HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-06, Page 6• The County Town sinners from WhIthY Presented a musical prograin at the lacknow United Citurch on Satur- day evening One of the relolots featured: was Evert Malwath,. who, delivered a mining rendition of the eldritaal "Amen". (Marg Burkhart 'Photo) . • • , • Great opportunities for 4-H leaders Bruce County 4-H leaden should tospplireritoday for the 4-11 Volunteer Cenference being held in Toronto,November 7 - 11, left. The wenpbasis i this national event is on developing leadership skills and flaring 441 everiencts with other leaders. This is your chance to meet 441 leaders from other pro- ihsees as well as the United Stake. The Western Leaders' Forum in Manitoba and the Atlantic Leaders' Forum in New Brunswick are two other 444portunttiee which may be open to Ontario 441 leaders. (Dates confirmedef these .)forturte are not yet U you are a 4-11 leader this year and are intereeted in one of these "chancee of a lifetime" call the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office for an application and more information. Deadline for ap- plications is Tuesday, July 3rd. Brita Ball, Rural Organization Specialist ANA REPORT Bruce County OMAF Centralia 4-H Members' Coaference More fun than ever, finding op- ptunitiee you've never had before, inakingnew friendships; it is the Annual Centralia 4-11 Members' Conference MO - July 11 - 13. You too can learn how to take responsibility, set goals and gain self-confidence. Learn more about 4and the ePPorttmities available 4U. It is a two and one-half 'day toodgvetherentu.rmode. Work alounye., gwetoin_rk volved by sharing in the fun through hands-on activities! So, ifyou were born in 1974 or 1975 (14 or 15 years of age), johi US this, summer. For further informa- tion contact the Walkerton Ontario l office.Ministryof Agricu ture and Food Brookside students work feverishly to complete all study units With several. classes away on trips today, we Mtn have a multitude of news to share! This gives us.the chance to say a heart. felt thanks to Editor Pat Uvingston and other staff members at the Sentinel, for their wonderful sup- port of school efforts to keep in touch with our community. We know it takes time .to key in all those news reports (Honest Pat, we never 'realized the Field Day results would take so much room!), and we really appreciate it. THANK YOU!! From the Principal's Desb Mr. Whiteley June is here! What excitement! We are working feverishly to com- plete all our units in 'all grades. Several special activities are,ongo- ing or coming up. Our Grade 7 & 8 pupils have just returned form a six day excursion to Quebec. City and Ottawa. Oar Grade 5 & 6 class has just bid farewell to their pen- pals, from Standish, Mighigan. Our library is being computerized. We are preparing for our awards assembly and our Grade 8 Gradua- tion.. What a special month June is!! ' OMISsradeWeleatt, • Well, .we have so much to tell you. We have been working hard at writing stories. We enjoyed authors' day very much. We have been ex- perimenting with water and we plan to write a book about our discoveries. We love the weather. We think .the teniperature on our thermometer is going up — Is it getting warmer? We .can read ther- mometersgradeuoe. n now See you soon, • Jane Morton goinglune is busy th in Grade 3! Already we have plans to go to the Agricultural Museum in. Milton with Mr. Yeo's class. Toward the end of June, we are ex- pecting a very special visitor. We made up our definition of '"eom- munity" and are discussing the ' things we need for. a successful coMmunity. How did your family come to the Brookside School RooKIDE BRoADcAsT Michigan. On Tuesday 30 from our D. Yeo, Grade 3/4 Student portraits were made from cloth • or wallpaper. Several had very unusual patterns on. their face. Cathy Cairncross arid Craig Moffatt both went to the regional T & F and returned with 3 & 4 rib- bons each. Our work on fish ended with sampling different types of fish. Mrs. Wessell, Grade 5 Mrs. Worsell's Grade' 5 class has exchanged names to write each other's biographies as part of their Language Arts. Unit. They have completed their research work on Famous People and the class book has been published. Soon they will be interviewing the -staff members to write their biographies. . Miss Ronde, Grade 5/8 Miss Rennie's class. just gat back from their trip to Standish, • DO YOUR PART Please put yuickles in their place Carefree' Model Suites Now Open • ' ....• II rtr rrt4-1 • - NiL 5e -k_ 4,1 = To book your appointment please contact Katherine Henderson at 519-524-5546 or 519-524-5573 Horizon Retirement Residence • "Comforter* secure,carefeet living' 30 kilvina Drive East, Goaerlah, Ontario N7A 4L5 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD 1 990 TAXES Second Installment Due on or before 'June 15,1,990 Taxes may be. paid in person at the Municipal Office located on• Huron • County Road #20, Lot 5, Conc. 9, Ashfield Township or, mail to Township of Ashfield, RR #7 Lucknow NOG' 2H0 Linda Andrew A.M.C.T.A. Clerk -Treasurer Township of Ashfield class graduated from V+LP. Yester- day our class was the leader in playclay. This week one of our vlassinateit had a birthday,'HollelLe 'Andrew Thursday was the regional Track and Field in Goderich. Mike Puddy from our room tied for Jr. Boys Champion. Several other students' also did very well arid represented the school with fine sportsmanship. In room -12, grade. 0 has been busily planning for their camp -out ' excursion at Falls Reserve near Berunillem,We have planned all. °Ur which was served at the conclusion of the graduation ceremony. On May 30 we hosted the play day events since the Grade 7 and 8 classes were away to .Quebec. n • Mrs. Clarke ' , Library With the help of some wonderful volunteers, our 7,000, books (!) have now been entered into a computer program. Many,,many. ,thanks to Marybell Cranston, Rick and Sean Whiteley, Collin and Ian Clarke„ Lin Asnong, Jane Cere,. Reina Lohse, Susanne Robinson, Claudia Baskerville, Sandra D'Aoust, Marg Bakker, the. terrific Library Club meas, L, winch we will, cook members and library assistants, ourselves, as well as an entertain-. and of course, Karen Elliott. We men t package for our campfire should be "online" around January ' thrie. , 1991. This .week we're delighted to May share an author visit with Lucluime th(e)11 p29rowgreamgr.aduaOur cfgsni•s C.P.S. Sharon Siamon will be coin - presented three outs.. At the end mg to Brookside on June 7 to tell. ..we all got a cert and several us about her books ad her career! of us bought red- V.I.P. t -shirts. Remember our book sale on June •Parent were invited and they 13 and. 14. Pick out some good shared in the cupcakes and freebie reading for Wanner!! • PROBLEMS WITH CHILD CARE? •INTERESTED IN PROVIDING CHILD CARE? Then plan to attend a • COUNTY WIDE PRIVATE HOME CHILD CARE PUBLIC PLANNING AND INFORMATION • SESSION • to be held in Witham • June 19 • 7:30 p.m. at .the Town Hall Clinton June 20 ' 1:30 p.m. in the Committee Room • (above police station) Exeter June 30 7:30 p.m. ..at the Old Town Hall Get Involved Huron County This is your community. You make the difference • For more information call WOMEN TODAY 482-9706 ivIINTEE Limns WANTED • PAUL ZINN 528.2411 ALVIN ROBB 3954174 WARREN M15244710 50 ACRE FARM near Belgrave, 5 bedroom home, 40 x 00 barn, 42 acres drained, 5 hardwood. *95,000. 50 ACRES -' On 9 Mile River, 30 • acres. workable, 20 cedar mixed • bush. . WEST WAWANOSH - 100 acre pasture farm, good treed building site, 159,500. 100 ACRES Ashfield, 90 workable, well drained. *80,000. 15 ACRE LOT - approx. south of • Lucknow on Cty. Rd No. 1 2-3acres cleared,balanCe mixed bush. Backs onto 9 Mlle River. *39,900. . • 200 ACRESpasture, partially drain- ed, well fenced, 130 acres cleared. Asking *110,000. 47 ACRES • Ashfield, 6 acres bush, located on highway. *47,600. ASHFIELD - 2.9 acres, *bedroom aluminum sided home, 3 insulated barns, shad. *89,900. 200 ACRE FARM - Ashfield, 185 workable, set-up for 500 hogs, liquid manure, 3 barns, shed, 4 bedroom home. ASHFIELO TWP. 50 acres systematically tiled, • spring poSsesSion. KINLOSS - 4 bedroom home with garage on 3 acres, satellite dish & ap- pliances included. *65,000. LAKEFRONT LOT.- near Kintall 80 x 440 treed, hydro. '