HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-20, Page 4MAINSaitiadl, XX/sto. . P.0„,Box 400, tuck:low, Ontaro NOG MO Estabiiahed 1878 52121122; Fax (519) 5214421 2A ANBIJN$ by Pat Livingston *LacINA pl.The Ram bieris no Mrs. Fixit Thomas Thompson — Advertisng Manager Pat Livingston — General Mar ager' r --- Editor°. Subscription rates advance: Outside Canada 0 *1490 outside Canada $5890 Senior Citizen Second class' mailing reg: no. 0847 trailing There is only one "Fixit" in ever houesbald and it isf�ed by ""lips" so I have out! After mowing into the lnetsse, I w'aas like a kid with new toys - I had a< jack is every room! Thanice to Mr. F1xit's pro- wess, I had a an md ro- w ,Ihadaanexf phew planned on installing in our as bu) p�,The phone didn't have one of those fiches on the end that are neeeseary to plug Advertising : is ` accepted oee til 'condition that in the event of a into a jack. On the day the ' typographical error, the portion 01 the advertising space occupied by 1'e/than came to hookup the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for tures our near number,, i hratly prtll� Will notbe charged ed out this woe phoonene sod wood ialanice of the advertisement be if he could put as thing on the end paid at the app viable rates, Ii of it. Stupid insi! He looked at ane as if 1 lead asked for the world. ' Really, all I wanted was one of those little plastic things stuck on prongvoishd tshfoa ttiande' oZ wweH ng to pay for the little thing. No such luck, he informed me he . couldn't (or wouldn't) do -it and ' suggested that perhaps I could get e isle Well, as theca in no Hell Phone Centre la dna Ltaelatesw, I ebbe the alert hest piece, "Home of the HandymanNow before I go seer further, it wee not air lead "Home of the Handyman." store I visited. I k now I deserve a whipp- ing with three wet noodles for sot wlocally! Well, to get on h story, I visited the �",a� 'rues- day, o Poem on anteingate I found the appropriate aisle; but was unable to determine 'which package to bring home. A young man came along and offered his ambiance and after bearing My predicament plucked package off the shelf and me Lorwould do the hick. I d plained to him, I only wanted that little cthbg to go' on the end of the wire, whole length of wire. •'1 could see his eyes glitter with glee, when .he realised he bad , a novice on his hands. He asly • explained why 1 needed thefull piece of wire and the little -thing on the end and even gave me instruc- •tions on hors :even I could make the I# ,wasun't jreolly to 111 4014 that Huron 14MPP JOek 'Riddell wind i needed from a PI, . k. de�dde►d t+n'..call ii' ,gitlts hitt ws.- Cent .Tinaka a -"atm' ot budl hos dial. d► good should b ee qulde thhnking ,. de►# xseiCnsrd, -. #Iaailbla +earl: at tit .Pam tial, si t elf qualithe which Mr. Rlddsll: ,;wsaee►d, In a lltks, he was .tie tapopolitcian who "'shot tiefrom 'type of sty, ie;,pot Maim In trouble, but; mostly !t was for eh . batter.' •Istecaim, you Mkn.w whsree the sae stood on :0 porticalar i oe... Mayta r tile;' Is what l ±d, in part, iso° hid belnR drop; ped from Cabbnst' ; Today's apaelltics regal >lre that tel.sted er.prasr ntativ.s b. ° on#rent*Iy irsrttsitivr tar' o nuebeir. orf groups and isms. It , wrong) word'. or a-.stro 0ot006n0 can''b. 10000 044 embarrassing to the gov rinnitent sand It can ,+fuercrtticlun from the opposltlbn, .the .public;. and tial 00.11a, • D+dsions and -!atatomsnts era► tniorlk.d out behind' closed doors and released only': When, tolly pwllshud, r Mr. , Rlddelre strong volce' 'will 4s. rrtlss.d by ties -p.opio who shad- him. ;HO . fear;`stated that hi. le not bitter. but th ► dlsappolnt ' me'l't, must **or. !noire Mr..P' Riddell, regarding tiro lots of his, position as Miniadir of Agr•icultustl► andFooel. Yeo' aft• year, he law stir party t+ `uolce In the: lsiatarrie whin - the Liberals were but'.o nelriortty.- And .then is Is let, go, while attending,, a , fider'ol.provinclal. , conferenso o f . ;:' agrlcuituro `ntinistiers, !ut politics :kW* about. nieotlos: and ek.ryone ss;"reitial oabilp aielir. ,Riddell ktisrer this. but It trtill Nati; whlren. you aro no . longer nded, ,;. However, despite his 'forthcontlnp retlr*sent ; ftrbor . politics, ha sounds energetic and'reedy to;take ors':na nes" challenge. His passion has always'. beim ' ayrfcelture; and a Man with h!s experlenc., Insight and cr dlblllty tsar much to offer his province. iia+r. Riddell Mere "ennobled Intarsest,.In being an -Ontario agrietsitur• ambassador tier -the' `United Stator. 'P.irhapseMr3.RddobI's string volci is wha#';ytt#derio needs in 'Arnn.fried Mr. Riddell is proud 01 his' :aiccompilislrm+snts eio*thlipast 17 y.o rs and during •his tenure ae agrlculturs rrtlnlster. HI. conirtltuones : hoald avec proud `too. 'Hopefully, Natalia 'n•xt MPRH inn Show ;just eels Irftsch laadnlrahlp;.:anidsfrrngtlr, jfeokn the'Clinton "Nsrs-Rieordi ; Not " "via ast1T years sot tlttseeo is Park 'IIko Oa ths�s�rt e I chuckled to =WWI vein Ing Mr, bit's sus. prise when he realised I had mansigedto jack s r� vision w avect the phone ll I Despite hew easy this ta* was puuperted to be, there was no way I could conquer it. Oh,mameed to remove tiny screws 1 from the back of the phone, but whet I saw inside threw me into a dither. Accordhig to the inotructione, 1 was sir .supposed to take a tiny screw driver, remove two screws and attach this new piece with the sametwo screws. I sear- ched and searched but couldn't find the screws, the wires were soldered tan!! That was way beyond my experience. There wasto do,„ but replace the beck of phone, and wait until Mr. ,Fixit got home. After hearing my predicament, he simp- ly dismantled the phone, got.. thesoldering gun eut and in short time my phone was hooked au and working! Once again, Mr. Fixit came to myy' rescue! Oldasebif.•;"IAp'"Doalliowias S.douiF ou remember`h n? neo 70 years ago Jnne24; 1520 ..• Another Flans )dill - J.G. ,Ander- sen is converting ' the old' woolen mill into a flat milt- Besides- repairing the old building he is erecting a large barn Which will be used for storage purposes. Mr. Anderson has been interested in the figs mill at liipley for anumber of ybusinessears and thinks it a good line of This gives. Lucknow- two flax mills, one at the extreme the other at the extreme south; of the town. Garden Party - For an enjoyable evening, conn to the garden party on Joseph Taylor's Farm, just south of Lucknow (Excellent' grounds) Date, Friday evening, June 25. A splendid, varied pro- gram by local talent, assisted by Mayor J.J. Hunter and Mr. Frank. Sellery of Kincardine, has been ar- ranged for you. You will enjoy every. minute. Supper served from einialtatilleinineeminenallanietel ane. 6• -to 11:304(0100. • . - Lucknow:,Brass Raid; °int oaten dance. tinder the Auspices of the le.W.C.13.04 the Lucknow Methedist Church Gray -Dort Reduces Price Effec-, tive June 15, 1920, the - price . of Gray -Dort Motor Cars, including all new .Excise 'Taxes, will be as follows: Model 15 Regular $1575; • Model 15M Special $1748; 'Madel 151) Ace $1862; Model 10 Roadster $1575. All f.o.b. Factory, freight. OW ly extra. Wm. Alliin, :Lucknow, Dealer. 50 years ago June 20, 1940 • To SpendMillion Dollars on Port. Albert Air ,Field - An expenditure of more than. ;$1,000,000 to establish an air navigators' school under the air training scheme at Port Albert, on Lake Huron, was' announced by • Air Minister Power .last week lits the ileum 4 Commons.' . • N1INELMEMOIRS asememilimmiminomammmeasse In addition, $42,100 has been set aside for development of the Huron County Airport, just north of• Goderich, for military purposes. It was learned that the air trait - Jug board selected 800 acres in .Ashfield Township, near the lakeside village of Port Albert' as the site of the new school, This level: piece of property is now oc- 4 copied by eight farms and is under option to the Government. There is a drop of only two feet: ,m the en - tires 800 ages, which 'is clear of bush. • This is part 04 a comprehensive program under the British Com- ° monwealth air training plan, by which it is proposed to Spend im- mediately $52,000,000 on , training proctn across Canada, to be Bar- ri out this summer. ' 25 years ago June 23, 1900 - George Gibson. Will Teach at High=` School' George W. Gibson graduated on June :4 'from the University of Western Ontario in London with a Bachelor of Arts degree, the major ' subject being Biology. - George is the son, of Mr. and Mrs.' Sam Gibson of Amberley, He will attend. Ontario College of Education in London this summer and will teach in Lucknow District High School with duties to com- mence in September. • , Jack Webster Visits "Old Home Town" - Jack Webster of Edmonton and formerly of this community is visiting here and made his first visit to the .Webster family picnic last weekend: "Big Jack", as he IS known to many of his friends, is a continual goodwill ambassador for his home community and there's no one who enjoys returning for a ?visit more than Jack. 10 years ago `June 25, 1980 Grace Taylor retires - Grace Taylor retires from the"Lucknow Central Public School teaching staff this month and a retirement tea was held in her honour on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Taylor originally . came to Lucknow for two years in 1940_ when she accepted her first teaching position at the Lucknow Public School, She returned to the sehool in 1959 and haat taugleher since then. ' Steal Tiller - A garden tiller was stolen from the display in front of Meehan Hardware on Friday. One passerby noticed a man pushing the tiller along the street and then loading it into the back of a red pickup. • Weather Memoirs June .20, 1860 - High winds and hailstones, someas large as 5.cm, hit Osborne in SW Ontario, flatten- ing crops, uprooting trees, blowing down fences and lifting roofs off barns and houses. ti%