HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-06-06, Page 2sise li, ivedirneim atin 1Islo BARRY W. REIDACHDOUNITAIIIT sa►. 44.0011ins eftrisonisi Meow** ** *Pomona' # Corporate Talc Consiilla W *Personal .Financial Minim_ *Manual d< urease Jeaalrtafans 1fortoese# *11-11121 i • G.W. SIGNS ioinivarriiawa WV/24 4 717411114/. Education taxes increase for separate school supporters ea* far easapkpaint firi lir I ■wtrtweer midi= angwasehoi anti OMToe,fiw il�r,,#+Muliltc Ss per east of the farrow is on* attritaitehis la at arrays& ding prefeetoi eareimuot imam SE six per Calk be and, obits 0.3 tem In. la needed Peter Ifillyerf Seutbseaptea area tonne, was the issue train is vane whist said �� budge. 1St jwisdiction are tired of continual Luerssen. Pat tit Moat Hirci yen «Oalenilabr w rong Iv* ear Wye sdentibig a is�las rho years. Our Oboon *Abe ur sed dor„hea," said iaaatrtletiseai casts at $14,311,107 accost for IU per clot sf *90* *elude abided the*, tis►, A3,*NAN, ay 12.11 per cent; tuition fees to other boards, AM" or 11.1 per ant 'and at .>la plant oversawo a ' " , • WITH 'THIS COUPON : SAVE 50 REDPATH.2 KG. BAG.. White Fine Sugar. WITH THIS COUPON SAVE :50° HEINZ 750 mi Plu$ 250 ml Bonus 'Ketchup ■ with this coupon Special Price Without Coupon $1.49 `Offer Expires Sat„ June 9/90 with this . coupon Suedal; Prico. Without Coupon .$2.49 .Otter Expires Sat.,'June 9190. DEL•SEY WHITE 12 ROLL PKG. Bathroom Tissue WITH THIS COUPON SAVE 300 CHASE and SANBORN Regular or Fine3000 Pkg, Vac Pac Coffee •• . with this y ■ coupon Special Price Without Coupon $4.99 Otter Expires Sat:, June 9/90 24 x 280 mi Tins Cola, Ginger Ale, Grape, Orange, Root Beer. or Cream Soda Unit Price 7.41/100 -ml i. Cott Pop. apt Special Price Without Coupon, 91 •59, Otter Eypireb Sit., June 9/90 Cut From Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beet Outside Eye Removed -- 4.39/kg Boneless Rounds Steak Roast MAPLE LEAF 175 g Pkg. Regular or Hint of Maple Ham Steaks MAPLE LEAF 500 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH Romaine Lettuce The Cooly Than Masers ofloosened a: tett pchaew United in it Veit practice before- tine siiehar are 10k1r Pritdonl sad his wife Deana, Vibe woo the ac . « � ,we perfaio urn ee. is sea; of en 1I Frit - :chard 'ef Laciwew. (these% 13arkinart pito) . . Bruce -Grey 'Separate School Board briefs HANOVER- -Construction of new elementary separate, schools in Port Elgin and Owen Sound are. on 'hold for another year. The Ministry of Education . has did not . include capital allocation for these projects in its 1990 Capital Expenditure Forecast. Also' put on hold by the decision: are thep construction of ad- ditional�classssrooms at Mother Teresa. ' School and`Sacred;. Heart Secondary School In Walkerton. William Brown, director of educa- tion, informed, Bruce -Grey Separate School Board trustees of the ministry decision at the board's May 29 meeting.' ' "Given the announced cutbacks in capital allocations, we're not our- prised urprised at•the decision," said Brown: However, Brown said the building projects in Port Elgin and Owen Sound will soon be unavoidable, "We'll just have to keep pressing for it. The Port Elgin school is wall-to-wall with kids. The situation is. not quite . so . crowded at Owen sound, because of tbe^.lnstallatian of portables. However, because of those portables, we have about 0!0 kids on a .school site intended for about 300." Paul Serre, superintendent of finance, said the projects in Owen Sound, Walkerton and Fort Elgin were proposed to the ministry the board's five-year capital pro- jects forecast. He said it is still . possiblethe allocations will. be granted in the next few years. Computer. room HANOVER—A computer room will be ready next fall for students of Immaculate Conception School in Formosa. The'Bruce•Grey Separate School Board approved a business services. committee decision to convert a portion of a portable classroom to a computer room at its May 29 meeting. ' The estimated $7,202 cost of the project will be absorbed within the existing 1990 maintenance budget. The project is scheduled for com- pletion by mid -,Pune. The school will be receiving eight new grant eligable .microcomputer systems at a cost of $21,321. walk needed HANOVER—The ' Bruce Grey. Separate School Board will ask the township of Greenock to install a sidewalk along the. north • side of Bruce County Road 31, in the vicinity of Mary Ln maculate Junior School', Chepstow. . , Last, December the 'board sent a .letter to Bruce County council; re- questing measures be taken to im- prove traffic safety 'in the vicinity of the school; At. its May 29 meeting, the board discussed 'replies from the county and Ontario Provincial Police, Walkerton detachment, regarding possible solutions. T. A. Nicholls, OPP staff sergeant, suggested the sidewalk would be .a better alternative than either a flashing light, or stricter speed limit enforcement in the area. Nicholls said'students cross Coun- ty Road 31 at, ` a point where visibilityto the east is only about .2 kilometres. "Tiley cross here in order to utilize the sidewalk on the south side of County Road 31. Regardless of the speed travelled, this creates a hazardous situation." Eldon Yundt, county engineer, advised the board sidewalks on county roads are the responsibility of the local municipality, in this case,. Greenock Township, The board agreed to send a let- ter to Greenock council, to make it aware of the situation. Drop In - .. . Centre news Six tables of shoot were played at the Drop In Centre last week. ,High lady was Ruth Conley; low lady, Stella Tilbrook; high man, Jake Conley; low man, Harry Wall; most shoots Vera Purves. Bridge winners included high Tillie Wilson, second high, Dorothy Anderson and low, Isabel Garniss. Rena MeNab won the draw.