The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-06, Page 14Look mom - oo shoe; mini wae student fro mLOPS kicked his shoe jolt as, far as he could during the team competition at fun day at LOPS last . week. (Pat l tviageton photo) • • Celebrate' opening of community centre Ort Thursday evening May 311he -opal the hall. Many attended momeMonmesinommimmomm Seniors had another good Moog at including M.P. Murray Cardiff who MwNT eLARL the Card and Games Night with 18 spoke, has wife Betty; our Township tables participating. The neat Card Reeve -Jolty Gamble who gave. au by Bev Hanson • and Games Night is Thursday; June explanation of how the Community allenermeterimannentmomio 7 at $ Pm sharp, Ladies are asked • Centre has progressed; Kinsmen Pumpkin Contest" which will be to please bring sandwiches. Bvery President -Don ° Parrish Presented judge al the Oktoberfest Dance, one is invited to come out for an Mr. Gamble with a Nave to be any kids still wanting to partici evening of fun: and fellowship. placed in the hall: Coffee and cake in the contest can call Pam 395- *****wasserved to `The gam 5859; and F.A.C.E.S. would like to all.; , °, Saturday' June 2 was the .Grand sponsoreda Mushball tournament. ,thank all their mushball team. Opening of the Point Clark -Huron The '.F.A.C.B.S. Club had -face Players for their. great spirit and Dastnlct. Community Centre. Hall painting for the children; a draw for effort. The Xingu* Club served hot Committee Chairman, Bill a clown doll won by Bill Smith; ° "Mr' ."Big Bird" Passed Casemore, opened" the festivities and "handed' Pumpkin. seals and out cooides; F swiss and mutes and the ribbon was cut to officially registered entrants for the "Great were: told by Point Clark's own "Madame Laionga"; a draw for a child's wagon was won by Franc Burke. Toe -tapping music was provided by members of the Point Clark Okiyymmee Music Association: Thanks to Huron Township Council for our new road circles the hall for easter acre and dente. The eveningg dance was well attended and a good time was had by all. The Hall Committee would like to If you have any news or informa- tion for this Point Clark column call Bev Hanson 395-5381 or Phyllis Reid 395-5945. before noon on Friday. . Historical group meets The Ripley -Huron Historical al Grosq met at die Presbyterian Church, Thursday, was good � of Wooers who will be canvassing the village in rem to a planned history of Tobefollowings kuer will be sear to former l iky�c. The committer will be happy to hear from amyone with information contactis the chairman, Cameron may. Ripley, telephone, 395-5112. To former Ripleyites: You may be aware that a commit- tee has been famed for the purpose of compiling a history of Ripley. The editor of the history iso Mrs. Gwen Harrison, a former history teacher in Riplcy and. Kincardine Schools. Mrs. Gladys Arnokl is, giving a lot of assistance to her. All of the families in the village are beingapproached and are encouraged tosubmit a history oaf their own family and home and as much information as they can .regarding formerresidents. or owners of home... As you will realize,. many of the ow ROW •Mhave or no know 50,70 or 100 years ago. We like to tap into the knowledge that you possess, either from personal experience or knowledge that You bad from parents or grandparents. We hope you will share with us knowledge, not only .of your own. former home and faiuil but also knowledge of former and neighbours. Some families who were active in the village a generation or two in the past, have almost no connec- tions here at present. Itis only through people like you that we can make these caunections. It would be appreciated if, when submitting information, you would •