The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-06, Page 16Yee 14.4.airar aNtlirl, 11++rdq. 7iwm II, NOS Lucknowites celebrate birthdays and anniversaries Newcomers to Lucius:sr lids peat we* wan Pat foot "Mt p into yrfl r �1�e�w��SSan as they ediF� o thehow they par- limsed at 537'Ruse Sts. Welcome to loichnowl The foundation i$ in places. for Keith and Leasee Ray .d'snew home ons. South Delhi St. Other real estate deals are toldng place:, around town which will be rePorted es, Rose end Emest. Wellstead of Clyde St. have their 'dna I a d 1 aartilt Wilke of England lavisiting with them for three weeks, Flora gid• Marjorie Webster and •'Lenora Johnston of Sarnia �visited with Mr. Mrs. .ICher 11!e et.^ for a few days. iarjoa"ie celebrated hear 70th bhihdaey, while here, with other relatives and friends:, atuiatioi w to Allan Stanley K and Nancy Jaaarvis, who exeli 11J --t wed vows in Luuw , Preebyterian on Sabeleor anemic The 'Milted Church mewl c • a®l and Schaal - du ironic. and picnic were held oat the Silver Lake United Qiurch Camp on Sunday, dune 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Al Irwin will be celebrating; their 57th wedding as n- niversarx on June 8. Congratulations! .�.• Celebrating birthaleys o U,nda+l, June 11 are Jack Carter of Piescrest Manor who will be Se and =edit Wightmaan who will be O. Bpy birthday and best wishes. PI Stanley has been •moved from. Winghatna Hospital to Pinecreat Manor Nursing Home. • It is good to , nee that Leslie Stanley is able to be home from lwepital in WIngtaam. She had her 1111111111111111111111110111110.1111.1111111111111 Uw dao ghteNe•iaw Rita from Har- Aston, then bar Tonere= from ,. Bey with herfor a bwOther visitors were Bill and Beraake Bert from Kincardine and Pastor and Mrs. Qiristenselt of Kink**. Sun- day else received word she has a new great grandson, *baby bcy for Cindy and Barry Smyth. Sincere sympathy IS extended to l'am Andrew and other members of Use family in the of Hilda Andrew inLondon Km Crawford hes retnmea home after spending two weeks in Van- couver visiting her daughter Joan and her husband Bed, and the girls Michelle and Laurie. No they're not catching tadpoles.' These LCPS .students were competing 1n a race where they carried water in.a spoon front a pail to"a jar, lbw»' big fan days" last weedy, The firer team .completed won. It was no easy task! (Pat Livingston photo) • A E, . • RACCOUNTANTS • wAao IulAutrrl: Offering a full range of services: auditkg, accountin,•g,businessplanning, income tax planning, personal financial planning,, computer and mangement services. HANOVER WALKERTON ' MOUNT FOREST '' PORT ELGIN` W.t. Aidersley, FCA BA Thomson, VCA K.4 Drier, CA M.S. Bolton, CA L.H. Vollett, CA 141. Millen,"CA H:E. Kibler, CA Id. Hunt, CA G.H. Munro, CA P. Thor, CA 364-3790 ' 081.1211. 323.2351, 032+3049 CliARMANS 'Clothing * Shoes * Aeeees sories 828-4'0'11 Rossi and Lob Bonds are pleased. to'annotmee the graduation en May ,11SW, of•tbetr daughter, from Wiltrld Laurier University, ;with her Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree In Socielw, "wIth distinc- tion", istinction",Colleen .plans to attend, Aillemse College London this fall, Multiple Sclero SOCIETY OFcANADA supports NATIONAL ACCESS • AWARENESS WEEK. )UNE•1O-16 WOrt'tyou Where are ail these eager Beavers ,going lids trip' The 1st f ncckarow coer nrsY *lb leaders Rusty, wkeye aid several parents to hen travelled to Saugeen B.. . Ca servvatiau Autherity at Paisley en Saturday June 2. There they jointed 125 other Beavers from West and East 'Saageeu districts for a ver. fall day of scenting ***Wes trait, hiking and campfire, , .The oldest boys' ahao camped �i the 1st . •Campwell, Luclubw aabOrn�ittexlw j o, were at district for the: wex�ead as 4-H judging competition• • results for Scott`JoMon, RR 2, Bluevale won the United' Cooperatives of On- tario Trophy for being the 4-H member with the highest score:at the annual.4-H Y 1' 11 1 ' 1 Aon. Scott also won they :s.1 Fer- tilizer, Clinton Branch Award for being the High Intermediate Judge. One` hundred and seven 4-H members frons across Huron Coun- ty participated in the Competition held on May 26 in Seafortb. The competitprs judged horses, dairy, beef, sheep, swine, hay, and eggs. They gave reasons on four classes Of their •choice, plus wrote an Iden- tification quiz. Donna -Johnston, RR 2, Bluevale won the CIL Agromart. Award as the High Senior Judge,.and Jamie Haillahan RR 3, Blyth won the 4-11 Club Leaders'_Award as the Top Junior - Judge.. The top Novice Judge and winner of the Canadian National Exhibition Shield was H Countj Wanda Martin, 'Ethel. First place in the Open Class was Sandra Shelley, RR 2, Gorrie. , Second place winners for each class : were: Novice - Erin McNaughton, #3, Kippen; Junior • - Carla J , 12, Bluevale; In- termediate - Dares Johnston, N2, Bluevale; Senior - Michael Hern, N1, Woodham; Open - Ken Siem , 12, Blyth. Improving your OG against. Canada #1 killer. ikict • '•.•JK f Fi'JJJJ•N'C •..f f ?3}^••Sf?• •`e;'••.•'` it F 7 f :'F.`•"Y.>4 4'f•\}�.:.% i4 --, .t, i%aJ :5y.: .y,Yr• -v`. ; r:{• .+ A'�. JF • •v. f.. ,,, X "cf2f�" S } ...'� y; 4. .ff•+: }tiY � ; '} ,'rq •.. rx : k:o • . '`? i�E" ` Y'} J r':b,`'•'a::; },. R J u}eti `+�;_���`.£: J . •F'+iS^•S• r �' .:.}}:: f_.:.v C>}.}'�J?•:"i}f^f#Sf ); Y t.,rr . _:FSr 3• ! ?`.�.....v.:' .c : ._. .. r; - s. 11rt -. 1r'v -4 ?it:4:s.;}t /}'t•Y..:. :: i•s%%r1.•,tew.::{. r:.:}Gl•'�:I:n./+f}F.:}.}G�ppc:-.sibw%•+r:+}i�:r•':�r}i:?•r.4o/r�. rf•Sr'fr: ;•��.1:\•. 4 i+fk}.:�• fiJYt.';:o.f!•bF.•^:. ?Y•ti:•;'.,+v ..:�:J:t::•} 'rYr�.:.• .: :.•rFt.v.,•v.tf?�:tvii:}}G}:.j..•.::.4..{N..f. >:f•....•:?.?..:..t....fb'..-}x'..� •Y;� }?Y iS :Yrrw 4`::.5,S�•+.?.r.:..� }•t%: >;.Y,:"?•'+�t 'sr::y??n.•. •r.} l/..l :4 tf•� PRODUCT OF U.S.A. • \ PRODUCT OF U.S.A. : PRODUCT OF Ontario Green Vine Ripe Macintosh .�9eea .;99a�..I.�9 (E Cabbage' Tomaitoes Apples CFY 1:79 Buuterhorns HOMEPRIDE 100% Whole Wheat Bread , 99 3Lb.Bag OUNDA &3agghetti ,fauce • 20.e. SCHNEIDER'S Wieners ds0r.11ryr..89 Pkg. SGER'S JUMBO Summer 4.14. Sausage . V ALLEN'S White. 2.69 Vinegar arum. lung Crisco Oil 2.49 SOiNEIDER'S .$ologna, 5004%•o Pkg.. Ms4c•AARONM-SPAGHEl1i• SMOOTH Catelli . Pasta . d Yea maw SUNS . Powdered ° 429 Deiergent5 ua� CORN - SWEET tors- DIu. BITS heck s - Relish 375101 "OPEN" Friday Nights ala 9 pm