HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-06, Page 1331. Sar-vicw DkeCi+ `y BACKNOEING Charles Ow Culimarit Dealer for Haugh Cels a Spas Septic Tanks, Weeper Beds Farm Drainage, Basements Ha* #f$ Oaderlopi 2945.' conn nicer COMSTRUCTIOM -: NOW 0011010000wi .0.08 Windavi ►iliiinilxint root Work i coniod eayinier' 13 yore alter Rest#.. a God.dch 524-4561 i34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING • PRO- BLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 ' or Walkerton 8813635.--4Otf PREGNANT, and need help? Free positive confidential support. Bir- thright. Call 357-1066, 557-1769 or London 432-9197 collect—. 23ar • LOSE WEIGHT! * Lose up to 39 lbs, in 30 days with "Diet Disc Pro-' gram" No hunger. Lose in- ches/cellulite. Earir • $$ as you lose. Danal 416-5500232 toll free*: �23bc 36. Announcements EFFECTIVE JUNE - 1ST the Teeswater Veterinary Services and the Leedham Veterinary Clinic are combining under the name of Leedham Veterinary- Clinic: The joint practice will be located in the present facilities at 11 Alfred Street East, Wingham. The veterinarians on staff will be Doctors Allen Hawkins, Stewart Leedham and Tracy MacBride. " The phone number will be 357-2471.-23,24x UNCLAIMED PHOTOS. Do you have an unclaimed photo at the Sentinel. We think you'd like to have them back, but we can't keep them indefinitely. Please drop in to our office and reclaim your photo soon.--32tfnx AUCTION SALE or Windows, Windows,Doors, Toots, Vel, Boat* A Trailers, t.swn Trailers, 2 Wulff Treiiere, Tractors, it Fenn Mach Blindley' � Yard Dungannon QaM Itltaealie we be WPM until Saturday, June 23' 10:30 AM. Gray's Auction Service Inc. Hardstan. Barry (519) 338.3723. AUCTION SALE 41t i10000f i0W FURNIB1104OS1Mi0 }eat held for Mrs. Grace Campbell & Mrs. al innifred Gemini* Friday June 20190 Lucknow Are. na " 6:00 P.M. 4110T els Allan R. 1111iller 48111; Naldenby Anyone Iritereeited , In conalsiih le shod clean, adlcles for eel, telephtme-395.5062 or 305414Z El/ENING AUCTION SALE of IIOME FURtilMilNe1S and ANTI; . ones NT - QnEs consigned from area home will be held In TEESWATER Agfa- Curl, etlil,OING op MONDAY, .LUNE 11 '. -starting. at 6:00 P.Ni Partial list includes:"* gingerbnud. clock; antique shadow ban: plans: antique • pump organ and stool: china zabtinet: , livinyl, roan" niture: tiedroorr itiirnituri; kitchen fable i chairs; stereos; T.V.'s; VCR • & tape;; AM/FM eass.tte players; dishes: glass; some D pr•ssion :glans, kitchenware; apt. ':size ember • and drys r: office •equip• Mint; . Rollie 110 camera: games, toys puzzles.; Renal* bike tread machine; pool" toots; firaplace insert i hedtttator; sleigh 'bells: fishing _pales; reels, tackle boxes & koos; Owen Bisons; chno wading poor: and much more: Listing'Nubjott to change without notices Consignors and .Auction.ors nen risponslWe for Merles; oxides* imam connected In any w.aywlth thee' Wile: TERMS - Cash or` cheque with 1.1k. • night of sal..' Snack bar. AUCTIONEERS: • Wallace Ballagh. TEESWATEit 392.6170 Grant McDonald IIIhuulr 395.5353-. 1 36. Anslbuncements GREY -BRUCE DISTRICT IlEALTII UNI The Grey -Bruce District Health Couadi la reeling applications from persona in Grey and Bruce interested in Aerving;1n a voluritarsrcapacity, on the Council or one onto committees. There are currently openings on Council for COnnwner or provider representatives from the Owen Sound, Port Elgin and Wiarton auras. The District Health Council is a shkteen•metaiber advisory body to the Miniuter of Health on all matters relating to healthcare planning and coordination in Greyand Bruce Courties. Members include those who work in the health care system and thou who are members of the general public. • Tin is anopportunity think: withothers itho share a common interest in aur community and inhealth care. Appohttmentaare nude by an Order -in -Council on recommendation of the District Health Council and thb. Minister of Health. The full Council meets monthly on the first Tuesday oft* month and thereat: various committees of Council which require member participation. Approximately 6 to 10 hours of voluntary work per month would be required. Applications from interested persons or nominations of persons who you feel would have the time and interest would be most welcome. Please submit applications by June 15, 1990 to: Nominating Committee Grey -Bruce District Health Connell Suite 5, OM Third Avenue East, ' Owen Soard, Ointario N4K ITU et plane (10) 371401 U. Auction sole 14!. Cad d Thad* FARM, INDUSTRIAL. Laws aria Gerdes Equipment 1*vestary redaction swum. Thartida, hoe Nit, 11:30 a.m. for Winchester Ford NeHolland sad Universal Melon. � 91, West ere ee. H • ee for details (706) 42S4422 -be CLEARING . AUCTION SALE of Aatlgoss. POW aasbMery ow* Heissolooki litiects far 'Sorb & Georg* Tertrit ROA Wisgiipsn, Let 16, Cook.., Mortis Township est iglway 06. ecl.t of Ieppro*. 2 ssNeai) MONDAY, JUNK 1.1, 1990 5.30P.M. ANT S: 2 stow ler. 1 pt. Power . leer, pre* *argils, calmed* dwir, trunk, stirs* MNigws iilEhas.2-piste pine Het to the wee supheer 4 - with PI . tongue end grieve doors, MOW stover Woods freezer, Wooden friday, i ntoreetitsant fridge, seal threw, tabk+/2 theles, chesterfield their, 2 platform rockers. 1 bed i hodrsuits, trdd ..woollen clubs, 2 wet theirs, stereo set i stendld sp••kers.• Sherlock. Mena. 'WO *nee. heby a1h sot of eosins (y), 41006 Iugs. looter.. 6001 • oil lamp', dries, kitchen utensils & .*grin sentience* eswOon tools. MACHMisty„ wows M.ssiy F00100011: 43 Diesel .Tructar, 2 wheal trailer/stock 'Wick N. American Se snow blower- single, 4 04.h. blade i'. 2 wheel torsi aryl, ferns gate,' complete leggy k, parts. MT041np riding lawn 0100616. 1977 ei.tVl.C.- truck /a fat/72.00Omlles - as M. an •Int.rnwtlonal .'Cadet 12 h.p,. riding lawmmitow.r.. 2 nick yoke twins. 2 neck yokes., buoy tongue, electric motet. windows R4 loodien doors, workbench, electric cord& roll fence. 3 ken crates, wiry. 'hon caws, Jock ell .hick, 3 sets but. tery table* new picnic table. tf n+ioelc lumber. wester trough, 4 barrels •stead vehevi hernia. 3 druiMy:Iiss•i fugal • ''EVERVIN11IG MUST SE1;S - AS FARM • 13 TOIA. • . Terms . Cash dday 01 aoi., 1114' soles tax in effect whey: ,applkable. Any 4nnouncementts day of soli take precedence • over written advertising. OwnSr or Auctioneer not r aponsabirfor dciidents or loss. •;of purchase day of 'saki. • FOR INFOIMATION• CONTACT: . G.orge or oarb.Tervit - 3574012 AUCTIONEER Biriain: Rantoul - 357.3$49 1 89. Educational YOUR FUTURE starts with .. Tri - County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, even ing And weekend courses. Financial ,assistance on approved credit. 1.800.2205.0400. Caimbridge.:23bc FREE:• 1990 guide to study-atliorne- `correspondence 'Diploma Courses for prestigious careers:' Accounting; Airconditioning, "Bookkeeping, Business, C Metology, Electronics, Legal -Medical Secretary, 1 Psychology; Travel: Granton . (5A) 263. Adelaide West, Toronto, 1.800.950.1972.-23bc MARKEL 1.800.205.7173. Class AZ - 'D2 Profestional' Transport Driver Career? Financing? Tax • D le? We've got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1100=265.7173.— 23bc' 1 47. Card (3f Mania' • ELPAICK • A sincere thanks to our neighbours, friends and relatives for their ex- pressions xpressions of sympathy shown in so manyways at the brie of my mother . Leotta Stobo's death. Everyone's thoughtfulness will long be remembered. Betty Anne and Harold Elphick and family. -23x RIDER Deepfelt thanks to my family, friends and neighbours who made my birthday a very happy occa- sion. Much . appreciated. Yvonne Rider: -23x . .: We week! lie M express our shaeere theists* to friends, =and sewedes mmihms tim r et 2M peeing of a dear Mado r, Grandmother and Great- �. A special Moak yen Ksex and his esilsegess and the exadient ar�dine a.d�Di District staffming fu lC aer the erre provided. We would aloe like to thank Jan MOANS and her staff of the Palliative dare ser. vice for their mistime is ills through a difficult time. .w. Nugent for hie many special ,Fade Veer*. Vour siprea- eeRs ofand i dness w lnever been. Jim, Jack, Joanne, Marg and f thee. --M We would like to thank everyone for their kindness shown to us et the ��'t�hne of the . : of our mother :, : 1.11 . TT you far the. food, flowers and cards. It will 'never be forgotten. Marg, Wayne, Lori and Kristi WILSON We wish to thank families and friend* for the beautiful cards, Sowers and gifts on our 26th Wed- ding ..Anniversary. -To those who. helped us relive the past 25 years more 'oi memories. through pie- ' tures, poetry and music your ef- fort; will always be remembered. • Marg and Jim. -23x 48. Cominy►emt5 IIEMINDER . Last date to register :your ChB&:for satning lessons is. June -12, noon at Town Hall. ;23er • WEBSTER PICNIC- The Webster piauie• will be held at Brookside School on June 17th at 2 p.m. Hope tosee you all then. --723,24x SINGLES: DANCE White Carnation Hall, Holmesville.. Saturday, June .9. Music by Wager. Dancing 9-1. No jeans please.-23er LUCRNOW TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB meet in the Lucknow . Legion Hall Monday, June 11 at 12:15 p.m. Pic- nic finch, euchre ' (prizes) birthdays: -230 " DABBER BINGO Leicknow and. District Lions Club, Dabber Bingo, 'every Sunday night, Lucknow Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Ringo at 7:15 p.m. Air conditioned, wheelchair accessi- ble. Potentialrize board over. $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on. 54 callsor less. $500 must go!r HiLLCREST CENMAL SCHOOL Teeswater will be holding a RETIREMENT :RECEPTION for Pearl •.Whitehead •arid . Harold Howald SAT., JUNE 23rd Ball game 1:00 2:00 (pick up teams) Reception 2:00 - 4:30; Ewryon0. W.lcomri' PREREGISTRATION at WINGHAM NURSERY SCHOOL for%the '1990-1991 School Year June 7t1 and 8th 9:00 A.M. N 3:30 P.M. Clhidrin ingest be 2-5 years old and toilet trained. - Located on Josephine Street across from the Town Hall. Phone 397=2362 for more Int°. • .a..1w—tn.s AL Cowing 'veva OM ROM ILUNCIN861 Ink W esiehndies km MissMir ea Joe >R VA # thetier nesne. 1:011 ( piylw�t. - 4�l]� ONLY. -114 parr SOX RAX Leader of the Ontario New Detenets, Prem 2 to 4 . Bohm. day, a 9, at the id firm, 1, Lscknow, 531-1042. Tb. NDP Annual Potluck Picnic Hum -Bruce -2 Y SADDLE CLUR presents a horse show in : the Winghem area, June Nal, at 10 a.m. Events - halter, **siltation, jumping and game. Call 307.1021, 3574410 or 3034414 for details. -23 BELLE RIVER Fiddling & Singing sites available. I1,'500 4prizee. Box 10, Belle River, Ontario, NOR 1A0 or call (519) 726-1707.— 2,ibc CLARE BURT TOURS is going cruising! Whale watching on the Saguenay, August 1910 * cruising the St. Lawrence.' and' California and , Panama Canal. cruise, September 1900' from Les Angeles to Ft. • Lauderdale. Call (416) 451.4944 or 1400.208~1000.-23bc CONLEY i0't'H WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Ruth and Eugene Conley wish to invitee .friends and neighbonra th attend their 50th Wedding Anniversay celebration 4 the Lucknow Legion Hall, SalnrdaY, Jane'9th, 9'p.m. - 1 a.m.: 22,23 1334TR ANNIVERSARY South Kinloss Church celebrates its.. 1$Presbyterian 4th anniversary. Sunday, June 10. Services 11 a.m..' and 7;30 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. Don Vair. Special music. Everyone welcome. --•22,23. • . • • ST. ANDREWS'S UNITED CRUROI 1tIPLEY , . Anniversary- Service, 11 a.m. Guest speaker Murray Gaunt, and 8 P.m.,' service, /Reverend Ralph Schmidt,'., guest speaker.. Special music,Kin cardine NighSchool Youth Group, at evening service. Everyone Welcome! -22,23 STAWBERRY FESTIVAL Lucknow Presbyterian Church Thursday, June 14. Three sittings 5, 6 & 7• p.m. Tickets in -ADVANCE • ONLY call Agnew's Jewellery & Gifts 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 528.3532. Adults. $6.00, 11 years and . under 53.00..22,23,24 • "OPEN 'HOUSE" and -Ten to be held. in honour of Rev. Gerald McFarlane's 20th year in the ministry. The tea will be June 10th from 2.4 p.m. In Lucknow United' Church. Everyone welc0me.--22,23 BLYTH. LIONS DABBERBINGO'= every Tuesday at 7:30 . p.m. Blyth. and l . et Community Centre, 0301. J. 1.111 must' go. Over $1000 in ' prizes.--43tf• BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, .- Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Saltford Valley Hall, $3200 in prizes. $1000 jackpot must go.--5tfar, RETIREMENT OPEN HOUSE For Robert -A. Campbell, Techer/Coach, F.E. Madill Secon- dary School. 1955-1990, on Sat. June 16, Gym 228, F.E. Madill, 2.4 p.m. Everyone welcome.-23,24ar • RECEPTION for Desk/ & Anna Mak Madlo akW at St a hroy, Ontario Friday •July 13/90 Everyone Welcome ' favi' Motel Reservation,' Country Side Motel 8i, Restaurant Hwy. +122 & 81 1245.0115. For In- fbrtnation call 245.2874. KEEP CANADA BEAUTIFUL 0