solution the committee looks. for. •He has heard that Ihree more de -inking plants wilrbe built sometime soon in .Ontario and Quebec, Two primary operation will take place within, the.recycling building; separating , steel and aluminum, cans, and baling all materiala ex- cept glass. Fenton said, beside* newsprint, there are markets fur all the materials. A five-year contract was signed Wednesday night to sell glass to Consumers Olas., Toronto. Fen- ton said care must be taken in sor- ting glass because recyclers Will send back any "contaminated" loads, or loads which contain porcelain or any other unacceptable glass. Most of the sorting will take place at the curb where unaccep. table glass will be left in the Blue Boxes with a sticker or a tag, ex- plaining why it hasn't been taken. Steel cans will go to Dofasco or Stelco, both of which are in Hamilton. 1984o millions of ;textbooks have been printed on paper 'supplies by CODE.. Today,. - thousands of Jamaican children learn with, the help of books, where -before they had ' none, In the southeast African country of Malawi, overwhelming registra- tion in adult literacy classes het - ween, 1302 andJ937 exhausted the Supply of learning materials. CODE's 'contribution, of $543„000 Werth of paper will benefit an estimated two mililon .' adult learners by . );,..CODE, a noniPt9fit:*, charitable �ranization agdAht- Canac14n. Community Newspapers Association ere co-sponsors of kewsljnit; The International Newspaper': Literacy -Exchange.NewsLink isl:eonducting_ an exchange between:'community newsPaper reporters in Canada and developing countries in Africa and the .daribbeful:I'lie project is also developing a newspaper literacy program; gall NewsAble • that will enable; adult literacy teachers. itt Canada •ta, • use the community newspaper ,as a learning tool in their classes. 'Further information about the CODE Literapyyoundation may be • obtained by -eallint. (013) '232-3.569 or writing the foundation at 321 Chapel St., -Ottawa, ON, KIN 7Z2. DonP,- tionsare tax-deductible.. . • • be 'iefficient Aluminum cans will make their way back to ;Alma; and 'be re- smelted.,111 Tennessee. They ' ' first- to-Voronta; Fenton The -eunimittel is currently deciding. which of two plastic pur- chasers, --Dow in Toronto and a company. in London, will offer the best .price. • " ' • Loads of each material will be stored in the recycling .building un- til there it a full load to ship. • Fenton pointed out that it re- quires 90 percent less energy. to re -smelt alumhuun cans than to produce thein from the Ore. Coin- - parable figures for steel cans Ohm,/ that It takes 60 per cent leis energy to re;sinelt the cans than to pro- duce them. Newsprint producers are less eager to recycle because doing so would cut mto the tree-barvesthtg.. segment of the operation, requiring large-scale changes to the com- pany, Fenton said. . New employees needed in the operation include two 'vehicle operators, two or three parkin* or full-time people at the facility, and a secretary. The nine participating municipalities in the program are Port Elgin, Southampton, Wiarton, Kincardine, Walkerton, Hepworth, Lucknow, and the townships of Saugeen and Amabel. Ceramic Lessons &airflow July 4th, '90 to ANgust 23/90 ADULT CLASSES July 4th & 5th 7 - 10 PM CHILDREN'S LESSONS Every Wednesday Afternoon 2 - 4 PM Ages 7 . 12 5294295 laskasw i, Widassier, am 1i#4, Ateittinta 01112$1110411.14c Joao 21, 10yeassai It my, Is Firm " 1143, IOU pow old E4() r-- L. .... WINDOW 11 TREATMENTS Free tageo Installation VertineN: VERTICAL BLINDS ArgwAll =or aft 4•010. 411111ft .= = MO -. AIM lb 01111wing1I OW AO MO. MIN AND 1111.11 .01.111 0111111110 al . OM •••• ONO .1111•11=1/ OM MORIN alga. 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